
SPOILER FOR 3X04! Read at your own risk!

Part 2 of Stay. What I think might have gone through Lucrezias' mind when Cesare walks away. It's short, but I think it's powerful.

Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Borgias or its characters…if I did then this epi would have ended waaaaay differently!


"I will make you happy. I promise."

His words echo in her mind as she watches him walk away from her. He broke his promise to her. He always held his promises. But no, not this one. The first promise to her, broken; and she feels empty.

Silent tears fall down her face. She wants to yell, she wants to scream, she wants to tell him to stay, but nothing comes out. She wants to run after him and drag him back to her, but her legs won't move. Nothing is working. Now he is on his way to France to find a bride, and she wants to vomit. She can't stand the idea of another woman touching him. Can't stand the idea of him touching another woman liked he touched her; gently, soft caressing touches, his quiet voice whispering in her ear. It makes her sick to think that he would be doing that to someone who is not her.

He told her that maybe they can both try and be happy now, but he made her happy. She knows it's wrong but it feels so right. How can it be wrong if it feels so right? She has never felt this way before; and now that she's felt it, she wants this feeling to last forever.

She feels as if her heart has been ripped out of her chest and has been trampled on. It's too much to handle.

She sobs out loud now, as if all the energy has been sucked out of her body. She wonders if she cry's loud enough he will come back. He will realize that she can't be happy without him. But he doesn't come back, and her heart breaks a little bit more.

It's as if she is about to break into a thousand pieces, and no one will be able to put her back together; except for the man who has walked away with her heart. The man who is now on his way to find happiness without her.

And all she can do is cry.

I hope you all liked it! Please my kind and leave a review. I love to know what you guys think!


Jossie Girl