PLEASE REVIEW!Drums rolling… THE EPILOGUE IS HERE ('at last', is what you guys would have been thinking:-P)

"Come back…!" The shriek shook the silence of the whole room. Ren shot up from his sleep and was by Kyoko's side in a flash.

She was panting hard; tears were rolling down her cheeks as she shook her head frantically. Ren pulled her closer to him. Allowed her to snuggle in and to suck in all the warmth for herself. He lulled her quiet as if she was a baby by whispering sweet sensations in her ears. Eventually she calmed down. He released her little. Taking his both hands he cupped her tear-stricken face. It hurt him a lot. It hurt so much to see her suffer.

"The same nightmare?" Her nod was enough response for him to understand her outburst.

"It's alright, sweetheart. Everything is fine. Don't you worry, okay? I am always here right next to you. Just don't cry. It hurts to see you suffer I feel so respons…" But Ren was cut by Kyoko's passionate kiss. He molded into it immediately.

"Never. Say .That. Again" She said between the heated passion. They both held tight to each other as if they were the anchors of each other. The kiss was awash with the passion, the heat, the desire building up in both of them.

Time was meaningless but they had to pull away for air. Panting severely both gazed lustfully at each other but they knew it was time to sleep. Ren groaned when Kyoko pulled away from him as he lunged in for another heated kiss.

"Tomorrow. Busy." He groaned frustrated by the so called "duties". No matter what he was not letting go.

"Never gonna leave you, Babe" Kyoko giggled as he cuddled into the crook of her neck. Inhaling each other's scent, feeling each other's passion and better 'presence'; they fell asleep.

The night when Ren and Kyoko made up all the broken pieces of their perfect puzzle was when it started it all. Ren didn't wait a single second to claim her as his. He showed her the depth of his love and well pocket as well. Since he missed no chance in buying her everything that looked good on her. The closets were drowned with the flood of clothes and accessories. He refused to hear her pleads and bought everything he liked on her. Ren had to face Julie's wrath after waking up as well but she was mother after all. Seeing him well and smiling with his love lady, her anger vanished. Moreover Julie provided Ren her full services in his "Spoiling of Kyoko Mission".

Kyoko was in heaven and hell at the same time. Heaven because Ren showered his love on her every second. He showed her the meaning of love. The meaning of marriage. Marriage is a relation where every loop ends of the other pour out openly so you could fix it. He showed her, no he proved to her that now she belonged to him. She could swear on her life that she had never been happier. The only thing ruining the mood was Ren's Kyoko spoiling mission. Well one day when everything got a little too much out of control so Kyoko lost her calm.


Kyoko not only improved her own life but also she and Ren started giving Charity to as many Orphanages they could.

Seeing the children, playing with them, experiencing their smiles was a sight worth all that money. Both of them had grown quite a lot of attachment to children.

There also arose a chaos when Yukihito and Kanae's relation was exposed. Both Ren and Kyoko gave the poor couple a cold shoulder until they were begging on their knees. Ren and Kyoko thought that they deserved to know the life of the couple who won't stop inferring in their's.

Ren also announced his marriage publically. A mayhem arose in the media. Every person was dying to know the details. Ren and Kyoko posted some pictures of the marriage along with the video. They already knew they will need it so they made one containig the tit-bits.

Well good happened to Sho as well. He started spending time with Mimori. She was so much like Kyoko. Her antics were so pure, loyal and simple. At first he thought that it was because she was like Kyoko that he was growing an attachment towards her. But after their first big fight where Mimori declared giving up her feelings for Sho, he realized that he didn't have enough power to lose her. It was true that he didn't love her with the same passion as he loved Kyoko and it was the right thing as well. She was Mimori after all. She should be loved for herself. Sho confessed and there is no doubt about Mimori's answer. Of course, she fainted. They started going out afterwards.

Ren no longer hated Sho nor did Kyoko. The whole family was together and happy but there was still something missing. There was like a hole in the perfect picture and the day Kyoko felt it whole after the long four happy months, the nightmare returned.

Kyoko's POV

The night passed away silently after the nightmare. There in his arms I felt like nothing could harm me anymore. My life no longer hung in the middle of despair and desires. I have what I desired the most. But then that nightmare occurred to ruin the mood. It always started happy. I would be taking a stroll by a riverside. The picturesque mesmerizing, the gentle air brushed against my figure with the slightest of touches. I felt so secure; so protected. Then suddenly she comes to me. Running with her little chubby legs and cherubic face decorated with those emerald orbs that belonged to my lover. My arms opened to invite her in my warmth. I wanted to embrace her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to never let go of my little angel. She would giggle when I will blow air against her neck. She would snuggle closely in my embrace as if I were her protector. My world would stop spinning whenever I will see her smiling with those dimples in her cheeks. Her black hair was unkempt due to my continuous embracing.

