"I'm breaking up with him."

The bright day at Shiz University had taken a dark turn. Glinda's sweeping blond hair sprang in all directions, her cerulean eyes threatening to start a downpour of tears. After all Elphie and Yero had been through...they were going to break up?

"But why?" Glinda asked, her bottom lip wobbling. "has he been moodfied lately?"

"Worse." Elphaba cringed a bit at Glinda's grammar but then sighed and flopped back on her bed, her arms stretching out and fiercingly grabbing the covers. "He hasn't been studying."

"Studying," Glinda shot her friend a look of disbelief and anger as she tasted the word on her tongue. "that's why you broke up with him? For studying?"

"Not just for studying, Glinda. And I haven't broken up with him yet. He's just been...negative. He doesn't want to learn, he doesn't want to grow up. All he wants to do is kiss me."

"That's not true, Elphie." Glinda twirled a golden curl around her finger. "Maybe...maybe he's just worried because final exams are coming up. I mean, if I were a scandalicious prince like him, I'd be totally moodified."

"It's something else, too," Elphaba said, her dark hair hanging from her head as she leaned up on the bed. Her emerald face slid its eyes closed, as if willing everything to be untrue. "He's...been thinking."

Glinda's blond eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But I thought that's what you liked in him?"

"It was." Elphaba turned on her side and started to doodle in her notebook, then quit and scratched out all of the comic hearts and E+F.

"He's just...I mean, I know that he's wanted to break up with me for a while. I looked up the "hints" that boys drop when they want to break up with you, and everything fits."

"Like what?" Glinda's curls bobbled as she took Elphaba's hand.

"Ok. Here's the first: 'Avoiding eye contact.'"

Glinda thought for a minute. "Maybe he just had something in his eye?"

"'Not calling very often.'"

"Studying, for you maybe?"

"'Looking at other girls as if he liked them.'"

"Well, it's Fiyero, Elphie."

Elphaba suddenly buried her face in her pillow and groaned. "I hate being a girfriend."

"Aw, Elphie..." Glinda rubbed her freind's back. She hated seeing Elphaba upset. She almost never smiled as it was. But Glinda knew Elphaba and Fiyero had some sort of magic together that could bond them. Always.

"Maybe you just need to give Fiyero space." Glinda offered kindly.

Elphaba snorted. "Space? Ha! That sucker is always dancing in those yoga pants and tagging too many pretty girls for his own good."

Glinda inwardly gasped and held Elphaba's hand tighter. This was really, really bad. Yero and Elphie were always so compatible. Why did it have to change now?

Glinda walked over to the door and pulled on her favorite coat. She had to see what else was going on in the Thropp-Tiggular relationship.

"Tell me why you hate Elphie?" Glinda asked the Vikun prince that evening. Fiyero rolled his eyes and moved to put down his magazine, but he was stopped as Glinda snatched it from his hands.

"Yero!" She exclaimed, flipping through its contents. "This is...not just cars and carriages!"

Fiyero's eyes lit up mischievously. "what do you mean?"

"Oh, you mean you haven't noticed that this woman's half-naked?"

"It's just a magazine, Glinda."

The blonde slapped the magazine to her legs and grabbed Fiyero's ear.

"How could you?"

Glinda's pretty blue eyes pooled with tears as she thought back to when Fiyero and Elphaba loved each other. It seemed so close to yesterday, with them both flashing goo-goo eyes at each other and kissing at the end of class. Now they hated each other? Because Fiyero slacked off and Elphaba wasn't listening. What else could go wrong?

"Guys? I have to talk to you."

Glinda sat down at the lunch table the next day, wrinkling her nose at the stale macaroni and cheese that was served for lunch. Glinda carefully scooted her chocolate cake away from the disgusting substance and pulled her silk pink scarf closer to her neck, determined not to let it touch the food.

Avaric, Boq, Pfannee, ShenShen, and Nessarose looked back at her curiously.

"Ness, it's about your sister," Glinda said promptly, waiting for a reaction.

"What about her?" Nessarose's green eyes narrowed. She was always very sensitive towards her sister and her unnatural complexion. If anyone mentioned Elphie's skin, Nessarose and a Biblical sermon summoned.

"Her and Fiyero. You know, the one she was dating?"

"He comes to my dorm every night, Glinda. I know him."

"Anyway, they're...um...moving towards a break up."

Her friends gasped.

"Why?" ShenShen failed at an attempt to sound sorry. But everyone knew she'd been eyeing Fiyero for a while.

Glinda ignored her friend and folded her hands on the table.

"I wrote a secret plan last night on how to bring them together."

Nessarose folded her arms. "Not to appear rude, Glin, but does it include dances again? Because, if you remember, Boq wasn't too happy about..."

"No, it doesn't," Glinda laughed as she unfolded the large piece of paper on the table. It was covered in words, pictures, and photos of the said couple.

"Guys? Tonight, our first plan goes into action."

The other people at the table all became silent for a moment, listening to the chattering crowds.

Avaric smirked. "Are you sure about this, babe? I'm not saying it's unwise, but..."

"Avaric, it's made by me," Glinda grinned, flipping back her curly blonde locks. "What on earth could possibly go wrong?"