Disclaimer: I don't own any characters. All characters mentioned belong to TVD.

I just wanna shout out to Zeejack for helping me out. You're the best, but you already knew that :)

I hope you guys enjoy this fic!

It was days like these that Bonnie loved. Quiet, breezy, sunny days spent on the lawn doing nothing of importance. She enjoyed the way the sun fell on her skin and how the soft cloth of her tank top tickled whenever the wind blew. It was peaceful. There was no one around. Only her and her grandmother, just the way she liked it.

Recently though, they stumbled across something, or rather someone that trespassed on their land. Her grams felt apprehensive of the visitor, but Bonnie was intrigued. It wasn't everyday someone came across the tiny, isolated island they lived on. It wasn't everyday she saw someone so… different.

"Bonnie." Bonnie gaze fell from Emily's grimoire to her grandmother, Sheila. "Check on our prisoner."

"Okay grams." Obediently, the dark girl stood up and gave her grandmother a tiny smile as she left.

Honestly, her grandmother was one of the sweetest people she's ever known. Bonnie didn't know where she'd be without her. After her mother disappeared and her father died, it was Sheila who took her in, and Bonnie couldn't be happier. She never liked the city. The overpopulated city with its overpopulated gossip, it wasn't like that here. She supposed it would be boring doing the same things: Washing the horses, cleaning the house, listening to tales of when magic had a place, but it wasn't. She lived a simple life and it was more than enough for her.

Bonnie made her way to the side of the house till she reached the entrance to an underground shed. Gingerly lifting the door open, she climbed down the short stairs that held the 'prisoner.' She hated it down here, and she hated that he was down here. It was cold, and dark, and it stunk of mixing scents. No place for someone who was simply trespassing on their land. Bonnie didn't know what happened when he was found or what he was doing there now. She just knew she woke up one morning to a pacing Sheila who needed to show her 'something.'

Wiping her hands on the front of her jeans, she slowly made her way to where he was locked up.

"Um, hi." Bonnie never knew what to say. In fact, she barely looked at him. Sheila's orders were always the same though, never stay too long. Make sure he's there, then leave. But Bonnie never listened, she always spared a minute or two to see if he needed anything.

"Hello, little Bennett." He greeted. His voice was usually threatening, but this time, it held a lightness. As if he didn't mind being locked up anymore, as if they were friends.

There were flaws in the underground storage, and light shone through little gaps of old, worn wood. There was just enough for her to see the crystal-likeness of his blue eyes. Eyes, if given the chance, she could stare into until she found the end to its depths. She doubted there was a limit, they seemed infinite.

"How do you know my name?" Bonnie asked as she gravitated closer to the cell. That cell had been there for as long as she could remember. Bonnie never knew its purpose, she guess she knew now.

"Let's just say, our ancestors go way back." The tall brunette answered, leaning precariously on the metal. That answer left Bonnie wide eyed. He'd been there for a few days and her grandmother never made mention of their acquaintance. It took a little while for her to find her voice, and once she did it was covered in shock.


"Oh, 'gramz' didn't tell you yet?" He asked in a snarky tone that was laced with an eerie lightness that oddly had Bonnie feeling stupid.

"N-no." Bonnie pulled her eyebrows in thought as she glanced toward the little garden gracing the shed. There were a few different flowers, but most of them were of Vervain. Not very common on the mainland, but very popular with her grandmother.

"Oops." He remarked, and Bonnie brought her eyes back to him again and out of her thoughts.

"Oops…?" She mocked with sass. "What's your name? Since you know who I am, it only seems fair that I know who you are." Bonnie challenged with a surge of adrenaline. The stranger's sarcastic chuckle broke her resolve instantly.

"I'm locked up in here while you're free to roam. Now what seems fair, little Bennett?" He retorted. Twice, in two minutes, he managed to make her stop short.

"You trespassed." Was her automatic response. She'd ask her grandmother what he did to deserve being locked up, and that was always Sheila's answer. It sounded like a weak excuse to Bonnie's ears whenever Sheila said it, and it even sounded weak now.

"And that gives you a right to lock people up?"

"Gramz does what she feels is best."

"Shelia is a worried old woman who needs not to get her panties in a bunch." Bonnie moved closer to him in warning. No one insulted her grandmother.

