A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! After a very, very long absence. In my absence, I moved out with my bf, had a baby and separated from said bf. So pretty hectic stuff. Finally, I got around to writing again! I really hope its up to my usual standards, if not, my sincerest apologies, but I haven't done this in a very long time. As always, please enjoy and feedback is very much encouraged. If you're still following my story after such a long hiatus, i'm more grateful than can describe. Look after yourselves, lovelies! Xxx

Chapter 41

Yugi opened his eyes. His features were somehow much more serious and agitated. He looked almost scary as he surveyed the spirit before him. Hina was transfixed on the exchange and only noticed someone was coming to her aid when they reached her, hooking an arm under her and taking her weight, forcing her to remain upright.

"Thanks," Hina whispered turning to glance at the blonde haired man she'd come to recognise as a friend.

"Can you walk?" He asked. He didn't wait for her to answer. Without a response, Marik picked her up and carried her across the courtyard as the Pharaoh and Bakura squared up to each other. Hina struggled to focus on herself as she watched the two most powerful people in the world squaring up to each other. Once stood behind Yugi, Marik gently lowered her to the floor. Hina coughed painfully as her hands pressed over her stomach, trying to stop the blood flow. Hina suspected that she was probably dying. There was no escaping it. The man had a talent for killing. She was just his next victim. Hina gazed over to Yugi whose eyes flickered sadly to her. Hina smiled despite the terror and pain flowing through her.

"Osamu, he's still alive… will his soul return to him… if you defeat him…" Hina whispered, a wet metallic taste filling her mouth. Yugi slipped the pendant he'd been cradling in his arms, over his head and walked the few paces to Hina's side. He dropped down beside her.

"You've done well," He whispered gently. Hina smiled. There was a familiarity in the man's eyes. It was Yugi, but wasn't at the same time. Hina glanced towards Bakura and understanding dawned on her. It was the same. This was a spirit, possessing Yugi's body, but unlike the spirit inhabiting Ryo, Yugi welcomed him. He was Yugi's friend. Hina lifted her hand to him and he took it. In her hand clasped a piece of paper folded around a card. Somehow, among all the chaos, she'd remembered to carry the items with her.

"He… he said he'd pull me back… he'd take my soul, if I died… Please… Don't let him…" Hina choked panicked. She remembered the conversation all too well and hated the idea. She wanted to be free of him, finally. Death scared her, but Bakura pulling her back from the darkness of it to torture her soul forever terrified her more.

"I promise, he won't harm you again, but you won't die here" The Pharaoh replied kindly. Hina wasn't sure she could believe him, but there was something so trustworthy about the man speaking soothingly to her. She gazed up towards Marik who sat beside her. Hina hadn't noticed he'd replaced his hands over her profusely bleeding wound. She absently wondered when he'd done it.

"Win… okay? Don't… don't… let him… summon the monster…" Hina winced. She wanted to close her eyes, just for a brief moment, but she knew if she did, there would be a chance they'd never open again. She wanted to believe the man, what he'd said, but she also wanted to ensure it remained true. Hina would make sure it was true. She wasn't about to give up yet, not now. She would see this through till the end. Hina hadn't come this far to just give in and die for him. She wanted to see them win. She had to see it through to the end. A second person dropped down besides Hina and she vaguely recognised the woman.

"I'll look after her, Marik," The woman spoke softly.

"Ishizu," Marik responded before adding, "Don't let her die,"

The Pharaoh stood up and turned back round to face the spirit of the millennium ring, grim determination across his face. The Pharaoh glanced in his hand at what the injured girl had given him. It seemed to be a letter of sorts and folded in the centre was a card he recognised. The Dark Magician.

"Bakura, you've tried to kill the only person on this planet that ever meant anything to you… Are you really such a cold hearted person to not care? Look at her!" The Pharaoh yelled, pointing towards Hina who was beginning to shiver. Bakura sneered at the man stood before him, his eyes refusing to take in the girl and the stain of red slowly growing upon her. He didn't want to admit to the pain he felt at seeing her broken, in pain and lying on the floor on the side of the enemy. He couldn't quite comprehend the feeling rising within him once more at the sense of loss. This time was no different from the last time. It was the Pharaohs fault. He'd done this to him. He'd done it again. It was because of Marik too. Hina had become corrupted by them. They'd turned her against him when she'd finally belonged wholeheartedly to him, forcing him to take the ultimate action against her. He'd been willing to give her everything. He wanted her to survive and stay with him, but she didn't. He'd been manipulated by her far too many times and she deserved to die.

