Tony is pissed at Howard, but doesn't believe he can really follow through with his threats. In the mean time he has his first doctor's appointment, and tries to figure out a way to communicate with Steve while playing by the rules.
Okay, I am so sorry this chapter took so long. After chapter 4 my husband and I moved into a new house, I had a very involved summer class, we celebrated our son's first birthday, my in-laws came to stay for a week, and my husband and I went on a cruise to celebrate out five year wedding anniversary.
So, a lot of stuff happened over the last three months, and in between I tried to cram in some writing. Which I know took a while but I was overall successful as this is the longest chapter at almost 10,500 words, so I hope that this being so long makes up for the long wait.
I would also like to send out a special thanks to Momomomma for being so awesome and beta reading this chapter.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter 5: Sometimes you have to find ways that work
'It's not going to work!'
'There's no way the Old Man is going to be able to keep tabs on me 24/7!'
'He has nothing!'
'No way to be able to prevent me from being able to see, talk, or communicate with Steve, restraining order or not!'
'This whole thing is just his damn Alpha ego gone crazy!'
'Fucking Alpha's!' Tony thought to himself.
The next morning found a zombified Tony Stark sitting at the typical morning lunch table hangout before anyone else. His school bag lay at his feet, while the contents of his thermos - usually full of coffee, but today full of crappy ass orange juice with calcium and fucking vitamin D - sloshed around inside the container as he rocked it back and forth on the formica surface, the stainless steel making little clanging noises as the bottom rim hit the table top.
A hand landing on his right shoulder caused Tony to jump. Wheeling around in the direction of the touch he found no one there, whipping his head in the other direction Tony found Clint, who flashed him an amused smile full of teeth as he pulled out the chair next to him at the head of the table and sank into it.
The blonde's smile ebbed away into an expression of apprehension as he took in the sight of the dark haired boy - who was slouching in his own chair - in front of him.
"Dude, what happened last night? You never called me."
Tony's mind had started to slip back into the negative zone it had been before Clint had showed up, but was quickly brought back to Earth when the blonde spoke. "Huh? Oh, oh yeah." Tony straightened in his chair, running a hand through his hair, causing it to stand up every which way. "Sorry about that. I couldn't call, after my Dad and I had our talk the old man took my phone."
"You could have sent me an email, we could have set up to Skype."
The brunette shook his head, "Nope, he took my computer too."
"Damn, that sucks, dude."
"Tell me about it."
Clint looked around the large space full of tables and chairs. There were a few other students milling around, some sitting at tables just like they were. Others were loitering in corners, and some were buying muffins or cereal from the morning snack shop, set up in a hole in the wall by the doors.
It was really early and there still weren't too many people around, most of the student body wouldn't start to arrive for another fifteen to twenty minutes.
Tony always arrived early. Usually catching a ride with his father on his way to work, and always arriving at the same time every morning, because they were efficient that way. Depending on what time Clint showed up, he would either wait for Tony's car to drop him off, or he would meet his fellow Omega at their table. Bruce would normally arrive next, followed by Thor and Natasha together, then Peter, Jan, Gwen, Hank and finally Steve and Bucky.
"So, tell me what happened?"
"I just told you, he took my stuff."
Clint ran his tongue along him teeth before clicking it in slight annoyance. "Not your stuff, wise ass, the talk. The one you were freaking out about yesterday. What did he say during the talk?"
Tony began rocking his cup again, keeping his eyes firmly on the thermos as the bottom tapped against the table top with each change of direction as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. "Nothing."
"Yeah, right." Clint chided, "Come on, what did he say?"
"Some bull shit, and used his Alpha 'I'm holier than thou' voice to tell me to sit down and shut up when I told him he was full of it."
"Tony, come on. What did he say?"
"Do the specifics really matter?"
"Yes! As a matter of fact, they do. You're obviously pissed off about something, and I'm sure your Dad didn't just take your electronics and give you a slap on the wrist, because you wouldn't be this mad if he did. So spill."
"He spewed out a bunch of crap that doesn't have anything to do with anything. Which, for one, I don't give a flying rats ass about, and two, he's not here to stop me for doing what he said not to do. And there's no way he'd actually be able to follow through on what he threatened anyways, because, surprise he can't stop me form doing it anyways."
Clint looked as if he wasn't entirely sure he understood all of that. "What. Did. He. Say."
Tony shot him a glare before turning his attention back onto his mug of juice, but didn't say anything more.
"Morning guy's, what's up?" Bruce asked arriving at the table. Sliding into the seat opposite Tony, and next to Clint.
Tony could see right away that Bruce was uncomfortable, and he didn't blame the guy. Really, Clint's worried concern, and Tony's own angry distress pheromones must be driving the poor Alpha into 'appease the Omega' mode
His suspicion was confirmed when Bruce glanced concernedly between the two of them before he scooted closer to the blonde, snaking an arm around his waist to pull him close. No doubt the draw to his own mate had won out.
"What's going on?" Bruce asked, nuzzling into the side of Clint's neck.
Tony knew in the back of his mind that he was overreacting, knew that it was a combination of the circumstances, new pregnancy hormones, and bad timing, but his logical side seemed to be taking a vacation at that precise moment, because all he could see was the cuddly happy couple in front of him and red crossing his vision.
The brunette Omega stood up so fast his chair slid back several feet. "I'm going to class." He growled, snatching up his mug, and shouldering his bag with more force then was strictly necessary before turning on his heel.
"Wait, what? Tony?" Bruce watched as the dark haired Omega began to stalk away before turning to the blonde at his right. "Clint, what's going on?"
Bruce had never heard the two Omega's so much as snark at each other, and now they were full on arguing? When the two ganged up on someone else... well, let's just say the Omega's had some vicious tongues that got them in trouble on more than one occasion, so what was going on? He didn't get an answer before his boyfriend was up and out of his own seat scrambling after Tony as Thor and Natasha took up chairs next to Bruce.
