Warner without a cause

"Time for a family meeting." Yakko called, Wakko and Dot came running into the family room. "What's up Yakko?" asked Dot. "I'm going away for the weekend, Wakko is in charge." He replied. Wakko smiled and said "I will try to fill your shoes Yak." Yakko smiled and said "Thanks bro." The next morning Yakko was getting ready to go "Ok guys you know the rules no fighting, and you know my statue of Bugs Bunny? Be carful with it if you don't want to see how mad I will get if you break it. Be safe, Scratchy will check on you some time. I Love you guys." "Bye Yakko." Wakko and Dot said. Later that night as Wakko got into bed he was thinking "How does Yakko take care of both of us and keep smiling."

The next morning after breakfast Scratchy came to check in on them. After he left Wakko said "Do you want to play tag." "Sure." said Dot "you're it." ran around the water tower for a while. As Dot ran past the fire place she was jumping up and down as she did the Bugs Bunny statue fell and broke. "Uh Wakko can you com here?" Wakko ran over "Oh no." He saw the broken statue and said 'Well that is sad for you." Wakko's cell phone rang, he picked it up "Hello?" "Hey buddy my thing ran short I will be home in two hours." Said Yakko "I'll bring home pizza." "OK." said Wakko.

A little while later Dot and Wakko were cleaning up the tower "What should we do with the Statue?" asked Dot "We have to tell him the truth no matter how mad he will get." answered Wakko firmly. The door opened Yakko steped in "Hellllooooo sibs." He smiled at them "I missed you two. What have you been up to?" Wakko gently pushed Dot forward and whispered "You can do it." She took a deep breath and told the eldest "I broke your Bugs Bunny statue. I didn't mean to we where playing and I'm sorry." OK three things; one:I'm glad you guys are safe. Two: Thank you for telling me the truth. and Three: Dot you are grounded for two weeks. sound fair?" "Yes." she answered. "OK then let's pig out on pizza." Yakko said smiling.