Hello everyone, Lazersword88 here to bring you a brand new H.O.T.D. SYOC adventure. If you are already a fan of my previous and ongoing work, Dancing Through Flames, then welcome back. If you haven't read it, then I suggest you do because I've poured a ton of time and effort into the story.

The first thing you should know about this experimental SYOC story is that the mood and atmosphere will be exceptionally dark. So if you are looking for a story where everything always turns out in the hero's favor, check out We Must Survive OC Story by my good buddy rexen tsukino (btw I really like his story a lot, just using it as point).

This story will tell the stories of teens that were serving time in juvenile prison (that doubles as a high school) and what becomes of them in the impending zombie apocalypse. Many moral and ethical questions will be raised. Also I wanted to stress in this story that there will be no sacred cows, or that every character is liable to die at any time. Heck, depending on the reviewer response for some characters, the main protagonist may die and a character of not my own creation may become the main OC.

There a few extra details, restrictions and changes that I would like to point out are in effect for this story. The first is that each character must have committed a crime heinous to land in juvenile prison and was found guilty for it. Please add that into your backstories if porting over a character from another story. Along with this please come up with a 5 character long prisoner code for your character. It may incorporate numbers, capital and lowercase letters, and symbols. Should two people, despite the unlikeliness, pick the same code I'll ask one to change (decided by coin flip).

Secondly, no characters that appear in or have been accepted into my other story may be in this one. While these stories are separate, they are concurrent in terms of the universal canon they are set in. So to my existing readers, please come up with new characters.

Thirdly (flame shield up), I'm severely limiting the weapon choices characters may have. In this story the prisoners will be forced to defend the compound. However the guards and warden will hoard all the conventional weaponry for themselves. That is part of the purpose of the story, to invoke moral and ethical questions along with making you really feel like anyone can die. So the long and short of it is any weapon that could be considered valuable (guns, obvious z-day melee weapons like a baseball bat or katana, ect) won't be available to the characters. Try to be creative about weapons. The inmates will have access to a tool room, a storage room and anything they could have snuck inside without guards knowing that they wouldn't want to take away once it is revealed they possess it. P.S. – Make your weapon unique, fit your character and possibly relate somehow to their crime are all plusses.

Finally, instead of having an often unbalanced list of strengths and weaknesses, I've decided to create a skill points system in order to insure character balance. You'll be given enough points so that your character can be completely average in every regard (5/10, although I don't suggest not having any strengths), but you will be able to strengthen some areas by weakening others. More details can be found further into the app.

I will accept a maximum of three characters per person. Having a friendly relation with me up to now or having a character in my other story will not help your chances, just so it is fair for everyone. Also since I'm expecting a lot of you, you get a special option in this app. I will be putting the profiles of four possible protagonist characters down below this app. One made a brief appearance in the last chapter of my other story, another I have submitted to a few other stories but have never written about myself and the last one is completely new to this story. The last piece of the app allows you to vote for 1 or 2 of the characters you want in the story. Based on the results I will select one or two of the characters.

Also please PM the application to me. I will not be accepting any characters by review. Good luck and happy creating!

Here is the OC application:


Prisoner Code: 5 characters, no profanity please.



Age: Between 13-17 years old please, because if they were older they would be in real prison.




Family members: Status (alive, deceased, zombie, unknown, other?) and brief description of relationship with your character.

Personality: Be very descriptive, I have to know how to make them act. The more interesting the character seems, the higher chance I will use them. I understand that suffering builds character but don't make your character's life up to now awful. Either give them some happy and redeeming traits or some way to grow/evolve as a character.

History: Like with personality, be very descriptive. Also, come up with a creative yet believable story of past events that could have relevancy to the universe. Also make sure to incorporate the character's crime into this part.

Appearance: Height, weight, body build, skin tone, eye color, hair color/length/style, female characteristics (if female, cup size ect…)

Sexuality: I'm cool with anything you get and I'll try to match up a few characters based on their personality and sexuality.



Skill point allocation: Please allocate the points between each of the categories with going over or under the total points limit. 0 is lowest, 10 is highest. Perks are awarded for having 8 or more points in one stat.