The world was so perfect until that moment. She raises her hand and touches my cheek. Her touch was so light and feathery. Her lips moved and words came out. They were a melody but the one that destroyed everything.

"Bye, mommy. I love you." And she vanishes. She just starts vanishing into thin air. Tears were running down my cheeks. My hands tried to grab her but I couldn't catch her. My heart was thumping against my chest. I cried out loud to stop her but in vain.

"Come back! Come back!" But she didn't stop. Every time I will wake up with a scream. That was the only hole left. The only missing piece of the perfect puzzle was her; my daughter. She was my melody, my little angel. Every night Ren would comfort me. I can't thank him more. He would never show any annoyance by my irritating routine. Every night his embrace would be perfect. The same warmth, the same love. No not the same love, it was always greater. I love him so much. I know he is also hurting inside too. He remembers her too. I wish I could have her back but I don't want to undo anything. She was our bond. Our tie, she brought me and Ren together and I am sure God will never test a person more than he could bear. She will be back. She is my fate.

Ren woke up irritated by the sun. He wanted to smash it just like the poor alarm clock laying a few feats away. Groaning he turned in his bed while adjusting his eyes to the devilish light. He was about to close those eyes again if only they hadn't done the sin to capture the beauty of his angelic wife. The idea of sleeping was dropped immediately. It was a rare chance to find her sleeping when he woke up. Well he was proud that his spoiling mission succeeded to this extent.

He adjusted his arm under his head to get a better view of her. She was his angel, his life. He loved her. He proved it to her. He knew this relation was too strong to broken or disturbed by any doubts now. They were bounded firmly by pure love. She was his and only his and he knew she know that. But he made sure others will know that as well. No one was allowed to look at her with a dirty eye.

His hand moved the soft black curls from her face. They were annoying when they blocked his view of the lovely mark he left on her neck the night when they promised each other eternal love. He marked her with a kiss mark again. He wanted to renew the one he left on her before leaving for his suicidal mission but that reminded them of the painful memories. So they let it fade away. It was a symbol of goodbye but this new one was the warning for every dirty eye to turn away before he blinds it forever. Of course, she struggled and resisted. She said that it would be embarrassing if others saw it but that were his intentions. He wanted the other's to see it. He wanted the other's to know that she belonged to him. He made sure that the mark never faded. The mark was his proud. His heart would always swell up with pride whenever he saw it. He kept staring at her. Smile never left his face.

Kyoko woke up from the dreamless sleep. She had a strange feeling of being watched. Her head swung to the direction her heart directed it and surely she wasn't wrong. She was definitely being stared at by her lovely husband who was currently smiling his worthy-of-being-banned smile.

As soon as her eyes matched his, he lunged towards her and landed a chaste kiss on her soft lips.

"Morning, honey. Sleep well?" In an instant she was blushing from head to toe and Ren could swear that was the sight worth dying for.

"Go…od Morn…ing" No matter how much she loved him, his new behavior always left her speechless. He treated her like a precious jewel which should be protected in every situation. She looked up and he was still gazing lovingly. With a little effort, she matched his eyes. Their eyes locked and they were lost. The cute and relaxing morning was perfect until Kyoko suddenly bolted from the bed and rushed towards the bathroom.

Ren followed her immediately and found her throwing up. He held her hair back until she was finished and helped her wash her face.

"You, okay?" She nodded while cleaning the water from her mouth. He supported her back to the bed then sat beside her. Worry evident on his face.

"Want to go to a doctor?" Kyoko shook her head and smiled weakly.

"I am okay. Must have been because of the dinner you made last night." Ren chuckled and leaned towards her huskily.

"You are such a vixen" Kyoko smirked back and both of them crashed into a sweet kiss.

Both of them felt the doubt rising. They both knew what was coming but were afraid to admit.

The next week went in the same hectic routine. The morning sickness was an alarm and both recognized it. Ren insisted into taking her to the doctor. Kyoko tried to resist but she knew Ren wasn't backing down.

"I will take to you to the doctor today even if I have to load you on my back. Got it?" Kyoko tried out all of her cute moves and pouts but his poker face was good.

