Chapter I

March, 1518

Ladies bustled quickly from one room to another, some carrying jewels, others holding hair accessories, and two with the jewelled, white wedding dress.

In a separate room in front of the mirror, was the bride, me; Anne Boleyn.

I stared at the mirror blankly. Looking back at me, was a black-haired woman with an unusual attractiveness compared to any ordinary fair-haired English lady. She had dark eyes, full of worry and uncertainty and her long fingers occasionally touched her famous necklace for comfort. This was the woman who had been chosen from the large flock of English ladies by King Henry VIII himself, to be the new Queen of England and mother of Tudor Princes and Princesses.

"You seem worried," said the oily voice of her uncle, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk behind her. "I wonder why. You should be jumping up and down in joy with a look of happiness and triumph with your ladies, not sitting here by yourself!"

"Uncle," I said, standing up, but Norfolk stopped her.

"You're minutes from becoming Queen," he said, his eyes glinting.

I was silent.

Becoming Queen wasn't what I exactly wanted. I was more ambitious than my sister, the content Lady Mary Carey (nee' Boleyn), but not as power hungry as my Uncle Norfolk. Henry VIII and I had begun their relationship in 1516, and it was so discreet and secretive that no one else (apart from Norfolk) knew about it. Even the late Queen Catherine of Aragon wasn't aware of it! She would've eventually found out if it wasn't the deadly childbed fever that claimed her a few hours from the birth of her third child and second daughter, Princess Katherine Tudor. Henry VIII was devastated at the loss of his sainted and much-loved wife, but his infatuation for me had rapidly increased. He mourned a whole year as was required, and to appease the public, who generally loved her for her charity works. In February, Henry VIII had proposed to me, and due to prodding from my father (Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire) and uncle, I accepted, though rather reluctantly.

Of course every courtier knew me, but were surprised when Henry VIII announced his future marriage with me! During my secret affair with Henry VIII, I had received many proposals from a variety of nobles, but I rejected them all. There had only been one man I loved before Henry VIII, and would be the most happy to marry him.

He was Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland.

I shook myself from my thoughts.

Today was my wedding; my lawful union to Henry VIII.

"I have a list of Ladies-in-waiting for you," continued Norfolk. "As your uncle and head of the Howard family, I hope you take them. They'll be good influences and completely loyal to you and me. They'll never betray you on their lives."

"They're members of the family," I said quietly.


"None of the King's children seem to like me. Whenever I see or meet him, the Prince of Wales views me with suspicion and has no love for me. Princess Mary always demands to see Catherine of Aragon whenever I'm nearby. Only Princess Katherine seems to like me, but it's hard to know. She's only two years old, and her siblings will influence her to hate me! The King's sister Mary, Duchess of Suffolk has a complete loathing of me!"

"What are you complaining about? You'll be Queen of England, and the King loves you with his undying love! You can twist him around your little finger and benefit the Howard family immensely! Are you going to be a true Howard girl and face this wedding with a smile on your face and triumph in your eyes, or will I have to reveal to the King-"

"No! I'll go with a smile and all."

"Good. Show me."

I forced myself to smile graciously and as happily as I could manage. Norfolk studied me for a minute and nodded with approval. I left the room to change into my expensive wedding dress that my parents had provided me as a wedding gift. Henry VIII had declared that I'll be crowned Queen Consort of England once we're lawfully wed.

The week before, I had been created the 1st Marquess of Pembroke in my own right.

Not everyone approved of me. The King's closest advisors (especially Cardinal Thomas Wolsey) loathed me and were annoyed when Henry VIII announced me as his future second wife. The Councillors had been in the midst of renewing an Imperial Alliance, where Henry VIII will marry the late Queen Catherine of Aragon's niece, Archduchess Eleanor of Austria (eldest daughter of her sister, Joanna I of Castile) with a magnificent dowry. The Duchess of Suffolk was disappointed at the idea of a new English sister-in-law, instead of a Spanish (or Austrian) one.

"Anne!" said Lady Mary Carey excitedly. "Have you seen your dress yet?! It is absolutely divine! Our mother and father must've spent a fortune on it! Come! The King won't be able to take his eyes off you once he sees you in it!"

I smiled and stood in front of two Howard ladies.

Lady Mary nodded and the two ladies picked up the carefully laid out dress.

I gasped.

I knew the dress would be costly, but the dress in front of me wasn't fit for a Queen or Empress; it was fit for a goddess! Like all my other fashionable dresses, this one was French cut. Small Diamonds had been sewn onto the square neck cut and bodice line. The trumpet sleeves were light grey and made of the finest fur, over the white undersleeves, made from silver cloth. It matched the forepart of the white dress, and was patterned with gold lining. Beside it on a small table, was a matching French hood, the veil of a pretty shade of grey with tiny Diamonds on the billaments. Lady Mary opened a velvet box and I saw the most costly Diamond necklace I had ever seen!

"A present from the King," said Lady Mary proudly. "He requested for you to wear it to show all of England his love to you and your love to him! Isn't it perfect? Everyone will know you as his wife and mother of his heirs! Think of it Anne! You'll be mother of the future Kings of England and the future Tudor descendants will have Howard and Boleyn blood!"

