Authors note: Hello! I started writing this story the other day, and quite enjoyed what I have so far, so I thought why not post it here? I hope you enjoy chapter one! It takes place after the events of "The Rings of Akhenaten' So there is a very light spoiler warning! Please review/favorite/follow if you enjoy it! I really appreciate it :)

Chapter One

The Rings of Akhenaten

"So just how big is this place?"

It had been exactly 38 minutes since the Doctor, and I had returned to the TARDIS. I had spent the first five minutes catching my breath, not that I really needed to, it was kind of to make up for the whole day. The next 7 minutes were taken up by the Doctor going on about some sort of alien technology he had seen when we were in the market, before the whole giant sun monster thing came, I honestly didn't understand a word he was saying 99% of the time.

During the remaining 26 minutes, I watched the Doctor tinker with his TARDIS. He was obviously very deep in thought, so I didn't distract him, instead I sat in this hanging metal chair that was off to the side of the control panel.

But now I was bored, sitting in silence was not my favorite pass time, especially when there were so many other interesting things to do!

The Doctor popped up from beneath some electric panels and gave me a cheeky grin. "I thought you'd never ask!"

I glanced around the room, it couldn't be too big could it? I mean it was still just a little blue box on the outside. I figured that there must just be the basic necessities right? The Doctor lived here so he must have a kitchen, and a bedroom, and a bathroom at least. Unless timelords didn't have bedrooms or bathrooms or kitchens... I blinked thinking about the possibility, he certainly looked human so I just had kind of assumed...

"Would you like to go on the grand tour?" I was snapped out of my thoughts "well it's not the whole tour, just the basic tour..." the Doctor added "so would you like to go on the basic tour?!" He was very enthusiastic about the idea.

"Of course I want to go on the tour!" I jumped out of my seat and bounced over to the Doctor "lead the way!"

We headed down a hallway that seemed to go on forever. After making a few turns we made it to the kitchen (so he did have a kitchen!) It was very basic, but from the quick glimpse I got, it seemed pretty well stocked. As we continued walking we passed a lot of doors. Lots and lots of doors. The Doctor told me what most the rooms were as we passed, and I was astounded by how many amazing things were in that snog box! We passed by bathrooms, and closets, and a library, an observatory, an indoor swimming pool, a fully stocked bar, even a whole room dedicated to Harry Potter memorabilia!

Eventually the Doctor stopped in the middle of a hall and stretched his arms out. "You have a decision to make Clara!" He informed me "you get to pick your room!"

I felt my eyes widen a bit when he told me this, I hadn't really thought about where I was going to be staying, and now I had to pick a room. There were so many! I had one question before I even began to look though. "Where's your room?"

The alien in my company cocked his head to the side a bit, probably wondering why I was asking. "Oh it's back a few halls, by the second library." Of course he would have two libraries.

"I want to look down that hall" I declared. I would never admit that I was a bit nervous about staying alone in such a large and confusing time machine.

"Alrighty then!" The Doctor began leading me down the hall again, and after a few turns we had made it to the right place.

I wandered down a few doors until I stopped at one that seemed to be calling my name, I looked to the Doctor for permission to open the door, and when he nodded I pushed it open.

It was perfect! My mouth dropped open when I took in the view. It wasn't even that elaborate or fancy, but it was so... me. I walked over to the queen size bed and pressed my hands into the mattress. Even the bed was perfect. It was as if this room was made just for me! The Doctor came up behind me and peered around the room.

"I could've sworn this was a Disney princess themed room earlier..." he muttered "the TARDIS must've prepared this just for you!"

"Wait you mean..." I turned around to face the Doctor "the TARDIS can just... change itself?"

"Exactly!" the Doctor beamed "it doesn't do it often, but it must like you if it did this for you!"

I thought back to earlier when the TARDIS wouldn't let me open the door, it sure had mixed feelings about me...

"Coincidently, my room is exactly right across the hall from here" the Doctor stated nonchalantly "I hope that doesn't bother you."

"Oh no, not at all!" I assured quickly.

"Ok then!" he chirped childishly and gave me a look. A look that I didn't understand at all.


"I was just thinking-"

"That's dangerous"

"Oh come on" the Doctor rolled his eyes "that joke is way overused!"

