
Chapter 3

Her meeting with Izumo and Mikoto had changed the way she had previously thought about school. Already a week through, they were the only people she hung out with. The second day of class, people had tried talking with her and they did have a pleasant conversation. However, there was always this fear she could see behind their eyes that seemed to grow more apparent before they sped walked away from her. During that time, she really felt that they were avoiding her. It saddened her, but the two guys with her weren't bad company. Sure, Mikoto was hard to read, but Izumo was the one who made sure he got out of trouble. For example, yesterday another student was dressed in a trash can outfit to promote recycling. Thinking he was an actual can, Mikoto kicked him and Izumo immediately came to rescue and made them run for it.


Maybe his methods aren't as effective, but she thought it sufficed.

One morning before school was about to start, Lillia spotted three figures standing awkwardly at the door to her classroom. The taller one of the three looked her way and she saw him wave. Was he waving to her? I guess she had to find out herself. She made her way over and what she saw had left her in surprise. To go along with the shock, a girl, the shortest of the three, ran to her at full speed and gave her a huge, flying embrace.

"Y-Yume? Akito?!" Lillia wrapped her arms around her in return and stroked her black braids that fell a little pasts her shoulders. She stared back at the white haired boy who stood behind Yume and attempted to pry her off of Lillia.

The tiny girl looked up and whispered,"I missed you, Lillia."

She felt a large hand placed on her head and ruffle her hair lightly,"We were so lost without you. Why did you leave?"

"Arata nii-san?" She narrowed her eyes at the red haired boy in attempt to find out if that was really him.

"That's me, little lamb." He gave her a wink and pointed at her.

With Yume still hanging onto her, he moved his arm from her and exclaimed,"Can you act proper for once? I should be asking you the questions!"

"Oh, so mean." Arata pretended to weep in his hands.

So ridiculous, but she had to admit that she missed this in the span of time that she had been away from them.

She grabbed everybody in a group hug and whispered,"I did miss you guys."

When she pulled away, everybody started to laugh.

Lillia asked the three of them,"Really. Why are you here? Were you guys able to transfer out?"

Arata ruffled her hair again and answered,"We wouldn't be here of we didn't succeed in transferring out."

"I didn't think you guys would actually take me seriously though when I said 'you guys should try to chase me if you'd be doomed without me'." She patted Yume who continued to grip her uniform tightly.

Akito only nodded and still tried to peel the tiny girl off her body.

"It's no use, Akito" She sighed,"I can handle this. You guys in this class?" She pointed to the sign outside the door.

Class 2-H

"Wait a moment! Please!" Matsuda-sensei came running up the stairs and towards them in full with her heels. Lillia watched her impressed, but she felt like this situation seemed to familiar somehow.

"I'm Matsuda Reiko, your home room teacher." She nodded at the three of them. "Please follow me inside."

Arata came up to the teacher and introduced himself,"Reiko, huh? What a beautiful name. I'm Arata Azuma."

Lillia did her best to jump high enough and slap him on the head

Lillia and the others engaged themselves in chatter as they did so. One by one, they filed inside with the bell ringing as soon as Arata made it in last. The sound of squhiring girls and tiny chatter also started.

"Who is THAT?"

"God, he's so hot!"

"Just like his hair!"

Lillia wanted to throw up right then and there. Her eyes flew up to her red headed childhood friend who saluted the class with two of fingers.

She heaved a deep, silent sigh. There was a significant difference between her arrival and her's.

For starters, the class was sent into a gigantic uproar. Their reaction to her arrival made her seem like she murdered somebody.

And most importantly, Arata especially, was too entertained with this.

She spotted the other red head at the back of the room and attempted to grab his attention. With another light tug, Lillia was able to pry Yume off of her and set her next to her Akito who became the next victim of her relentless hold.

"So cute!"

"I want one!"

"Sensei, can she sit here?"

It all seemed like a whacked out school life show. There's always got to be the center of attention in cute and cool.

It was never like this back at home!

As much as she loved them here, she wondered if her new school life would become complicated.

Lillia tried sending signals to Mikoto; staring at him intently to the point of being passed as a glare.

He didn't stir at all and it was hard total at all if his eyes were even open at this distance! She started to walk back to her seat, but Yume quietly clutched the hem of her cardigan and tugged on it lightly. Lillia turned her head back and hissed,"Yume, please let go."

"Class. These are our new students-" Matsuda-Sensei ratted on and on about transfer students and how it was a delight. All the while, Lillia continued her staredown with Mikoto. Why was she even doing this? She must look like a fool! But something wanted to escape out of her and call out to him; which was strange to her considering that her attention should be focused on the people she's spent most of her life with and not a lazy, aloof guy she just started hanging out with only a week ago.

It was building inside of her- she didn't know what it was.

"Kano. Take a seat please." Matsuda-sensei instructed and their eyes were suddenly on her again.

Something did escape her lips and it had to be the exact moment when an awkward silence had happened.

"Mikoto." She murmured; loud enough for the students sitting at the front seat to hear.

The gazes of her classmates shifted abruptly to the red headed teen who then stood up in silence and walked out the door. It was kind of like a wave. It was the first row that turned their heads, the second and then the third. He must've pissed with what she just did. She was certain that he's never had that much attention in his life (as sad as it sounds) and may have been trying to avoid attention overall.

She must've screwed up his streak.

As much as she wanted to run out that door and apologize to him, she couldn't do it. She didn't have a reason why because she didn't know why it had escalated to this. The class erupted into chatter and Matsuda-sensei addressed her students curtly,"Class settle down, please. I'll have a talk with Suoh-kun in a moment."

Her homeroom teacher turned to Lillia and Arata,"Kano-kun, Arata-kun- Please take your seats."

Immediately, Lillia started to walk to the back of the room, but she felt another tug at the hem of her cardigan.

"Yume, you have to let go...!" She hissed quietly.

The sound of Matsuda-sensei clearing her throat reached her ears and Lillia had just sighed internally,"Yume-kun and..."

Her amber eyes flit over to Akito who was standing in the corner watching Yume silently, but intently.

"You." She finished; not even bothering to ask for a name,"I don't believe you two belong in this class, as unfortunate as it is, I have to ask you to leave and head to your respective classrooms."

At that moment, Lillia felt the force that weighed her down a bit disappear. As soon as she turned around to wave, Akito was already carrying Yume on her back with her legs wrapped around his stomach and her arms around his neck. The tolerable and soft-spoken boy was able to make a small wave for stepping out the classroom; not even forgetting to shut the door behind him.

The vocabulary of the class had been reduced to even more "ah's" and "kya's".

Her attention moved to the back of the room and she already spotted Arata sitting in a seat beckoning her with a hand to come over.

She looked over at Arata tiredly once more to make sure that what she was seeing was real.

Unenthusiastically, Lillia put a hand to her face.

Now she'll have to break it to him that it was her seat that he sitting in.

A/N: Intrigued Writer - I wanted to give a shout out to all of our reviewers!
Thank you all for the reviews. We hope to see you in chapter 4! I want to thank you all for following and favoriting this fic. :D

michinakimichi - And that includes the guests/anons, Maya095 and vivvy09! Thank you again and we hope to see you on that next chapter! ;D