Author's Note: This is it!

Leon made a move to kneel on the ground as Ada did.

"There's no need Agent Kennedy. Thank you for subduing Miss Wong." A soldier with a BSSA patch on his arm barked.

"I didn't-"

"He did." Ada interrupted him bluntly, "I forced him to come with me."


"What are you waiting for boys? Us international spies don't sit around forever." She gave her sly smile to the soldiers aiming guns at her.

"Bring the containment car." The soldier from before barked as he hauled Ada to her feet and cuffed her wrists harshly. Ada caught Leon's gaze in an unreadable expression before she was led away to the containment vehicle and Leon was guided in the opposite direction and into a BSAA car as some lower ranked soldiers collected up the briefcases with C2X cure in them.

He was mostly silent the entire ride to the small base that the BSAA had. They just in front of the containment car that he knew Ada was being held in. It was a large van that he knew would have a cell instead of a back seat. He watched the van the whole time in the wing mirror.

He didn't pay attention as he sat in on a small brief for the soldiers inside the base and scientists began swarming on the vials of cure. He didn't perk up until a low ranked soldier came into the room announcing that Ada Wong had been disarmed and stripped of her possessions which were being held in the evidence room next to the cells. The head soldier was about to dismiss him when Leon stood sharply causing all eyes in the rom to turn to him.

"I'd like to talk to her if I may." He was met by suspicious glances, "To check she's contained." More blank glances. "Do I need to pull rank here?"

"Of course not agent, take him to her." The head pointed at a quite obviously unexperienced soldier in the room. The rookie nodded hastily before leading Leon out of the room and through the facility.

When they came to the end of a corridor he saw the ever so helpfully labelled Evidence Room to the right and then straight in front of him the door to the cells – which was unguarded.

"Are there any guards watching her?" Leon asked, purposefully putting on his official voice that was usually reserved for shouting at inferior agents back at his own base.

"U-uh, no sir. This is a small base, we haven't the man power to guard every cell and prisoner. We don't even have security cameras in this base. The cells are secure though, s-sir. Only the commander has the keys."

"As long as they're secure. You can leave now, soldier."

"I really should stay, sir."

"Are you questioning my authority, soldier?" Leon pinned the rookie with a harsh glare – he almost felt bad when he saw the guy almost shake with fear.

"Of course not, sir. I'll go now, sir." And the soldier scuttled away.

Leon waited for him to get out of earshot before entering the evidence room. So, only the commander has the key. I wonder…

On a table he found Ada's weapons and belt – with all of her item pouches still attached. He immediately began searching through the belt until-


He pulled out the lockpicks he had seen Ada use to open the door out of the facility before storing them away in her pouch again. With the tools in hand he rushed out of the evidence room and burst into the cells.

Sitting on the ground behind bars was Ada, looking uncharacteristicly vulnerable.

"Leon?" She looked wary, almost reminiscent of an animal ready to bolt.

"Didn't think I'd leave you did you? I did say I like you didn't I? Or did I only say that in my mind? It would likely be less embarrassing that way." Despite his words Leon smiled easily at her.

"You're serious?"

"Yeah, now do you want out of there? I can't get you the key but I can give you the next best thing." Leon kept smiling as he handed her lockpick tools through the bars. A beam of a genuine looking smile flashed across her face and she pushed herself to her feet quickly, grabbing for Leon's hand. He watched as she picked the lock with ease and the barred door swung open.

"You saved me." Ada stated plainly as she looked at him, "How many times have you saved me now, handsome?"

"Who's counting?" Leon grinned as she stepped out of the cell, rolling her eyes good-naturedly.

"My gear?" She asked with her sweet smile. Leon tilted his head in a 'follow me' fashion and led her to the evidence room before watching as she checked all her weapons and supplies over in an obviously practised routine that Leon felt happy watching, just seeing a bit of normality – a part of her. And then he frowned. He wouldn't need to be seeing this is if she hadn't given herself over to the BSAA so easily.

"Why'd you do that Ada?"

"Do what, Leon?" She gave him her most naïve look.

"That look won't work on me Ada. You gave in. Took the fall. Why?"

She sighed heavily, "Because you're right Leon. I always run away before the end, leave you with the aftermath. Isn't it about time I dealt with the aftermath? How much trouble have I managed to get you in before? How many times have you been hurt trying to save me? It was my turn."

"Ada," Leon spoke softly, "You couldn't have thought I'd just leave you in a cell?"

