The Amazing World of Gumball: When Drama Comes (K+ for Mild Language and Fantasy Violence)


I do not own The Amazing World of Gumball

The Heart (Carrie's Feelings)

Main Characters: Carrie and Darwin

Supporting Characters: Penny, Teri, and Gumball

Setting: After The Surprise (Leslie's Feelings) as events in 'Halloween' and 'The Pressure' are mentioned

Summary: In this story, when Darwin and Carrie get in detention, she noticed that she has feelings for Darwin. She remembered the time how Darwin kissed her lip-on-lip in the halloween party. Now, Carrie has to express her feelings to him like how Leslie did to Teri. This is the sequel story of The Surprise (Leslie's Feelings).

Chapter 1: To Detention

-Elmore Junior High-

-The Cafeteria, 9:30AM-

It was a normal day at Elmore Junior High as everybody's popular ghost, Carrie, and her good friend, Teri, are getting snacks at the Cafeteria. Formerly, Carrie feels her life a misery every time when she goes to the cafeteria. But after Gumball helped her and become good friends, she started to feel excitement on our life, even born as a ghost. Right now, they are talking about the events of The Surprise and their feelings to their respective love interests. Bad news is that Carrie doesn't have a crush on someone beside Gumball once

"You have a crush on Gumball?" Teri asked in shock to Carrie as she gets her snacks

"Yes, Teri" Carrie answered undoubtedly as she then gets her sandwich "But after Gumball accidentally kissed Penny at her birthday, I decided to move on without violent reactions" and the girls sit each other with Masami and Penny

"Wow, you sure learned a lesson, right?" Teri advised the ghost "If you found your love having a crush on someone else, let it go"

"I know like Penny has a crush on Gumball" Carrie already knows that and she then discovered someone who likes her "I wonder if Darwin likes me" and the girls awed to the ghost teasing

And suddenly, Darwin screamed half-emptying his lungs as he runs to the cafeteria in panic. Tina chases Darwin because she is getting revenge on him again because she is suspended last week. And now, she must go without any of the staff noticing her. The girls shocked but Carrie has her chance to save him

"I'll handle this" Carrie takes the part as she floats to the runaway T-Rex who actually already cornered Darwin in the concrete wall

"Please, don't hurt me" Darwin begged to Tina in panic, trying not to get another injury "Don't break my leg. I'm sorry; I'll give you something, anything, like take my lunch money" he gives the money to the angry T-Rex but Carrie possesses her giant body, she controls her like a style of Q.W.O.P. The Rex noticed and she is about to walk away from him

"Carrie" Tina argued to the ghost as she is about to run out of the Cafeteria window "What the heck are you doing?"

"Staying away from Darwin" Carrie answered as she throws her out of the window "I don't have to do this, but you leave me no choice"

And once Tina jumped out of the window, she and Carrie lands on the covered court ground face-first painfully. Carrie ejects out of Tina's body and floatingly rushes to Darwin to see if he is traumatized. When he opened his eyes, Carrie is in front of him with a comforting mood

"Darwin, are you okay?" Carrie asked to the goldfish comforting his nerves

"I'm fine, Carrie" Darwin replied politely "Thanks for saving me and-" and suddenly they saw Principal Brown who saw the whole accident of breaking the Cafeteria Glass in the window

"You two!" Principal Brown angrily called and gives a pop quiz "Don't you know how much this damage costs?" Carrie and Darwin looked at the broken glass, apparently, it was explicitly broken and Carrie answered with a shrug

"Um, 20 Dollars"

"Apparently so, Carrie" Principal Brown agreed and gives a punishment "That's why, you and Darwin are 3 Hours of Detention for vandalizing school property" and the two follows Principal Brown as he leads them to detention

-Detention Room, 10:00AM-

At the room where students are called for detention, Darwin and Carrie are sitting beside each other while Principal Brown is on his desk to check on the students. Gumball and Darwin commonly reside in this place because their misadventure can lead them there for some unruly behavior. But after awhile, they may learn a lesson about their misadventures. The furry slug checks the time and he has to leave the two for his unfinished business

"Well, I'll be going, you two" Principal Brown said as he gets his mug of coffee to leave the room "Make sure not to leave the room or else-"

"I know, Principal Brown" Carrie interrupted because she knows the rules off-screen

"Wow" Principal Brown is ironically impressed "I guess Carrie knows the rules than you, Darwin. See you later" and he leaves Carrie and Darwin unattended, closing the door in the process

After a minute of silence, Gumball and Teri looked at Darwin and Carrie from the door. They seem to be normal and awkward until Darwin finally spoke

"Carrie, I'm sorry"

"Sorry about what?" Carrie asked to the goldfish in an apologetic voice "Getting us in detention?"

"Yep" Darwin sadly agreed, trying not to offend her as she puts her hand to his cheek

"It's not your fault, Darwin" Carrie accepts his apology as he turned "It was Tina who threw us there in this darn place"

"Can you watch your language, Carrie?" Darwin asked politely

"Whatever, Darwin" Carrie agreed, mildly offending him, and then noted "But I'm not always offensive to boys like you since Gumball helped me to continue on my crazy junk food spree" he slightly blushed because Carrie knows how he feels to the ghost, he checked at the clock and it was just 10:05AM, just beginning of their detention

"So, Carrie" Darwin nervously asked to the ghost "How about a comforting hangout?"

"You mean, a date?" Carrie asked nervously as well

"Uh, no, Carrie" Darwin answered and then said "Just like how good friends do. At the library, maybe we can meet"

"Sure, Darwin" Carrie agreed and asked "What time?"

"Maybe sometime after detention?" Darwin asked politely to the ghost

"You're on" Carrie accepted his invitation as she flips her hair to appeal him, they laughed each other as getting in detention isn't so bad after all. Once 3 Hours of Detention is over, Principal Brown let them go and stay away for a while

-The Hallway, 1:00PM-

At the Hallway with Carrie's locker, she opens her locker and saw a note about a love note. She gets it and she reads it

Dear Carrie the Ghost:

The way your hair flips,

Makes me nervous to tell you.

Even I can't physically feel you,

I can still touch you like a thin air.

I wanted to say 'I like you' and,

Please let me know if you feel the same way.

From your good friend, Goldfish

(FanBoy752: End of Chapter1. Next Chapter, Carrie will find out if Darwin has a crush on her at the library. Simple summary but I hope you'll understand. Goodbye, see you soon)