"The only regret I have is not plunging that knife into her a thousand more times," Bakura spat, the blood soaked blade still clutched in his hand as he squared up to the enemy. Hina felt his words cut into deeper than she thought simple words could. She still couldn't lie to herself and the emotional turmoil this man put her through.

"ENOUGH," The man Hina hadn't actually seen before cut across the exchange.

"Where is my brother, you snake?" Kaiba demanded. Hina tried to sit up, but was forced back down as Ishizu tried to dress her wound. Hina could just make out the man who had spoken and realisation dawned on her. The dark haired boy and the girl Marik had brought with him one time, in an effort to convince Bakura Kaiba was dead, he was still here. Hina shook her head in disbelief.

"Dead. As soon as your acquaintance there showed his betrayal, I had them killed. I couldn't very well have spies infiltrating my home now, could I?" Bakura laughed coldly. Hina shook her head.

"No," She whispered defiant as ever. "I… I don't think they are," Hina tried to speak, but found it difficult as the pain of been stabbed really started setting in.

"I won't hesitate to finish the job," Bakura's voice radiated out to her, sending chills coursing through her. Hina forced herself to stand up. She wasn't going to sit back and allow his cruelty. Ishizu was forced into supporting her as she faced Bakura.

"There is no way in hell you'd have killed them!" Hina cried out to him, wincing at her own effort to shout. Either way, Hina refused to stop. She felt relatively safe, despite the terrible danger they were all in. She was with friends now, not enemies. The people she stood with represented everything she wanted. They stood to gain freedom and peace. Hina wanted nothing more than that.

"How do you know? You're nothing but a slave, you've never been anything but a slave, a nothing," Bakura retaliated his anger radiating from him.

"We… we both know that's not true… If… If I ever found out that… that you'd killed them… I'd have never forgiven you…" Hina breathed clutching at her middle in clear discomfort.

"That's… that's why I know… they're still… alive…" Hina finished turning to Kaiba and smiling weakly.

"Joey too… He… he's still alive… somewhere… I just know he is…" Hina stumbled sideways and Marik was forced to catch her. He once again helped lower her to the ground where Ishizu continued to work on her wound, bandaging it up and stopping the flow of blood.

"Bakura, you have destroyed this planet, but that ends now. Without my puzzle, you have no way of resurrecting Zorc and there for you have no way of winning this battle." The Pharaoh declared, his voice echoing out over the battle field.

"I don't need Zorc to beat a fool like you," Bakura snarled back, his eyes alight with bloodlust.

"I am the dark, I am the King of this pathetic mortal world, Pharaoh, I am the great thief and the stealer of souls. I conquered this earth and the darkness, the very shadows, they obey me! You have no power here!" Bakura barked, laughing manically.

"That is where you're wrong, Bakura! While there are those still loyal to me, I have power enough to defeat you!" Yugi roared out, his voice reverberating around the scene, allowing everybody in the area to hear him clearly.

Hina felt the prickle in the air as her hair stood on end. Hina knew what was about to happen bare moments before it did. She didn't even have time to shout out a warning. Black shadows leapt into existence, striking towards Yugi. Hina wanted to scream out a warning, but was unable to. She watched wide eyed as the man dodged the black swirling streams with ease. Hina was surprised he could dodge them so agilely. Yugi's body had been as close to death a person's body could be without actually passing over mere days ago. How had they fixed him up so quickly? Bakura wasn't about to let up though. He used his power over the shadows to send tendril after tendril lashing out Yugi's way. Hina watched with wide eyes as Yugi dodged them almost effortlessly. Did the spirit inhabiting his body really possess that much strength? Yugi skidded to a stop before Bakura, the distance between them barely feeling like enough.

"Enough!" Yugi yelled out, his eyes narrowed as he glared at his opponent, "Are you really this blinded by revenge?" Yugi demanded slicing his arm through the air to emphasise his point. Bakura sneered at him, amused by his obvious attempts to incite some sort of positive emotional response from him. It was pathetic.

"Zorc is a part of me, Pharaoh, I will have my revenge!" Bakura cackled laughing manically. Hina shuddered hearing him. He sounded nothing like the King she'd grown to like, to appreciate. The woman next to her, Ishizu, squeezed her arm comfortingly.

Hina watched wide eyed as Bakura suddenly pulled together his power, the darkness surrounding them all thickening as he pulled it towards him. Hina had never before seen him fight with these powers like this and it was terrifying to witness. They didn't have a chance against him and the powers he possessed. He was too powerful, even for the Pharaoh. How were they meant to fight him? Hina wanted to shout out a warning to Yugi, but she didn't even have chance to summon the strength to yell out. Without hesitation, Bakura directed the power towards the Pharaoh. Hina squeezed her eyes closed, convinced it was all over. There was no way he would survive the range of the attack and when he fell, they would all fall at Bakura's feet. The sound of the shadows fired at the Pharaoh roared through the air, pulsating sickeningly. A bright light shone through Hina's eyelids quite suddenly. Hina, puzzled, forced herself to gaze once more at the scene. A light had appeared in front of the Pharaoh, deflecting the attack. It hurt her eyes to stare at it and she was forced to turn away. When the light had died back down, Bakura's attack was nowhere to be seen.

Yugi stood unflinching behind a new figure, a taller one that had appeared as if out of nowhere. The figure turned his head slightly to glance at the man he'd just protected. Hina couldn't see the Pharaohs face from where she sat upon the ground, but she could almost sense the surprise within the man as he saw the figure. Hina herself found herself shocked. She recognised the man who'd protected the Pharaoh and was struggling to believe it. It was the Dark Magician, the character from the card she'd handed across to the Pharaoh, the card Osamu had got for her all those years ago.

"Mahad?" The Pharaohs voice rang out across the quietened court yard. The Dark Magicians face spilt into a friendly smile.

"My Pharaoh," He responded gently.

"How?" Yugi whispered back.

"My Pharaoh, I swore to serve you and I will keep that oath," The Dark Magician replied, turning back to face the enemy.

"As touching a reunion this is, I'm afraid I must interrupt," A voice sneered at them. Hina's eyes flickered across the clearing to where Bakura stood smirking. Hina felt a pang of too many emotions explode within her chest, bringing tears to her eyes. How could he be so cruel?

"It seems you didn't get enough of my power last time, Mahad? Now you return from beyond the grave for more?" Bakura laughed coldly. The Dark Magician pointed his staff towards the King.

"Bakura, you will pay for your misgivings with your life," Mahad growled. A blast of energy erupted from the Dark Magicians staff, firing directly towards Bakura. Panic erupted within Hina and she had to severely fight the urge to shout out a warning. She clutched at her head squeezing her eyes closed once more, this time to stop any tears from falling. Her emotions were so messed up. She couldn't, shouldn't feel like this for him! She should want to see him fall, want to see him defeated, but even after he'd plunged a knife into her, she still couldn't bear to see him hurt. Bakura didn't even flinch at the attack. He pulled together the shadows which absorbed the blast of light with ease.

"If this is the way you want to play, so be it," Bakura growled, a hideous expression across his face. Shadows immediately began to erupt from the ground all around him. The mass of swirling nothingness swarmed up, forming dense 7ft mounds which gradually began to take shape. Hina stared in horror as monsters appeared out of the dark, gigantic horrible creatures of all shapes. There was a creature in the shape of a large bulky set of armour, waving around a humongous great sword, its head completely missing. Another was very pale in colour and serpent like, a human torso where its tail should be. Each creature now facing them was more ferocious and horrific looking than the last. How were they supposed to defeat an army of shadow creatures, monsters made out of pure evil? Rebel warriors, who had all been watching the fight idly from the side lines now band together, behind the Pharaoh. Hina gazed around at the people as they walked past her to face this new terrifying terror. The group was made up of men, women and children, all of different shapes and sizes. Hina wished she could help, wished she could fight alongside them too, but she was too weak. Bakura had taken care of her to make sure she was out of this fight.

"It has been a long time since you fought with a blade, hasn't it, Pharaoh?" Bakura laughed cruelly from the opposite side of the yard. Hina could just make out the man through the crowds that now blocked her view. The Pharaoh was facing the battle with a look of grim determination upon his face. Despite what was awaiting him, he would never back down from this fight. There was too much to lose if he did. Without further warning, the battle started and hell broke loose. The sound was deafening and Hina had to force herself to not cover her ears as swords clanged, blood spilled and flesh ripped. Ishizu had bandaged up Hina's wound as best she could, but it wasn't ideal. As far as she'd been able to tell, none of Hina's vital organs had been pierced, however without a proper medical team, it was too difficult to say for certain. Ishizu stayed by Hina's side, transfixed by the battle exploding out before her. She closed her eyes and made a silent prayer to the gods that the outcome of such bloodshed would be in their favour.

