Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Here's my newest story! This one is significantly lighter than my previous two stories, so it won't be much of a tear jerker :) Please let me know your thoughts!
"You should just ask her to dance," Rossi said with a crooked smirk and a sip of his scotch. He and organ were sitting at the wedding party table, watching as Hotch and JJ shared their first dance together as husband and wife. It was mostly just Rossi watching the happily married couple though; Morgan was too busy staring hatefully at the man who was dancing with Penelope Garcia. The look he was casting Sean Hotchner was one that might've ignited a lesser man – say, Kevin Lynch – on fire.
"Ask who to dance?" Morgan grunted, taking another, gruffer sip of his beer. His gaze still hadn't moved from Sean and Penelope. The two were laughing, Garcia's head thrown back in a giggle. Rossi glanced over at him with an amused gleam in his obsidian eyes. The usually suave younger man didn't even realize he was sitting with an expression on his face that may wither the brightly colored centerpieces JJ had designed herself. Snickering, he took another swig of his liquor. With a thunderous expression, Morgan whirled to face him. "What's your problem, Rossi?" he demanded with a scowl.
"How long are you going to wait for something to come to you that you have to reach out and take?" Rossi asked simply, meeting Morgan's gaze evenly. They stared at one another for a long moment before Rossi rose from his seat with empty glass in hand and started to walk away towards the open bar.
"What the hell are you talking about?" he snapped at the Italian's retreating back. "Rossi, man!" He was completely ignored. Cursing, he put his bottle back down on the table and rubbed his face. He had no idea what Rossi had been talking about. Grumbling about how Italians were all bastards, he finished off his drink and got up to get another.
Derek watched as Penelope walked off the dance floor with Sean and he led her over to bar. Scowling at Hotch's younger brother, Derek flagged the bar tender down and ordered another beer. He knew he should've been feeling more joyful, seeing as it was a wedding he was at, but instead he was just pissed off at the fact that Sean was hanging around Penelope. So maybe he had known what Rossi was talking about, but it wouldn't do him any good to spill his feelings. Penelope always seemed to go for someone other than him. It didn't particularly help to sit around and talk about it with anyone.
"Hot Stuff!"
He looked behind him at Penelope and forced a grin. She was wearing her soft baby blue bridesmaid dress and her hair was down in its natural waves. A brilliant grin was lighting up her face and she looked at Derek with a silly face. There was a slight coloration to her cheeks from the heat in the room and from the dancing she'd just been doing with Sean, making her face look pink. Both her brown eyes were glittering. To him, she'd never looked more beautiful.
"Hey, Baby Girl," he said. "You were looking good out there." He notably ignored Sean.
She winked at him. "Thank you, Baby Boy," she purred. "You're not looking so bad yourself." Nodding her head at his beer, she added, "How many of those have you had?"
Leaning closer to her to look her directly in the eye, he said with a devilish grin, "Not enough for you to worry your gorgeous head about." Then he planted a kiss on her lips softly.
Her eyes were wide for a moment, like she couldn't believe what had just happened. All he did was smile and take another mouthful of beer.
Penelope stared open-mouthed at her best friend who had just kissed her. She wasn't convinced immediately that he'd even done it, but the tingling that was there told her it wasn't all in her imagination. Shaking her head to clear her now foggy brain, she tried to say something, but couldn't. Words were escaping her. And the shameless smile on his face was causing even more questions to whirl through her brain.
"What was that for?" she asked in confusion.
As he opened his mouth to speak again, someone came up behind him and said, "Well, well, who are you?" Coughing on his beer, Derek turned around to see a bottle blonde with obvious implants smiling at him like a cat that had caught its prey. She stuck out her French-manicured hand to shake his. "I'm Sarah, a friend of JJ's from her hometown."
"Er, Derek," he stuttered. "Derek Morgan." A look of panic covered his face. He very clearly didn't want to be around the woman with the predatory glance in her blue eyes. It was very clear she wanted into his pants.
She smirked coyly. "You look like a man who knows his way around," she said.
Penelope couldn't help but gawk at this floozy who was blatantly throwing herself down in front of Derek, legs practically spread already. A shot of jealousy raced up her spine and she couldn't stop her hands from clenching into fists. Who did this bitch think she was? What made her think she could just throw herself at Derek?
Scratching behind his ear, Derek nodded. "Well, yeah," he said. "I guess I know my way around. I don't need a GPS or anything, so…"
Sarah laughed like it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. Tilting her head to the side, she said, "And you have a sense of humor. That's wonderful!"
"Ah…" Derek began.
"Would you maybe like to dance?" she asked pointedly with a huge smile covering her face.
The look on Sarah's face was so frightening Derek felt his skin crawl. She looked like an unsub ready to devour her next meal. A light bulb went off in his head the next moment. Grinning, Derek shook his head. "Nope," he said. "I actually saved this next dance…for my beautiful, witty girlfriend." It was satisfying to witness the falling of the creep woman's face.
And then he pulled Penelope by the waist towards him. "And here's the lovely lady who has my heart."