"Tony!" Clint called after him. Tony didn't stop, and the blonde was forced to physically grab him and wheel him around by the arm to face him.
Tony's face was red, and tears were beginning to build in the corners of his eyes. He was trying to hold himself together, but was having an internal battle between anger and hysterics as his emotions were going haywire.
"It's not fair! It's fucking not fair! My Dad is a fucking asshole! You want to know what he did?!" Tony shook Clint's hand off, turning fully to face him and getting up in his face.
In the background Tony could see the Alpha's at the table watching them, shifting slightly in their seats, and getting ready to separate the two of them if they needed too.
"You want to fucking know? He got a restraining order on Steve!" Tony saw the gleam die in Clint's eyes, but pressed on, "Yeah, that's right, a fucking restraining order! We can't go within fifty yards of one another, and if we do, he's going to fucking throw him in jail! He basically forced me to breakup with my boyfriend!"
"Oh Tony," Clint replied softly. Sympathy filling his voice as all fight left him. He pulled the younger boy to him. Holding him around his waist with one hand and carding his fingers through the short hairs on the back of his head and neck with the other. "I'm so sorry."
All the indignation Tony was harboring went flying out the window as he collapsed into Clint, as all the frustration, hopelessness, and confounded pregnancy hormones crashed down upon him. God, he can't remember when he's cried more than he had these last three days. Perhaps when he was a pup, but geez, Howard, and these stupid hormones that seemed to have already starting to kick in, and this whole damn situation. All Tony wanted to do was to be in Steve's arms at that moment. To be wrapped up in Steve's body, and scent, to have Steve be the one shushing him, and telling him it was all going to be alright and not Clint, no matter how much he appreciated the sentiment.
Clint, who still had a fucking boyfriend, who could seek comfort, in the arms of his own Alpha, and it wasn't fair, it just wasn't fair. And god damn these fucking hormonal spikes, it had only been two weeks since conception and his emotions were already going crazy. Was it going to be like this during the rest of the pregnancy, or was it going to get even worse?
"I need him, Clint. I need to be with him, I need him here, with me now. I love him so much and it hurts. It physically hurts right now that I can't be with him, can't go near him, can't do anything about it."
Clint continued rubbing his hands in slow circles, trying to comfort Tony as best he could being surrounded by a room full of their peers.
"I know, baby, I know." He whispered.
"STARK!" The sharp cry cut across the room and Tony looked up to see one very angry looking Bucky standing in the cafeteria doorway.
Great, just what Tony needed. A pissed off James Barnes, and it occurred to him that of course Bucky would know what had happened. Steve would have turned to his best friend for comfort after finding out that he was banned from every seeing his potential mate again. So, obviously, an upset Steve Rogers translated into one seriously ticked off Bucky.
The dark haired Alpha grabbed Tony by the scruff of his neck, tearing him away from Clint who he had buried himself into during his breakdown.
Clint made a noise of protest, but was quickly silenced as Bruce, Thor, and Natasha siddled up next to him. Ready to protect him, and Tony, if Bucky so much as made a move to harm the distraught Omega.
But Bucky wasn't causing Tony harm, at least not yet anyway. He was sure holding him in a threatening manner, yes, but he wasn't actually hurting him. Out of the corner of his eye, Tony could see that Steve had joined them as well but was holding back, hovering near the doorway. It was plainly obvious he was not happy with his best friend's behavior towards the Omega, but was hesitant to intervene due to the restraining order.
"A restraining order? You son of a bitch! You little shit!" Bucky's grip on the back of Tony's neck increased, and the Omega let out a whimper as his knees started to give out.
"Bucky, stop!" Steve shouted.
The following series of events happened so fast that they seem to take place in the blink of an eye. Steve was moving towards them, no longer able to sit back and watch as Bucky manhandle Tony. Natasha, with her crazy fast and precise ninja skills grabbed Tony out of Bucky's grasp, shielding him and Clint behind her in the time it took Thor and Bruce to take one step forward. But before either of them could lay a hand on the malcontented Alpha, Bucky found himself on his back being pressed down into the floor by the largest Omega he had ever seen in his life. The brown haired man had twin katana swords strapped to his back, and a pistol on his hip.
"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you Mr. Rogers." The man spoke into the din which had gone completely still and silent in the split-second it took for this stranger to pin the school's offensive tackle to the floor.
"Wouldn't want to have to call the cops so soon, now would we?" He asked, looking up to meet Steve's bewildered gaze, flashing a mouth full of teeth and tilting his head in Tony's direction to emphasize the point.
Steve looked up, meeting Tony's pained face with his own before slowly backing away. "There we go, don't worry, no one's going to get hurt on my watch. Not even this bollocks." He grabbed a hold of Bucky's face, pressing his fingers into his cheeks causing the skin to compress and his lips to make a pouty fishy mouth.
Steve had backed up into the doorway before the man pressing Bucky into the floor nodded and turned his attention back to the teen laying under him. "You know, Mr. Barnes, one can tell a lot about an Alpha by the way he treats his Omega, but from what I'm getting off of you," he inhaled deeply. "It seems that no fool is hearty enough to want to put up with you. Of course, one can tell even more by the way the Alpha treats the ones around them." The man shifted, finding a more comfortable position while still keeping a strong hold on the teen.
"I can tell though that you're not the sort to abuse Omega's, so I think the question here is, why did you feel the need to go against your nature, and assault Mr. Stark?"
Bucky swallowed, his voice momentarily eluding him.
Reaching behind himself, the large Omega pulled one of the blades from off his back before twirling it around, letting the light reflect off the smooth, sharp edge in front of Bucky's face. "Want to know what I think? I think you can't stand it when someone hurts your little friend over there." The stranger pointed the blade and Bucky followed its movement, noting that he was pointing at Steve, who was still worriedly hovering by the door.
Closer then he should have been according to the court, but not close enough that the stranger was going to do anything about it.