Total skill points: 100

Offensive Combat Skill Tree-

Strength: Just what it sounds like, how strong the character is. 8+ strength grants access to heavy weapons.

Speed: Character's top speed. 8+ unlocks slide, a good technique to get under and around zombies.

Agility: The time it takes a character to reach top speed. 8+ unlocks quick recovery.

Dexterity: Ease at which on at which one operates their weapon without clumsiness. 8+ unlocks dual wielding.

Awareness: The higher the characters awareness, the quicker they can see critical factor on the battle field or weakness in an enemy. 8+ increases rear perception.

Coordination: A higher coordination decreases your chances of tripping and falling down, especially in pressure moments. 8+ turns your trips into slight stumbles.

Skill: Prior experience with the weapon type or combat is represented by this stat. 8+ increases the chance of a critical strike and gains a launcher technique to hit enemies into the air.

Jump: Effects jump height, the ability to gap jump and access to air combos. 8+ gains access to basic parkour.

Defensive Combat Tree-

Toughness: How many hit can your character take and can they cope with injury. 8+ greatly reduces flinch when hit.

Block: Self-explanatory. 8+ allows access to a shield type item in off hand.

Dodge: Self-explanatory. 8+ allows access to a dodge roll.

Parry: Using an offensive strike to counter the enemy's attack. 8+ stuns enemies when you parry them.

Elusiveness: Ability to weave through enemies in combat with getting hit by a stray attack. Useful when hordes attack. 8+ greatly increases breaking a zombie's hold on the character on their own.

Stamina: How long they can run and fight before tiring. 8+ for no cost on stamina for blocking, dodging or jumping.

Non-combat Tree-

Leadership: Amount of authority the character has in the group. 8+ the character's wishes begin to become more important by the prison's staff.

Teamwork: How well the character works with others. 8+ to be able to coordinate attacks with another character that has 8+ teamwork.

Luck: Self-explanatory. 8+ find a weapon out of the blue when unarmed easier.

Recovery: How fast injuries heal and stamina recovers. 8+ to start each new day with stamina full.

Creativity: Self-explanatory. 8+ allows for the creation and wielding of rudimentary projectile weapons.

Persuasion: Ability to convince others to do what they want. 8+ greatly increases how trustworthy others think you are.

Weapon(s): Since this story takes place in a juvenile prison, the weapons will be restricted by the description I gave in the preface. Also don't use a weapon that your character doesn't have the stats to use (basic projective, heavy, dual wield) without the appropriate stat placement.

Clothes: Other than the basic black and white prison garb, do they wear anything else?

Fighting Styles: Be very descriptive here. Unless your OC is a noncombatant, you need to fill this out. If they are a noncombatant, describe how they assist the group here. Otherwise, give me a detailed description of your characters fighting style with all weapons they wield and how they acquired the skills to wield said weapon (should the weapon require skills to operate) if you didn't say how in the character history.

Character(s) you want to see as protagonist(s):

*End of App*

Now here are you possible protagonist characters:

Option #1:

Name: Denise Rowland

Prisoner Code: 6g91y

Crime: Illegal Drug Possession

Nicknames: Mural

Age: 16


Nationality: United States

Ethnicity: Russian

Family members: She doesn't know or care about her family anymore.

Personality: She is very moody sometimes and had a short temper. She likes to be in control of situations and looks down on anyone in her way. She is a bit introverted, trying to avoid dealing with people outside of her close friends, but is extremely protective of her close friends. She is extremely strong willed and will never give up on something she believes in. However, there isn't too much she really does believe in. Denise can be a bit of a pain to be around when she is angry or moody, but overall she is a nice person. Denise hates being part of the norm and would rather stick out as a rebel. She can tend to be overconfident and charges into situations without thinking. She can be quite stubborn some times. Because of her amnesia, she doesn't remember much from her past so he is constantly out to find what she can. She bounces between relationships with different guys and gals frequently. This behavior stems from an inner loneliness that she fells someone used to satiate.

