A/N: Thank you all for seeing this story through to the end. I appreciate all the reviews and all of you new friends that I've made. I had such a fun time writing this fanfic, and as of now it's my most view story with well over a thousand views. I couldn't have done it without you! Look for my next fanfic, "What's Love Got To Do With It" coming soon. XOXOXO
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Vocaloids… I've said this for like the past twenty chapters.
What did the Vampire say to the Eggplant
She Said Go Google It~Epilogue
"I don't think you're doing it right. Here, lemme help." Piko pipped up, stepping up beside the older man.
Piko had been off to the side, watching with mild interest, as Gakupo struggled with the infant he had been trying to change. The purple giant sighed, letting his son take over. He watched as the silver haired child stepped up to the changing table, a grinning baby girl cooed as her lively eyes landed upon her brother. The baby girl, Maeko, had entered the world a perfect combination of both her parents. Her wide doe eyes were the brightest of blues, a mass of lavender curls upon her tiny head, naturally highlighted at the tips with pink. The baby had her mother's beauty, her perfectly angelic face and rosy cheeks and lips. Maeko squirmed at her brother's touch, babbling loudly as if to say she highly protested the failure that surrounded her.
"I think we're both getting nowhere." Gakupo sighed.
"I agree, I wish mother was here. At least KoKo behaves with mother." Piko groaned as he watched his sister roll herself chubby body over, not even trying to discretely hide the fact that she was crawling away naked. The young child definitely took after her mother… much to her father's dismay. Not that Gakupo didn't love Luka the way she was, oh quite the contrary, he'd had two long (and tiring yet glorious) years to build up an immunity to her and her stubborn, 'I don't give a flying shit' ways, he just hoped his daughter would take after him a little when it came down to her personality. Be a little quite, living life among books (which she already shown a deep hatred for, flinging the elegantly banded books clean across the room anytime she found one), much like Piko. Unfortunately as soon as he laid his eyes on her for the first time, a screaming, overly dramatic mess of pale pink flesh, he knew she'd take after her mother.
"Or maybe I can help!" Kaito grinned from the nursery doorway. He bore his award winning smile, a tealette child strapped to his chest. The bright faced child was a splitting image of his father; doe eyes the shade of his father's dark blue hair, his mother's dimples and teal hair. Daitaro squealed happily as he saw the familiar faces of his uncle and cousin. "I know how to do these things." Kaito said confidently, Daitaro nodded his head as if to agree.
Gakupo sighed, he felt as if he was getting nowhere with his daughter, finding the simplest of tasks difficult to carry out, but Luka never belittled him or blamed him for anything. She would simply smile, show him how it was done, and then end the routine with "Parenting isn't easy, you learn something new every day. Keep trying and you'll give it." Luka knew her lover was trying, and he was a great (yet horribly ditzy) father to her children. Luka and Miku had been away visiting Meiko, celebrating her second year of being alcohol free and the birth of her second child. One would say she's doing quite well for herself, mated and with children of her own (without her hands glued to a sake bottle), although she'd like to call her now domestic life something along the lines of "wasting my valuable ass time." They had been gone for about a week now, leaving the humble abode (and their children) in the hands of their mates; they wouldn't be back until later that evening.
Kaito approached the changing table, both babies yelping in delight as they spotted one another. He hummed in quietly as he gathered the fleeing child with one arm and a diaper in the next. Maeko chewed mindlessly on her stubby hands as she watched her uncle change her, scrutinizing the blue haired man's actions. She gave the son strapped to his chest a knowing look, one that said 'at least your father knows what he's doing; mine is a big, loveable goof.'
"Tada!" Exclaimed Kaito proudly, holding up the child. Maeko gave her uncle a look, like she didn't appreciate the way she was being held. She exhaled deeply and held out her arms to her father. At least he was very good at hugs and holding her, unlike this man. Gakupo relived his daughter from his friend's grasp, balancing her body against his hip as he thanked Kaito profusely. Gakupo's eyes locked with his daughter's, her smile reassuring that she wasn't judging him at all for failing once again.
Once Kaito bided the family his farewell, he had his own things to do with his so after all before the mothers returned, Gakupo sunk down into the rocking chair while Piko ventured off to paint. He sat with the tiny child on his lap. Her body now clothed in one of the many dresses he'd bought her (this one in particular had little eggplants all over it), her hands violently shaking her rattle and relishing in the loud jingle she got in return.
"I'll get this daddy thing eventually," Gakupo sighed, petting his daughter's soft lavender curls. Maeko looked up at him, and although it baffled him greatly, his daughter nodded to agree. "Well thank you for believing in your papa, KoKo." A chubby hand took hold of one of his long digits, bringing up it to her soft lips, giving it a kiss before letting it fall. Gakupo admired the small child being balanced upon his knee, how precious she was, too perfect to be real.
"Aw, what a scene." Both heads turned at the sound of the mother's voice. Luka leaned casually against the doorframe, her smile brightening the entire nursery. She had arrived home only moments ago, passing a very interesting scene of Kaito and his son having a very deep conversation (mostly baby gibberish he somehow understood) about the many flavors of ice cream, and which one appeared to the tiny boy. Her hair hung over her shoulders, in and around her face, her blue and silver eyes shining as she opened her arms. "Miss me?"
A/N: and there you go! *bows* longest thing I've posted, and it was so much fun to write! The next one shall be D. Gray Man, and if you haven't watched it… go watch it! It's really good! I bid you all a farewell, and please review! XOXOXO