For the one reviewer who wanted Kaldur to get a girlfriend. You're a blessing.
I don't own YJ
To say Kaldur was freaking out was an understatement. He paced and paced and paced, yet still he could not stop worrying. The piece of paper in his hand tormented him, he could almost hear it laughing at his distress. He crumbled it, read it again, paced, read it again, and paced some more.
"Dude, relax," Wally told him. "It's just a love letter. You should be excited about this! Someone actually likes you!"
Artemis hit him on the arm, "What was that for!?"
"Don't be an idiot Wally! He's freaking out right now, not the best time to step on his self confidence."
"I think it's sweet," Megan said. Her hear was resting on her hands and she watched him from the kitchen counter. Currently, Kaldur and his friends were at her apartment. Artemis, Wally and Conner on the couch in the living room, Dick and Megan sitting around the island counter.
"He was bound to get one eventually," Dick said. "You should hear some of the things girls say about him."
Artemis looked at the younger boy, "How the heck do you know what girls say about him?"
"I have my sources."
His friends bickering was not helping Kaldur in the slightest. The note had been found in his locker, lovely hand writing telling him that someone had noticed him and liked him, wondering if they could ever meet. Kaldur had no idea how to cope with the letter. In Atlantis, courting someone was an entirely personal and completely different process. Wally, Conner and Dick all told him it was just land-girls' way of letting someone know they like them without it going public (usually). They had also told him that should he wish to ignore it, he could. Just like that. As if it never existed.
That thought made Kaldur terrified.
Who was the girl that put the note in his locker? What was her name? WHY DID SHE THINK HE WAS ATTRACTIVE!? HE HAS GILLS!?
School made it worse. Kaldur subconsciously avoided every girl that came near him, whether making up an excuse to leave a confrontation or simply hiding in the boys bathroom or locker room, he refused to face any girl until the matter resolved itself. Megan and Artemis volunteered to ask around and see if they could find his secret admirer, Dick even offered to make a few calls to his 'sources', but each had been rejected as Kaldur did not want to place the admirer in an awkward position. He himself had had crushes before, and to be honest he still had a thing for his friend Tula, and he knew how unbearable and frustrating it could be. He wanted to find out himself. Tell the girl he was flattered but not interested. At least he didn't think he was interested.
The Friday before March break though, something happened that Kaldur did not expect. In fact you could say it came out of the blue, like a pile of books falling on him as he left the bathroom after wetting himself (to keep hydrated not the other thing). He collapsed along with another person onto the tile floor.
"Are you alright?" He asked the person who had dropped the books onto his head. It was a girl his year, with mocha skin and curly black hair held back by a red ribbon.
The girl nodded, "Sorry for, you know, dropping all this stuff on you."
"It's fine. I'm not hurt." He helped her pile the books back up, taking half of the in his own arms. He noticed the girls cheeks had turned red. "Are you sure you are okay?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. It's just... I don't know how to put this. You're names Kaldur, right?"
"Yes, that's me. And you are?"
"Valerie. Listen Kaldur, are you doing anything tonight?"
Kaldur mentally went over his schedule for the day, "I don't believe so."
"Well then would you... There's this party, at my friends house. A bunch of sophomores are going and I was wondering if you might... want to go with me?"
Kaldur nearly dropped all the books onto his foot. He didn't know Valerie, was she the admirer? Was she asking him out? He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but at the same time it sounded sort of fun? Maybe he could go just for a bit, but what would Tula say? Would she care? Should he ask someone first?!
Behind Valerie, Kaldur could see Megan and Wally there, giving him the thumbs up. His friends thought it was a good idea. Valerie was very pretty, and she seemed nice...
WHAT KIND OF ANSWER WAS THAT!? He could see Megan and Wally face-palming. Obviously they didn't like his answer either. Valerie on the other hand looked very happy.
"Great! Pick me up at eight?"
"Awesome. See you tonight!" Valerie stacked the books from Kaldur's hand onto her pile and ran off down the hall, leaving Kaldur standing there unsure of how to act. Megan and Wally walked up to him, big smiles on both their faces.
"Well look who's got a date! Nice catch my man!" Wally put up his hand for a high-five, which Kaldur gave him.
"Kaldur I'm so happy for you! Valerie is a really sweet girl, you two are going to have so much fun at the party! Of course Conner and I will be there too, so you won't be alone. I can't wait to tell Artemis!"
Kaldur smiled, until a thought occurred to him that made him panic.
Wally looked at him funny, "What's wrong man?"
"Uh, do either of you know where Valerie lives?"
Megan and Wally shared a look of panic.
They didn't know.
I based Valerie off of Valerie from Danny Phantom since I love her so much.
Hope you enjoyed this anon. It was fun to write!