How thrilling… I've never written a sequel before. I hope you like it. The same warnings still apply, and be ready for some major angst. MUHAHAHAHAHA!

I've started a new story, as you probably know if you have me on your alerts. It's called You'll Never Walk Alone (yes, I like to name my fics after songs) and it's a Teen!chesters fic with no slashing- except for two OCs. I'm very excited about it, so let me know what you think!

I own nothing.


"Sam." Dean called his brother over to the rickety kitchen table at Bobby's as he drank his first coffee of the day. Cas was by his side, silently leaning their shoulders together. Cas looked lost and sad- the research was taking the biggest toll on him, and Dean was worried about his angel. Dean had news for Sammy, and he wasn't gonna like it. He sighed and prepared himself for the bitching as Sam leaned in the kitchen archway and gave his full attention. Gabe was still asleep. "Cas and Bobby were doing some research, and uhm, they've got us a pretty solid lead…."

"Well, that's great. Why do I feel like there's a 'but…' coming on here?" Sammy was smart. Dean internally braced himself, clearing his throat and setting down his mug.

""But, it's about half a mile from the farmhouse-"

"No." Of course.


"No, Dean! I'm not putting him through that, he's still… he's not… well." He suddenly looked very tired and dragged a big hand down his despairing face. They figured that with healed wings, Gabe's internal problems might improve, too.

They were wrong. Gabriel wouldn't say anything, and he always claimed he was fine, but he wasn't and everybody knew it was eating him alive. Poor Sam was running himself ragged, worrying about how to help his archangel while sparing his pride or whatever else was holding him back.

"It's been a month, Sam! Maybe what the guy needs is a little bit'a closure! You can't hide the memories forever, and we need the information he can give-!"

"So he's a research source! That's great, Dean." He took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts and anger "Ya know, we don't know what these memories are. We don't know for sure what happened and how much it'll hurt him!" He looked so terrified in that moment that Dean flashed to think that he might be right. No matter how much they read, researched, or saw at that Headquarters, they didn't know for sure what kind of torture Gabriel was subject too.

But, they couldn't just let him jump at every move and sound for the rest of eternity. And, other angels were being hurt and killed and sold: Gabe needed Sam, the population needed them.

"This isn't just about your boyfriend, Sammy: Angels are dying, Cas can't leave without one of us for fear of getting taken, the angels are never safe until we save them. We need what he knows-"

"I-I'll do it." Everybody jumped at the uncharacteristically timid voice behind them. Gabriel looked exhausted and more than just scared. He didn't know his own past, and the flashbacks could only get worse once he filled the gaps. Sam walked over to him, and Gabe took a carefully calculated move toward him until they were practically touching noses. Sam brought his chin up until the archangel met his eyes.


"I'd rather know everything than get all these mixed up snip-its from my subconscious…" he mumbled, trying to look anywhere but at the hunter. Sam heaved a sigh and reached out a hand and carded his fingers in the golden hair.

"You have been having flashbacks…" he murmured sadly.

"I... yeah. I just-" he tried to explain, but was cut off by Sam.

"You said you were fine, Gabriel. That's not fine."

The archangel didn't even respond, Looking back down at his feet with shameful tears glazing his eyes. He hid them quickly, but Sam saw and sighed, coming back to the original point.

"Are you sure?" he gently took his hand from Gabe's hair and fluidly placed it over his cheek, stroking the cheekbone with his thumb. Please don't lie to me, please don't... Gabe just huffed a humorless laugh and fixed his hunter with a rueful smile.

"My brothers and sisters are dying. It doesn't matter if I want to do it or not." his smile dropped and Sam finally really saw just how tired Gabriel was. He pressed his lips tenderly over the angel's forehead. Okay... "We can stop at whatever time you want, okay? Whenever you need to stop, just tell me."

Gabe just nodded, murmuring some shaky response as Sam's arm wrapped around his shoulders. His wide and terrified eyes following his feet as they were guided out into the salvage yard. It was quiet and early and they wouldn't be interrupted.

"What do you remember?" Sam figured he ought to start at the basics. He and Gabe fell in step with wary silence as they sat down on the hood of a dusty old pick up.