History: Growing up, Denise was a tomboy because she wanted nothing to do with all the girly stuff. She played many sports with the guys and got good at some of them. However, Denise's tomboy nature continued on into middle school and early high school. She would spend a lot of time in the weight room with her guy friends and it was rumored that she could lift as much as her friends, if not more. She became a star on both the track team as a shot-putter and discus thrower, and in softball as a pitcher. She was as happy as could be. However, that all changed when her freshman year homecoming. None of her guy friends wanted to go with her because she was too much of 'one of the guys' to take seriously in romance. The sadness this event caused changed everything. Denise fell out of the group of her guy friends and into a social void. The popular guys didn't want her around anymore, she was too masculine for the girl's tastes and she was too much of a jock for the nerds. This meant that she went to fit in with the druggies and burnouts. Denise started cutting her wrists, experimenting with drugs, getting many piercings, getting many tattoos, dying her naturally blond hair black with flame blue tips and losing a lot of weight as a side effect from the drugs. As a side affect her skin got paler from its natural tan state. She spent most of her weekends sleeping with, smoking with and messing around with local burnouts. At a few points she considered suicide, but the few friends she had talked her out of it. There is a portion of her history she forgets because of her amnesia, but the only things she has to for these lost years are a stitched wound in her chest, a handful of tattoos one of which has the initials B.H. and dreams of a certain young man she never remembered meeting.

Appearance: 5'10, 200 lbs, very heavily muscular covered almost everywhere with expansive tattoos covering every part of her body except her face, pale white, bright green, dyed black hair with blue tips that flows wildly to her shoulders, D cup breasts.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: The night time, her friends, tattoos, flirting with guys and girls, disobeying the warden and other officers, making out with guys and girls, fighting, acting rebellious, chocolate

Dislikes: Prison food, feeling lonely, her past, nightmares, having to follow the norm

Skill point allocation: Please allocate the points between each of the categories with going over or under the total points limit. 0 is lowest, 10 is highest. Perks are awarded for having 8 or more points in one stat.

Total skill points: 100

Offensive Combat Skill Tree-

Strength: 9 (+Heavy Weaponry)

Speed: 2

Agility: 2

Dexterity: 4

Awareness: 8 (+Rear Awareness)

Coordination: 4

Skill: 8 (+Critical, +Launcher)

Jump: 1

Defensive Combat Tree-

Toughness: 10 (-flinch)

Block: 8 (+shield)

Dodge: 0

Parry: 8 (+Parry stun)

Elusiveness: 0

Stamina: 8 (-Move Cost)

Non-combat Tree-

Leadership: 4

Teamwork: 8 (Coordinate strike link)

Luck: 0

Recovery: 8 (Full Recovery)

Creativity: 0

Persuasion: 8 (+trustworthiness)

Weapon(s): In her right hand she wields a 2x4 and in her off hand she wields a door as a mock shield.

Clothes: Has cut her shirt to show her waist and pants to make them short shorts.

Fighting Styles: Denise is the team's tank character. She attracts attention to herself and defeats the enemies with skillful blocks and parries, brute force strikes with her heavy weapons and coordinated attacks with teammates. She looks to use her launcher attack to give her teammates air combo opportunities.

Option #2:

Name: Jannet Connaly

Prisoner Code: lf0x6

Crimes: Theft, Loitering, resisting arrest, possession of a concealed weapon

Nicknames: The Magician

Age: 17

Birthday: 4/1

Nationality: United States

Ethnicity: Irish/Scotish

Family members: Whole family was killed by thieves due partly to Jannet's greed.

Personality: At school she is fairly popular for her good looks, is seen as a bit lazy, manipulates others to get what she wants, and is selfish and greedy. She tries to come off as a normal girl but is really always scheming, looking for ways to find out secrets or help herself. While working as a hitman or killing zombies, Jannet is equally cold and ruthless. She will readily turn her back on those in need if it means she is safer. She is still hyper obsessed by gems and treasure. She doesn't share much about her skills or backstory with the rest of the group, which make them distrust her. Jannet has sworn to kill a fencer named Phil Angelo for defeating her, turning her in and giving her a scar on her face. She has no problem betraying anyone in the group as long as there is incentive to. She has no remorse in killing anyone or anything except for young girls who remind her of her old self. She is actually happy about the zombie apocalypse occurring, since it makes manipulating others easier. She has a god complex, believing everything in the world is meant to be stolen and all treasure is meant for hers. Jannet will flirt with anyone as long as it means personal gain.

