Elphaba stomped all the way back to her room, with Fiyero not too far behind. How dare she!? Elphaba thought. She gritted her teeth despite her unspoken words and just barley heard Fiyero speaking.

"You have to hand it to her. Glinda, I mean." The prince said. He watched the rapid steady clomp of Elphaba's heels as she went to her dorm. "You gotta owe it to her, it was quite an amusing evening."

"Right. I went to a broccoli restaurant. That's very-" Elphaba huffed as she dug through her purse for her keys. "Very amusing. Just when things couldn't possibly get worse."

"The Speedo was amusing."

"Don't. Don't mention the Speedo, OK? I'm already set for nightmares."

"But I looked sexy!"

"You looked stupid."

The rest of the walk was tense, as Elphaba only answered in grunts and waved him off.

She opened the door to find Glinda happily flipping through a car magazine.

"I sincerely hope you're buying a replacement for Morrible."

Elphaba's voice made Glinda jump, then she settled her long lashed eyes on the two of them.

"How was the date?"

Elphaba threw her purse on her bed and stomped to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"Um...look, Glinda. I don't exactly think Elphaba liked tonight."

"Oh, really? She looks so happy."

"No, honey, she's not. She's a bit..."

A loud scream came from the bathroom, followed by cursing and slams against the wall.


Glinda thought for a moment, then looked up worryingly at her friend as she emerged from the bathroom.

"I am going to bed. Tomorrow there will be no hospital, no dates, no makeup, no cars, and especially no Speedos!" Elphaba proclaimed before yanking off her glasses and pulling her covers over her head.

"But Fiyero looked so sexy!" Glinda whined.

Elphaba let out a muffled scream of anger.

Fiyero gave Glinda a knowing look. "I know, right!?"