"Not that I blame you of course. Friendship, especially a strong one like you two have, is very hard to come by. But here's the thing, Apple Dumpling, go near Tony, or any other Omega with anything other than friendly intentions again, and I will take that pretty head of yours clean off." He paused, letting the words sink in before sheathing his weapon and letting a broad smile cross his face as he stood and pulled Bucky to his feet.
"Of course, on the other hand, I wouldn't mind a little rough handling. Is that your thing? Do you like it rough? Or are you one of those Namby Pamby Alpha's who think Omega's have to be handled like pieces of glass? Cause I'll have you know I can take just as good as I give." The Omega smiled brightly, a glint of something Bucky didn't want to think about in his eyes.
"We'll talk logistics later, sweet cheeks." He patted Bucky on the cheek before sidestepping him. He walked straight between Thor and Bruce, who both look stunned and confused, as if torn between wanting to stop him getting any closer to Tony and Clint, but at the same time reluctant to put a hand on an Omega.
Tony noted that it seemed as if to compromise for their torn instincts they decided to flank the stranger, not touching him, but moving close enough that if he tried anything they could intervene.
The Omega paid them no mind as he drew closer to Natasha, and the two Omega's behind her. Completely ignoring both the Alpha's standing behind him, the Omega locked eyes with his target, the outwardly frightened dark haired boy.
"Tony! Hey, man. I need to talk with you for a minute."
Tony was a bit confused with how to take this cheery voice. He was intrigued as to what the stranger wanted, but at the same time was wary of him. "What do you want?"
The older man shook his head, "I have to talk to you in private, I'm afraid." Gesturing to all the teen's friends.
Tony glared, as did everyone else.
"Look. My name is Wade Wilson and I have to discuss some important things with you regarding Mr. Rogers. If it makes you feel better we can just go into that corner over there–" Wade pointed across the room, "and talk. That way you can still see your friends and they can see I'm not here to harm you."
Tony considered for a moment, worrying his lower lip between his teeth as he considered the Omega in front of him. He looked intimidating. Excessively large for an Omega, and obviously able to take care of himself and those around him. Especially since he was able to take down a rather large Alpha like Barnes, who had had him dangling with his toes just brushing the floor, not but a minute ago. He actually did owe him for basically saving him, though he was sure Steve, Thor, Natasha and Bruce would have been on them in another second if this 'Wade' hadn't gotten there first.
Tony nodded, prying Clint's hands off him and returning the scandalized look he was given by the blonde Omega with an apologetic one. "I'll be right back." He promised, as he followed the older Omega.
"So who are you really?" Tony asked as they tucked themselves into the corner of the cafeteria, away from prying ears.
"I told you, my name is Wade."
"Yeah, and?"
"And I'm your bodyguard."
"Your father, Howard Stark, hired me to make sure that, while on school grounds, Steven Rogers maintains his reduced minimum required court ordered distance away from you, and to take action if he does not."
"Wait, what do you mean reduced distance? The restraining order said fifty yards."
"Yes, that is correct. But on school property the court understands that that is not always manageable, and with so many people in one place it can sometimes become tricky to follow the rules, especially when you share a lot of the same friends. So while on school property the minimum distance is fifteen yards, and I'm just here to make sure everyone stays honest."
"Are you going to arrest him if he gets too close to me?"
"No, I'll leave that up to the police to deal with." Wade replied airily. "But I will restrain him until they get here if I need to. I'm only here for you, Tony. Everything has already been approved by the school, and they know what I am and why I'm here. Your Dad and his lawyer fellow know some pretty important people to have gotten this set up and approved as quickly as they have. Normally something like this could take days, or weeks, and I was given permission to go in the very next day. Of course, they were a little wary about send me, I think it's because I'm an Omega. They were probably thinking about sending an Alpha, at the very least a Beta, but I convinced them." He smiled, as if proud of himself for it.
"Well, really I think they let me go to shut me up, but anyway, I convinced them that if we were keeping an Alpha away from an Omega another Omega would be less threatening than an Alpha. That way we aren't pissing off the other Alpha by making him think that we're trying to take their Omega and making a whole heap of other problems."
"Okay–" Tony considered him, picking apart the relevant bits from all the spew that had come out of the bodyguard's mouth. "So what you're saying is that you're a glorified babysitter, sent here by my Dad to make sure Steve and I play by his dumb ass rules?"
Wade shrugged "More or less."
"This is bull shit!" Tony roared, drawing a few glances from those who were close enough to hear him - like the entire room -. "I don't need a god damn babysitter watching my every move just because a stupid piece of paper says Steve has to stay away from me."
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"Will you shut the fuck up! My Dad is full of hot air! There is no way he would actually go through with what he said. He likes Steve too much to do that to him, so there is really no reason for you to be here, because even you can't stop us from seeing each other, bright eyes."
"I can't speak for your Dad, Tony, but I can promise you that you are mistaken if you honestly think that I can't do my job to keep Mr. Rogers away from you."
"Yeah?" Tony snapped. "Well, we'll see about that." Spinning on his heel he stalked away.
Of course, Tony probably should have listened.
Wade was, of course, much more capable in his job than the Junior had first given him credit for.
The man was an absolute enigma. He was always there, always waiting, seeing all, but constantly remaining unseen until the very last second.
Tony tried on numerous occasions over the course of the remainder of the week to talk to Steve, but when he would check to make sure no one was following him, Wade would be standing in front of him when he turned back around. He found that the Omega would never touch him, never lay so much as a finger on him, but instead would use his large build, and ominous presence to sway Tony away from his goal.
He was finding it increasingly frustrating.
Tony's frustration mounted further when he realized he no longer had a way to communicate with Steve. With all of his electronics taken away, and the schools ban on email - after nearly half of the school systems computers had had to be replaced due to a very destructive virus from an unscanned spam email - he felt naked, and desperate.
