It was happening for the first time with Hermione Granger that she was unable to conjure a spell in her Charms class...she felt distracted...she felt miserable...something was going on in her mind or heart...she herself wasn't sure that what was disturbing her so much.

"There miss Granger...where is your concentration today?" asked Professor Flitwick noticing the chaos she was making with her spells.

She on the other hand felt as though woken up to reality..."erm-Sorry Professor...I just don't feel right today...can you please excuse me from the lesson today so that I can see Madam Pomphrey" she asked staring down the floor.

"In that case you should see Madam Pomphrey right away " he said smiling "I am sure you'll keep up with today's lesson later and practice the spell"

With this she left the room feeling miserable about lying to a teacher and missing a lesson...but she wanted some time out to think about what was disturbing her.

She went out to the grounds...relieved that no one was there ...she sat by the lake...the picture of Pansy and Draco's conversation which she unwillingly overheard in library the other night.


The coversation went a bit like this...

"So you love her a MUDBLOOD" shot Pansy with anger clear in her voice "I NEVER expected this from you Dr- MALFOY"

"whats it got to do with you?" he asked in an irritated voice "Its my life I'll do whatever I want to do with it...I am no puppet of anyone to be controlled to their will..."

"You are a Slytherin...how can you love a girl from...well forget it...you'll soon realise that it was a wrong choice as she probably thinks you are a heartless fellow to proud for anyone on Earth" she said in a taunting sort of way.

"I can love anyone...morover the feelings come naturally...and I still don't understand why it bothers you so much?" he snapped

"'coz I LOVE YOU Draco" she shouted...the voice filling up the whole library.

"Oh really?" he said not showing even a pinch of emotions "but I don't and LOVE seems a pretty wrong word for your obsession and mean to show me off to your friends".

Then there was the sound of something hitting the table...something like someone has punched it hard and Pansy started running towards the door but came to a sudden halt as she saw Hermione siting in the very next row to that where she and Draco were having their not at all pleasant conversation

"Happy? are you now?" she said with anger before her eyes filled up with tears and she ran out of the library.

And that was the only question which was still bothering Hermione...

"did she somehow find out that I have a feeling for Draco?" she thought sitting down near the lake gazing at the stillness of its water even after so much of commotion caused by the creatures living in it .

"but how is that possible? I have hidden this secret of mine from even Harry and Ron...no one except me knows about my true feelings for that boy" she added to her thoughts shaking her head unconsciously

Suddenly the bell disturbed her deep thoughts and she got up to move back to the castle for dinner.

In the Great Hall she found Harry and Ron ...Harry waving her to come to the place next to him.

"So how you feeling now?" he asked as she sat down next to him

"Yeah..there must be something serious with you or else you never miss a lesson" said Ron taking another bit of his chicken.

"umm Yeah Yeah...I am fine" she said absent-mindedly pushing her plate away "I'll see you two in the common room" .

With this she got up quickly and left the Gryffindor table. But before she left the Great Hall she turned back once and looked at the Slytherin table.

to her surprise there was no sign of Draco over there...rather she caught the look of Pansy frowning at her turning red.

She quickly took her eyes away from the table and left.


Meanwhile Draco too didn't feel hungry for food. He rather thought of visiting the Hospital Wing...thinking that he will find Hermione there and that would be a good place to talk to her without Harry and Ron's interference or any Slytherin-Gryyfindor rivalry.

But he was amazed to find that Hermione wasn't there.

"Madam Pomphrey...did Miss Granger come up here..." he asked "Prof. Sprouts was looking for her" he added as her eyes turned questioning as for Malfoy asking for Granger

"she didn't come here Mr. Malfoy...I haven't seen her visiting this wing for weeks" she said and left for the Great Hall.

He stood there confused.

"if not here than where did she go?" he said to himself in the deserted room lighting up with moonlight slowly.

He closed the door as he left and walked gloomily towards Slytherin common room...

"This seemed my only chance to confess my feelings for her" he thought as he walked back through the empty corridors "I guess we are not meant to be"


Hermione sat there in the deserted common room staring out the window.

Suddenly she was felt someone holding her shoulder,she turned back with a start and saw Harry.

"you sure you alright Hermione?" he asked in a concerned voice slightly squeezing he shoulder gently.

"I need to talk to you two...alone" she said looking at Harry as she knew if she told another lie or kept this thing in her more she would burst.

"Alright" he said "lets sit down on the couch"

"Not here...maybe some empty classroom"

"But why not here?"

"Just not here please...please get your invisibility cloak along Harry"

"ok" he said and moved towards the staircase leading to his dorm and returned in about 5 mins with the Cloak in his hand.

"Lets go then" said Ron

The three silently crept out of the portrait hole and put on the cloak as they saw students coming back from dinner.

after alot of careful walking they seem to have found the appropriate place for Hermione to tell them what she wanted to.

"what is it 'mione.?" asked Ron "why don't you just tell us? why you being so mysterious?". His voice sounded impatient and irritated.

"Okay" she said closing the door behind her "promise me that you two won't over-react of get furious on what I tell you now"

"Okay" said Harry. Ron just simply nodded.

