Disclaimer: I don't own The legend of Aang. If I did then what's the point in writing this when I can turn this into a series.

Inside a hidden fortress located in the Fire nation, Admiral Zhao was busy reading reports. These reports came from the outposts that were recently attacked by mysterious people. He was insulted by these reports because he himself was the one who organized the soldiers in those outposts. He even personally visited all of those outposts just to make sure that the soldiers in there were in complete shape and ready for any ambushes that went their way.

One of the reports said that there were non-benders using Dao swords as his main weapons, another used staff and the last one was oddly using a boomerang which was very rare. There were also two unknown benders with them. Not that anyone have proven if they were benders or not but according to the report one of them was waving their arms in a very creepy way. The one that made the hairs on Zhao's neck stand up was the fact that the report also stated that for some unknown reason many of the soldiers died of suffocation. One of the survivors of that predicament stated that he felt the air from his lungs being sucked out.

Another report stated that only the non-benders attacked their outpost and even then they stood no chance against them. The way they maneuvered from the soldiers attacks indicated that they were veterans. The one holding the boomerang threw his weapon in an odd angle then ran straight to an unprepared soldier and distracted him while his boomerang cleanly cuts the soldier's head off. He also apparently used a sword as dark as the night making him more dangerous. The one carrying the staff was as deadly as his boomerang wielding companion because all of those who fought him died without any injury at all. He only used his staff to evade incoming fire attacks and he also used it to deflect arrows and swords coming his way. The last one was probably the most dangerous of those three because before the soldier he attacked can react he already killed him and moved on to another soldier and did the same thing. All in all, the entire skirmish lasted only about 5 minutes and the death count of the soldiers made the admiral lose his dinner.

Before he can read the next report he heard a loud explosion just outside the fortress. A soldier rushed inside the admiral's quarters, "Sir! The fortress has been breached!" shouted the soldier.

"What!" screamed Zhao "Why didn't anyone detect them?!" he continued and then he rushed out of the room to front of the fortress.

There he noticed 5 figures infront of them. They emanated a sense of death around them scaring the shit out of the soldiers.

The one in the farthest right was currently crouched down and from the looks of things he was probably the one who destroyed the wall.

The one next to him was slouched and was using his boomerang to scratch his back.

The one in the middle was crossing his arms over his chest and stood tall.

The person next to him was busy getting rubble out of his clothes while the last one was standing there and looking around the fortress, probably studying the structure to be used for his advantage for the fight that was coming.

The one on the farthest left looked at the admiral and spoke up "Well, well, well if it isn't Commander Zhao, or is it Admiral now?" for some odd reason Zhao recognized the voice but can't pinpoint who it was.

"Who are you and what do you want?" growled Zhao, he was shocked that the stranger knew his name and rank.

The one who spoke earlier shrugged "Hmm… Who knows?"

Zhao began to get nervous; he suspected that these were the ones the reports were talking about. There was only one way to find out. "Why are you attacking us?!" he demanded.

"To kill time." He answered halfheartedly.

The person who was previously crouching spoke up, surprisingly in a very feminine way "Can we get this over with? I'm hungry and I want to rest! We had been doing this all day and it's starting to get boring!" she whined.

The person next to her sighed and said in a high pitch voice "Could you please keep quiet even for just a second Chi! I'm concentrating here!"

Chi snorted "Yeah right! Since when can you concentrate you twit?!"

He was going to retort but the one in the middle silenced the pair by glaring at them. He spoke in a very ominous tone "Don't worry Zhao, we didn't mean to intrude your evening." His smirk could be seen inside his mask "We just came here to tell you that we want a message delivered to your Fire Lord." He continued.

Zhao was doubtful but at the same time curious to listen to this message "Ok I'm listening but you better be telling the truth or there will be dire consequences." He threatened but deep inside he felt that he should be the one to be afraid.

The person just laughed humorlessly "Ok fine. Please tell him that we are planning on visiting him by the next full moon"

Zhao retorted "And what if I refuse?"

The person laughed again. This time with a little humor "Hahaha then we will show up uninvited and you don't want that to happen, do you?"

This guy was getting on Zhao's nerves. "What kind of game are you playing here?!" he shouted.

"Nothing. I just wanted him to know."

"Grrrr fine! I'll deliver the message alright! But remember that there will be people there that will be happy to see you" Zhao sneered.

The person smiled "Very good. I hope you don't disappoint me." They turned around and the girl named Chi raised her hands and suddenly all of them fell underground

A soldier walked closer to Zhao "Sir, what are your orders?"

Zhao glared daggers at the man next to him "Haven't you heard him?! Send a messenger hawk to the palace immediately! Tell them to prepare the most elite soldiers and warriors we have to intercept those 5!"

The soldier literally ran for his life just to write the message and sent it quickly via messenger hawk without missing a beat.


Chi sighed "I don't know what's on your mind Fu but we could've killed 20 or 30 of them. I mean, it's not like they need all those soldiers to deliver the message."

Fu, the same person who made Zhao send the message, looked at her with soulless eyes and said in the same ominous voice "Relax. We don't need to rush things it's not like they have anywhere else to hide from us. At least they can pose a little bit more challenge when time comes. "

Chi pondered it for a moment "True, but did we have to look so flashy in front of those cowards?"

Fu sighed "That was the only way for us to know if Zhao was there or not." He then looked at the person who was scratching his back before "Hey Ku"

Ku looked towards their leader "Yes?"

"Do you think they will send the message?"

Ku shrugged "Beats me. Whether they send it or not we will still go to the palace and have a little chat with the fire lord. "

Fu closed his eyes "Hmmm You're right. Ka, how did you know there was a fortress there? I mean, it was a little hard to find that place."

Ka looked like he was not interested to answer but did anyway "Remember the soldier we captured in the last outpost?" Fu nodded "He told me all the outposts and fortresses that he knew around the fire nation after I interrogated him."

Fu nodded "That's good."

All the while they were talking the other mysterious person in their group listened carefully. He was also the only person who never talked since they attacked the fortress.

Author's note:

Well what do you think? If you want to criticize me then go right ahead because I'm all ears or eyes since I'm going to read your messages.

Additional Author's Notes: Well this chapter just got shorter but a little better if I do say so myself.

I'll be updating other chapters ok to make sure there is less room for errors.