My email is acting up so there is no author's note this time! Sorry but I hope you enjoy the story just the same! Thanks!

Love Smashleigh

Chapter 50:


"Happy birthday darling." Eli said handing me a small box.

We were sitting in the front parlor, waiting for our families to come down so we could enter my birthday party. I took the small blue velvet box and popped open the lid. I never would've expected to find a large five carat diamond ring twinkling at me. For a moment I was speechless. Not once did I realize that he had gotten down on one knee and was looking up at me. My breath caught in my throat and I was too stunned to move.

"Olivia, sweet sweet Olivia," he began. "Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Eli…" I finally say. "I-I don't know what to say."

"I know we are already engaged but I never popped the question myself. While I've enjoyed all our phone conversations I didn't think it'd be romantic if I asked over a call." he explained. "Also you never said yes yourself. It was your parents."

"Oh." is all I said. "I-I-" movement caught my eye outside and I watched the person walk across the garden. "Just give me a minute."

Not waiting for a response I stood abruptly and rushed out of the room. My parent's voices drifted to my ears and I hurried towards the garden doors before they could spot me. Taking a slightly worn path on the edge at the garden, I slipped behind the bushes. Immediately I was grabbed roughly and a hand went over my mouth. Squirming a bit I turned to face my captor and saw his eyes were bright with amusement. Dropping his hand from my mouth I took in a breath quickly before his warm mouth covered mine. Pressing me against the palace wall he tangled his fingers in my hair. I returned his kiss greedily as my arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him closer.

"Sam…" I whispered softly, pulling back slightly.

He looked down into my eyes for a moment, letting our breaths mingle. "Hmm?" he said softly, his eyes running over my face before landing on my lips.

I refrained from licking them and he finally met my eyes. "Are you mad?"

He sighed and leaned into me again. Opening my mouth slightly he didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss. He was avoiding the question, which I knew meant he wasn't happy about seeing Eli's proposal at all. True I should've been upset with him for watching me, but he did it as protection. Eli is the son of the people who tried to kill my parents. But he's also one of the men I've grown attached to these past few years. All of my other suitors were hormone crazed males who only were looking for what dowry I would bring. Well that's what they said to my face. They were probably thinking of what other things I bring…

"Sam." I tried again, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him away slightly.

His breathing had picked up and I saw the familiar flame of desire flash across his eyes. They were now a deep blue, calculating me and my every word. I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed. "Alright yes." he said softly. "I did see." I glanced away but he turned my head back to look at him. "And I don't care. You know why?"

I didn't know where he was going with this. But I shook my head. "No."

He tugged on my hand and we ran down to the stables. In the distance I could faintly see the ballroom windows, lit up and people dancing around the room. I was missing my eighteenth birthday party, but as long as I was with Sam it didn't matter.

"Close your eyes." he said softly.

I did as I was told and he placed a hand on the small of my back. Guiding me through the barn we came to a stop. "Give me your hands."

Placing my hands in his he walked my a few more steps before placing them around the rung of a ladder. Boosting me up, he helped me climb the ladder while climbing behind me the entire time. When we finally reached the landing he wrapped his hands around my waist. Placing his mouth by my ear he finally said the word. "Open."

Slowly opening my eyes I was met with the sight of a small table set for two. It was a simple wrought iron table with a candle placed on top. Suddenly I felt over dressed in my deep blue ball gown.

Sam took my hand and led me over to the table. Scooting a chair out for me, I sat down and fluffed out my dress before turning to my handsome date.

"So…to what do I owe this beautiful surprise?" I teased.

Taking my hand he caressed my fingers before intertwining them with his. Bringing our hands to his lips he kissed my knuckles slowly. I closed my eyes as his warm lips touched each knuckle before kissing each fingertip. I loved this side of Sam. He made me feel relaxed and whenever I'm around him I'm myself, not someone anyone else wants me to be. The perfect princess. The solution to an alliance. The dumb fiancée. But me. His lips ran up to the sensitive skin on my inner wrist and soon he was kneeling in front of me. I was so distracted by his lips that I never noticed the small box now propped on my knee until he stopped. Staring down at him I couldn't help but let the tears fall from my eyes. Sam's own eyes were filled with indecision but when I leaned down to kiss him he returned it passionately.

"So I take that as a yes?" he chuckled pulling back to look into his eyes.

I nodded. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

He opened the box to reveal a simple silver band. I don't care how it looks only because I know it took a fair amount of money from Sam's part. Taking the ring out with shaky hands, Sam slipped it on my finger. I eased out of the chair and kneeled in front of him before kissing him softly on the lips.