"How do you know her name? Whats your name?" She was relieved when her voice came out demanding, it did nothing for him since he was now smiling at her. Bonnie couldn't help but think he looked even better up close. From this angle, she could see that he had a dimple to add to his charm. Charm? Well, she had been guilty for calling him 'Blue-eyed Charming' in her mind since she first saw him, but still, he is anything BUT charming. "Answer me!" Bonnie demanded again after he didn't answer immediately.

"Yeesh, all you Bennett women are the same. Like I said before, ancestors."

"So you know my first name, too?"

"Have we met?" Bonnie rolled her eyes. This was going nowhere. This man was infuriating, and she didn't want to bother feeling bad for him anymore. Still, the question of why Sheila locked him up was still to be asked, especially now that she knew their ancestors had history. Bonnie didn't want to step on Sheila's toes by questioning this man's punishment, but him being locked in here seemed stupid. Looking back at his smug face, she knew she was right: This was going nowhere. After a moment of staring challenging at each other, she shook her head and walked away.

"Wait." He called, and Bonnie did.

"What?" She asked not turning around.

"I'm sorry. I'm just… irritable." Finally, Bonnie turned to face him, and he gave a little roll of his eyes to exaggerate his point. Something in her softened at his confession.

"D-did you want me to bring you something to eat? I know my grandmother is busy adding something to our-uh, cookbook." She covered. The man who's name she still didn't know looked thoughtful, then chuckled like he was enjoying a private joke.

"Thanks, but she made it clear she does the feeding when she deems appropriate." He gave a little smile that could pass as sarcastic.

"I know, but I mean, if you wanted some water or something, I can go get some."

"No, but thank you." This time, Blue-eyed Charming smiled warmly at her.

"Okay, well, I need to get back." Bonnie made a move to walk away when his voice stopped her again.

"Damon." He simply said.

"Excuse me?"

"You asked my name; Its Damon." He repeated gently.

"Bonnie." The short girl offered and the warm smile reappeared on his face, and something in his face suggested he already knew that.

"Bonnie, I like it. I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow?" There were a pattern in her visits of late, and she found herself counting on these patterns.

"I s'pose so." Bonnie smiled then started up the stairs again, looking back at him, she added one last thing. "Since, you know, you're not going anywhere, anyway." Damon offered a squint of the eye and a smile that she returned.

As Bonnie walked away, there were so many questions arising in her head. How did their ancestors tie together? Is that what brought him to their little island? Where was his family? Is that why gramz didn't want her talking to him? She knew she couldn't ask Sheila any of this because it might result in her not seeing Damon, the only one who might tell her the truth… right? Or were those lies as well? She didn't think so.

Only one way to find out. She needed to do a little investigating of her own.

"Hey grams?" Bonnie called as lightly as she could. She had a hard time sleeping the night before and it felt like she was about to explode with the questions. Fidgeting in her seat, she played with the cereal in her bowl.

"Yes, sweetie?" Sheila answered, preoccupied with preparing what Bonnie guessed was Damon's breakfast.

"Um, w-why is that man locked up downstairs?" She gauged Sheila's reaction. Sure Sheila's back was facing her, but Bonnie could see her tense. It was subtle, but it was there.

"He trespassed, I told you this honey." Sheila answered cooly as she turned around to force a tense smile at Bonnie.

"Well, I know, but I mean, don't… you think its a little harsh that he's locked up in that disgusting cell? It seems a little inhumane." Bonnie answered honestly. She couldn't look at her grandmother, so she opted to instead lift a spoonful of milk and let it drop in her bowl again.

"Excuse me?" Uh-oh.

"Well, I only mean, like, can't you just let him off with a warning? He hardly seems dangerous." Bonnie lightly scoffed, and Sheila quickly turned around to face her. Bonnie could see she was angry, and she immediately rubbed the last of her smile off her face.

"You have no idea what he is capable of." Sheila answered darkly, but it made Bonnie more curious.

"What do you mean? Do you know him?"

"Bonnie! Just trust me. Whats with all the questions? Just drop it, Child." Her grandmother asked before grabbing the plate of scrambled eggs and bacon then taking it down to the storage.

Bonnie slinked back in her seat. Seems like Damon was telling the truth. Her grandmother was so apprehensive to even talk about him, it made her more curious. Bonnie wouldn't bring it up anymore. The chance of not seeing Damon because of her in saturable curiousity of the man would suck. She shook her head. Not finding out about this situation would suck. She corrected.

A/N Please review! I'd love to know your thoughts on it so far :)