Hey guys!

So in this chapter I decided to give the Estraneo family a little bit of lime light and we'll go a little bit into its history in the next few chapters. Oh and the myth about the 'Pandora's Box' I placed in this is actually a real myth. Go check it out in google, I found it really interesting ;).

I hope you guys enjoy the story! Please don't forget to review :)

The day was fast, the hands of time continued revolving without a care thus, soon it became night time. What made it more agitating was the battle of the Thunder guardians. Even though it was Lambo's fight, he wasn't nervous at all well it's because he doesn't have enough experience in battles and the second reason is that he practically don't care. Tsuki being Lambo's care taker since his birth couldn't help but be worried for her young master's welfare. She knew that he wouldn't stand the slightest chance of being able to defeat Varia's Levi-A-Than. However, because of his ability to withstand lightning he might be able to at least take on Levi's lightning attacks 'Which is the best case scenario but, chances are he might increase the voltage of his attacks and due to young master's stature…' Tsuki did her best to keep that thought away from her mind because the more she thought about it, the more her focus was divided which can cause a series of consequences which might not be good for the battle.

Ietsuna noticed Tsuki's silence "What are you thinking Tsuki-san?" Tsuki broke away from her reflective thinking and looked at Ietsuna eye to eye "I'm worried about my young master." A simple reply but coming from Tsuki, it held a deep meaning. "Don't divide your attention between the battle and your duty as Dame-Tsuna's body guard. Who knows what might happen during the fight. Don't let your guard down Tsuki." Reborn casually replied as he sat on Ietsuna's shoulder. Tsuki replied with a nod while tightening her hold on the sleeping Lambo. They continued their walk to Namimori Middle School and there they met the rest of the guardians excluding Hibari.

"Ah, Tsuki I have a request to ask you."

Tsuki stopped at her tracks and turned to look at Reborn "What would be your request Reborn-sensei?"

"…I need you to learn of a certain research back in the old days. I accidently overheard about it from one of my colleagues. It's called 'Project Pandora Box'."

"As in the Pandora's Box from the old myths?" Ietsuna interjected.

Reborn shooked his head "No this one's a different case. At first I thought that it was indeed the "Pandora's Box" but eventually I learned that it was really called the 'Pandora Box' Project. For some odd reason it sounded off that's why I need you Tsuki to investigate this research. Travel around the world if you must as long as you bring back the information I need." Tsuki had a skeptical look but eventually complied "When do you want me to investigate Reborn-sensei?" The little demon smirked.

"Now would be a good time." Before she was able to protest Reborn and Ietsuna were already meters away from her. Knowing the Spartan's nature, he would not hesitate to give the most excruciating punishment on those that would defy his command. "…It can't be helped, I send young master Lambo my best regards. Well now, I better start by reading more about the Pandora's Box before I get to the bottom of this mysterious research.

With that her silhouette had vanished from sight…


"I don't get it Reborn, there's always tomorrow why now?" Ietsuna earned a smack from his tutor "Are you questioning me Dame-Tsuna?" The poor boy immediately shook his head and from then on not a single word escaped his mouth. 'Besides if Iemitsu were to see Tsuki and trigger some unnecessary 'scenes' that would be indeed a huge problem. And, I can't help but be intrigued by this 'Pandora Box' Project… I wonder what that Verde is scheming…'


Reborn decided to pay Verde a visit after the scientist's attempt of taking his student's life. He thought a good 'talk' might do the trick. After a few hours of tracking he finally managed to find an entrance to Verde's lab. He walked down the corridor casually hands in his pockets that was until he heard a sound from another room. Deciding that his location is safe, his pet Leon transformed into some sort of hearing device.

"…Hm, and what is this amazing discovery are you talking about Innocenti? Huh, a 15th century research you say?" 'It looks like Verde's having his usual chat with one of his colleagues, nothing suspicious about it so far.' And thus Reborn returned to listening "…Project…Pandora Box… don't you mean 'Pandora's Box'? No? Interesting…very interesting indeed well, where did you find it?" 'Project…Pandora Box? What is that all about…?'

"How on earth did a rare document like that come in their possession? What are you saying that it's not some normal family? The one that created the possession bullet- don't tell me the Estraneo family? There's a stamp and it says a "SUCCESS," how strange… how did a low level family like them manage to complete a complex blueprint dating way back in the 15th century and what's even strange is how they managed to get a rare print like that. Well are there any other records aside from the print? What do you mean there are no records?" 'This is getting more disturbing by the minute…'

"…So it's either it's missing, destroyed or worst case scenario, they didn't have one to begin with. What about the subject-rather what is the subject? Huh… you mean to say that it's unreadable. Hmm, disturbing yet very interesting… very well I'll call you back. For now, it looks like I have a visitor to deal with." Reborn 'hmph-ed'…

Flashback End

'…To think the Estraneo family had a special document. Knowing that Verde, he's probably starting his precious research regarding that 'Pandora Box.'" Reborn snapped out of his thoughts when lightning came crashing down. 'Anyway, I'll only need the important information regarding the research. The rest of details… will have to wait for now…'

"Then, let the match of the Lightning Guardians begin!"


Sawada Residence

6: 45 PM

Tsuki was sitting on the couch checking out on her laptop regarding the legend behind "Pandora's Box." "… Then I'll have to recap the story. Basically this Pandora is the first woman on Earth created by Zeus. The gods gave her several gifts eventually she had wed the brother of Prometheus; Epimetheus. A wedding gift was bestowed upon her which was a jar or box according to other versions of the myth and was instructed not to open it. Due to her curiosity, she opened it and released all the evil in the world living only one last spirit; Elpis who is the spirit of hope."

'That's strange, I don't see a connection between this myth and the research Reborn-sensei was telling me of; Pandora box. But what if the concept of the jar itself was the main subject of the research… a jar would be too fragile… I'm guessing it's probably a box. A Box development project… what about the 'Pandora'. So it's both a concept of the first woman on Earth and a Box? Hold up…' Tsuki typed on the search bar the meaning behind the name 'Pandora' all results showed "all-gifted", "all-giving", and the curious nature of humans. 'Still not a single trace… if only there would be some useful hint that would appear anywhere.' At that a moment she received a message from Reborn 'Go to Italy, then check out the former base of the Estraneo Family.'

And thus she left with a heavy heart to find more about the research Reborn was telling her to find out. Then she received another message 'You won't be alone…' She replaced her cell phone back into her pocket and wasted no time. She packed her bags and left a lengthy letter to her young master and off she went… not knowing it would lead to a disturbing discovery.