Author: "OK... OK... there. I have been teasing this new fan fiction in the latest chapters of Lost Origin: A Saiyan's Quest, as well as on deviantART, but the time for it to actually begin has finally come! Unlike Lost Origin (and I know I've said this a million times), To Be Born Anew will stick to the DBZ storyline and characters, though there will obviously be several twists, because if it's just the same thing with more characters... then it's boring.

This would be my second Dragon Ball Z fan fiction... actually, my second fan fiction. Period. But yeah, in case you haven't figured it out, I don't own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or anything that seems familiar. Anything that DOESN'T seem familiar, MINE. Read, Review, Follow, Fave, do whatchu want."

To Be Born Anew

Videl: "Gohan, it's so nice of you to have arranged this surprise party for me!"

Gohan: "Hey, it's the least I could do for my girlfriend's birthday!"

Hercule: "I helped, of course! I'm always anxious to help my little sweet pea!"

Gohan: "Oh, yeah, he helped too! Almost forgot, hehe!"

Krillin: "Gohan worked really hard for this, Videl! We all hope you're enjoying it."

Videl: "Thanks, everyone, it means a lot to me!"

Gohan: "Alright, let's get the cake an-" *freezes*

Videl: "... ummm... Gohan? Wait... everyone's... frozen... wh-what's going o-" *everything falls apart* "WAAAHHH!" *faints*

Chapter 1: Altered DNA

"Videeeeel~... Viiideeeeeel~... wake up, Videeel... wake up, Vide-no, seriously, WAKE UP, VIDEL!"

Videl: "HUH?! WHAT... where...?"

"Good morning, Videl."

Videl: "Wha-who-wh-ugh... who's talking?! Show yourself!"

"I'm up here... through the heavens!"

Videl: "What?! Wait, why is everything white?! There's no sky, there's no floor, there's no walls... wha-what's going on?!"

"I am the one and only creator of the nothingness you see around you. I am... the Author! And he's the Narrator."


Videl: "The... Author? I'm in a story?!"

Author: "A fan fiction, to be precise. Now, don't try to go crying back to your father... or should I say... your maker!"

Videl: "Maker... Akira Toriyama?! What did you do to him?!"

Author: "To him, nothing. To you... I may or may not have... 'borrowed' you from him for a little while. Boy, have I got some plans for you, Videl! Mwahahahaha!"

Videl: "What... what are you gonna do to me?! Gohan?! Gohan! Help me!"

Author: "Don't bother. Your boyfriend is nowhere to be found, my dear!"

Videl: "No... you! Can't you do something?!"

Sorry, Videl, but I'm just the narrator. All I can do is read...

Author: "Enough chat. Shall we start? I'm sure you'll enjoy it... demi-Saiyan!"

Videl: "What...?! Ah... aaahhh!" *grows Saiyan tail* "Ugh... wh-WHAT?! A... tail?! Why do I have a tail?! Get it off, it looks weird!"

Author: "Ohoho, that is something I shall not do!"

Videl: "F-Fine! I'll get it off myself!"

Author: "It's futile! With the power of adjectives, I have transformed your normal Saiyan tail into a liquid-duct-taped-organic-RedBull-skinned-sword-pr oof-Saiyan tail! You will NEVER get it off of you!"

Videl: "No way... what do you want from me?! I've done nothing wrong!"

Author: "You've done nothing wrong... and very little right. Videl, you had potential, but it was just not enough! So I'm here to fix that... as a member of the Dragon Ball Z fan fiction community, I will re-write the tale... and YOU shall be the star!"

Videl: "But, I don't want to be the star of anything! I just wanna go back home, with Gohan, and dad, and..."

Author: "Aaaand? Mom? Your human mother disappeared long ago... so, in order for you to be a Saiyan, you need a new mother... a Saiyan mother!"

To Videl's side, a group of pixels and lines began taking form. They were creating a person - a Saiyaness, to be specific. Once the process was complete, a black-haired, black-eyed, lab coat-wearing, glasses-sporting woman with a tail appeared. Just like Videl, she was confused of where she was, and even who she was, but it would all become clea-

Author: "Ladies and gentlemen!"

Let me finish reading first, geez...

Author: "I present you... Fennec, Videl's Saiyan mother!"

Fennec: "Huh? Videl's mother?" *looks at Videl* "D... daughter?"

Videl: "M... mom?"

Author: "Isn't that cute? Videl, during this fan fiction, Fennec will be your real mother, and she shall train you and guide you through the hardships that are to come! You two will face countless enemies, many times stronger than you, but you will find a way to prevail and save the world from ultimate destruction, alongside the rest of the Z Fighters!"

Videl: "Agh... look, Mr. Author, I thank you for giving me a mother, that's great and all, but, can't we just go back home? Certainly, some other character will be much more interesting to work with than me!"

