Disclaimer: This is still not mine, sadly. This is not for profit, this is just the insane ramblings of a more than slightly obsessed teenage girl... Enjoy!

Albus stormed across the Ravenclaw common room. What the hell was that man-slut doing talking to (read as: flirting outrageously with) his Scorpius? He walked up behind Scorpius and wrapped an arm tightly around his waist.

"Hey Scorpi," he said, giving the man-slut a dirty look.

"Hey Albie, this is Adam," Scorpius introduced politely, not discouraged by Albus' sharp tone.

"Hi Albie" the man-slut said, smiling and presenting his hand for Albus to shake. Albus looked at it in disgust.

"Only my mates call me Albie, you can call me... Albus Potter," he replied, stressing the Potter, not something he did often... at all, if he could help it. The man-slut looked scared and nodded shakily before darting away, not looking back. Albus smiled in triumph.

"Albus Severus Potter!" Scorpius shouted, pulling away. "What the hell was that for? Do you just not want me to have any other mates? What are you, some kind of possessive freak? I don't belong to anyone! I don't bloody well care if you're a Potter! I am not anyone's property, least of all yours!" Albus looked at the floor in shame, maybe he had overreacted a little bit... or a lot. "Well? What've you got to say for yourself?" Scorpius flung his arms out, hitting Albus full in the face, something cracked and they both froze.

"Owwwwww," Albus mumbled. "I know you hate me but that is no reason for physical violence."

"I don't hate you, you silly thing," Scorpius replied, confused, wrapping his arms around Albus and pulling him close.

"Ummm... I distinctly remember being called something along the lines of... possessive freak," Albus sobbed. Scorpius' arms tightened around his best mate/crush.

"I didn't mean that Albie, I was just angry, please don't ever think that I hate you," he said, almost in tears. He looked at Albus' face and saw the blood dripping from his nose, his arms dropped from his best mate's waist and he cupped the other boy's face in his hands and studied his nose. "It's definitely broken, that's not too much of a problem, let me help you with that. I'm so sorry if this hurts." He pointed his wand at the Albus' nose. "Episkey. See if that's helped." Albus brought his hand up to his face and gasped.

"Merlin Scorpi! You did it! You're so awesome!" Albus exclaimed. "And I wasn't annoyed because you were making other mates, I got annoyed because I've been trying really hard all week and he just swooped in with his charming smile and tight Muggle jeans and ruined it!"

"What'd he ruin, you crazy thing? What've you been trying so hard at?" Scorpius questioned, laughing.

"Wooing you," Albus said, simply. Scorpius' eyes widened. "I'm bloody crazy about you Scor. I didn't know how to tell you so I went to James and he didn't laugh at me, for once, and then he gave me a list and told me it would work... It was like a list of things to do to get you to like me... Actually, it was a list of things to do to get you to like me... Anyway it was stuff like touch you more, laugh at your jokes, compliment you and buy you gifts... Stuff like that. Most of them didn't work. So all my extra weirdness today has been because of James. Because this was James' Idea!"

"You're kidding right, just joking, JK and all that shit? Oh Merlin! Or this is a dream... that'll be it. You can't really be saying this, however much I want you to be! Or are you? I don't know." Scorpius stumbled over his words, struggling to make coherent sentences.

"I did say it Scorpi! Every word! And I meant it too," Albus laughed. Scorpius' eyes widened once more and wrapped his arms around his best mate's slender waist.

"This feels so weird... but so right," Scorpius mumbled. Albus smiled.

"I know what you mean," he mumbled back. They were so close, chest to chest, Albus leant forwards and let his lips just brush against Scorpius'.

"You call that a kiss?" Scorpius asked jokingly. He then proceeded to show Albus what a real kiss was like. Only when breathing became necessary did they pull back, panting. "Oh, and I'm crazy about you too, if you didn't get that."

And it's over! I will sorely miss you all! Maybe you'll read my other stories? If you love me enough! Love you all! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx