James and Jackson

Chapter 11

Harry's POV


I have never been this confused before in my life. I thought back to the day I left the safety of Hogwarts, the day I left the mental and physical abuse that my 'friends' had let me suffer. Not only suffer, but they caused my life to be the way it was.


"Harry, Harry, Harry," Ron, my best mate, hollered from the base of the dormitory steps.

"Yeah?" I called back. I did not want to go downstairs to the dormitory as I knew Ron would be with Hermione and she had been acting very hostile to me lately.

"Come down here for a moment?" Ron shouted from the bottom of the steps. As I got off my four-poster bed, I groaned from the sudden rush of blood that I got due to standing upright after long hours of laying down on my bed. Wondering what Ron needed, I went down the winding stairs and came face-to-face with Hermione.

"I was just coming up to get you. I swear, boys like you Harry, make me hate the opposite gender." Hermione sneered at me. At first I thought she was joking and playing with me but when I thought about it harder she had been doing this for a while and never seemed to regret what she had said. I shook my head and continued walking over to Ron.

"Hey Ron, what'd you need me for?" I asked Ron curiously.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go down to the great hall for dinner with Hermione and I?" Ron replied. The thought of spending time with Hermione when she was treating me like I was a waste of space made me lose my appetite.

"No. I'll just stay up here. I'm not really that hungry." I responded to Ron's earlier inquiry.

"Ok, just come down if you change your mind." Then he left me to find Hermione and to have dinner. As they had left me alone, my thoughts started to haunt me. What had I done to Hermione for her sudden change of thoughts? 'Well, at least Ron still liked me!' I thought to myself.

*2 hours later (still in flashback)*

I found myself, once again, lying in my bed facing the ceiling and slowly drifting off to sleep when the dorm room's door was slammed open and Ron came storming in.

"I hate you Harry Potter. No one likes you. I doubt anyone will ever like you again." Ron screamed at me and angrily stomped out of the room, not even bothering to close the door on his way out.

'What was is his problem?' I thought to myself. Maybe he'll just apologise tomorrow and everything will be all better, even though that is incredibly cliché. Ron had changed in the last few hours from a caring friend to a raging lunatic. What did I do?

*Flashback Over*

What I did not know was that Ron never changed back. Ron and Hermione continued to mentally assault me and after a month they began to harm me physically. I couldn't handle it anymore and decided to leave. That is when I met Percy and Chaos. That is why I am standing in front of all my old friends with Percy looking at me to see my reaction to what Kronos had said but I did not care that Kronos had revealed my true identity but I cared that Ron was acting weird and I did not know what it was.

Percy's POV

What is wrong with Harry? He keeps looking over the crowd but his eyes stop on two people. A girl with bushy brown hair and an obnoxious smirk, and a tall boy with ginger hair and many freckles. I made a smart assumption and guessed that that boy and that girl are Hermione and Ron. The two beings in this universe that Harry loathed more than anyone. Although he hated them he still loved them as he had once been best friends.

I turned my attention back towards Harry and looked at his emotional façade that he had plastered upon his face. If we weren't in such a horrible and dangerous situation I would most likely have told Harry that he needed to turn that frown upside down, but in a condition where our hands and feet are being bounded by magical, unbreakable rope, courtesy of Voldemort and his death eaters, I didn't exactly want us to be killed before we had completed our plan.

I glanced back over the crowd of wizards and half-bloods that were in shock that their hero had returned. The wizard's jaws were hanging low, their wands lay forgotten in their hands, their eyes showed regret and guilt. However, the half-bloods, my former family, showed confusion on their faces, all except one. Annabeth Chase, the girl I would like to have never seen ever again was looking at Harry with surprise, she was surprised that his story was not a myth. That surprised look on her face turned to shock, shocked that the boy in front of her was very much the same person that was in her wizarding books that she had studied. Finally her face morphed until it showed horror and guilt.

I could not understand why she showed these emotions until I realised she was looking at me and not Harry. Classic Annabeth. She figured out who I was before everyone else did. Our eyes met and I turned away, I was not going to fall for her again. I was not going through the heartbreak I felt when she abandoned me last time. I forced the loving thoughts out of my brain as she tried to reconnect our eyes but I was not going to give her that pleasure.

I redirected my gaze towards Kronos again.

"Everybody, it is time for the second announcement. You see, there are two boys that are shown here right at this moment. One is the Wizarding World's famous Harry Potter, and the second… Everybody reintroduce yourselves to the Greek and Roman world's former hero." Then Kronos fixated his gaze upon me. "Why don't you introduce yourself? I'm sure everybody here is growing impatient trying to think about who you are."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and glared at Kronos but he only laughed at me as I was using the body of an eleven year old boy to intimidate an immortal.

I looked into the crowd and locked eyes with Nico. He acknowledged my presence and nodded telling me I should tell everyone who I was. Then I redirected my eyes towards Thalia, she looked at me worriedly, not thinking it would be wise to reveal my identity. I knew I had to do it though, so I looked at Harry for final permission.

I stared into my best friends eyes, silently explain my problem to him. He understood completely and signalled to me that we are still in the bodies of eleven year old boys. I assumed he wanted to change back into our original bodies before explaining why we are here to help those who had once destroyed us.

A moment later, Harry and I were in our original forms. My head was bowed whereas Harry stared into the crowd with confidence as everyone already knew who he was but this did not, however, stop the army's reaction to their former hero standing appearing in front of them. I knew it was my time to show the crowd who I was. I slowly lifted my head until everyone could see my face, until they could recognise who I was.

"Hello everybody. Long time, no see. To those who do not know who I am, I am Percy Jackson. Hero of Olympus, that is, until everyone betrayed me." I then smirked at everyone's scared face that I saw as they recognised me and could not believe that I was here after years..

"No, it can't be. No one has seen you for ages. Why now? It cannot possibly be you."

I looked into the crowd of people that had formed and my eyes looked into those that had haunted me forever. They were identical to mine. The sea green colour that I had used to love. My father. He had just acknowledged my existence for the first time since Charlie had killed his first monster.

"Why now?" I mimicked my father's words. I understood that he knew what I had been talking about. He understood that I was beyond angry that this was the first time he had talked to me in years.

Why now?