History : Jannet was born in Scotland to poor parents in a rundown old mining town which had run out of much of its useful ore decades ago. Jannet became obsessed with the precious metal and loved the way it sparkled, making her forget about all of her problems living in poverty. One day when Jannet was 13, a group of bandits came to rob the mine and town of anything of value. Seeing the opportunity of a lifetime, Jannet snuck into the back of the bandit's trucks and was able to make off with loot. She sold everything except the gemstones which loved too much to trade. Going back to her town to share the money she made with her parents, she found that the bandits had returned and were slaying innocents as retribution for their loot being stolen. Among the dead were her parents, friends and everyone she had loved. Deep down she was conflicted in her feelings. She wanted to cry out and mourn the loss, but she felt like it was worth it to better her life. With nothing left for her there, she left the village never looking back. After she left the village, she lost almost all semblance of morality. The only thing that makes her question her evil actions sometimes is seeing young teenage girls that remind her of her old self. She survived by stealing valuables and soon she had great skill as a thief. Hearing of even greater wealth in America, she stowed away on a cruise ship. While on board, she chanced open a large black market criminal group aboard the ship returning to America with a valuable piece of classified technology. Seizing her chance she takes the technology, but is eventually caught. Seeing her potential as a thief, the group's leader gives her the opportunity to join their organization. There she was trained in the use of many concealable weapons, learned how to spy and gather information, and was given a place to stay while going to school during the day. Eventually after a few years working with the organization, she decided to take her skills elsewhere and find her own path not working for anyone. She became the go to place if you wanted a task carried out, information on someone or someone killed. She is known for having no mercy on anyone except young and teenage girls. Her trademark weapons were her poisoned obsidian daggers, which is how to police know the hit was her. She is constantly transferring in and out of different high schools trying to dodge suspicion. She is a master as changing her appearance, being able to change her hairstyle, facial expression, attitude or even accent on the fly. One distinguishable characteristic she has is a blade scar on the right side of her face she gained in a conflict with Phil Angelo after she failed an assassination attempt on him. That night Phil turned her in to the police who sent her away to the juvenile prison of the story.

Appearance: 5'7", 110 lbs., milky white skin, deep green eyes, redhead with a plethora of different hair styles, skinny to mid-sized gymnast build, medusa tattoo on her back

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: Gems, treasure, money, killing, being feared, controlling others, knowing secrets, lucrative business

Dislikes: Phil Angelo, other people she can't control, targets that fight back, having to hurt young/teenage girls.

Skill point allocation: Please allocate the points between each of the categories with going over or under the total points limit. 0 is lowest, 10 is highest. Perks are awarded for having 8 or more points in one stat.

Total skill points: 100

Offensive Combat Skill Tree-

Strength: 3

Speed: 8(+slide)

Agility: 8(+quick recovery)

Dexterity: 8 (dual wielding)

Awareness: 8 (+rear perception)

Coordination: 8 (-trip, +stumble)

Skill: 8 (+critical, +launcher)

Jump: 10 (+parkour)

Defensive Combat Tree-

Toughness: 2

Block: 0

Dodge: 8 (+roll)

Parry: 0

Elusiveness: 8 (+breakout)

Stamina: 2

Non-combat Tree-

Leadership: 0

Teamwork: 0

Luck: 0

Recovery: 3

Creativity: 8 (+projectiles)

Persuasion: 8 (+trustworthy)

Weapon(s): A collection of old sharpened kitchen knives, wielded two at a time. Thrown at targets or used in quick swipes. Keeps knives up sleeves.

Clothes: Normal garbs. Shiny gemstone earrings, necklace.