"You know I will do what I am saying, love." Finally she gave up and they reached the doctor's private clinic at designated time.

Ren held her hand tightly and smiled assuring. She smiled back and they entered. After a few tests, they waited. Finally the results came. The doctor came in smiling.

"Congratulation, you are going to be parents. Kyoko-san is expecting a baby." Color drained from Kyoko's face, her knees turned jelly and she lost her balanced. Ren was also traumatized by the news but somehow managed to catch Kyoko.

"Kyoko, stay strong." He led her to the couch and sat beside her.

"Kyoko, are you alright?" She was panting hard. The news was indeed too much. Her system couldn't bear the override of emotions and shut down. She fainted.

Ren took her home. The doctor gave him instructions to take care of her. He kept holding her hand till she woke up. The whole time the news was on his mind. Kyoko's condition was also a problem. He knew she wouldn't be against the idea of having a child. It was just happening too soon.

"Damn me, I should've taken care. I am such an idiot. She always suffers because of my idiocy." He brought her hand closer to his mouth and kissed it. The whole time his eyes were locked at her face.

"My Love, wake up. Please…"The time passed slowly as if mocking him. She finally woke up but it was quite late at night. Ren was sleeping but his fingers were entwined with hers. That was the first sight her eyes encountered.

A smile spread upon her features. Then the whole event came back rushing in her mind. The smile vanished and worry took its place. Her other hand touched her stomach and she closed her eyes drowning in the sensation.

"I am going to be a mother again. It feels so new yet so familiar. I don't know if I am ready for you my child but I assure you, you are coming in this world. I will do my best. You will indeed see the world with your own eyes. Right?" She opened her eyes and stared at a smiling Ren whose hand was resting on her hand on the stomach.

"Definitely. Our baby will see day light. We will make sure." Kyoko smiled while Ren leaned forward and placed a kiss at her temple.

Days passed and so did months. Ren took every precaution. He even perused Kyoko to take leave from every kind of jobs for a while. But Kyoko didn't act upon his advice till the last four months in which Ren literally tied her to their bed.

"Rest is all you need. Kanae-san, Chirori-san and Mimori-san will come as soon as they are free. Their schedule is arranged in such a way that one of them will be with you all the time. At 8 PM I will be with you. You are not allowed to work. Got it?"

"But Ren you know I can't stick with this bed the whole day. Please let me work a little. I can do some chores. Please?" Kyoko used her ultimate puppy dog face but to no avail. The schedule Ren planned remained the same till the time of the labor.

Kyoko's water broke and she was rushed to the hospital. Luckily Ren was home at that time.

"Honey, don't worry. I am here with you." Kyoko was panting hard. Tears were crowding her vision. She knew it was the moment they all waited for such a long time. But she was afraid. She knew this was a life and death situation. What if something wrong happened? Will she be able to bear any more painful circumstances?

The thoughts crowded her mind but there was another thing as well. The child in that nightmare. Since she became expectant again, the vision started changing. Surely the child was same. That was the confusing part. Kyoko had been seeing the same girl since she got pregnant for the first time. Previously she will be an angel extending her wings and flying towards her. A lovely dream; a precious hope. But this time the dream turned into a nightmare. But after getting pregnant again the nightmare turned into more of a dream.

Now she won't be able to see her going away with the good bye words. She will always say that I am coming. Wait for me, Mommy.

Kyoko wanted her daughter badly and this hope and determination built up to the needed extent. The delivery went safely. Ren held her hand the whole time whispering sweet comforts in her ear. The baby was born safely and Kyoko was safe too. Ren thanked God that the case was normal, he didn't need any more complications.

It was a girl. Kyoko fainted due to the loss of energy and Ren never got the chance to hold his child as she was taken by the nurses. They shifted Kyoko to a room and supplied her system with the needed nutrients. Ren stayed with her the whole time. But his heart was thumping loud. She was in this world. He was finally a father. Kyoko and he were parents now. He was so euphoric. His feet won't stay on the ground waiting for both his princesses to wake up.

Kyoko was the first one to open her eyes. An anxious yet happy Ren met her sight. His smile gave away all the explanation and happiness over flowed in her of it flowed out in the form of happy tears. Ren nodded as to give the final confirmation. She immediately started scanning the room for her child. Julie, Kuu and all her beloved family stood besides her smiling. Julie was holding her hand lovingly.

"Where?" Ren smiled at her urgency.

