Hay there its been a long time. Sorry about that my life got crazy and I got lazy.

I had to stop working on this story and I have another story in the works but its a long ways off.

Any way in honor of the 10th anniversary of Sonic 06, I am posting my unfinished mess of a chapter.

SO get ready for bad grammar spelling mistakes bad punctuation andterrible formatting.

Life at SEGA

chapter 9


January 26, 2005 Wednesday

Sonic the Hedgehog entered the SEGA lunchroom. He then approached a vending machine that was standing against the far wall. The vending machine resembled the type that would normally holed candy bars, but this one held foods like sandwiches, hamburgers, and of course chilly dogs. Sonic pulled his wallet out of a pocket on his shoe. He then pulled out a dollar, and some quarters and put them in the vending machine. The quarters went in fine but the dollar, Sonic's last wrinkled dollar would not stay in. He then got an idea. He went over to the water fountain and got the dollar wet, he then ran in place for a few seconds. Doing this caused his shoes to heat up. Sonic then stepped on the dollar and used his feet like an iron. He then picked up the now straight dollar and put it in the vending machine. Sonic than punched in the code C.40 on the machine's key pad. The spiral release turned and then stopped but the chili dog did not drop.

"Hey!" Sonic yelled "pounding on the glass. "give me my chili dog you mechanical crook".

Sonic tried shaking the machine but it was too heavy for him. Sonic gritted his teeth and stared pounding on the glass again. There was a sine on the vending machinesayingthat if the machine stole your money to leave a note and you would be refunded at a later time. A lot of good that would do him. Sonic thought I am out of cash and I am hungry now. Sonic then got an idea

"I'll Just spin dash this thing."

Sonic was about to do just that when he herd a voice.

"I've been looking for you" the voice said"

Sonic immediately stopped he did not want some one from SEGA to see him brake the vending machine. They would make him pay for it.

"My name is Silver" came the voice again

"You're the Iblis Trigger. "

"The what " Sonic said.

"Your actions will condemn us all."

"For the future of the world I will destroy you."

"What its just a chili-dog!?"

Sonic looked around the room trying to fined the source of the voice.

"Alright ware are you show your self" Sonic demanded.

He then noticed some one in the room. It was another Hedgehog holding some papers.

This hedgehog was gray colored or was he more Silver? Any way his spikes stuck up in the air, some what resembling a … "No" Sonic thought to himself "it would be best not to compare someone that may soon be part of his franchise with something illegal."

The new hedgehog then looked at Sonic.

"Oh my gosh! I did not know any one else was in" here he stated.

"Am so sorry if I freaked you out, but I was just practicing my lines for the new game, its going to be my first so I want to make a good first impression."

"Oh I see" Sonic said chuckling. "so your from the new game?" Well this is the first I have herd about it, whats your name? Oh right you said it was Silver. But what's this iblis trigger you were talking about?

"The iblis trigger?" Silver asked

"Is this blue hedgehog that... hay wait your the iblis trigger. "

"What "Sonic said "No my name is S..."

Silver cut him off "No don't tell me your name. My character is not supposed to know your name. At least not yet.

Sonic nodded "Oh I get it, your a method actor?"

Silver nodded.

"Well Silver can you tell me any thing about your character?"Sonic asked "I like to know who I'm working with."

"Shore," Silver said "I'm from the future, I came to prevent a disaster, and i have Psychokinesis powers."

Sonic gave Silver a confused look. "Whats Psychokinesis?"

"Oh it means I can move stuff with my mind."

"Oh I see" said Sonic, with a smile.

Sonic then got an idea. "Hay can you do me a favor" he asked.

"I guess so silver replied.

Sonic then pointed at the vending machine "my chilly dog got stuck in that machine, can you use your.. powers to get it out for me?"

"Well I can try" Silver replied I'm not sure if it will work though, I'm still learning to control my powers."

The new hedgehog walked up to the machine he closed his eyes and began to concentrate.

Sonic watched as a green aura surrounded the vending machine.

suddenly the entire machine began to lift up into the air.

"Hey silver you might want to look at this" Sonic called out.

Silver opened his eyes and gasped, breaking his concentration.

the green aura surrounding the vending machine then vanished, the machine fell to the ground. Upon impact the machine released all of its content into bottom bin, as well as sending all of its quarters pouring out of the change return, like a slot machine going jackpot.

Sonic and Silver stood there, unsure of what they should do.

Finally Sonic spoke up, "OK I'm going to get my chili dog, then I'm getting out of here.

I would advise you to find somewhere else to be."

"Good plan" Silver said and he was off.

Sonic then grabbed his chili dog and ran for the elevator.

As soon as the doors closed Sonic punched in the secret code that Tails had tolled him about.

As soon as the doors closed Sonic punched in the secret code that Tails had tolled him about. The elevator then descended down to Tails secret lab.

"Hay Tails" Sonic called out "ere you down here?"

"Hay Sonic" the fox replied. "I'm working on... "

"another invention" Sonic interrupted.

Tails than appeared from behind very large something that the purpose of witch Sonic did not know.

How ever the fox saw that the hedgehog was looking at a different invention.

"Hay Tails did you invent a time machine" Sonic asked as he set his chilly dog on Tails workbench.

"YesI did Sonic" Tails said "but don't..."

Tails was too late, Sonic had just pulled a lever on the time machine and it and Sonic vanished.

Tails face-palmed. "its a good thing i planned for this. He pulled out a remote marked time machine retriever, but before pushing the button he thought of something.

Tails picked up Sonic's chilly dog and hid it in an empty container.

Then he push the button on the time machine retriever and Sonic and the time machine returned.

"Sonic" Tails yelled "do you realize what you could have dun".

"com down Tails there was not enough time to change anything".

"OK sonic" tails said.

Sonic then looked around the room.

"hay Tails" Sonic asked.

"Ya the fox replied.

"What happened to my chilly dog."

Tails gave Sonic a confused look, "What's a, Chilly Dog."