"Yes, well it did spoil my attempt at being the good person in this scenario." She allowed herself to smile a little.

"You already were, Miss Wong. Now, let's get you out of here." He started leading the way through the characters, relying on his memory to guide the way to the exit, checking around corners and holding up his arm to pause her as he checked around every corner before they took it - he'd gone around a corner blindly once already today, he wasn't making the same mistake twice. They both jumped with fear when they finally got to the door they had both came in where the cars were left and there was a BSAA soldier face to face with them as soon as they stepped outside. Leon reacted in seconds, pulling his pistol and hitting him with the blunt of the handle without a second thought, knocking him out cold.

"You're going to get in a lot of trouble for this, Handsome."

"I'm doing the right thing though. Trust me, my report to Hunnigan will highlight every good action you've done. I'll clear as many standing arrest warrants as I can." He led the way over to a car, the keys still in the ignition. "Your car was on the other side of the facility to where the BSAA entered, they didn't even know it was there. It hasn't been touched. Go, get it, escape, I'll deal with the aftermath here."

Ada stared slightly blankly at him for a second, "You're still ruining my attempts to atone for leaving you to do exactly this in the past."

"I'm sure you'll make it up to me one day, Ada." He smiled as he spoke.

"Maybe I can start repaying my debt now." She walked closer to him slowly, holding his gaze until they were close enough that their chests were almost touching and she was very aware of their height difference forcing her to look up to him.

I may as well just do it, it's not worth pretending I don't want to, not after everything that has happened. I kissed him once in Raccoon already, it was that that changed me wasn't it?

A tentative hand was laid on his blue, ruined shirt at his chest, followed by her other hand mirroring it and she pushed herself onto her toes so she could brush their lips together oh so gently. His blue eyes fluttered ever so slightly before he made a small sound in the back of his throat. He pressed his good hand against her shoulder, pushing Ada back slightly.

"I don't want you to kiss me to repay me, I don't want a kiss to be for that reason Ada." His brow was furrowed as he looked into her eyes, his tone level but his pupils wide.

"I'm kissing you because I want to, Leon. I just don't have anything else to pay you in. So until next time-"

She reached up to bring their lips together again, waiting until he released the tension in his shoulders before reaching her hands up and pulling at his hair slightly to bring his head down to a better level. After only a split second he moved his lips back against hers, his good hand wrapping around her waist and his other hand reaching to bury in her raven black hair as the kiss deepened. His wince as he was rudely reminded of his injury cut their kiss short but Ada just gave a small laugh.

"You should get that checked out handsome."

"I can do that later."

"We can't stand here all day, Leon. Now, go. You be the one to leave me first this time." She patted her hands against his shoulders and took a step back. He frowned, and suddenly looked an awful lot like a kicked puppy as he looked at her with wide eyes. "Don't give me that look handsome, our paths always cross eventually. We'll meet again I'm sure. Soon. Maybe after you clear those international arrest warrants. Go." She have him a friendly push back and flashed a smile. Thankfully he returned the smile.

"See you soon, Ada."

"Until we meet again, Handsome."

She watched him turn and leave, going back inside the BSAA base and stealing a glance back at her as he closed the door. And as Ada opened the door of the military car she couldn't help the smile on her face spreading from cheek to cheek. She really isn't the heartless spy she once was in Raccoon.

Author's Continued Note: There! It's done! Unknown Enemy has been finished! You have no idea how happy that makes me! It's been four years since I started this fic and so much has changed in that time, I've gone from a kid with no qualifications to having the highest English qualification I could get in high school (and I have to say I attribute that to writing fanfiction, if anyone ever tells you its a waste of time to read or write fanfic don't listen!) I want to thank anyone and everyone who has read this - especially to anyone who has waited patiently for my updates and to people who have commented on this story, I love hearing from readers and I read every comment! I really should reply to everyone and thank them but I never do! Oops. For anyone curious I also write on Archive of Our Own under the name LyssGreen but I'll make an attempt to stay active on both sites. Next should really be Thirteen, which would continue Ada and Leon's story a little since it was originally meant to be set directly after this - though some small details have about this story changed from the original endgame of Unknown Enemy. I'll see what my university time table has in store and how much time I'll have free and see about writing in my spare time.

Again, Thank you for reading, you're all the stars of the show here. It's been a bloody long road but we got there.

I'd love to hear what you thought of it, I know my writing style likely changed in the middle but I tried! Leave me a review, let me know if it was a good enough ending.

See you soon, everyone,

Coco x