"The doctor is examining her to make sure she is alright. We'll have her in our arms in a few minute." The word 'her' didn't go unnoticed by Kyoko. She just gave birth to a daughter. Her beloved angel was finally in this world. Tears were not stopping. Her heart was fluttering happily.

Ren leaned forward and placed a kiss at her temple.

"Thank you so much, my love. I can't compete your gift even if I bought you the whole world. Thank you." He said lovingly while wiping the tears from her face.

Julie kissed her cheek and showered unfathomable motherly affection upon her. She now not only has a daughter but also a granddaughter.

During their family time, the door opened revealing a nurse along with Doctor Benkia holding their little angel.

Kyoko's hands unintentionally moved up to hold her. The nurse came forward and handed her angel to caught her like she was vulnerable and fragile. Like she would break if she applied any smiled seeing the joy emitting from her face.

Gently Kyoko adjusted the baby in her arms. Her eyes lowered down gradually to finally meet the waiting pair of emerald orbs.

Her heart skipped a beat when her brain collected the baby's appearance. Black hair, pristine white skin with touches of red at her cheeks; dense black eye-brows shadowed the hidden pair of emerald orbs. The same color as her lover; her Ren.

Ren looked at her smiling face with a gentle smile adorning his face. Her sudden surprise made him curious but he let her enjoy her moment. After nine months of pain, she deserved happiness.

Kyoko looked up from the little angel who was cuddled up in her arms to the man of her fantasies.

"She is her, Ren" Her voice held awe, gratitude, love, adoration and intense emotions of motherly affection. But her statement confused him.

"I don't understand, Love" He took her hand and held it firm while his gaze remained at her face.

"I have had dreams since I got pregnant for the first time, Ren. There was a little girl. Every dream, every nightmare contained her. Even after the accident I never stopped having her in my dreams. She would always say 'I love you, Mommy'. But would disappear leaving me torn behind. The girl is her." Kyoko gestured to the child in her arms and Ren's eyes widened in astonishment.

The girl was the same. When they thought their daughter had been lost forever, they didn't know the play fate started. Their daughter was destined to be in their arms. She told them of her arrival in Kyoko's dreams. She never left them. She was planned. Fate never showed them some other girl. It always showed them their angel who was destined to bond them. She was planned from the beginning. Nothing could have stopped her arrival. Their daughter was in their arms just like they wanted to.

Happiness swelled up his chest. Tears threatened to gather as he realized the beautiful reality. As he now fully understood the meaning of the saying "Whatever happens, happens for good" Happiness is no mirage. It is an utter reality. It strikes you when you least expect it. You just have to be patient and persistent through rainy day and believe that there is no rainbow without rain.

He bends forwards and placed a kiss at both of his love ladies; his precious daughter and his invaluable Kyoko. Smiles never leaved their faces. Their family was complete. It was finally time to rejoice.

Six Years later

"Ren, give her to me RIGHT NOW!" Chuckles echoed from the walls of the living room while Kyoko was furiously chasing her both jewels. Ren and Kizuna ran hand in hand laughing their heads off as the irritated Kyoko threatened them.

"Catch us if you can, Love" That did it. Ren knew Kyoko would never let down a challenge. They ran laughing heartily around, played a little hide and seek behind the curtains, circled the Kitchen counter and finally threw themselves on the couch in the living room; exhausted but still chuckling.

Kizuna stuck her tongue out at Kyoko who, now being close enough, caught her and began to tickle her senseless.

Ren saw the opportunity and tackled his wife from behind.

"Stop…Ren. Stop. HAHAHA...Stop…"After teaching her a good lesson, he finally heard her pleas and ceased his pleasurable torture.

He looked down and the sight took her breath away. Her hair were unkempt, her face flushed, her breathing ragged and clothes wrinkly. But what was the most inviting were those lust-filled amber orbs staring directly into his emerald ones. Both oblivious to the little girl sitting quite close and were lost in their own world. Ren's hand moved forward and traced a line along her jaw. His eye's fogged with lust.

Forgetting the pure, virgin eyed daughter, he leaned forward. As the distance closed, their breaths started fanning each other's face. Their eyelid's drooping and hands roaming the luscious body of the companion.

Inch by inch the distance was closed. Just a few more centimeters and their lips would crash together, mixing each other's scent and warmth. That ignorant distance was covered before a blink of an eye and their lips clashed together. Passion, heat, desire built up as they kissed the other; senselessly relishing each other. The kiss was lustful, love-filled, passionate, hot, desiring and perfect until…

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A scream ripped the silence and they both pulled away so quickly as if electrified by the new realization. Flushed from head to toe, they slowly moved their heads to the source of interruption and found their daughter blushing furiously, smiling cheekily while covering her eyes with her little hands. Ren was sure the little gaps in the fingers were left for peeking. Frozen as their minds comprehended that they just made-out in front of their daughter.