It was finally the end of a very long, very draining, week, and Tony swore that it was the longest one he could remember in his entire life. He was mentally, and physically strained, his stomach growing more and more uncomfortable by the day, and he wasn't sure if it was the pregnancy, stress, or separation anxiety from being away from Steve for so long.
By now though everyone in the school seemed to know, and was talking about the restraining order. No one who had been told in confidence, and who knew the actual true story, had said anything, but people started to piece it together when a mysterious man would all of a sudden materialize at Tony's side when the Omega seemed to get just a tad too close to the Alpha, or vice versa.
The gossip wasn't too pleasant in and of itself either, and on more than one occasion one of Tony's friend's had been forced to restrain him in order to keep the Omega from hurting someone - or himself - and getting suspended.
It was finally Friday afternoon, and Tony was getting his things together for the weekend, - gathering his homework together, and putting the books he would need into his bag - when a familiar scent caught his attention, causing him to look around.
Steve was there, right there, in front of him, seemingly the most glorious thing Tony had ever seen in his entire life. Though the Alpha looked haggard, with slight bags under his eyes and a distinctly ruffled look to his state of dress. But Tony didn't care, because he was there, whole, and solid, just there.
"Tony." And wasn't that the most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life.
He was close, so close, and Tony was reaching out to him. His heart was racing, stomach fluttering, and he could feel electricity in his fingertips yearning to touch. In a moment he was going to be in those arms, have those strong arms wrapped around him so tightly, with Steve's lips on his and he's never going to let the Alpha let him go again.
But then Steve was no longer standing before him. Instead the Alpha being pressed into floor by none other than the bodyguard, Wade Wilson.
It took Tony a full minute - standing in the same position with his hands out stretched to nothing now - to process what had just happened. He felt as if he were in a daze as he stood slack jawed while the man held his boyfriend down on the ground.
He can't remember what happened next, but his screams, and yells, and howls of outrage drew the attention of the entire school.
Tony threw himself at Wade, punching, and kicking, and pulling at him in a vain attempt to free the pinned Steve beneath him.
Wade seemed as if unfazed by all this, not even flinching when Tony landed a particularly good kick to the man's rear end, or when he proceeded to bite down on the wrist that had a grip on the back of Steve's head, while he lay across the both of them. Hands, elbows, knees, and feet finding purchase where ever they could.
Then quite suddenly he was being ripped away. He continued to claw and struggle as he vainly attempted to get to Steve as he was pulled away like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. He was thin chest to a very wide chest, with his legs around a large waist, one massive arm supporting his bottom, while another was wrapped firmly around his back.
His own arms flailed over broad shoulders, his hands grasped in thin air as he was carried away from the scene.
It was about half an hour later, when Tony had calmed down enough that he become aware of who had intervened. Breathing in, Tony recognized Thor's familiar scent of electricity, sunshine, and rain coming from the tan neck in which he still had his face buried.
Thor, it seemed, was steadily walking back and forth, while patiently running a large hand soothingly up and down Tony's back as he held his now limp body against his own. It took another minute for Tony to realize that they weren't alone. Thor's girlfriend Natasha was somewhere close by singing a song that sounded an awful lot like a lullaby in Russian.
Tony was too emotionally burnt out to look up to see where she was, or even where they were. He just breathed in the comforting scent of his friends and relaxed into their calm.
On the following Monday morning, Tony found himself sitting on a paper lined table after having his blood pressure taken, weight measured, and been asked to pee in a cup.
It had only been about five minutes since he had been left alone, and he was already bored out of his skull. He was missing his first period for this, and wondered what people where going to say after the embarrassing display of the previous Friday.
He didn't have long to dwell on it though as a knock on the door preceded the Doctor - a Beta, Tony noted - walked in, followed closely by a nurse - Omega -, the same one in fact who had shown him in.
"Good Morning, Anthony."
"I'm sorry?"
"Call me Tony."
The Doctor smiled, setting Tony's chart down on the counter as he took a seat in a swivel chair, the nurse standing slightly off to the side. "Well it's very nice to meet you Tony. I'm Dr. Hank McCoy, and this is Charles."
"Hi, Tony." Charles said sweetly.
"Well Tony," Dr. McCoy started, taking a pen out of his pocket and angling himself to be able to sit and write in the chart on the counter at the same time.
Flipping through the first few pages he found what he was looking for, "Your urine test confirmed that you are most defiantly pregnant. What method did you use to find out?"
"Home pregnancy test."
Dr. McCoy nodded, "Very good, and not that those aren't correct most of the time, but we conduct our own tests to verify just in case they are wrong. So, when did you take the test?"
"A week ago Sunday."
"And have you experiencing any changes with your body since finding out you were pregnant?"
Tony thought about it for a moment, "I don't think so."
"No morning sickness, fatigue, frequent urination, stuffy or bloody noses, sensitivity to smells, bloating, bleeding, pec sensitivity or swelling?"
Tony's head was reeling. He didn't know there were so many symptoms that accompanied being pregnant. "Um, I guess I've noticed that I have started to go to the bathroom a bit more, and I've been sick twice, but I'm pretty sure both times it was due to nerves and not the pregnancy."
Dr. McCoy made a note, "Anything else?"
"I guess I've been a little nauseous, and I haven't had much of an appetite recently."
"Perfectly normal," Dr. McCoy replied, adding another note.
Charles stepped up, taking the chart before he leaned back against the counter as Dr. McCoy slid his chair up next to Tony's table.
"Okay, so Tony, this next part is a bit awkward for most people. However, I have to tell you that now that you're going to have a baby all modesty from here on out goes out the window. I'm going to apologize to you now for when and if I make you uncomfortable at any time over the course of your pregnancy, but know I have done this for years and I know what does and doesn't work, and I feel that it is best to be straight forward and honest with all of my patients. For now, I have some questions I need to ask you, and yes I'm sorry, but they are a bit personal."
Tony felt his stomach squirm and shifted a bit on the table, causing the paper to crinkle under him. "Alright."
"Very good," Dr. McCoy offered a warm smile, Charles was poised behind him ready to take notes. "When was the first day of your last heat?"
