We've been having some writers block with our other story so to please accept our apologies this is but a small consolation. We know many of the Mass Effect stories seem to flounder but we hope we do well. Trust us, this will be different but not at first. To those who follow our other story, it will go on, we are not replacing it. and we are adding are own races this will be updated as we go along

12,000,000,000,000 B.C
The Didacts universe and the Zealot universe collide to cause what future civilizations would call the Big Bang.

10,000,000,000 B.C.
The Milky Way stabilizes.

8,000,000,000 B.C.
A creature known as the leviathans appear.

7,000,000,000 B.C.
The Leviathans gain The Mantle after having it passed down by the Logos.

1,000,000,000 B.C.
The Leviathans achieve space travel between galaxies.
At this point the Leviathans were ready for higher intergalactic power. They wished to rise into a higher Mantle and in order to do this they had to find a new holder who could achieve the mantle.

5,000,000 B.C.
The Leviathans grow old awaiting a new holder of The Mantle. So they create the Mass Relays to speed along the process of weeding out lesser civilizations.

1,000,000 B.C.
A civilization meets the standards of The Mantle and rises to power in the galaxy. The Forerunners have arisen.

500,000 B.C.
The begging of the Forerunner era.
Note:Will be updated as the story progresses.

100,000 B.C.
The end of the Forerunner era.

2100 B.C the prophet civil war

1942 A.D.
The United Nations are established.
Average human lifespan 60 years.

1969 A.D.
Humanity becomes a spacefaring species with the lunar landing.
Average human lifespan 64 years.

2148 A.D.
The Interplanetary War. The discovery of the slipspace. The UNSC is established.
Average human lifespan 104 years. Population 15 billion.

The beginning of the human civil war.
Average human lifespan 150 years. Population 1.5 trillion.

The spartan 1 project is launched.

The rebels declare their independence and call themselves the USSR. Spartan II project.

The beginning of the Human Covenant War. Because of the Civil War the UNSC and the USSR have developed mobile militaries, they work together to fight the Covenant.

The Elites discover Humanity's importance to the Forerunners and they strike out against the prophets for their lies. The Brutes defend the prophets and cause The Great Skirmish. Elites allied with human. Spartan III project

2537 UNSC discover Forerunner object on harvest .(events of Halo Wars)

2541 battle of reach unsc victory

2149 battle of sol

The Great Skirmish ends with the death of The Prophet of Truth as his ship is destroyed and the Covenant splits in two. One under the rule of the Elites and the other The Brute Empire.
Discovery of the Empire and Royal Colonial Kingdoms.

Installation 03 is discovered.
The location of the ark is discovered.
The ark is colonized and the construction of the Infinity spartan iv

2558 events of requiem.

The UNSC finds colonies that they thought were destroyed in the Human Covenant war. They unite under the banner of the Confederacy of Independent Colonies.

Scout reports reveal that the Human and Covenant are the only sapient beings in the Orion's system. In fear of other lifeforms outside of their system they united under the Orion's Systems Alliance. Spartan V project.

The USSr Colony of Chexen discover an alien artifact near the planets orbit. Science teams are sent to investigate.

Author notes: the OSA has 5 levels of government 1 representative from border colonies, 4 reps from each state, 3 reps from each species, 2 military, 1 sender of the proven species: Humans, Elites, Prophets. (Prophets got their seat because of there Forerunner knowledge.)

Captain Anthony
USSR dark journey
The 12th research flotilla

"What's the status on research teams?"

The A.I Brentley popped out of her console,

"The scientists are ready to activate the artifact."

I responded,

"Have they determined whether it is forerunner?"

"We'll sir we can't really tell except for the fact that its releasing a small amount of dark energy."

"Interesting, tell the team we're ago."

I looked out the observation deck windows and saw the machine. The machine looked like the letter C with two arms extended. In the middle were two rings that began to rotate around each other. They went faster and faster until,

"Captain dark matter readings are off the charts!"

I saw a branch of what looked like electricity reach out to several of the republic ships and throw them like a massive slingshot! It reached out to our ship and there was a flash as the ship shook and suddenly all was calm again.

"Brentley! Where are we!?"

"Well... We're certainly not in Kansas!"


"Well... We're somewhere outside of the Orion's Belt. There's a twin artifact to the one we came in on. It's on the other side of the system. Oh and to make our day even better, there's a large number of unidentified ships headed our way!"

"Are they loyalists?"

"Well I'm sure they're loyal to something Captain!"

"Tell all ships to put up their shields, arm the Mac cannons, and prepare for first contact! Don't fire unless I give the order! Lets hope they're friendly!"

The radar engineer shouted out,

"Sir we're outnumbered 6:1! I'm reading 200 corvettes, 80 frigates, 30 destroyers, and 5 super heavy cruisers!"

Brentley spoke up again,

"Enemy fire incoming!"