An idea I had in my head a while ago. Figured I'd put it up for your enjoyment.

What if. Uzumaki Mito and Kushina didn't die. But instead transferred into a sealed space-time subspace area. where time doesn't flow. They simply fall asleep in the outside world and wake up in the hidden one.

What would happen if Naruto accidentally appears there after a Perticuly bad beating.

Imagine what Naruto would be like if he had been taught by the two previous hosts of the Kyuubi.

Birth of the Lightning God

If one were to look upon the child who lay upon the floor in the atrium, of a Perticuly obscure area that no-one would even think to exist. They would probably feel the same as the two women who were kneeling by his side. Angry, Fearful, Sad, Betrayed. You see. For those two women, who were defined by their goddess like beauty and fiery red hair, the boy was none other than their descendant. Or son in the case of the younger of the two.

Uzumaki's Kushina and Mito were, contrary to popular belief, alive and well. It was an ingenious system really. Mito's research into the sealing arts had led her to creating a subspace pocket she liked to call Avalon. In homage to the legends of Arthur. In Avalon, time did not flow…if you were over eighteen that was. She had keyed it so only she, and subsequently her descendants, could access it as Inside contained the entire library of Uzushiogakure

In Kushina's case. She had fallen into a coma after the birth of her son Naruto and her body, requiring a place to heal, teleported her to Avalon much to Mito's surprise. Still she had remained in said coma for just shy of eleven years.

Mito on the other hand, had come here willingly, to both get away from the world, and to carry on her study into sealing. Especially now she knew Uzushiogakure had fallen. It was on her supposed deathbed that she made the transfer. Allowing her to finish her rejuvenation technique. Which would explain why Mito now looked around the same age as Kushina did.

But Naruto's case was much different. In his hour of need his Uzumaki blood had sequestered him from the real world and placed him in the position he was now. Laying beaten, broken, and unconscious on the floor.

"Damnit. How could Hiruzen let this happen?" Mito cursed. She had long wished to meet young Naruto after Kushina had spoken of him. But not like this.

"I don't now Mito-baa chan. But he'd better have an explanation for when I see him again" Kushina growled while lifting Naruto into her arms. She noted how light he was for a supposed eleven year old. "Let's just get him treated for now…at least we both know he will be fine…I suppose we should thank the fox for that" Kushina sighed. As did Mito.

Meanwhile in Naruto's mind, he wasn't having the best of times. No. he had awoken in his mind in the middle of a sewer. Following the tunnel, as well as the sound of breathing. Naruto had come across a pair of huge gates. Now if they weren't surprising enough. The beast behind them was.

Naruto simply sighed as he spotted the fox. His suspicions being correct. He knew he wasn't a genius. But he had already put two and two together and figured that the fourth Hokage was his father, the fox was sealed inside him, and that it was the fact he was the kyuubi's jailor which made everyone hate him.

"So my host decides to grace me with his presence" the rumbling thunder of the foxes voice seemed to echo all around Naruto.

"Not like I had much of a choice fuzzy" Naruto's response wasn't one the fox had anticipated. Nor was the fact that Naruto looked like he had just been tortured. Which he pretty much had.

"Quiet boy. And don't you ever call me fuzzy again"

"Look. You don't like me. And I sure as hell don't like you. But we got to work together if you are going to be living in me" If the fox wasn't already baffled, it was now. Usually humans would scream their heads off, run away, or die of shock when faced with such a being like the kyuubi. But Naruto seemed different.

It was then that the fox looked at the boys eyes. And for the first time in millennia. Felt fear. Naruto's usual blue orbs of innocence were gone. Replaced by a pair of purple blocks of colour with a single ring of black.

"How do you have those eyes kit?"

"Eyes?" Naruto asked. Looking down into the water which came up to his ankles. He stifled a gasp when he saw them for himself. "What the fuck?"

"My thoughts exactly, kit. But be that as it may. Those eyes are the eyes of the sage of the six paths. The Rinnigan. Or should I say. The first stage. As much as I hate being under someone's control. I will submit to those eyes" kyuubi relented.

Naruto gazed at his reflection in the water before turning that gaze upon the fox.

"So what can you tell me of these eyes?"

"Well first. They allow you the control of ALL elements, even sub elements. Now normally the Rinnigan has only six stages. However, what you have are the originals. So. There are nine stages. This means nine special abilities. I'll tell you more as they appear. But right now you have control over gravity.

"Basically you can attract and repulse anything you want. Just use your eyes, and focus your chakra into your hands. Then grab. It'll take some trial and error but you should be able to get it" the kyuubi explained. "Anyway. It's time for you to wake up"

"Wait. Why did you attack Konoha?"

"A bastard by the name of Madara Uchiha, or someone just like him, took control of me via the sharingan eye. Forcing me to attack. Honestly I just wanted to return to my family. See my mate and kits again"

"If you tell me where they are…ill go there for you"

"Deal. But not till you're strong enough, and when we get there I want control of your body for a week…I want to be able to feel and interact with them again"

"Ugh" Naruto groaned. He had no idea how long he was out. Though he felt better than he ever had done before. slowly opening his eyes he found himself in a traditional style room by himself. The walls were a brilliant white, framed by bare oak timbers. The floor sanded and varnished to a mirror like shine. The ceiling, with strangely enough bore the red spiral from his jacket at its centre, was bare oak with four drop down electric lanterns. 'Where the fuck am i? The Daimyo's palace?' he thought to himself as he tried to sit up.