Hina winced as she focused her eyes away from the fighting. She'd been engrossed by its gruesome nature for several moments, time wise she wasn't certain just how long. After a while, it made her feel sick and she had to drag her horrified gaze away. Hina wished she wasn't so helpless, lying on the floor in clothes soaked in her own blood. She could feel the confines of the bandages taught around her middle, barely dulling the blunt pain her midriff had become. Tears seemed to be permanently welling in her wide fearful eyes as she lay slumped on the dirty floor, leaning against the woman called Ishizu.

"Hina," A voice spoke her name, forcing her vision to focus and find the owner of it. Marik was facing her, crouched down before her. Was Hina so lost in her own mind she'd not noticed him approaching her? She pushed the self-misery away and gazed into the man's serious face. He was looking incredibly determined.

"We need to help the Pharaoh," He spoke over the sounds of an epic battle. Hina frowned. She wanted to help, damn she wished she could be by his side as he fought the King, but she couldn't. She had been stabbed and was completely drained of any energy she'd had left.

"How?" Hina asked helplessly. Marik could clearly see the defeat in her eyes before she'd even tried. He smiled at her in what he hopped was a reassuring way. He was struggling to drown out the sound of blood curdling shrieks and death emitting from the battle ground just mere feet away from them.

"We need to find another of the Pharaohs friends. They can help us, help him" Marik urged. Hina nodded slowly as if understanding what he was asking and why it was important. Hina just couldn't understand how she was supposed to help him. She could barely move.

"You know the Palace better than anyone of us, you can help us try to find them,"Hina doubted this very much. She had only seen parts of the palace she had been allowed to see. Bakura had never allowed her to explore the place on her own. She couldn't think of a single place where any other prisoners would be kept, but she wanted to help in any way she could. She couldn't fight, not physically, but this way… she could help once more to bring about the Kings fall.

"I… I can't move… I can't walk…" Hina admitted sadly. Marik didn't hesitate. He bent down and gently scooped the injured girl off the ground as if she weighed nothing.

"Careful, Marik," Ishizu exclaimed as he straightened back up, the girl wincing in his arms.

"I… I'm fine," Hina breathed as the throbbing pain the movement had just caused her ebbed away. Hina found herself clutching onto his shoulder with blood stained finger tips.

"Marik, please be careful." Ishizu spoke worriedly. Marik glanced around at his sister who had stood up. She was watching them both fearfully. Marik didn't respond other than to nod curtly. He then glanced over his shoulder at the taller dark haired man named Kaiba.

"Ready to find your brother?" Marik asked him. Kaiba, who as far as Hina could tell, always seemed to have a permanent scowl etched across his face. At Marik's words, Hina witnessed the scowl deepen. Marik seemed to take that as some sort of answer as he then began to walk. It seemed to Hina that her weight in his arms didn't seem to bother him at all. Marik made his way around the edge of the fighting, not wanting to get caught up in it when his arms were full. They'd made it just round the edge of the fighting and Hina could see the building entrance looming up before them. She didn't want to go back inside the castle that had been her permanent hell for the last few months, but there was no way of avoiding it. She had a mission to do, to help Marik complete. She wasn't going to chicken out now.

Marik was focused on the way ahead. Too focused. He didn't see the slithering pulsating strand of dark tendrils cutting its way through the battle field at impossible speed. The black strands wrapped themselves around Marik's legs as quick as a snakes strike. He cried out as he was flung to the floor. The sudden attack took mere seconds and Marik had no time to prepare himself. Hina was thrown from his grip and crashed roughly onto the hard floor. Hina let out a cry of pain as her stomach exploded in agony from the bone shuddering knock. Neither of them had a chance to gather their thoughts together before the strands of darkness wrapped tightly around their feet and dragged. Hina couldn't cry out, couldn't scream. She was getting thrown from side to side as violently as was possible as the strands of darkness dragged them through the sea of legs, corpses, flesh and blood, towards the darkness's host. Hina was winded from the impact with the ground, but more than that, she was resigned to her fate. The rough ground scraped against her back as she was pulled along. When she came to an abrupt stop, Hina's head was spinning, body was in agony and she felt dazed. Hina wasn't given time to collect herself or focus however when Marik joined her side seconds later. Hina blinked, desperate to get herself awake, alert. It was what she had to do if she was in with a chance of surviving. They were both lying on their backs and from the sounds of it, the battling around them had ceased to watch whatever was to come next. Hina's eyes eventually focused and she stared up into the face of the figure towering over them both. She had expected as much and wasn't at all surprised.

