AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you guys for the reviews! I'm glad to see that most of you are sticking with me. I really did do my best with the last chapter! Anyway, this is a short one just to get you through until either Thursday or Sunday. Enjoy and please leave a review! If you do, I promise some lovely smutty smut soon!

Tony sighed as he once again woke in a hospital. This was seriously getting old. He didn't mind being injured this time, though- it was well worth the pain. Cord was dead, Tony's name was in good standing once again, and Pepper was safe…Pepper and the twins. Good grief…Twins! Half of him was stupidly proud, making him feel manly and virile. The other half, however, was in full-blown panic. Dear god, he was going to be a father- twice!

"Tony? Oh, Tony, you're awake!" Pepper gasped from beside him and stood, taking him hand, and he smiled at her.


"Shhh, don't try to talk."

"Pepper, I'm fine. Don't worry." He rasped and she quickly gave him a sip of water. "Thanks. No, sit and relax. You don't need to be stressed right now."

"Are you serious? Tony, you just got the crap beaten out of you and you're telling me to take it easy?" she laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just bumped up a bit, but you- you're carrying TWO babies inside of you! Now, please, honey, humor me and sit down."

"Tony, I'm fine and so are the babies. Kelly said that they are doing great, are even a little big for where they should be at this stage." She said quietly and a cocky grin came to his face.

"Of course they are doing great. They're Starks!" he said and she laughed. Pulling on her arm gently, he brought her down for a soft kiss and smiled, finally and completely content with his life.

Three days later, Tony was sent home and it was a toss-up who was more relieved: Tony, Pepper, or the hospital staff. He had complained about absolutely everything, from the food to the pillows to how loud his heart monitor was (even when it was silenced!) The only person he didn't gripe to was Pepper and that was because he was too busy mother henning her. So, he was released, with two broken ribs, a sprained wrist, a healing concussion, and a sore ankle.

"I still can't figure out how you got that computer in there." Pepper said as she drove them home. "There's no way it just magically appeared." Needless to say, Tony wasn't going to rat out Happy, who had slipped it in to him when Pepper went for lunch one day, so he quickly changed the subject.

"It doesn't matter. The important thing is, I was able to do some research while in there and, Pep, we really need to focus on the babies more now that everything is going to be settling down. You're supposed to be gaining weight like crazy, like 30-40 pounds. As much as I love your body, and I do, you need to be taking it easy and…uh, you know…"

"Getting fat?" she finished for him, voice sharp and warning.

"I wouldn't exactly put it that way." He muttered, knowing his was suddenly on thin ice. Crap…The truth was, however, Pepper wasn't actually mad at him. Kelly had said the same before Pepper had rushed out from her appointment. But if she made Tony think she was angry, maybe he would back off a bit. "Sorry, honey…I guess I'm just being a bit protective."

"I know, Tony, and honestly, I love that you're so concerned. But, trust me; our babies are going to be fine. With us as parents, what could go wrong?" Taking her hand, Tony kissed her palm softly, and then looked over at her.

"I can't believe you just said that." He murmured and she could only laugh.