"Ok then, continue your thought."

"I was thinking that since I'm very hungry, you must be hungry too!"

"When did you become a rocket scientist?"

"I've been a rocket scientist since before rocket science was invented!" The Doctor paused "oh you were being sarcastic weren't you?"

"Yes I was" I nodded "so what were you saying about being hungry?'

"I think we should get something to eat!" He declared.

"What do you have been in mind?"

"Well" he paused "I was thinking, that since we had such an exciting day, we could maybe get a pizza and just... Relax for a while" he looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"You do that?" I asked, realizing just how normal the request was. I hadn't know the Doctor for very long, but from what I could tell, he didn't seem to stay in place for very long.

"Well not very often" he shrugged "but yeah sometimes it's nice to just do... Human things."

"Eating pizza is most certainly a human thing" I clarified "so we could get pizza from anywhere, or anywhen" I determined "wow that's a lot of options!"

"Indeed it is!" the Doctor agreed "I have a few places in mind though! Do you like stuffed crust?"

I laughed. It was funny to hear such an alien man asking me what kind of pizza I liked.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing" I smirked "and for the record, I do like stuffed crust."

One and a half hours and one pizza later me and the Doctor sat cuddled up on a couch in a small entertainment room that was made up of a large tv, and large stereo speakers to go along with it. Well take that back, I was cuddled up, the Doctor was kind of just fidgeting at the other end of the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked, watching him interestedly.

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything!" He protested quite forcefully.

"Jeez Mr. Grumpypants, do you need to go to bed?"

"Sorry" he bowed his head "I just can't stand sitting still for so long!"

"Well maybe part of the problem is that your way over there-" I motioned to the large gap of space in between us "-and I'm way over here. Kind of hard to communicate with the awkward distance."

"Oh" he looked down at the open couch cushion which now seemed huge. I patted it reassuringly, and he scooted over just a bit. I gave him a look that said 'seriously?' "Isn't this kind of couple-y" he asked "I feel like it is."

"It's only couple-y if you make it couple-y" I shrugged.

The doctor made an unexplainable sound, and scooted over a little closer. "I don't bite" I laughed.

"Are you sure about that?" He replied and laughed along with me. I sighed, relieved that that awkward moment was over.

"Any movies you'd like to watch?" The Doctor asked as he picked up a TV remote off a coffee table in front of us.

"I thought you couldn't sit still?"

"How about a Disney classic?" He asked, changing the subject.

I decided to let it pass. "Well it's definitely not a classic, but I rather like that one with the cartoon princess that goes to the real world. What's it called? Oh yeah Enchanted!"

"Oh I like that one!" The Doctor grinned and began pressing buttons on the TV remote "Enchanted it is!"

I had ignored it when the Doctor had scooted even closer to me. I had ignored it when he casually wrapped his arm around me. I had even ignored it when he began playing with my hair. But I could not ignore it when he began to gently rub the back of my neck with his thumb.

I turned my head so that I could see his face, he seemed to be in a daze, his eyes glazed over and his mouth open just a gap, like someone who was sleeping's. "Doctor!" I said loud enough to get his attention. He quickly sat up straight and let his hand fall down from where it had been on the back of my neck.

"Sorry" he mumbled, apologetically "I kind of zoned out there..."

"The great and mighty timelord zoned out?" I gasped sarcastically.

"Shut up" He turned so that he wasn't facing me anymore. Was he actually upset?

"Hey" I put my hand on his shoulder "I don't really care" I pointed out.

"I just-" he choked "I just don't want to lose you again!" I felt my eyes widen and turned the Doctor around so that I could see his watery eyes.

"Why would you lose me?" I asked "I'm right here! I'm not going anywhere!"

"I'm sorry" he kept apologizing over and over. I had no idea why he had such a sudden mood change, but I didn't like it at all. Seeing the brave man I had only just met on the verge of tears made me want to cry as well. Which wasn't a good thing.

I pulled him close and hugged him. Burrowing my face into his chest, I could hear both of his hearts beating quickly.

We stayed like that for a while. I don't know exactly how long, but from that day forward I knew that I would never leave the Doctor. No matter what. I would be with that man forever, because he needed me there.