Wrapping an arm around my waist he pulled me closer. I tangled my fingers in his hair and brought him closer to me. He nipped my bottom lip playfully and I opened my mouth slightly so he can deepen the kiss. Placing both hands on my hips he eased me down to lie on the rough hay covered floor. Looming over me he ran kisses from my shoulder up my neck. Reaching the pulse point below my ear, he bit down softly and I moaned in pleasure. Fumbling with the top button of his shirt he leaned me up so he could reach the zipper of my dress. Slowly he tugged the zipper down while I finished the buttons of his shirt. Pushing the shirt away, he shrugged it off before finishing the zipper. Sliding it down my body he swallowed hard when it reached my waist. I kicked off the fluffy dress and looked up at him. His eyes ran down to my toes and then back up to my eyes. "My God you're beautiful." he said, fingering a lacy bra strap.

My eyes strayed to his tan, ripped chest. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Just pure, sexy muscle. Suddenly I spotted writing on his left side. Running my fingers over the letters I traced my name.

"When did you get this?" I asked, tracing the last letter of the tattoo.

"I got it about a month ago. Remember when I told you I was sore?" he told me.

I nodded. "You told me a horse kicked you."

He chuckled leaning down to kiss my neck. "Well it wasn't a horse."

Tracing his side I moved my hand lower to trace the top of his jeans. He growled against my neck before catching my mouth in a scorching kiss. "Olivia…" he said against my mouth. "You have no idea what you're doing to me."

"Show me." I exhaled when he trailed kisses along my collarbone.

A growl vibrated deep in his throat and he kicked off his jeans and shoes. I swallowed hard at the thought of what we were doing. But I didn't care. I wanted him, only him.

"Are you sure about this?" Sam asked, recognizing my distracted look.

I nodded my head and brought his head down to mine. Giving him a quick kiss I pulled back so he could see the certainty in my eyes. "Please Sam."


"Have you seen Olivia?" my Mother asked after I danced with the forty millionth woman of the night.

I shook my head and took a seat at our table on stage. "Why? Is he fake Romeo looking for her?"

She shot me a sly smile. "I wish it could've been anyone but him. But yes he is. Seems she ran out when he proposed and hadn't been seen since."

I rolled my eyes. Knowing her she was with Sam, and no, she didn't tell me. I saw them kissing the other day in the garden while I was walking around. She was lucky, I'll say that. Anytime she needed a distraction or someone to love her, she'd go to Sam. Sam has told me he intended on marrying Olivia, but I told him not to waste his breath. Olivia knew her duty and was a respectable young woman. She'd never throw it away for something as silly as love. (A/N: Oh Alex if only you knew! Haha)

"Maybe we should go find her…" my Mother said.

I never heard the end of that sentence because I saw her dash into the hallway quickly. Excusing myself I chased after her and was out in the hall in seconds. She barely made it to the stairs when I grabbed her arm. Whirling her around she stared at me with a faraway look in her eyes.

"Where have you been?" I demanded.

She smiled and threw her arms around my neck. "With my fiancé." she giggled in my ear before rushing up the stairs.

It was then I noticed her rumpled dress and knotted hair. I swear to God if Sam did what I think he did…

"Was that your sister?" someone said behind me.

I turned around to see Eli. The little pipsqueak was trying to peek around me at the stairs. Too bad he was any taller than five-nine. I got my Father's height so I towered over him by about half a foot. He gave me a nasty look before one of cool indifference replaced it.

"Yes and she's very tired." I lied.

Eli nodded. "Well when you see her can you tell her her fiancé was looking for her?"

I bowed my head. "Of course." Thought I'm fairly certain he was not the fiancé she was referring to.

Eli left to go back into the ballroom. Ignoring the gay party-goers I took the stairs two at a time to the third floor. Olivia's door was open and she was lying in a heap on her bed. I thought she was asleep until I heard a muffled cry come from her mouth.

"Olivia?" I said softly, closing the door behind me.

She bolted up but the relaxed when she saw it was only me. "Oh Alex." she said around a hiccup. "What is it?"

I sat down on the bed beside her. "What's wrong? You seemed happy a few minutes ago."

"I was. But now…now I realize how awful I am." she cried burying her face in her pillows.

I rubbed a hand up and down her back. "Shh. It can't be that bad?"

"It is!" she cried. "I knew we should've stopped but…but…"

"Stopped?" my voice cracked and I cleared my throat. "Olivia…"

"Alex you know what I mean! I know you do!" she exclaimed, sitting up to look at me.

I sighed and nodded. "Sadly yes. Though I'm happy you found love, I'm absolutely insulted you'd do something like that."

She covered her mouth and let out a shrill cry. "If I were…what if…"

"Stop!" I pleaded. "There's really nothing to do now!"

She nodded. "Maybe I'll get lucky! Maybe I won't be-"

I stopped her from finishing the sentence. "I'm just gonna go. You know what tomorrow is."

"Oh my God! Alex tomorrow is when you get to see your girls!" she exclaimed giddily.

"Yeah…" I said unenthusiastically. "Whippidy do!"

She shoved my shoulder. "Just promise me one thing."

I looked her directly in the eye. "What?"

"You won't tell anyone if I am." she said softly.

"If you're what?" someone said from the door.

Sorry! Cliffhanger for you and you and you! This is just to make you read the sequel! Haha