A/N: I'm still brainstorming the fight scene I have planned for my other Fairy Tail fanfic but this idea has been swimming around for awhile and I figured, why not? I think there is another RPG style fic out there, but from memory I think it is GrayxLucy not NatsuxLucy... I didn't read it so... *shrug*

She slammed her bedroom door shut with a thud, slamming the lock and throwing her backpack on her bed, it landing with a thud, some of the school books slipping out of the open zipper, but she paid it no mind, hitting the on switch of her computer tower with her foot as she rushed passed, ripping off her school uniform and re-dressing in a tee and jeans, something so much more comfortable than the stuffy blazer and the perfectly pleated dress. Sighing in exasperation as she sat on the bright pink computer chair, pulling herself inwards, grasping the equally pink headset and thrusting it on.

"I'm so late!"

She inwardly cursed as her computer had decided this very moment to boot everything up extra slowly, double clicking an icon on her desk top with such furiously that she almost hurt her finger on the mouse, but she clicked the "connect" button with the same pressure, pulling her keyboard out on its draw, barely bothering to look at the usernames that flashed up on the small window before clicking one of the titles that separated the voice chat rooms, pounding the password allowing her entry before relaxing slightly at the happy little sound that said she had logged in successfully. There were a few static pops that followed it, leading her to assume someone had been talking when she logged in.

"Ah!" A male voice rang out in her headset "Please let that be you, Stell!" the voice was eager and excited, and never failed to bring a smile to her face, even if she would never tell him that.

"Maybe if you actually looked at the chat once and awhile you wouldn't have to ask."

She took a sharp intake of breath at the new voice, also male, and slightly deeper, "Great, they're already at it."

"Sorrryyy~ some of us don't have six billion windows open at the same time, Snow-Cone."

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me!"

She typed a hello into the chat window that sat covering her game screen. If any of her friends knew she spent most of her evenings, and weekends, playing an online roleplaying game she'd never be able to live it down, she wasn't even sure how she'd gotten so "into" the game herself, the game had been a gift to her father from one of his business associates, and he had handed it on to her, games were for children, not for serious business men, needless to say he had broken all contact from that particular associate after that gift. She had been bored one Sunday afternoon and decided to give the game a try, it wasn't long during her exploration and, even if she didn't want to admit it at the time, fun, that she had met the young man that was still currently yelling childish insults over the chat to his "rival", she had been having trouble with a quest of some sort, and he had come bursting in, killing everything in sight (and destroying most of the destroyable structures that sat in the game zone) before profusely apologizing for killing the monster she had needed, and offered to wait around and help when it respawned, she had joined the overly enthusiastic boys guild not long after. Well, after he had explained it was a social group of people that helped each other out. It wasn't even a whole week before the group people that played under the guild name "Fairy Tail" had her at the maximum character level and some of the best gear the character class she had picked could gain. Finding herself constantly entering dungeons and taking down group monsters with the same boy that had gotten her to join and the other two players he seemed to group with the most, even if he did claim to hate one of them, a sentiment that was apparently mutual. Becoming an "official" raiding group of four (five, if you were a certain someone that insisted his cat was part of the group) under the guild not three months after she had joined and started playing.


A crisp and commanding female voice chirped out over the boys bickering, and the sound died out instantly.

"You are rather late, Stellar." StellarHime, that was her character name, her father would likely kill her if she had ever given out her real name over the internet.

"Yeah, I know, I, uh, got held up after class."

It wasn't a complete lie, she had stayed back a little later than normal at school due to her best friend needing a hand carrying the stupid amount of library books she had taken out back to the library, but as soon as she had gotten home her father had called her into his office to introduce her to another one of his business partners and "his son that is around your age." The teen had been blonde and kind of attractive, but he had the same "rich-boy" air around him that had turned her off every single "son around your age" that her father had seen fit to introduce her too. Being as polite as she could be while desperately wanting to be up in her bedroom logging on to the game and being able to start off on the dungeon run that the group had planned a week in advance. Only being able to get away when she had unzipped her backpack, pulled out one of her larger school books and claimed she had a ton of homework, the excuse worked well enough, but she didn't really want to tell her "online friends" about the issues she had with her father and his constant attempts and trying to get her to date a boy he deemed good enough. Though she knew none of them ever believed her whenever she said she was just "held up after class". There was a long quiet pause that made her shift in her seat anxiously, accepting the group invite that Titania had sent her.

"Well, you are here now."

"We can get started now! Woo!"

She laughed: "Someone is eager, 'Mander."

A pink haired dragon-like humanoid jumped up and down before her own human character on the screen, the name Salamander floating above his head.

"Yeah! I've been looking forward to this!"

As if to emphasize the point, the pink haired character shot flames up into the air on her screen.

"Don't wreak the place before we actually start."

Another human like character appeared next to them, Crystallos, or Crys as they referred to him chirped up once more over the voice chat.

"Dude! Your character has no gear on again!"

"God damn it!"

She laughed, it was fairly common for Crys' character to pop up somewhere without any armour or clothing on, she wasn't sure if it was some kind of glitch that only his character had, or if he, for some reason, took it off without realising.

"Hurry up; I'm at the first boss."

Even though she had been grouping with the other female of the group, Tita, or Titania, for a few months now, she was still in awe whenever she heard, or saw, the plain looking character take out a hundred or so monsters around the max level on her own, she could likely take down the boss by herself, too, but often waited for the rest of the group to join her. Even if the group was odd and, in some cases, scary, she had found herself strangely open to these people she only knew through a computer screen and a headset. She didn't know their real names, nor their faces, only their voices and the pixelated characters that represented them.

She made sure to close her microphone off when she gave a loud groan, as much as she liked the group, it was seriously hard to be their healer, more so when at the last boss of the dungeon run they had destroyed all that could be in the dungeon and she was constantly trying to keep the little red bars that signified their health that kept going down from the bosses attacks and the debris that fell on them, while watching her own little blue bar that showed how much magic she had left. The boss fell, and the items that it dropped were given out and she was almost going to announce it had been a good day due to the armour piece that had dropped that her character could use until the eager voice of 'Mander spoke up;

"Hey guys. I think we should meet."

A/N: Working out a username for Gray was stupidly hard, I ended up translating Ice into different languages until I found something I like, so Crystallos, is along the lines of ice, rock crystal, crystal-ware in Latin.