"Um," Tony tried to remember which day it was, "It was on the Sunday before Christmas. I think it was December twenty third?"
"Yes, the twenty third was indeed the Sunday before Christmas." Charles piped in, confirming Tony's question as to the correctness of the date.
"How many days did the heat last?" Asked Dr. McCoy.
"Ah, four days." Tony answered.
"Did you spend the entire time with your partner?"
Tony caught the Doctor's refusal to use the word mate with him and glowered inwardly. It wasn't the Doctor's fault, but it reiterated the fact that he was sixteen. Just a kid who was too young to have a mate. Of course the opportunity had been there, and if Steve hadn't been the perfect gentleman that he was, Tony was sure that anyone else would have taken the opportunity to bond with him. "Yes."
"Were they Alpha or Beta?"
And that too. Were. Past tense, as if he already knew that he and Steve weren't together anymore. But then again, for all Tony knew, he probably did know. "Alpha."
"Male, or Female?"
"Was this the first time you shared a heat?"
"Which day did he knot you?"
Tony flushed, his cheeks turning pink while the Doctor and Nurse Charles looked at him expectantly. Right, no modesty when dealing with pregnancy, all your secrets are out there for the world to know. Well, at least your Doctor and Nurses anyway, and as Dr. McCoy had stated before, he has done this for a long time. "Ah, the second day."
Dr. McCoy nodded, Charles making more annotations to his chart. "Also, very normal. Most Omega's can't accommodate for the size of an Alpha knot until typically the second or sometimes even third day of their cycle during their first shared heat. Also, the fact that it took so long means that your Alpha was very mindful of your needs and accommodating to them and retaining some semblance of mind through the heat fog." The Doctor turned to Charles conversing with him in a low tone for a moment before turning back to Tony.
"After knotting the first time did he knot with you for the duration of your heat?"
Tony knew he was still blushing from the previous question, and he was sure his face was an even brighter shade of red now as he felt the heat radiating off his cheeks. "Eh, yes."
Dr. McCoy smiled warmly, turning to Charles who made the last few documentations to his chart before handing it back to the Doctor. "Alright, well that's all for the embarrassing questions." He looked over Tony's chart, adding a few notes himself before meeting the teens eyes again. "So, it looks like you got yourself an unexpected Christmas present last year. You are currently three weeks post conception give or take a day, which puts your due date at approximately... September sixteenth."
Dr. McCoy stowed his pen in the breast pocket of his white coat and handed the medical chart back to Charles who placed it upon the counter once again. Standing, he pushed his chair to the side so it was out of the way, and pulled a measuring tape from a side pocket. "Now, for the physical portion of your appointment today, all I'm going to do is measure your uterus. Just go ahead and lie back, and I'm going to need for you lift your shirt, and undo your fly."
Tony did as he was asked, thinking all the while about how strange this all was to be going through this kind of thing at sixteen.
The exam didn't take long. Dr. McCoy was very efficient, lightly prodding around with the pads of his fingers on Tony's stomach and measuring from where the top of where Tony could only assume his uterus must be down to his pubic bone.
"Everything looks great so far," Dr. McCoy commented, jotting down the last few notes in Tony's chart. "I'm going to prescribe a prenatal vitamin, since pup's will take what they need from your body to develop and grow so the vitamin's will help to supply both of you with what you'll need." Dr. McCoy took his seat back in his swivel chair as he wrote out the script. The nurse, Charles, smiled as he took his leave from the room.
"A few other things you should be aware of now that you're pregnant; no coffee, or energy drinks, nothing high in caffeine. Drink lots of water, you want to make sure you stay hydrated, it is very easy to become dehydrated while pregnant. I suggest that if you don't already, start carrying around a water bottle with you at all times. No raw red meat, or fish. Healthy foods are best for you and your growing pup, but don't be put off by strange cravings. In fact I whole heartedly encourage you indulging them, the only thing I would be concerned about is if you start getting a taste for dirt, clay, or soap. Those are signs of an iron deficiency."
Dr. McCoy turned, leaning back in his chair completely at ease. "Do you have any questions for me?"
Tony thought, he had already been waylaid with a lot of information, and his head was still spinning from that embarrassing interview. "Are mood swings common this early in pregnancy?"
Dr. McCoy considered the question, "Not entirely. Mood swings typically don't start to manifest until around the forth week post conception so if you are experiencing them this early then you're jumping the gun a little, but it's not unheard of. I think that if you're experiencing mood swings, it's probably more from stress about the pregnancy than the pregnancy itself."
Tony considered that. He had been stressing a lot over the last week. After finding out he was pregnant to begin with, and then with his Dad and the whole restraining order business, as well as crazy, loud mouth, Wade fucking Wilson bodyguard. It was no wonder his emotions had been on the roller coaster ride from hell this past week now that he thought about it.
"Anything else?"
Tony shook his head, "No, I can't think of anything else."
"Alright," Dr. McCoy stood, picking up the folder. "Stop by the desk on your way out to set up your next appointment, and pick up your prescription."
Tony nodded as he jumped down from the table, the paper under him crinkling loudly as he did so.
"I'll see you again in a month, and we'll do your first ultrasound then as well." Dr. McCoy smiled as he took his leave, closing the door behind him.
Tony straightened his shirt after fixing his jeans back into place. The appointment hadn't been as bad as he had expected it to be. Dr. McCoy seemed like a nice enough man, his Mom had picked him out after all, and he was the leading specialist on male Omega's in the city.
He made his next appointment for a Monday again, February eighteenth, but this time he made the appointment for after school. Really, there was no reason to start giving people an excuse to start asking questions, and was being handed the appointment reminder card when Charles stepped up next to him.
"Tony, I have some goodies for you." Charles held out a plastic bag. "There's some magazines, and pamphlets in here along with a list of important numbers for the hospital."
Tony took the proffered bag, "Also." This time Charles was holding a flyer, "I run a support group for pregnant teens."