Author: "We could use your daughter, but she hasn't been born yet."

Videl: "... I'm... pregnant?"

Author: "Not anymore! Mwahahaha!"

That's illegal.

Author: "SILENCE!"

Videl: "NO! Give me back my daughter! Please! I beg of you!"

Author: "Let's make a deal. You co-operate with me, become the protagonist of this story, and once it's over, you can have your daughter back!"

Videl: "You... so cruel... fine. You win. Just get it over and done with already!"

Author: "That's the spirit! We shall start from the very beginning of Dragon Ball Z. Look at the bright side of this: you'll get to meet your boyfriend when he was just a toddler! However, before that, you need to actually be born first! Fennec!"

Fennec: "Y-Yes, sir!"

Author: "We will start with you. You must begin this new adventure! Now, go, my child! Make me proud to be your creator!"

Fennec: "Yes, sir! Videl... I don't really know what's going on... but, well, you're my daughter now. We'll get through this, dear! Besides, I'm really excited to know what my granddaughter will look like!"

Dude, you done raping the fourth wall yet?

Author: "Just about."

OK, cool, let's get on with the story now.

Despair ruled over Planet Vegeta. Hundreds upon thousands of dead bodies laid on the ground, annihilated from their battle with Frieza's men. The attackers were long gone, thinking that everyone in town, adults, children, elderly, everyone was dead. They were wrong. Two survivors remained, though one barely. It was a Saiyan, with his daughter shielded by his mighty hands, which were now covered in gore. He nearly sacrificed himself to protect his only child, and he was certain Frieza would come back, so he had to act quick. Unfortunately, only one space ship remained, and the man was just too injured to live through such a trip that would follow. Gasping for air, the Saiyan put his beautiful daughter in the last space ship.

Saiyan: *breathing heavily* "... darling... you have to go..."

Saiyan kid: "But, dad, you're hurt! We need to treat you!"

Saiyan: "It's no use... my time has come. But you still have a chance... you have to leave me... I can't go with you..."

Saiyan kid: "NO! I won't leave you, dad! We'll find help!"

Saiyan: "Ah...! I told you, it's no use!" *closes ship*

Saiyan kid: *inside ship* "DAD! OPEN! DAD, NO!"

Saiyan: *outside ship* "Go... and don't forget... I love you... Fennec..." *starts ship*

The ship rose from the ground like a rocket, breaking through the rubble and ceiling, and soon, the atmosphere. Fennec looked back, crying, only for her sadness to grow even more when the planet blew into a trillion bits, all by the hands of one true evil - Frieza. All was lost for Fennec. Her family, her friends, her home. The only thing she could do now was wait - wait until the ship landed somewhere. Little did she know that her father had already set a destination for her: Planet Earth.

After a few weeks, the ship crashed onto Earth's surface, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The three-year old Fennec came out of the ship, scared and confused of her surroundings. She hadn't the slightest clue of where she was, and was both hoping and terrified that someone would show up. However, she was a Saiyan after all, so fighting would not have been out of the question. As her stomach growled, food became Fennec's instant priority, and she wandered off, leaving the ship behind, probably never to be used again.

19 years later...

For the past 19 years, Fennec had successfully survived in a jungle she found days after her landing. There were fruits and animals to eat for a lifetime, and thanks to her strength, fighting the wildlife never proved to be a difficult task. She had even made good friends with the monkeys, as they were all amused by the fact that Fennec had a tail just like theirs. Originally any Saiyan's weak point, Fennec had trained her tail to be just as strong as any other part of her body, and she would often hang from trees with it, grab stuff with it, and even fight with it. Just as it was a great tool, Fennec was also slightly aware of the powers her tail concealed. If she were to look at a full moon, she would transform into a terrifying Great Ape, destroying everything around her! She knew she wouldn't be able to control herself, so she tried to stay in her hand-made tree house with all the windows closed on full moon nights.

Besides her strength, Fennec was surprisingly intelligent. Her father was a chemist in a facility back in Planet Vegeta, and her mother was a psychologist that dealt mostly with Saiyan warriors that suffered from PTSD's, so Fennec's smarts were to be expected. Thanks to this, Fennec had managed to create a calendar, with the help of her monkey friends, to know when there would be a full moon, as she wasn't willing to remove her tail. Fennec would have loved to work in a laboratory, just like her father, but she would certainly not find that in a jungle. But her life was about to change...

Fennec: "Ah... beautiful day today! Not a single cloud in the sky, no tigers coming to get me yet, just ate breakfast... huh? I hear something..."

Man: *in car* "Darn store clerk! Why can't I have a monkey for a pet?! Just wait, one day I'll be the world champion, and THEN he'll recognize!"