"Uhm... not much. Not any of the time I was... held. But I remember you telling me all about how you saved the world. Other than that, just some vague dreams and stuff... I-I remember you finding me, too..." Sam felt his heart leap and plummet at the same time: he had to tell Gabriel everything. And he wasn't even sure what was right.

He also got a second chance with something important.

"Okay..." he took a deep breath, wiping sweaty palms against his jeans. He didn't know how he'd react to the memories and- if nothing else- he had to say this. Gabe needed to know and remember this. "Before we get all messed up in this- and this is gonna be all sappy and sugary-"

"I thought we established that I liked sugar, Sammy." Gabe quipped, making Sam give a nervous chuckle.

"I love you. I think I have... for a long time, and I just- no matter what you remember from what happened to you- just, keep that. Okay? You make me so happy and I love you-" it felt so good rolling off his tongue that he was almost indignant when Gabriel cut him off, until he realized that lips were crushing onto his and arms were winding around his neck. He smiled against the archangel's mouth, bringing up his hands and cradling his face. They separated, but remained close.

"I love you too. You- you've said that to me before... I was... I was freaking out about something and... I remember that." he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Sam's chest. " Everything hurt so bad... Sam..." he trailed off into a whimper and he wrapped the strong bands of his arms around the petite angel as they sat beside him on the hood. "Why- why was I in so much pain?" he sounded like he didn't want to know the answer. Sam took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the onslaught.

"You were taken. You said that they got you around a week after you came back. They- they tortured you, experimented on you, and-" raped you, prepared to sell you away into slavery rings how could he say that calmly? He couldn't say it at all, it was too.. maybe he didn't have to know it. Maybe it would disappear if he let it go... "they manifested your wings and restrained your grace with-"

"Collars." his voice was already flat and dead. Oh no.

"Yeah... Baby, it's-" Okay? How could it possibly be okay? It wasn't. It would never be okay and Sam's words died before he could say them. "I'm here, Gabe..." he muttered; at least that was a fact. It was something provable and instant and hopefully comforting as he gently squeezed his arms around Gabriel's shoulders as the tear glazed too heavily for the angel to see through them. His entire body shook and hands absently started to dig into his sides. Breathing got a little labored. Sam started to panic a little now, as the picking at the skin of his sides turned into full on scratching and manic trembling at his wrists and ribcage, like the bonds were still there.


No answer.

"Gabriel, come on... shush, baby. I'm here, I'm here and you're safe now..."

Then the rambling started. Gabe was truly aware of anything around him anymore, and Sam felt his heart pounding in his ears.

"I- I remember.. he- I was powerless. They s-shoved us into b-barracks and... the- the wings... I didn't... the fledglings, why?" he he trailed off into tears and leaned over, trying to take deep breaths, only to be cut short by the phantom collar choking tighter around his neck, which he tore at desperately.

"Gabriel? Gabe, sotp! You're gonna hurt yourself-"

"SAMMM! SA-AMMMY!... Sammy- I... Sam..." he screamed and sobbed hopelessly, trailing off: both nestling closer to Sam and pulling away.

Cuffs dug harshly against his wrists as Gabriel was forced deeper into the forest, trailing after the small troop of grimy men; like some dog, as they tugged him by his chain. The metal was uncomfortably tight around his throat, and he held his head precariously to avoid the nasty barbs that lined his neck. The strange choking necklace was unlike anything Gabriel had ever felt: he was drained. His limbs were leaden and dead, his head fuzzy, and his grace flickering dully in his forcefully manifested wings. He didn't know why they brought out his wings, bu his heart pounded at the vulnerability of it all as he pulled the walls of golden feathers closer to his back.

Pain suddenly erupted and blood gushed and tore out in warm, wet rivers down into his shirt as the men gave a yank on the chain- leash- with violent force. He couldn't lag or stall with these people. Without smiting powers, that had been his best bet. He suppressed a shudder- these people wouldn't get the satisfaction of his fear- and tried to stand a little taller until he was lead roughly into a clearing of trees.

What the hell...?

"Head down, Bird." A gruff voice spit out, and a rough hand pushed down on the back of his head as he entered... a root cellar? The dirt floor was tightly packed but it still squelched under his feet like it was... wet? Gabriel's head pounded, and his grace throbbed as the barbs dug into his neck... why couldn't he heal himself? Grace was draining out of him like water in a sieve and a panicked helplessnes yanked at his heart. He was completely helpless at the hands of these people- and they did not look happy with him.


