So this will have a lot of song lyrics, not entire songs, just enough to get the point across.

This will be probably updated every week or every two weeks (or somewhere in between)

So read, enjoy, and thanks

A girl with brown hair sat way in the back of the bar, a bored look on her face. It was Friday night, and where was she? Some crappy bar listening to her boyfriend sing on stage for the hundredth time.

He sighed and drank from her glass. He had no time for her, the idiot only cared about music, playing, and getting himself famous. He was at the blasted bar every night. He asked her to come every Friday night too! She had really gotten sick of this. She wanted more than a part time boyfriend. He was in a relationship with his damn music. It got more attention than her. The other girls in the audience did to, he would look one girl in the eye and sing 'Dirty Little Secret' or 'Lips of an Angel' to them, which served to piss her off and make her thing he was cheating. Which she wouldn't but past him, he was a hopeless flirt, and the music business did involve a lot of different beds.

On stage a pale man with silver hair was strumming his electric guitar and singing. He was a good guitar player, music filled the air, and his deep voice was enchanting. He could hold a wide variety of ranges, switch ranges quickly and smoothly. Altogether, he put on a good show, but it took him a lot of time to perfect that.

Out in the crowd he knew his girlfriend, Eliza was there. He loved her, he really did. Music was his passion, but she was his reason. The song he was playing next was just for her too. He wanted to show her how much he needed her, because he could tell she felt ignored, despite how hard he tried to pay her lots of attention.

"And this song, last one of the night ladies and gents, goes out to my awesome girlfriend!"

With that he started strumming his guitar and leaned into the microphone singing 'The Reason' by Hoobastank.

"I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you."

He went on singing, but by this point Eliza had stood up and walked out. That was enough, he could sing all he wanted, she was done with him, done with tis lifestyle of his.

He noticed her leave but finished his song.

"Thank you for listen! I'll be here all weekend!" he shouted, flashing a grin and hopping off the stage and going outside after Eliza.

She was leaning against the wall with her eyes closed, which he thought was pretty odd. He thought she left since her phone rang or something.

"Everything ok?" he asked walking up to her.

She sighed and looked at him. Tight black pants, tight red shirt, his hair a wild mess, a black bandanna tied around his right wrist. For a long time she couldn't resist him, he looked so hot. He was perfect looking, any girl would be all over him, and he knew that.

For some reason he was stuck on her.

Too bad for him.

To her now, he was a selfish bastard who cared only about himself and his music. He looked stupid in his tight clothes.

"I'm done Gil." She finally said

He raised an eyebrow, he must not have heard that right.


"You're even stupider than I thought! I'd done with you Gilbert! I'm leaving you! I am done with you, with your life, I am out!" she screamed

It surprised him, and he stood still, eyes wide, confused.

This only made her angrier, and she shoved him and stalked off. She felt no guilt, and no pain, Her feelings for him were dead.

He watched her leave. Her long silky brown hair bounced on her back, her hips swayed as she walked away from him. It hit him hard then, like a baseball right to his chest.

She was…gone. He knew her…she wasn't coming back…

He was alone, and he felt alone and cold. What had he done wrong? He leaned on the wall and slowly sank to the ground, his knees to his chest and arm around his legs.

He…he had lost everything he wanted. She was his life. Now, he had nothing. He just had his music. His heart shattered in his chest, his breath was ragged and his eyes stung.

But no…he would not cry over her. He couldn't, he'd never stop crying if he started.

He jumped to his feet. He was Gilbert fucking Bielschdmit. He could find another girl whenever he wanted!

He didn't need her He never needed her!

He laughed softly, then stronger, and soon he was roaring in laughter. It wasn't funny, but if he didn't laugh, he would cry.

He held his side and laughed harder "Her loss!" he growled

He shook his head and walked back in the bar, grabbing his guitar from the stand on stage. It was black mostly, but his was custom made, so a giant Prussian eagle was on the face of it, it was pretty awesome. He stuck it in the case and the bar manager came over

"You'll be here tomorrow won't you?'

Gil chuckled "Well unless Universal Records knocks on my door between now and then, yes I will be."

The man chuckled "Very good, well, see you then, have a good night."

Gil nodded to him, and walked towards the door, shooting winks and charming smiles at girls, who would promptly blush and giggle.

He walked out to his car, thankful he had the keys, considering he and Eliza had come together.

He tossed the guitar in the back seat and stared up his engine, jamming out to rock music on the radio. The car clock read one forty eight and he sighed.

"Yet another late night."

He pulled into the driveway of the small house he and Eliza had shared. Well his now.

Parking, he got out, grabbed his guitar and walked in through the front door. He stopped only to lock the door and kick his shoes off, and then went up the stairs and into his room.

Leaning the guitar case on the wall, he pulled his tight shirt and pants off and threw them on the floor, then flopped onto the bed.

Considering he had been up since like, eight o'clock that morning, he was pretty damn tired. Which served as benefit, because he passed out, and had no time to dwell on his lost girl or how lonely the bed was.
