
Steve groans, sliding a hefty block of cobblestone into the hole in the wall of his house. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he slides two more blocks into the holes, then sits down on his bench, head in his hands. He hears an all-too-familiar hissing sound, and he stands up. Staring at him is a green creature native to the land of Minecraftia, the Creeper. Steve pulls out his trusty iron sword and points the sharp tip into the Creeper's neck, twisting the blade slightly. "Oh no you don't," he says angrily. "See that wall? I just finished fixing what your friend broke," he continues, pointing to said wall. "Get out of here before I kill you."

is words are steely, but his body language betrays him. His eyes are filled with mortal terror, and his limbs quake from the effort to not run. The Creeper looks to the wall with a glint in his eyes, then turns back to Steve. "You did a very nice job," the creature says, tipping his head and smiling. Steve narrows his eyes, not convinced that the Creeper is sincere.

What do you want?" the human-like male asks pointedly, lowering his sword but still not daring to take his eyes off of the Creeper. "Just came to see how you were doing on your house. Mind if I come inside?" it says, still smiling. "Hell no. Get out of here, you monster," Steve says to the Creeper, spitting the words out as if they were venom. The Creeper's smile fades and turns into a frown. Its eyes narrow and it glares defiantly up at Steve. "Oh, I'm the monster, am I? You came to this land where we once lived in peace. You slaughter the animals that did nothing but give you warm welcomes, and to do what? You eat them, when there is plenty of vegitation to satisfy your hunger. You slay our lovely sheep and make them into bedding for you to rest your weary head on after a long day of merciless killing. It's pitiful, really, how you chop down trees and ignore the gifts of saplings they give you, instead using the saplings to fuel your wretched furnace. You savage the land, tearing the soil from the ground until only stone is left for miles. You rip precious ores from their homes in the stone, and use them for what? To make more tools to destroy the earth, and to make armor to maake sure nothing gets in your way. Your thirst for blood is never satisfied, is it?"

The Creeper pauses now, shaking its head and chuckling softly to itself. "The scourge you leave upon this land is unimaginable, and yet you have the nerve to call me the monster? Steve, you are truly something to behold..."