I am fascinated with the Marvel Universe and I have taken a liking to the Disney XD series "Ultimate Spiderman". This FanFic is mainly based off of the characters from "Ultimate Spiderman", but will also feature appearances from other famous Marvel heroes. And now, without further a do, I give you, "Great Power vs. Great Responsibility"!...
"Remember, Peter. With great power, comes great responsibility."
As one once told me, with great power, comes great responsibility. And with great responsibility comes...
I still have yet to find out.
I may sound a bit cliched, but heroes aren't born. They are made. Or in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s case, they're trained. In fact, it's not about being a hero, but it's about becoming one. The cape and the mask don't define who you are, but it's the person underneath the costume that states your entire personality.
Us heroes are no different than any other person that walked this Earth. All of us have made mistakes. All of us have fallen. But, the important thing is, is that every hero gets back up. Every last one of us has something to learn, whether it's through a terrible tragedy, or a simple training session. That's what makes us heroes...
I myself learned a very important lesson. One that will be shared throughout this entire story. One that will be engraved in my heart for the rest of my life.
A lesson well learned.