You'll be gone soon.

That's what happened with the others,
The ones I took under my wing
And cared for
Until they stripped me of my feathers
And left.

Soon, you will leave
And forget our time together.
But oh, how I will ever remember
The day you chose me – me! –
From the others
who had so much more to give
than I did.

The days spent in bliss,
Spent traversing endless fields,
Taking your hand in mine,
Will soon mean nothing to you.

I know this for a fact.

Our differences will grow,
As will your height,
And you will tower over me,
Demanding independence
And turning your back on my affections.

The fuse will shorten and disappear
Before we both lash out
Creating the worst fight;
A fight as bad
As the American Revolution.

You will win
And leave forever, rejoicing,
Leaving me in the pouring rain, in the field
Without a blade in grass in sight,
Clutching and nursing
What's left of my shattered heart.