"I" she took a deep breath before she continued "IloveDraco" she said closing her eyes tight to avoid their obvious reactions.

Both of them stood there looking at her with their mouths open wide

"YOU WHAT?" Ron said breaking the silence as Harry just looked at Hermione with shocked expression on his face...as if someone did a stunning spell on him.

"I Love Draco" she said looking down at floor biting her lips hard.

"You can't love him!" Ron said angrily just how Pansy said to Draco

"Let me decide who to love and who not to" she said staring back at Ron "I wasn't asking for your approval anyways...I just wanted to tell you tw-"

But before she could say another word she got hit on her face...realising what happened she stepped back...Harry stood their holding Ron as he tried to calm him down or stop him from attacking her further.

"You leave Hermione" Harry shouted as it was getting hard to hold on to Ron "quick"

Her eyes were filled with tears now and her cheek had a sort of pain spread of it as she ran out of the room.

Draco was losing his nerves due to Pansy's repeated taunts about his feelings for Hermione...he almost took out his wand to curse her as she kept calling Hermione a Mud-blood. As it was getting too much to handle he dashed out of the Dungeons moving aimlessly through the corridors and on the stairs until he reached the 7th floor corridor and her heard someone sobbing in the bathroom.

"whose there?" he asked taking out his wand

The sobbing suddenly stopped "What are you doing here Malfoy?"

He instantly recognised the voice. "what are you doing here Granger?"

there came no reply as the sound of sobbing rather crying hard began to echo again.

He moved in towards the voice "why are you crying?" he asked on seeing her tears shinning out in the moon light as they ran down her cheeks.

"I can ask you the same Malfoy" she said turning her back towards him.

"I jus- just..." he tried to give reason but paused and moved closer to her.

"why are you crying Hermione?" he asked in a gentle soothing voice.

She was shocked and turned to see deep in his grey eyes and then suddenly kept her head on his shoulder and began to cry.

He hugged her "I didn't wish to make you feel more bad...please don't cry"

"Is this wrong to love someone from a different house?" she asked weeping with her head on his shoulder.

Draco seemed to be taken back with the question...he knew it was not at all wrong after he too loved someone outside his house "Of course not" he said "whom do you love?" he asked...his heart sinking on the thought of Hermione with someone else.

She stepped back and looked in his eyes...he too loved watching her brown eyes but suddenly his eyes feel on the pink fingers printed on her cheek "who did that?" he asked in a concerned voice keeping his hand over it.

Hermione winced as his hand touched where Ron slapped her "no one" she said in a painful voice and tuned away.

"who did it Hermione?" he asked again now with anger raging in his voice.

"you too love someone who is not from the same house right?" she said ignoring his question

"Ho-how do you know that?' he asked...his voice filled with amazement

"I heard Pansy shouting that in library last night" she replied not looking towards him "who is she?"

"it doesn't matter" he said reluctantly "that girl thinks I am a heartless felloe who hates her...who did that to you?" he asked again pulling her to see her face.

"who is she Draco?" she asked as she turned and saw his face..."if you really wanna know who did this just tell me the name"

He grabbed her by her arms and pushed her to the wall behind her "I LOVE YOU DAMMIT" he said his eyes getting wet with anger "now tell me who did that as I am n-"

"You love me?" she asked as tear ran out of her eyes again "really?"

"who did it Hermione?" he asked in a firm but low tone now.

"Ron" she said in a lower tone than his biting her lips with hundreds of butterflies fluttering in her stomach knowing the fact that Draco too loves him and getting an answer to Pansy's "happy?" question.

"why did he do that?" he asked angrily clutching her more harder by the arms.

"because...ouch.." he suddenly realised that he was holding her really hard and quickly loosened his grip on her arms "because I told him I Love you"

He suddenly left her arms...tears flowing through his eyes as he held her face in his hands "you really love me?" he asked in a calmer and more pleasant tone than before.

she simply nodded.

he pulled her face up to see eye to eye...a small smile appearing on both the faces behind the tears...

she flung her hands around his neck and hugged him. He hugged her back more tightly picking her up.

"I can't believe this" he said "I thought Pansy was right...I thought you hated me"

"so do I" she said.

he suddenly loosened his grip and let her feet on ground again "I am not going to leave that Weasley now...how dare he slap you?" he said with his face going red.

"It's ok Draco" she said placing a kiss on his lips "Its better if it remains a lil secret of ours for now"

He looked back at her with a smile returning as she kissed his lips "yeah I suppose you are right...but that Weasley has to pay for it"

"will see to that later" she said as she kept her head on his chest and he hugged her and placed his chin over her neck.

"you don't know how I wish the time to stop at this very moment" he said in a whisper.

"me too" she said holding him tighter than before.

They both sat there with Hermione's head on his shoulder holding his hand for the whole night as they talked about how everything would change from now as they have finally confessed their love for each other after 6 years and kissing and cuddling and completely forgot about Ron and Pansy or any other student from their houses for whom it was equivalent to a crime.

A/N: *This is my very first attempt with Fanfiction stuff*

*If you like it and want a continuation then please tell...*

*hope you enjoyed reading it*

*P.s. Please ignore the typing errors..thank you...*

*do comment your reviews and favourite :) *