A lover's dictionary

Inspired by the amazing novel 'The Lover's Dictionary' written by David Levithan

aberrant, adj.

Gray Fullbuster had known Cana Alberona for the longest time of his life and if anyone would have told him that she would fall in love with Laxus Dreyar, he would have laughed until he had cried because the idea seemed so ridiculous, so peculiar. And yet when he thought about it after it had actually happened he realised that it fit. They had both issues with their fathers. They were both capable of pulling of one of the three great Fairy Tail Spells.

So maybe, it would really work out. This was the hope Gray felt.

Anything else would be addressed later on.

abstain, v.

He knew that something was off when she turned down his offer of a drink. She had never turned down such an offer before because in the end, she was Cana Alberona and she was infamous for her drinking habit – inside the guild and out of it.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, curiously worried.

"No," she lied. "Drink for me too, yes?"

He sipped on his drink. "Tell me," he asked.

Her face was serious when she said calmly: "I am pregnant."

And then, she started to laugh. He did not laugh. "Who's the father?" he asked.

She slapped him, hard enough for her wedding band to leave a trace.

abstraction, n.

Little did the world know but Laxus Dreyar was quite the philosopher when he was drunk and even more so when it was late at night. Therefore was a sentence like love is abstract no big surprise to his fiancée who looked up from her magazine. She, too, got often strangely philosophic when it was late and alcohol was involved and so she answered: "When I am not here with you, what am I?"

He smiled warmly, a smile hardly anyone else ever saw before, and he pressed a kiss into her palm. "I am there, so you are Cana," he whispered. "I can't be Laxus without you and you can't be Cana without me. It works in both directions."

abyss, n.

His betrayal hurt worse than her father's ignorance and abandonment. She had trusted him with her secrets, her life, hell, even with her heart and he had stabbed her into the back. She cursed him day and night as she started to doubt his sincerity with her for the first time in her life. She regretted what she had given him willingly, what he had accepted gladly. And more than anything else, she regretted the time she had wasted on him, trying to create a 'we'.

Because in the end, she had thrown her heart into a dark, bottomless abyss and would never get it back from this place.

acronym, n.

He had an incredibly dry and awkward sense of humour and the bad habit of listening to Bixslow of all people when the other mage suggested something. This was how the shirt with the acronym LDASGF (Laxus Dreyar's amazingly sexy girlfriend) was born. Evergreen's face was crimson when her teammate told her of the present for the unsuspecting Card Mage and Fried could not help but chuckle when he heard from Mira that Laxus had spent a few nights on the couch.

The Thundergod Tribe's leader could not help but wonder whether Laxus had deserved it – if not for the insult then for the stupidity of listening to Bixslow of all people.

adamant, adj.

She was quite stubborn about a few things and when he claimed that his father had passed the S-class exam a year before hers had done the same, they were in the middle of a full-fledged argument before they even knew how they had gotten to this topic in first place. To appease her before she could find the cards, they checked the dates in the guild's chronicles and when he realised that she was right, he acted like it was an exception that she was right. For a second, she considered leaving him there and then and for the smallest fracture of a second, she had already slammed the damn door shut behind her.

akin, adj.

When they first met as children, they sat for three hours in Makarov's study as the guild master tried to figure out how to proceed with Cana. Seeing that the little girl was quite nervous, Laxus decided to talk with her in order to calm her down a little bit. At the end of their conversation, they had learned that they had both read and adored 'StormySea', the biography of two former wizard saints, that they both preferred milk with honey over hot chocolate, that they were both quite ticklish and that they liked cats more than dogs. And their shared favourite colour was red. Later on, he claimed – in a rather intoxicated state – that this was when he realised that she was his soul mate.

aloof, adj.

She nearly hated him when he became so cold and distanced as a teenager because this was no longer the Laxus she had known his her childhood. This was no longer her partner in crime, the one who had helped her to make hot milk with honey when she had had a nightmare. She often wanted to ask him why he had changed like this but while the question was burning on her tongue, she never asked. The question was the result of desperation and yet, she kept facing it even though she knew that she would never know an answer.

arcane, n.

Card Magic was mysterious to him – especially when he learned of her disturbingly precise predictions for the future. He found himself appreciative for this type of magic – but that was probably because he liked her as a person. That new kid, Natsu, had some freakish magic – Dragon Slayer Magic, tsk – and while many people in the guild kept admiring him because he had the potential of becoming a really strong mage. Laxus noticed this strength but he also saw Cana with her dark hair and her colourful cards. She was an enigma to him and he liked it this way.

arduous, adj.

There had always been some kind of effort from her side before she had reached her goal. While she had been a natural at Card Magic, she had had to work hard on it anyway and this was okay for her. Hard work was the fate of a mage anyway and she accepted that she would be no exception. Therefore, she had understood that their relationship would also require some work. Some might even say that she had been very much disillusioned compared to her female nakama. Laxus had, on the other hand, always appreciated this pragmatic streak of her.

autonomy, n.

"I want my own shelf for my mother's old diaries," she announced and for a moment, she was so vulnerable and small because to admit that she had kept such a keepsake for so long was difficult for her – especially because she knew that he had never met his mother and therefore had no strong sentimental memories of the woman who had given birth to him.

He did not turn around. He simply nodded. "One shelf for you, alright," he said.

And this was when she really believed that living together would work out, that their relationship would work out.

awhile, adv.

He knew that she had never liked this word because it was so damn vague. It would always be a while until Gildarts would return. It would be always a while until he would come back from wherever he had been on his last mission. Therefore, he was tried to give her more exact information whenever he was left for a job – this time, he could not do this and for the first time since that first kiss, he had to hide behind the word she hated so much.

"I am sorry, Cana. This will take a while."