Bakura was glaring down at them, his face screwed up into an expression of pure loathing. He seemed uninjured from the fighting and that fact alone scared and comforted Hina. In his hand, he was gripping a sword, its steely glint winking at her maliciously as if it craved blood. The blade however was directed towards Marik, rather than herself. The very tip of the blade was hovering over Marik's throat. Hina felt a spasm of unreadable emotion shudder through her, forced to be close to this madman once again caused her untold anguish. It was as if she wanted him to forgive her, wanted to be folded up in his arms once more. Why… why did he have to be so cruel? So evil? He glanced at her and Hina tried to convince herself there was a flicker of something other than hatred in his cold dark eyes. His eyes then travelled down her body to rest upon her stomach where he'd stabbed her. He sneered.

"You're bleeding," He grinned. Hina felt her insides ache at his apparent glee at seeing her injured. She bit her lip to stop the tell tail tremble his cruel words would naturally bring her.

"You…you're surprised?" Hina spat back forcing herself to recover, her voice breaking from the unshed emotion. Bakura returned his gaze to her face to examine the sentiment there. He could never admit it out loud and barely admit it to himself, but her worn almost heartbroken expression pained him. He was the cause of her anguish and a certain level of guilt was forced upon him. He hated this weakness she had ignited within him. She was toxic, a poison that had infected him the moment he met her. He would be better off without her. If he was to return to himself, he needed her to die. He had to rid himself of her forever. He moved the blade across from Marik to hover over the girl's heart. It seemed fitting to him, that he should pierce her heart. He'd not thought clearly before, consumed by his rage, when he'd simply thrust his knife into the girl's stomach. This was better, this would be permanent. He lifted his sword up, preparing himself to plunge it into the girl and free himself from the stupid hold a weak little slave like her had somehow gained on him. He paused, hesitating.

Hina glared up into his face, forcing her expression into one of defiance. She would show her insolence till the end. Till the very end, she would show him how she hadn't changed, not really. She had always been a disobedient inconvenience to him and she sure as hell was not going to change that now. When he paused, Hina's expression deepened.

"What's wrong?" Hina demanded, her voice suddenly strong despite the agony her body was in. Everything ached; her limbs were scratched and bruised, her torso felt mangled. Her wound had started weeping blood again from the rough movements of getting dragged here, but she refused to let him see her weak.

"I… I don't want it to end…" Bakura whispered in a voice barely audible. His hand was still gripping tightly onto the hilt of his sword which was still focused directly above Hina's chest. His eyes had widened ever so slightly as he stared down at Hina intently. Hina felt tears threatening to leak from her eyes as she alone seemed to hear his words. Had he even said them out loud or had the piece of his soul within her chest sent her the message somehow? Hina wasn't sure she knew the answer, but she'd still heard the words. It pulled at every damn emotion she had towards the man.

"Then... then don't end it... please, you can't... cant win this fight," Hina pleaded with him, "I... I meant what... I said before... we could go... go anywhere in the entire world... together"

Bakura blinked at her, contemplating her words. She would still go with him even after he'd stabbed her? She would still love him?

The moment seemed to freeze as Bakura battled an internal battle with himself. His expression gave nothing away as he fought with what he should do and what he wanted to do. He wanted to believe her, to accept her words as truth, but that meant giving up his power. Power he had worked his entire existence for. It was all he knew. All he had ever known and this, this girl, was asking him to give it all up, for her. Hina meant something to him, that much he knew and couldn't lie to himself about. Could he really give it all up? His hand tightened around the sword he clutched. He knew he could not.

"I'm sorry, Hina," He whispered the words, the regret showing in his expression as he lifted his sword. Hina stared open mouthed at him, tears leaking silently from the corners of her icy blue gaze. If the girl had to die, it was Bakura's right alone to do it. The girl seemed to be reading his expression as a level of shock flitted through her gaze before settling with grim acceptance. Bakura struck downwards, preparing to stab her once more, but this time through the heart that belonged to him. After all, you can never win a war if you have a weakness that can be used against you.