They looked in each other's eyes not sure what to do. The silence stretched longer. Finally Ren broke the awkward situation by swiftly lifting himself off his luscious wife and grabbing his angelic daughter.

"Kizuna-chan peeked. Didn't she?" Kizuna looked at her father; incredulous that he was still confidently turning the situation on her rather than apologizing.

"You are gross, Daddy" She said making a disgusted face and hit his chest with a little punch. Kyoko and Ren chuckled. Kyoko went by their side and kissed Kizuna's cheek smiling whole-heartily.

"And you are our lovely bond." Kyoko sweetly said while lifting Kizuna from Ren's lap to her' little girl looked confusedly at her.

"You know what 'Kizuna' means?" The little emerald eyed girl shook her head.

"It means bond. You are Mommy and Daddy's bond." Kyoko loving announcement made Kizuna's face lit up with excitement and joy.

"That means if Kizuna-chan weren't here, Mommy and Daddy wouldn't have been together. So… you are responsible for our little scene, sweetie." Kyoko hit Ren's arm along with Kizuna who was glaring at his daring Dad. Ren laughed as he was showered with little, soft punches. After letting her have her moment, he caught both of her hands and kissed them.

"Daddy loves Kizuna-Chan" He whispered sweetly.

"Mommy loves her Kizuna-Chan more than her own life" Kizuna's face bloomed with happiness as the first bud of spring.

"Kizuna loves Mommy and Daddy too" She kisses both of their cheeks and runs away giggling.

Kyoko and Ren gaze at each other lovingly and smiled. This was their destiny. This was their family.

Two years later more pictures were added to the Hizuri family wall. One of them showed Kyoko with two newborn boys held in her arms while Ren stood behind her with a smiling Kizuna.

Their family was complete. Humorous as it may sound but they were never able to have more kids. They tried but couldn't have. It was like a stop for them. Kyoko couldn't produce more babies. She was weak by the operation that took place on the twin's birth. But they were grateful for the three miracles they had. They couldn't ask more. Fate, Destiny now started making sense. They were fated to be together and this was how it was supposed to be. Hardships were faced, rainy days drowned them in misery, there were tears, there was ache, there was separation but in the end there was a celebration. They were finally content. They had each other and three of their proofs of love. They couldn't ask for more. All they had was gratitude.

They learned,

"When bad happens to you, you cry. You blame it all on fate. You ask God why this happened to you. What sin had you committed to deserve such bad luck? But no one ever remembers that when the situation gets better you get stronger. No one remembers the hardships. No one wants to remember a horrible past. But the truth is you can neither live the present nor plan the future, if it wasn't for the past. In the end you have to walk with your past in your heart and your head held high. That past urges you to win, to move forward. That past creates gratitude and a sense of understanding in you. And when you start understanding the nature, you'll realize the worth of everything you mistreated and misunderstood. You will then realize how lucky you were. You were lucky from the start. Why? You were born. Not every child see's daylight. Do they? So understand the rainy days if you want to enjoy the pleasure the rain bow has to offer"

Ren and Kyoko learned their lesson and now they are stronger. No storm can break the, But the question is: Can others understand, too? Do you?

Author's note: - PLEASE REVIEW!

I am practically dancing with joy. I am so sosososo thankful for everyone who read and liked my story. If you guys didn't give those encouraging reviews, I wouldn't have written even the second chapter.

Guys I am planning to write another fic about our beloved Ren and Kyoko. You can say that I am addicted to this couple. Hope to see you guys reading that one as well.


"I am so sorry Kyoko" Ren said as he mixed the sleeping pill in her coffee… Ren closed the door after gazing at a sleeping Kyoko and an empty Coffee cup. He was deceiving her again tonight. He pulled on the hood and leaves the house, guilt evident in his eyes.

SOoOo if you guys wanna know why Ren is drugging kyoko who is obviously oblivious, wait for the new fic which will be posted after mid of March.

Again thank you for your love and liking. Please tell me what you think of this story and please read the other one as well. Asking for too much? I can't help but be greedy when I have such great readers. Love you guys.

Good Night. Good Bye. And


May you be blessed with the courage to survive the sadness life offers and be blessed with tons of happiness in return!