"I'll be mother of the Duke of York," I reminded her.

Lady Mary blinked blankly.

I sighed. My sister could be so clueless at moments like this!

"The King already has a son," I said patiently. "Young Harry, the Prince of Wales. His late wife had also given him two daughters, Princesses Mary and Katherine. My sons will be behind the Prince of Wales and in front of his daughters, but my daughters will be behind them. How can you not know this?! Don't you remember all the celebrations we attended at their christenings and the national mourning? Where were you, Mary? Our father was elevated from knighthood to earldom at the birth of the Prince of Wales in 1512! If he wasn't such a good ambassador, we would still be Mistress Anne and Mistress Mary, not Lady Anne and Lady Mary. Instead of constantly dancing and having a good time, you should be listening and watching like most people! You're my sister, and our family will be the laughing stock of England if you don't pay attention! What does our uncle and father say to us every time we have a family meeting? Be a dunce at Court?"

"You'll be Queen Consort," said Lady Mary, who hadn't heard a word. "Everyone will have to bow and curtsey to you! What about the Tudor Princes and Princesses? I don't think the Duchess of Suffolk will be pleased about it!"

She does know some things, I thought. Thank God for that!

Lady Mary helped me change into my wedding gown.

I stood in front of a large mirror (gilded with gold and jewels). I saw I had miraculously changed from the nervous girl in the past to the confident, beautiful, intelligent woman of the present. My once uncertain dark eyes had transformed into brilliant black eyes, like the sparkling black jewels in my casket. A smile hovered near my lips.

"Perfect," purred Norfolk, lingering near the door, making me jump in fright. "Did I frighten you, Your Majesty? My sincere apologies. I just couldn't wait to see my niece in her wedding dress. You look lovely in that gown. Of course you'll be wearing dresses like that from now on."

I felt uncomfortable. I respected my Uncle's politics and family ambitions, but I hated when he lurked in

the shadows and near doors around me like a sly fox circling the hens in a farm. He had a network of spies all over Court, and was the all-seeing eye. Nothing missed his glance and he knew everything-no matter how private. Everyone felt his gaze on them. I knew that he expected a higher position in Court, now that I'm almost Queen.

"Will you attend?" I asked.

"Of course!" exclaimed Norfolk. "Why wouldn't I?! I am the Premier Duke of England, and uncle of the future Queen of England! All the Howards have their hopes resting on your shoulders! I'll be representing the whole family!"

That was the last thing I wanted. I knew my duty was to bear the King's children, but my main loyalty would be more to my family, and I was certain that Norfolk would instruct me to improve the Howard fortunes. I knew that Norfolk was planning something darker, something more dangerous and perhaps…treasonous?

"Come," said Lady Mary, opening the door. "They are waiting for you now."

The people silently watched me be crowned Queen of England. They clearly weren't pleased at the idea of a commoner as their Queen.

No one doffed their caps, no one cheered my name.

There were uneasy murmurs amongst the crowds of people. Who paid for the expensive wedding dress? Who'll pay for the feasts? How many loaves of bread could've been purchased instead of spending the money on the valuable Diamonds on her necklace? Will England sink from a rich, prosperous country when Catherine of Aragon was alive, to a poor, dilapidated kingdom when I am their Queen? Will I poison their beloved Prince of Wales to pave the way for my future Boleyn-Tudor sons? The English were determined that wouldn't happen. They had silently declared their hearts and lives for Catherine's children and will do anything for young Harry to stay alive and father an heir of his own. They would never accept a Boleyn-Tudor as their monarch.

I felt hurt by the peoples' hostility towards me, but deep inside, I knew that the people wouldn't accept a paper Queen. I made a quick, lifelong promise to myself to prove to the people what a good, charitable, thoughtful Queen I would be.

I would forgive the ones who refuse to accept me.

I wanted to show the people what a merciful Queen I could be.

The first people I'm determined to win the hearts of, were my new stepchildren, Harry, Princess Mary and Katherine. Mary of Suffolk was too stubborn and hot-tempered to accept me or anything to do with me, but I greatly hoped she'll accept me as a sister-in-law at the most. I knew that Catherine of Aragon would be the only English Queen Consort, that Mary will acknowledge. After my coronation, I had a formal greeting with my stepchildren.

The six-year old Harry, Prince of Wales, was presented to me first. He was courteous and polite, and acknowledged me as Queen Consort. I had hoped he would accept me as his stepmother, but was secretly delighted at the acknowledgement as Queen.

I admitted silently to myself how much Harry looked like Henry VIII.

His hair was flaming red like the burning fire.

Harry had the same determined chin and blue eyes.

Both Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII had Sapphire blue eyes. Four-year old Princess Mary viewed me with suspicion like she always did. She's only four, I thought. Maybe when she's older, she'll think of me as her stepmother. Poor girl. Losing her mother when she was two, and gaining a stepmother she might not want when she's four. She must've suffered the most out of the three. Harry knew enough of their mother to be content and little Katherine never saw her. Hopefully Princess Mary will become warmer towards me. I don't want to force her to love me. I'm prepared to wait as long as it takes for her to get used to me as her stepmother and Queen.