It was strange. Usually after a beating he would wake up in the hospital. 'Maybe I'm dead?' he was cut from his internal musings when the door slid open. Allowing entrance to a beautiful, to his eyes, red headed woman with purple eyes. She wore a pair of black biker shorts over fishnet leggings. A pair of black shinobi sandal's going half way up her shin. A black tank top with the Uzumaki crest over the heart, and a blood red trench coat.

"Bout time you woke up" she wore a soft smile which caused Naruto to blush slightly.


"Ah right. I guess you wouldn't realise who I am now would you? No doubt, that Hiruzen didn't tell you about me either"

"Uhh no…the old man never mentioned anyone like you" Naruto replied.

"Great. Now first things first. I only recently came out of a coma about a week ago. I had been in a coma for eleven years" she begun. Sitting on the edge of the bed. "The cause was the intense pain I received during childbirth. So now…I haven't had chance to see my son grow up. or even give him a mothers love" normally Naruto would have been oblivious to what she was hinting at. But that was only his idiot persona he used to escape.

But for Naruto it was too little too late. He had grown up without any parents. grown to the point that he didn't need any anymore. Though he could accept that the woman in front of him birthed him. He couldn't acknowledge her as his mother. On the simple fact that she hadn't been there. Even if she was in a coma.

The days rolled into weeks. Weeks into months. Months into years. Due to the combined effort of both Mito and Kushina, Naruto made one hell of a transformation over the four years Naruto spent there. As well as discovering a little something about himself.

What Naruto had found was. That due to his families' bloodline, and him reaching puberty, he could shift from being male to female whenever he wanted to. Though he did need to remain female during his monthlies.

His studies had seen him memorise the entire Uzu library. Which, due to his liberal use of his shadow clones, had only taken two years.

From Kushina, he had learned Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, elemental manipulation, Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu, and Jikukan jutsu.

From Mito, he learned all that and more. From etiquette lessons, to politics, her own personal style of taijutsu, called flying lotus.

Naruto sighed as he looked through the scrolls he had sealed everything into. He was preparing to leave.

"Let's see. Clothes? Check. Money? Check. Technique scrolls? Check and double check…"

"Kushina?" came an amused voice from behind him.

"Hmmm…meh why not. I'll take her with me. check" he replied almost absentmindedly. Mito giggled at his antics. Kushina didn't even bother to stifle her grin.


"She's still in her underwear, doubt it would be a good idea to transfer with her like that" Naruto replied. Earning a raised eyebrow and an amused giggle from Kushina. Not to mention a furious blush from the Uzumaki matriarch. "Kunai, shuriken, senbons, katana, summoning scrolls, MRE scrolls? All check. Looks like I'm pretty much ready" he chirped. He was looking forward to the looks on everyone's faces when he showed up with his new appearance.

Over the years his blond hair had grown out and turned as red as Kushina's. with the exception of two foot long reverse facing spikes of blonde. His height had gone from the measly four foot five to an impressive five foot ten. Dwarfing both women by five or six inches. Baggy Gray combat trousers, laden with a utility pouch on both legs, another on his hip, as well as a medicine pouch and scroll pouch. Black shinobi sandals with steel toes and shin guards. He wore a black mesh shirt with a blood red trench coat with a black Uzumaki spiral on his back. As well as a pair of black, armoured fingerless gloves.

Kushina was ready to go as well. Black biker shorts with knee high shinobi sandals, a tight form fitting black tank top and a blood red jacket. Finished off with combat gloves and her trusty katana at her side. Mito wore her robes, now that she had realised she was indeed undressed she had quickly activated a seal which contained them, they were a blood red with a sakura pattern at the base. And upon the back was the symbol of the Uzumaki. A symbol all three wore.

"So ready to make your grand re-entry?" Kushina grinned at her two companions.

"To be honest. I wouldn't be going if Naruto didn't want me to" Mito sighed. She had become close to Naruto over the eight years they had spent together. He truly made her feel young again. That and the massages he gave in the bathhouse were beyond good. A sentiment both women shared. Though she never made an effort to hide her attraction to the young male. Often teasing him. resulting in many sleepless nights for the former blonde. And many bins filled with cum filled tissues.

It didn't help that Mito's idea of Sex education involved practical experience. Even going so far as to have Kushina join in. which while awkward, had sparked something off between the three of them. Now. It had become a sort of nightly ritual for the three to have sex.

"hey it's not like I'm asking you to come Mito-Chan" Naruto quipped as he finished sealing the last of his scrolls into special storage seals on his body. "But I do know that I would never leave you behind. Besides. Just imagining jijii's face when he sees you makes this worth it. No?" the smirk which became plastered on all three of their faces spoke volumes. Without nary another word. The tree activated the transfer seal and disappeared in a flash of white light.

there we with the first chapter.

yeah I know its not perfect. and only ghosts over his time there, worry not ill cover more in flashbacks later on.

enjoy, review etc