A/N: Just giving a vampire Luka and Gakupo a shot, for some reason.. a vampire Gakupo is really…really…really hawt. *nosebleeds*

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Vocaloids, none of them… sadly.

What did the Vampire say to the Eggplant-

Chapter 1

The sun had long since set, the streets calm, all human life occupying the small town of Yokahama were all tucked tightly into their beds. High upon a dark secluded hill sat an abandoned mansion that had lain untouched for centuries on end, dead trees and fallen debris that had accumulated from the town over the years littered the once beautiful courtyard. The once marvelous stain glass windows were either missing in their entirety or covered with layers of dust and cobwebs so thick seeing out of them were completely impossible.

The eerily large mansion was all but silent except for the constant ticking of the large grandfather clock downstairs, ticking and chiming as it has been since the beginning of the eighteenth century. The sorrowful melodic voice of one of the residents echoing off the high ceilings and hollow walls, pale ruby lips parted as a song from her unbeaten heart poured from her soul; the most angelic voice known to man. Her partner, a burly brunette, sat perched across from her with open ears and a loving smirk. Big Al marveled at her pale form, her pink locks swaying as her body did, her eyes closed as she zoned out from the world around her. Al had to admit, Luka was just as beautiful as she was the day he stumbled across her... Nearly a long two hundred years ago. He sighed, sinking deeper into the embroidered couch cushions, four of the many bunnies that littered the mansion laid about him.

"So, how was that?" Luka asked, her smiled never faltering as she waited expectantly of him. If there was one thing Luka could do, other than take good care of her fellow friends (since a good majority of them very well couldn't do it themselves), and keep Al satisfied in more ways than one, was sing. The woman had a voice that could bring a man to tears, bring a god to their knees. She was truly a heaven sent angel not only when she walked into a room, but also when she opened her mouth.

"Wonderful, as always." Al's deep voice boomed, his trademark smirk showing off his rows of bright white teeth, accompanied with two exceptionally long fangs. Large arms rested behind his head as he watched her with intense golden eyes. There was nothing the woman could throw at him that he couldn't catch easily and throw back. Al had been at Luka's side since he claimed her his, and how proud he was to show her off. Such a woman of rare beauty and talent was hard to come across, and luckily he was quick to snatch her up.

"Thank you," Smiled Luka, as if she didn't already know. "I'm going to step out for some fresh air." She slipped slender feet into pumps the same shade as her hair, blowing the overly large man a kiss before walking out the door.

The night air was cool, crisp, against Luka's snow pale skin. Rain drizzles fell around her, settling into her thick, fluffy hair, dancing one her lashes, as she headed into the dark of night. She inhaled deeply, letting damp air fill her lungs. It was then when she caught a scent of something that left her pupils dilated, her mouth watering. Never in her years had she smelt something so delicious before, and before she knew it her feet were moving on their own. Luka, with such grace and agility that was common among vampires (never mind the fact that she did all of this in the woods in stiletto pumps), was led to the small home where the strong scent was emitting. She scanned it overly quickly, spotting a way in on the second floor.

Luka silently climbed through an open window (humans were so naïve when it came to their safety), easily not making a sound. Her nose took her up the small set of stairs, no doubt someone from the middle or lowers classes lived in this home. There was no way someone who could afford to move would stay in a home with such conditions. The shaky wooden house was falling apart in more than one place, Luka was lucky she didn't plummet through the nearly crumbling staircase. She approached the first bedroom at the start of the hallway like any animal in the wild stalking their prey would. The door was wide open, a sweet invitation, the only light coming from a dimly lit candle on the small bedside table. Out of all the years she had spent in the small town, never had she smelt something so delectable, she was practically drooling for just the tiniest of sips. It was so tempting it was sinful, and Luka couldn't wait to sink her fangs into the neck of the person it belonged to.

Luka eased into the room, the damp air filling the small space mixing with the sweet aroma of blood created the perfect mood. Lying there ever so peacefully was the boy from the pictures that lined the raggedy stair wall, all grown up. Long purple hair pooled from his scalp elegantly across his pillows as he slept, her eyes lingering on the exposed skin of his neck and chest beneath his linen sleep shirt. Her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her skull as she inhaled the air closer to him, he looked just as appetizing as he smelt. This had to be the reason why vampires were forbidden to feed upon humans, because Luka found herself unable to turn down the irritably tempting forbidden fruit. After moving lavender locks out of her way, the fine hair falling like silk, she plunged her needle like fangs into the sleeping man's neck. He gasped, groaning loudly, as his body tensed against her iron grip. It was the most amazing thing Luka had ever tasted, much better than anime blood by a long shot, as the thick, bitter liquid slid down her throat with the same viscosity as warm syrup. She hummed as new flavors exploded from her dull taste buds, giving her life through dead eyes like she'd never seen before. The man's hand was large and warm as it held onto hers, his mouth open in a silent scream.

It didn't take long for the man's breath to become shallow, his pulse barely noticeable, as he titter tottered between the thing line of life and death. Luka had to force herself to let go before she drained him dry (she would never hear the end of it from Al if she killed a human, and a man at that). She stood from his bed, shocked to find wide blue eyes staring back at her.

"I…" He stumbled.

"You shouldn't speak," Luka said, wiping her mouth.


"You're going to die if you keep doing that."

"Like… eggplants."

"Excuse me?" Luka arched a brow. The man slipped into unconsciousness, leaving the vampiress dumbfounded as she stared at his outwardly handsome body. Just as quickly as she got into the man's ho9me, she got out. Once back out into the drizzling night air, her senses were as sharp as ever, almost as sharp as they were the night she was first turned.