To my surprise, Princess Mary bobbed a wobbly curtsey.

She must've practiced all night, I thought, my heart melting at the sight of the little Princess. What does this mean now? Did Henry VIII make her practise curtseying for me? Hopefully he didn't…if he did, his daughter will hate me for life. I better do something kind for Mary. Maybe I should tell her about her late mother…no…it'll give her bad memories.

I knelt in front of Princess Mary.

"Hello Mary," I said, looking at her in the eye. "Do you remember me? I'm Anne. I'm your father's new wife and your stepmother."

"I remember you," said Princess Mary stonily. "My father spent more time with you than with me and Harry when our mother was alive. He wouldn't play with us in the nursery because of you. All the presents at Christmas were given to you."

I abruptly stood up, hurt.

I didn't mean to take up all her father's love and for him to neglect her!

That's the last thing I wanted! I remembered the Christmas celebration she mentioned. It was the worst and most humiliating Christmas I ever attended. Only Henry VIII and Norfolk loved it. The rest of us sat around awkwardly. It was a family event, with the exception of Norfolk and me. For me, it was disaster, but for Norfolk, it was triumph. Princess Mary must've been two-years old and told by her mother that Christmas is the time of year when you receive gifts from the ones you love. Unfortunately, all her father could think of at that time, was me. He showered jewels and expensive gifts on me, while unintentionally ignoring his family. Mary was enraged. She took the children and left. Catherine and the Duke of Suffolk followed. As they passed me, I could see anger and sadness in their eyes. Princess Mary was asking what was going on, and no one answered her.

"Mary," said Henry VIII warningly. "Remember what I told you yesterday? Do you want that jewelled pomegranate to play with? Do you want to be sent away to the evil Duke of Buckingham? Anne is your new stepmother."

Princess Mary bit her lip.

"It's alright," I said quickly. "Mary didn't mean it. It must be a shock to her. Losing her mother and being replaced with me, a woman she doesn't know that well. Don't be angry with her. She's only a little girl who inherited traits from you and Catherine of Aragon. Harry, who don't you and Mary go to the nursery and play with your Aunt Mary?"

Henry VIII nodded in agreement, his gaze softening on me. Harry hurriedly dragged his sister away, before she could scowl at me.

"She's every inch Catherine," I commented.

Henry VIII nodded with a reminiscing smile.

He waved his hand, and Margaret Pole, 8th Countess of Salisbury walked up with a curtsey. She held the young baby Katherine (she's more of a young child, being two-years old) in her arms. Norfolk would've expected me to replace Lady Pole with a Howard lady (most likely my mother Lady Elizabeth, or one of his other sisters), but there's no way I'll do that. Princess Mary will hate me more, and it was one of Catherine's dying wishes for her children to be looked after by Lady Pole. Even though Henry VIII loved me, he still respected Catherine.

"Your Majesties," greeted Lady Pole. "May I present Her Royal Highness, the Princess Katherine? She is too young to curtsey and greet you, but I'm sure she'll like to see her new stepmother. She might recognise you as her stepmother."

I nodded, and she placed Katherine in my arms.

Katherine's sky blue, wide eyes stared at me, fascinated. Her face and pink cheeks were framed by golden-blonde curls. She had been dressed in a beautiful scarlet and gold dress, with a small jewelled Ruby hairpin in her hair. Instead of the auburn and red hair from her parents, Katherine had inherited the Plantagenet blonde hair from her paternal grandmother, Elizabeth of York (Henry VIII's mother). I wondered what her traits would be…

"Mamma!" Katherine announced, to everyone's (including mine) astonishment. "Mamma! I want warm blanket! Sleep time!"

Henry VIII and I had tears in our eyes.

Who would've thought that Catherine's namesake would accept me as her mother?

"Wouldn't it be wonderful?" said Henry VIII, wiping away his tears. "If ten months later, we're in the same position, but a Duke of York in your arms? A child of our own. The fruit of our undying love. I hope we will be blessed by many sons. I do recall that your grandfather, the 2nd Duke of Norfolk, had many children, didn't he?"

"He did," I agreed, hoping I won't be pregnant too soon.

"There will be bonfires and jousts!" said Henry VIII dreamingly. "Celebrations England had never seen before! Our son will be invested as the Duke of York on the day of his birth! Can you imagine it, Anne? Our first child, a son! The Tudor dynasty will be secure, and everyone will be content! Oh, Anne! It is God's Will to bring us together and be the ancestors of future Tudor Kings! Our daughters will forge alliances with our enemies, and there will be eternal peace!"

What happens if I can't bear any living children? What if all I have is two daughters? Will Henry VIII tire of me? His nature is extremely fickle, and he could be charming and loving in one minute, and have a thunderous expression the next!

Will Henry VIII be…unfaithful to me?

The thought was too hurtful to imagine.

"Come," said Henry VIII, opening the door. "We have nobles to meet. I'm sure they are all excited to see their new Queen."

First Anne and Henry VIII fanfiction! Please review! :) This is probably a crappy chapter, but I promise it'll get better!