He hadn't played Loki since he got... back. There was no vengeance to seek, for all he knew.

Panic swelled in his weak body as the chain jerked him forward and he slipped on the slimy ground, dropping to his knees with a shout of surprise and pain. His hands felt warm against the dirt, wet with whatever covered and soaked into it... he pulled his hands up like they hit a hot stove as he watched the red oozing up between his fingers from the ground.

Blood. A lot of it, and it wasn't not human... he could tell. Get it off, get it off, get it off! He couldn't catch his breath... it couldn't be angel blood, these people didn't know how to... oh. The glint of the silver blade shone in the musty light: an angel blade? But, how did they...?

"You vermin sure are hard to dispose of... thank god we got Harkness now..." Gabe felt the remnants of his grace almost sparking in his chest as he feebly lifted himself up to look at the hunter.

"I don't know many rats'n insects that could single-handedly level a city..." he quipped coolly. The connection between boot and jaw wouldn't have hurt so bad if it wasn't for the tearing skin against the necklace's barbs. "oh, that's not nice..." he spit out a mouthful of blood "ya know, if you needed a jewelry model, all you had to do was ask- I mean, personally, I think it's a little bit violent and hazardous for day-to-day wear, but- AHH!" the blade flicked across his cheekbone and burned like acid against him.

"Shut your mouth- we know you know."


"Ya lost me." he grit his teeth against the pain.

"Oh, such an innocent little bitch, aren't you?" a voice scoffed humorlessly behind him, suddenly yanking his hair at the root and pulling his head back at an angle that drove the barbs in from all sides. "You invade us. You cause storms. You've killed people." he growled, putrid breath wafting to Gabriel's nose

He didn't understand. What storms?: HE WAS DEAD AT THE TIME!

"Sorry boys, I was out of commission for your storms. Not my fault-" his face smashed down into the packed, blood caked earth and a strong strong crushed him into it with the hand in his hair. He struggled for air as the blood of his brothers and sisters painted his cheeks and forehead, the smell clogging his nose and mouth. Tears welled desperately in his eyes.

They killed them.

These ungrateful insects killed his family. He died fighting for their planet, in their name. And they were dealing out twisted justice with a vengeance that made his ignite with anger. How many had already been captured or killed?! Rage clouded his entire being, and he bit his tongue in concentration, begging for a miracle.

There was a bright light and the crack of lightning and ozone as Gabriel channeled all his grace into melting the hands away from him. He smirked, but his vision swam as he came back to himself. He managed to stagger out into the night air, only to feel a crippling sensation of weakness. He couldn't even retract his six golden wings before the woods started to spin and the ground raced up to meet him.

"GABE!? Gabriel, baby please-"

"I was in a forest!" his chest was heaving and he was somehow on the ground. Sam was all around him, and the archangel abandoned any and all shame when he shoved his hands up the thin t shirt Sam wore, desperate to feel the heartbeat against skin and muscle. "They- they had me in... a forest. Somewhere. Missouri, or Montana or... an 'M' state... I- Sammy..." he whimpered. Frustrated and terrified tears made his eyes liquid honey as he tried to get impossibly closer to Sam. He kissed the crown of his head and pulled him into his lap.

"Okay, okay... shhh Baby, it's okay. You're safe." he squeezed him tight."You did so good, Gabriel. That's enough for now. We both need a break-"

"No! Please! They killed so many of them, and I need to get them back, Sam! Please!" he was hysterical. Sam shushed him quietly.

"No, no, Gabe. I'm so sorry, they won't come back. You know it even better than I do..."

"There has to be something! Tell me everything, Sam. Please!"

He looked at him so pleadingly, it broke Sam's heart. They raped you, they hurt you and violated you when you were already hurt so much....

"There's nothing else. That's all we know..." the lies stuck in his throat and Gabe didn't completely believe him and he knew it. But, he just couldn't. Especially not now. Gabriel was beside himself and Sam didn't know how to help him.

He knew it was impossibly wishful thinking, but maybe time would take care of it, and Gabe would never have to remember it. Feeling the soft hands over his heart, Sam drew his fingers up under the archangel's chin until he was looking up at him. He pressed a genlt kiss to his lips and tried to shove away the guilt.