Note: I don't own Sega characters. Sega does


"It's over Eggman" Sonic said, standing over Eggman. They had just gotten done battling, with robot, guns, bombs, and giant death machines. The blue hero was exhausted as well as his friends, who could barely even stand. The evil Dr. looked up at the hero, "you stubborn little hedgehog, all ways ruining my plans." he stated.

Robotnik was bleeding heavily and his legs were broken from when the giant machine of death exploded. Knuckles and tails started to approach Sonic, "Sonic G.U.N will be here any minute. They just responded to the radio message." Tails exclaimed. Sonic turned back to the villain, "you hear that, Eggman? You've lost and your finally going to jail." Sonic said with a smile.

Suddenly Eggman started laughing, "HOHOHOHOOHOOHA. BWHAHAHAHA. You think you've won?" He said calming down. He then started to reach for his belt, "you may have beaten me, but I REFUSE, to go out like this. Rotting in a cell? HA! I'd Rather burn in hell!" He finished, pressing a button on his belt. As he did, his belly started to glow red and beep.

The Sonic heroes knew what the noise meant. A BOMB! Sonic turned to Tails, "Tails tell G.U.N not to come in. The place is gonna blow!" Sonic exclaimed. Tails nodded. Robotnik started to laugh manically, "BWHAHAHA. You'll never get out in time. HAHAHOO!" He yelled. Sonic digged into his pocket and pulled out a Chaos Emerald. "Wrong again. Egghead!" Sonic said grabbing his friends. "CHAOS CONTROL!" he said, warping out the death zone.

They warped about twenty to thirty miles away from there. They all looked at each other, "that crazy bastard. That's the first time that hes…" Knuckles began, until he was interrupted. The ground shook and they turned around to see the firey explosion and then hearing it. The heroes just watched for a minute until the radio started, "guys are you all right? Where are you?" A familiar feminine voice asked. "Yeah Rouge. We're about twenty-seven miles south" Tails replied. Knuckles turned back to Sonic, "you all right buddy? You did a hell of a job." He pointed out, patting him on the back.

Sonic took a while, but then nodded "yea just a little hurt and shocked from the battle." He replied. Suddenly the bat drops down, "Hey guys! Now what the hell happened here?!" Rouge asked, crossing her arms. She was dressed in a fell bullet and fire resistant proof armor with G.U.N branded on the back. Knuckles approached her, "that damn Eggman finally went crazy and blew his self up. That's what happened. Thanks to Sonic and his Chaos Control, we would be dead." He answered. She then approaches Sonic, " Hey Blue. Seems like you finally got rid of that menace." She said with a smile. Sonic turned to her " I didn't do it. He did it himself. You know I wouldn't have killed him." He replied, with a strong look on his face.

He looked at the sky for a while then turned back, "but hey, Now there's peace." He added with a smile. She smiled back but noticed his injuries and not just his, everybodys. "Ya'll look bad. We need to get ya'll some help. I'll call in a chopper to come pick us up." She said.

About twenty minutes later, the chopper arrived fining a clear space to land. Knuckles was the first to notice, "hey guys the plane is here." he retorted. Rouge looked at him with a dumb look on her face, "that a helicopter, you idiot. Even a five yr old can tell them apart." She told him. Knuckles gives Rouge an annoyed look.

They were heading towards the chopper, "hey when we get you guys fixed up, how about we go celebrate this victory? Its on me." She wondered. Tails and knuckles were excited about the idea except for Sonic. When they reached the helicopter Sonic stopped, "hey guys, I'm actually feeling better. I guess this Chaos Emerald really speeds things up." He exclaimed. They insisted he get on, but the stubborn hedgehog didn't want to.

Rouge gets off, "come on Sonic. What kind of victory party would it be, without the victor?" She asked, she did have a point. Sonic thought about it, but then looked towards the open field, "you know, now that Eggmans gone. I feel like I have no more worries." He paused, " I can just run, and run, without having to stop and save the world." He finished, with a smirk on his face.

She smiled, she really admired him and his freedom. "Okay, but when you get back you owe me a dinner." She told him. Sonic began to laugh, putting his hands on his head. "You bet. We'll make it a date." He replied. The two smiled and laughed, then went their separate ways. Sonic the started to run, building up speed. Now the world really was his playground….

15yrs PASS…

…Its been 15yrs since the explosion at Eggmans' base and things have been peaceful. Still some crimes, but nothing the local police couldn't handle. Everybody has pretty much went their own way. Tails decided to go to college and get a degree in engineering. He's the executive engineer at M.A.W.S (Mobius, Air, Water, and Space Institute). He's usually busy at work. If not he's with his family. His wife cream, with a 4yr old son and a newborn baby girl.

Knuckles is the same old echidna we all know and love. Still guarding the Master Emerald. He, too has a family. Tikal with a handful of kids, all named after his ancestors, except for junior.

Amy and Shadow are together, but their both crazy. So they wont be settling down anytime soon. I mean one minute their in love and then the next, their after each others throats. It's can be a pain to be around them after a while.

Rouge has change the most though. She's not as flirty and sexual as she used to be. Since then, she's mostly occupied with work, and when not at work she still goes treasure hunting. At least that will never change, Out of everybody she hangout with Knuckles and Shadow the most, that's including Tikal and Amy of course. They tease her about still being single. She says she's not ready for a relationship and doesn't have time. Being top agent, she's always busy.

Sonic on the other hand, rarely ever shows his face. Everybody and everything has changed. He himself doesn't feel like a hero anymore, but more of a nuisance. His friends have their own places, settling down and taking it easy. That's not Sonic style, so he keeps to himself, exploring the world on his own. He gotten really rusty with his moves. He hasn't been fighting, but his speed is still the same.

Things aint what it used to be for the old hero. There's no more action. No more excitement. No more SONIC!