"NO!" A voice yelled out across the yard, a shadow was cast instantly over Hina followed by a grunt of pain. Hina blinked up at the person crouched over her. She stared in disbelief. It was the Dark Magician, he'd thrown himself in the way of Bakura's blade. Hina could see it had pierced through the mans shoulder, the point poking out of him. The Dark Magicians face was twisted in pain as he endured the brutality.

"M… Marik… take her…" He instructed through gritted teeth, down at the pair he'd just shielded. Marik didn't need telling again, he grabbed roughly at Hina and dragged her away from Bakura.

"NO!" Bakura roared, pulling his blade out of his unintended victim. He kicked Mahad out of the way with violence, where he slumped. Marik was on his feet and had pulled Hina up with him. He was supporting her weight desperately, dragging her away from the enemy desperately. Bakura was stalking towards them, face twisted into a snarl of fury.

"You are going to die at my hand girl," He spat viciously, any sign of the softness he'd displayed before completely gone now

"Ryo!" Hina cried out desperately, using the only resort she could think of. "Ryo, I know you're in there!" She screamed desperately. Bakura's cold bark of a laugh responded.

"I don't think so girl, not this time!" He sneered. The crowd was parting, the monsters forcing a barrier between Marik, Hina and Bakura and the rest of the rebellion. People were fighting to get to them, to stop the inevitable, but the barrier of creatures would not let them through.

Marik backed into one of these monsters and looking around, he realised the creatures conjured from darkness were hemming them in. There was no escape for them. Bakura prowled almost lazily towards his prey, knowing there was no escape for them. They were his and there was no escaping this. He moved closer, feeding of the fear in their eyes.

Hina could do nothing. How had it come to this? She was going to die. In a sense, she wasn't scared of death. In fact, the idea of no longer feeling the amount of pain she did was a comfort. She didn't want to die, but she wouldn't fear it either. Bakura had reached them. He sneered at the pair of them. He pointed the blade towards Hina.

"You first," He laughed coldly, "Then you, Marik," He spoke, moving the blade across to point at him.

"Even with me dead, you'll still lose." Hina spoke with grim certainty. She stood up straight, pulling herself from Marik's grip. She would meet her end, head on. Bakura licked his lips, thoroughly enjoying himself. He lifted his blade once more. Before he had chance to make another move, the area was blasted with bright white light. Hina covered her eyes instinctively. When the blast died down, Hina blinked and looked back. Bakura was gone. She gazed off to her right and saw Yugi stood there, a hole in the wall of monsters. He was glaring ahead of him. Hina followed his eye line across the battle field and towards the palace.

At the foot of the steps leading into the building, Bakura was slumped, his clothes smouldering slightly, big holes in them. He'd taken a direct hit from the Pharaoh's attack. Hina felt her self flood with a multitude of emotions, ranging from elation to utter and complete despair. Yugi stepped purposely forwards, not even flinching as the monsters Bakura had conjured melted away from existence. He reached the thief Kings side and bent down. When he rose, he was holding the millennium ring in his hand.

"Bakura, you had your chance at redemption," Yugi's voice echoed all across the battle field and the sadness hidden in his tone seemed obvious to Hina. Bakura sat up on the floor, turning to face the Pharaoh, repulsive hatred filling his gaze.

"And you yet to have yours," He spat, looking dishevelled.

"It's over Bakura," Yugi whispered. Hina watched as the golden object in Yugi's hand glowed brightly. Bakura's eyes flickered ever so quickly over to where Hina stood, a grin splitting across his face for just a second before the ring exploded with light. Once again, Hina found herself blinded by light. Despite herself, she couldn't look away from it. When the light dispersed, Bakura was slumped back on the ground, unconscious. Yugi turned back to them, the ring hanging limply in his hand as he faced the sky with an obvious exhale of relief.

"Bakura is defeated." Yugi uttered. Hina gulped as tears of relief and absolute anguish leaked from her eyes. She slumped to the floor, clutching at her heart as hideous sorrow took a hold. She knew it was what he deserved but the loss overwhelmed her, it hurt her. The pain was intense, growing and growing as seconds passed her by. It was hurting too much. Hina realised what was happening before she had chance to voice it. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she slumped to the side, darkness dragging her down into untold horror.