Tony lifted an eyebrow, eyeing the flyer and Charles suspiciously.
"It's all completely confidential. I hold the meetings at the hospital on Tuesday evenings. We swap stories about what we have experienced, ask questions, talk about important pregnancy, and post-partum information, and have an all around good time."
"Well yeah. I started it because I didn't have someone my own age to talk to. Someone who could understand what I was going through because they were going through it too."
Tony gaped at him, "You got pregnant when you were a teenager?"
Charles smiled, "When I was seventeen. A few months before the end of my junior year of high school. I can tell you, people where quite shocked when I left for the summer all small and tiny like normal and then turned up that fall for the beginning of my senior year with a seven month pregnant belly."
"I can imagine," and Tony could. Picturing himself in Charles place, his friends giving him disapproving looks, and his peers spreading rumors, or making fun of him for getting pregnant.
"That's why I created this group. It's for just teens who are all in the same boat, who need to know that they aren't alone."
Tony took the flyer with a forlorn look. This sounded amazing, Charles seemed so nice and he was sure the group would be great, and it would be so good to be able to connect with other kids his own age who were going through the same thing he was.
"Listen Tony," Charles cut across Tony's musing. "I understand that with who you are that your parents are trying to keep the whole, Omega Stark Heir is Pregnant, thing on the down low–"
"You have no idea." Tony grumbled.
Charles smirked, "So if you decide that you want to come and are having trouble getting the parents to let you, tell them to give me a call. Or just let me know if you decide you want to come at your next appointment and I'll call them and explain everything for you."
Tony perked at that, "Thank you, I'll definitely think about it."
"If you have any questions don't hesitate to call, okay?"
Tony nodded, bag and flyer in hand along with his next appointment card, and prenatal prescription. He turned, walking out of the office to the car waiting to take him to school.
Tony could have kicked himself. Seriously! He honest to GOD could have kicked himself! How could he have been so blind? The solution... it was so simple, and if it had been a snake... well, it would have for real bitten him on the ass.
Tony had been so wrapped up in finding a way around the problem of having limited to no technology that he didn't even consider that there could be a way to omit the technology all together.
A groan, full and loud and long left Tony's throat as his head fell hard with a very unattractive thump against the surface of his desk. For those who hadn't turned in his direction at his vocal disturbance - from the otherwise mundane drawl of the teacher, who was still so lost in his own ramblings that he hadn't noticed the commotion going on behind him -, every eye was now on him after the sickening smacking sound his head made as it connected with the recycled plastic surface before him.
Of course Mr. Richard's was the only one to remain completely oblivious to the proceedings going on behind his back, because he was - in Tony's option - a complete douche bag and wouldn't even have noticed if an atomic bomb went off right next to him when he was lost in his head space.
One would think that, as a teacher, you were required to pay attention to your students. Especially when one of them was expecting!
Tony wasn't stupid, he knew perfectly well that after Wade's appearance a week ago that the whole faculty was aware of his condition and instructed to keep quiet about it, while of course keeping an eye on him seeing how teen pregnancy - no matter what sex Alpha, Beta, or Omega - can be tough for some kids.
Straightening, Tony glared, and if he could, he would be burning holes into the back of Mr. Richards' head as he gathered up his things. Not that he wanted it, but the man working out the endless equation on the board should have at least looked around and paid him the slightest bit of attention if only to make sure he was okay. How much more could you be consumed inside your own head? There had to be something wrong with that man.
Gathering up his belongings, Tony threw the strap of his bag over his shoulder before striding from the room, wanting privacy for what he was about to attempt to do.
The library happened to be the perfect place for not only being undisturbed while he worked, but also quiet so he could concentrate. Study Hall on the other hand was not a place to go to be undisturbed, and was never quite.
No one questioned him as he walked through the metal detectors, strolling to the back of book filled room, and sitting down at an unoccupied table in the far back corner. Taking a seat, Tony spread his books out, giving the table the appearance of being full, while at the same time making it look as if he is exceedingly busy.
All of which was a complete ruse to anyone who happened to stumble upon him as he now stared blankly at the lined paper of a notebook he'd had since the beginning of the school year, but had never used. He was also clutching an honest to god pen in his hand and not a stylus.
Geez-o-petes. How had he not seen the answer sooner? How could it not have been one of the first things he thought of? How come Steve hadn't thought of it–?
Oh god, what if Steve hadn't thought about it because he didn't want to have anything to do with Tony anymore? What if he was too afraid of Howard?
'Oh god!' Tony started to hyperventilate as the thoughts of Steve leaving him plowed through his brain.
Tony tried to calm his breathing, taking deep cleansing breaths, even holding them on the inhale for a few seconds before letting them out in long, slow exhales.
Once he got his breathing, and his treacherous mind, under control, Tony turned his attention back to the task at hand, writing Steve a hand written note.
Applying pen to paper Tony started to write.
Dear Steve,
Dearest Steve,
My Darling Steve,
'Jesus. No!' Tony ripped the page from the notebook for the third time, crumpling it up and tossing it aside.
'Fuck, what the hell is wrong with me.' Tony thought, throwing the pen down onto the paper before him as ran his hands through his spiky hair.
If it was this hard to write an opening, how hard was the rest of the letter going to be?
Looking around the library, Tony tried to think if there was anyone he could turn to for help.
After several minutes, Tony groaned once again as he crossed his arms and buried his face in them upon the table. There was no one he could think of to help him with this.
He had, of course, thought of Rhodey first, the friend he had had the longest, and who he shared all of his none strictly Omega secrets with. Omega secrets the Alpha had told him where something that he just didn't understand, so Tony figured that if Rhodey didn't get it, then that must apply to all Alpha's, so he confided those - or at least most of them anyway - with Clint.
And well, this situation seemed to be one of those Omega things, so that meant all Alpha's were out, which took away the majority of his friends and confidants; Rhodey, Pepper, Bruce, Jan, Natasha, and Thor. And if Tony wanted to be technical, Bucky too.