Fighting Styles: Jannet bounds quickly around the battlefield, working solitarily. She uses her speed and ranged weapons to keep at a range and aims to cut enemy tendons and limbs before racing in to finish them. She is also good at midair combat and is capable of launching an enemy into the air so she can jump after them to do more damage. However, if Jannet runs out of knives, is surrounded or is tired or injured she is in trouble.

Option #3:

Name: Rodrigo Uno

Prisoner Code: qac31

Crime: 200+ accounts of Underage Gambling

Nicknames: Uno

Age: 15

Birthday: 1/23

Nationality: United States

Ethnicity: Mexican/Latin

Family members: Orphan, parentage unknown.

Personality: Rodrigo thinks of everything in life in numbers and percentages. Uno (as he likes to be called) loves the rush from taking risks that others may deem unnecessary. Uno is a smooth talker and a hustler, being able to talk people into believing him and then screwing them over later. He is innately luck, his stay in juvenile prison the first ever unlucky thing that's ever happened to him. He enjoys playing card games and other games of chance, since he almost always wins. Uno also is a major flirt, trying to sweet talk all of the women and draw them in with his bad boy allure and suave. There is a visible suave and grace to Uno's actions with classy mannerisms apparent. But don't let that fool you, he's in it for the money and girls above all else. Uno sees friends as expendable tools for his gain, except if he loves them in which case he can be quite selfless.

History: A legend spread through word of mouth of a Legendary Gambler who would travel from casino to casino and clean them out with his infamous luck at cards. Little did most people know that this man was but a young teen whose facial hair, sunglasses and classy demeanor never tipped anyone off to his age. Uno ran away from his orphanage in New Mexico, stealing a motorcycle at the age of 13 and never looking back. He would travel from town to town, getting to know the other outlaws. Some of them took pity on him and taught him valuable secrets while others disapproved of him and unintentionally toughened him up. Uno would never spend more than a few days at a time in one town, much to the displeasure of the women he wooed. He eventually bought himself a laptop and teaching software in hopes that one day he might little somewhere and live a normal, non-risky life. However this never happened as one night a drunken man at a casino got mad about losing yet another hand to the child prodigy and let loose his thugs to beat him up in the parking garage. When the police found his battered body, they discovered he fit the description of an under aged gambler wanted in many states. Therefore it was decided to send him to juvenile prison.

Appearance: 5'11", 135 lbs, brown skin, hazel eyes, short black hair neatly combed back, mustache, skinny build.

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: Gambling, the open road, many girls, hotel rooms with comfortable beds, solitude

Dislikes: Annoying people, authority, being caged up, bitter food, zombies, his life before the road

Skill point allocation: Please allocate the points between each of the categories with going over or under the total points limit. 0 is lowest, 10 is highest. Perks are awarded for having 8 or more points in one stat.

Total skill points: 100

Offensive Combat Skill Tree-

Strength: 6

Speed: 4

Agility: 4

Dexterity: 8 (dual wield +)

Awareness: 8 (rear perception +)

Coordination: 3

Skill: 2

Jump: 5

Defensive Combat Tree-

Toughness: 5

Block: 2

Dodge: 2

Parry: 0

Elusiveness: 4

Stamina: 3

Non-combat Tree-

Leadership: 8 (story character respect +)

Teamwork: 0 (he's already a leader)

Luck: 10 (+weapon find)

Recovery: 8 (stamina full+)

Creativity: 8 (+ranged weapons)

Persuasion: 10 (+trustworthy)

Weapon(s): He dual wields two metal shovels.

Clothes: He always has a deck box clipped onto his pants waistline with a deck of playing cards inside. He also wears a necklace with an ace of spades shape. Other than that it is the usual uniform.

Fighting Styles: He either slices zombies up with the ends of his shovels or throws them at the zombies in order to kill. While not a terrible fighter, Uno is best left in a supporting role behind someone else who can fight. Uno's leadership comes in handy as he commands authority, loyalty and the respect of most inmates. Uno does like to charge out and take chances though as the threat of death only adds to the rush he feels. Uno is very lacking on defense, so if he is isolated and surrounded, it's over for him.