Fennec: "Tsk... I need to hide." *jumps on top of tree*

Man: *gets off car* "A'ight, this place looks like it has some monkeys! Come on, monkeys, monkeys, monkeys! Oo-oo-ah-ah!" *dances like a monkey*

Fennec: "What... is he doing? That guy looks like an idiot..." *looks at car* "... though he does have a very interesting piece of technology over there. Maybe... there's civilization near-by! If I can follow him, I might find something... though it does mean leaving this place... is it worth it?" *remembers family* "... dad... this might be my only chance... I'll do it!"

Determined, Fennec sneakily hid inside the car's trunk, while the man was doing his exotic dance. After a couple of minutes of yielding no results, the man tired himself and decided to come back home and try again another day. He was completely oblivious that our heroine had been waiting for him to go, all while unnoticed. It was going to be a long trip, so Fennec covered herself in a blanket that the trunk conveniently had, and fell asleep. After three hours of driving, the man finally arrived at his apartment, upset that he could not capture the monkey pet that he so dearly desired. Little did he know about the surprise that awaited him.

Man: "Ugh... I think I'm gonna take a nap. Let me just get my blanket off the trunk, and I'll be catchin' some Zee's-" *Fennec's tail is peeking out of the blanket* "What the... did I actually catch a monkey?! Ooooh, yeah, baby! Let's get you home, buddy!" *grabs tail*

Fennec: "Uh... huh?" *removes blanket* "... that's my tail."

Man: "... AAIIEEE!" *lets go of tail* *hides behind bushes* "Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU'RE NOT A MONKEY!"

Fennec: "Of course I'm not a monkey, I'm a Saiyan. And you must be one of those 'humans' that live in this planet, right?"


Fennec: "Hurt you? Don't worry, I'm not into destroying planets like the North-Western Saiyans. Us North-Mid-Westerns are much more reasonable. You don't hurt me, I don't hurt you."

Man: "Ugh... phew... I thought you were a thief of some sort... but, what were you doing in my trunk?!"

Fennec: "I figured you lived in a city, or some sort of civilization, and I really wanted to see it for myself. And, well..." *looks at city around her* "... I was right about you!"

Man: "Huh? Oh... (taking a closer look, she's kinda cute!) ... well, uh... how about we introduce ourselves? I'm Hercule Satan!"

Fennec: "I'm Fennec. Nice to meet you, Hercule. Is this where you live? Cause this is pretty big for one person..."

Hercule: "Oh, no, I live in one of the apartments (she comes from the jungle, so she probably knows nothing about this city... but, then, how does she know about cities and stuff in the first place?). Eh... wanna come in?"

Unhesitant and worriless, Fennec walked right into Hercule's apartment. She was amazed by the things she saw, such as a TV, a radio, and a computer, but at the same time, she was relatively familiar with those gizmos back in Planet Vegeta. Hercule was both happy and confused. He lived by himself, and all he really did was work and go to college.

Hercule: "So, uh... how's it like living in the jungle?"

Fennec: *examining TV* "As long as you know how to survive, it's pretty good. You've got a huge playground, and there's lots of animals to play with, so it's not like I get bored. Though, you must be pretty happy in here, what with all these gadgets!"

Hercule: "Uh... not really... all I do is work and school. It's very lonely in here, which is why I went to the jungle. I wanted a monkey pet, but they wouldn't sell me one at the pet store, so I decided to get one myself! And the rest, well..."

Fennec: "You live by yourself, huh... well... mind if I stick around?"

Hercule: "Stick around...? As in... live here? That's kinda sudden! (Is she serious?! We barely just met, and she wants to live here already! Though... I really haven't had any company besides her in months... and she's a pretty girl! Hercule, this could be one in a million... should I take it?) But... hey, if you're all up for it... sure, I don't mind the company!"

And with those words, Fennec had officially found herself a new home. She would abandon her wild life, and begin anew with Hercule by her side. What does the future hold for these lonely souls? Will their species difference become an issue? Stay tuned for the answers on the next To Be Born Anew!

To be continued...

Bonus skit

Dude, I think you went just a wee bit overboard with the fourth wall this time.

Author: "I noticed. And I love it!"

The Fourth Wall Abuse Control Team is gonna be all over you when they find out.

Author: "PFFT, right, like there is such a thi-"

Fourth Wall Abuse Control Team: *breaks door down* "FREEZE! You are under arrest for cruel and unusual abuse of the fourth wall, Mr. Author!"

Author: "OH, SHI-Sakura! Save your daddy!"

Sakura: "Yes, sir! Ricochet Ray!" *Ricochet Ray comes out from monitor*

Fourth Wall Abuse Control Team: *hit by Ricochet Ray* "GAAH!" *knocked out*

*facepalm* ... now you're involving your other fan fictions... just... just end the chapter...