But that also meant no Beta's which took away; Happy, Peter, and Gwen. Which left him with Clint - 'Hell, No!' - and Hank - 'Kill me now!' -.
Now, normally for something like this Tony would seek out Clint for help, but he didn't feel like dealing with him making fun of him while he's, for once in his life, being completely serious. Also, he doesn't want any awkward questions. Not that he's going to mention the pregnancy in the letter, but its better just to avoid having to deal with that all together. And Hank... Tony may love him as another Science Bro, but Hank was not someone you went to for relationship advice.
Honestly, how he and Jan have been in a relationship since middle school, Tony didn't understand.
Sitting straight once more, Tony took up his pen and held it over the fresh piece of paper.
'Alright,' Tony breathed. 'You can do this.'
I've been wanting to talk to you all week since finding out about the restraining order. I just want to say that I'm sorry, and that my Dad is a complete ASS!
I wanted to tell you that even though we aren't officially allowed to see each other anymore, that I still love you, and I want to be with you.
I will completely understand if my Dad has scared you away, and if this is the end for us. With this I at least got to tell you how I still feel.
Love Always,
Setting down his pen, Tony reread the letter several times. It was shorter then he thought it would be, but it was precise and straight to the point. He figured that if Steve's reply was positive - that is if he replied at all - that he would be able to tell Steve more later.
More of his thoughts, more of his feelings, and well... just more.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the fifth period. Tony scooped up this books, and hastily folded the note as small as he could get it.
His last class of the day was Omega Physical Education (O-Gym), the only sexually divided class, since a bunch of hot, sweaty, Omega's tended to be a bit of a distraction to the other sex's as well as was a disadvantaged when it came to... well, just about anything physical - sports wise, of course -.
Tony detoured though, weaving in and out of his fellow students as quickly as possible, as he made his way to Steve's locker. Looking up and down the hall, Tony didn't see his... boyfriend? ex-boyfriend? any where and shoved the folded note between the grate at the top of the locker.
Once he made sure it was completely through Tony took off for his last class of the day, where he then proceeded to spend the majority of the class spacing out.
Thinking about what Steve was going to say and whether or not he was even going to get a response from the Alpha, and when.
It wasn't until Clint popped him square in the face with a tennis ball, and then proceeded to laugh his ass off, that Tony noticed he had been stressing out again. He returned the ball with a vicious serve that caused it to ricochet at an odd angle and hit Clint squarely where the sun don't shine.
It was then Tony's turn to laugh as the blonde yelped indignantly, and hopped around clutching his backside with his racket still in hand. After a minute of cursing and swearing, he chucked his racket at Tony, who dodged it easily before sticking his tongue out at his friend.
The rest of the class passed easily, and without another thought about the note, until Tony opened his own locker to retrieve his jacket and a fancily folded piece of notebook paper fell out to land at his feet.
Picking it up, Tony turned it over trying to figure out how to open it without ripping it. Once he got it unfolded and recognized the writing as Steve's, he stuffed the note into his pocket to read later.
That night, when Tony was sequestered away in his room, he took out Steve's note with shaking hands to read.
I want you to know that I don't blame you, or your Father for any of this. Perhaps as an Alpha myself I can even understand a bit about where he is coming from.
Mr. Stark is the Father of the most eligible Omega of our time, and I'm sure he is only thinking about protecting you, and making sure that no one takes advantage of you.
With that being said, I have to also say that I did. This whole thing, the restraining order, Wade, is all because I wasn't the responsible Alpha that I should have been. I wanted to be with you Tony, I wanted to take care of you, but I knew that without your Alpha's permission that I was crossing a line. I had hoped that he would have seen that I wasn't trying to take advantage of you, when I didn't exploit the opportunity to bond you without consent.
I see now that it didn't matter that I withheld myself from bonding with you. Touching you, imprinting upon you without your Alpha's say so is inexcusable. I only hope that some day I will be able to appease him, and get back in his good graces, because I still want to be with you Tony.
I want you to know that I am willing to wait however long it may take for your Father to understand that. I love you Tony, and we'll figure this out.
Tony sighed with relief. Steve still loved him, he still wanted to be with him, and hopefully someday Howard would get off his high horse and see that. Of course, Tony had no idea if Steve was talking till he graduated, five years, ten years, or forever, and once he found out about the pup Tony wasn't sure if Steve would still be singing the same tune, but he liked to believe so. He always like to believe the best of Steve, because up to this point... he had no reason to believe otherwise.
Steve was a standup guy and Tony was sure that he wouldn't run out on him once he found out about the pup, and it was that thought, of him and Steve, and their pup with Steve's blond hair, and sparkling blue eyes that lulled him to sleep.
The next morning Steve was accosted at his locker by a haggard looking Clint. He was clutching something in a fist tightly, and looking around nervously.
"Clint? Are you alright?"
Clint looked at Steve with a beseeching expression.
"Tony asked me to give you this." The Omega held out a crumpled piece of paper. Steve took it without much encouragement. "And... this." He swallowed hard before quickly pecking Steve on the cheek before turning tail and running away down the hall.
Steve blinked, completely at a loss before a small smile broke out over his face.
Glancing down at the note in his hand, he unfolded the roughly folded and badly wrinkly page.
You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that even through all this that you still feel the way you do.
I have to say that I was nervous before because I was afraid that you would have completely written me off for it, but now I am even more nervous, because I have something I need to tell you that could ruin everything between us.
Unfortunately, it isn't something that I can't write about in a simple note. It's something I have to tell you in person.
I've been trying to think of a way we could meet, but between Wade watching our asses here at school, and my Dad watching my every move at home, I'm hard pressed to think of a way.
This is really important, and I feel that the sooner I can tell you the better.
Steve frowned at this news. Tony had something to tell him that was important enough that he was willing to risk breaking the restraining order in which to tell him?
Refolding the note, Steve tucked it away in his bag as he made his way to the office for his first period.
It wasn't until he had read the morning announcements, put away all the teacher's mail, and was sitting at the front desk with a blank piece of notebook paper and nothing to write that he pulled over the sheet with the announcements on it and reread it to himself. There had been something new on the list and Steve had been so busy in his duty that he hadn't been paying attention to it. But now that he was giving the paper his full, and undivided focus, Steve noticed that the new announcement had been for the Winterfest Dance which would be taking place in another month.
Smiling, Steve turned back to his notebook.
I don't know what can be so important as all that, but if you need to speak to me in person the Winterfest Dance is coming up Saturday, February 16th. It would give us the perfect opportunity to talk without Wade, or parents watching our every move and not look suspicious to everyone else.
We would be just another in a number of students attending a school function. Let me know if that sounds feasible to you and if you are amenable.
After class Steve didn't wait to find one of his friends to give Tony the letter, but slipped it into his locker as he had done after sixth period the day before.
He also didn't have to wait long for a reply either as a folded piece of paper fell out of his locker - which he caught easily - after third period. It was short and sweet and straight to the point which made Steve smile.
You sneaky bastard!
Winterfest sounds like an awesome plan!
By the end of the day Steve had procured tickets for the dance, and folded a piece of notebook paper around one of them. Unfortunately, he hadn't had a chance to get the ticket sooner so he had to wait till the next morning to pass it on.
Steve flagged down Clint the next morning as soon as he arrived at school. After having bolted from Bucky's truck so fast that by the time the dark haired Alpha had exited the truck, the blonde was already inside the school.
Steve spotted his target sitting in the cafeteria with Tony, Thor, Peter, Gwen, and Natasha. He was able to get Thor's attention and signal to him to have the blonde Omega come over to him.
Thor responded in earnest, getting Clint's attention and directing him over to the senior.
Clint wasted no time in hurrying over knowing full well that it was something to do with Tony.
"Hey Steve, what's up?" The Omega asked after following Steve a little around the corner as to not be seen by those still sitting in the cafeteria.
"I need you to give this to Tony." Steve handed over the oddly shaped note with the Dance ticket tucked inside.
"Sure, no problem. Is it just this?" Clint seemed to realize a second to late that he shouldn't have asked that.
"No... That's not all." Steve replied. He was steeling himself for what he was about to do, and Clint looked as if he knew what it was. Steve captured his friends face in both his hands and languidly kissed him full, and open mouthed, and... yup he even had his tongue in the Omega's mouth. Steve couldn't believe he was doing this, but he was using his fucking tongue to map out every crevice, running it across Clint's teeth, trying to tangle with the other's who was completely still from shock, tongue.
Steve pulled away smiling innocently as if he hadn't just tongue fucked one of his best friends mouths for a game of telephone. Clint's eye's where practically popping out of his head, and the Alpha at least had the decency to blush.
Clint could not believe that had just happened.
Steve Rogers had just had fucking full on tongue sex with his mouth. And the worst part about the whole thing... it had been fucking amazing - god damn it, Tony -, but of course he had been too stunned by what had just happening to enjoy any of it, or even reciprocate.
Did that make him a cheating whore? He didn't think so, he hadn't been the one to initiate it, and in all actuality it was for Tony after all.
Steve left, leaving Clint standing in the doorway to the cafeteria like an idiot until Bruce appeared behind him giving him a soft peck on the cheek and bringing him back to reality.
"Hey, are you waiting over here for something?"
"Huh... Oh, uh no. Sorry."
"Clint? Are you okay?" Bruce asked worriedly.
Clint swallowed, and cleared his throat before shaking his head and plastering on one of his usual grins. "Yeah, everything's great babe!"
Bruce didn't look all together convinced, but didn't press the issue as Clint took his arm and pulled him back over to the table where Jan, and Hank had joined the rest of the group.
"Clinton! Bruce has retrieved you from your talk with Steven. What say my valiant brother in arms?" Thor boomed, as they reached the table.
"He didn't say all that much, buddy." Clint replied, taking up his vacated seat between Tony, and Natasha, Bruce settling into a seat between Thor, and Peter.
"Come now, you were with friend Steven for several minutes. He must've had much to say."
"Um," Clint looked a little nervous as he attempted to brush off Thor's prodding for information. "He just gave me this for Tony." He replied, handing the note over to the brunette.
Clint leaned closer to Tony as the dark haired Omega opened the note under the table, revealing a ticket for the Winterfest Dance and a few lines.
Don't worry about looking for me, I'll find you.
P.S. Wear something blue.
Clint was a little shocked by this new turn of events, but really he shouldn't have been. He watched as Tony refolded the note exactly as it had been, looking content, and with a small smile pulling at the edges of his lips.
The blonde smiled too, since this whole fiasco started a week and a half ago Clint hadn't seen his friend smile genuinely once, and well, he hated seeing Tony like that.
With new confidence, Clint leaning closer to his friend, whispering. "There's something else."
Tony looked up, his eyebrows knitted together in a questioning look.
Before Clint could back out, or Tony could move away, the blonde Omega wrapped a hand around the base of Tony's skull, and pulled him in to deliver the same bawdy kiss Steve had engaged in with him.
When Clint pulled away, he pointedly refused to look at anyone else but Tony, who was giving him a deer caught in the head lights expression that he was sure had to of been the same look he had given Steve not five minutes ago.
The table around them had gone completely silent, before Thor shook everyone with a vigorous laugh. The sound shook Clint slightly, and he leaned back in his chair with a lurid smile plastered across his face, ignoring Bruce's scandalized face.
"Steve asked me to pass it on."
Tony blinked, Bruce, growled, and Thor laughed even louder.
A creepy smile spread across Tony's face, as Clint's own amused expression faded. "Don't you dare!"
Tony lunged, at the same time Clint bolted.
A forbidden randevu. *Shakes head* Boy's, oh boy's what are you getting yourselves into.