A/N: This is my first try at writing smut so I can't promise that it will be very good. Also while reading this you may want to imagine the bearded Tom because that's the way I like him and is the way he is in this story. No flames please. I clearly do NOT own Tom Hiddleston but I do however own Racheal. Enjoy. (:

I was sitting on our huge bed with the dark blue comforter over my lap and a old worn out copy of my favorite book, Howl's Moving Castle, in my hands. Tom was in the walk-in closet changing into his pajamas humming to himself. After a few moments I felt his side of the bed shift as he got in.

"Really Racheal? How many times are you going to read that book?" he chuckled turning off his bedside lamp.

"Until it falls apart and even after that happens I'll still be able to get you to buy me a new copy." I replied placing the book pages down onto my nightstand then shut off my own side lamp. Tom laughed at my answer and held up his arm so I could lay my head on his bare chest.

"Damn." he whispered looking me over. "How did I ever get lucky enough to be able to have you as my beautiful wife?" he asked rubbing my exposed thigh.

"You? Please, I'm the lucky one! Just think about it, how many women get to say that they get to sleep with and next to Thomas William Hiddleston?" I questioned him. Tom looked up at the ceiling for a few moments then back at me smiling as he moved his hand from my lower thigh to my ass.

"I guess you're right but, how many men get to say that they get to sleep with and next to Racheal Audreyonna Hiddleston?" he smiled using my own words against me.

"Well, there was that one time with Chris Evans when he had to wear that amazingly tight Captain America outfit. That turned out to be a very-
I didn't get to finish my sentence because Tom interrupted me by giving me a hard smack on the ass.

"Don't you ever speak of that fool in my presence ever again mortal!" Tom threatened me using that dark Loki voice and evil glare. Tom then grabbed my face and moved it so that I would make direct eye contact with his death glare.

'Well that escalated quickly' I thought to myself.

"Do I make myself clear or do I need to discipline my little mortal even further?"


"No what?"

"No my king." I replied with a smirk and in a moment of courage, I stuck my tongue out at him. That got me another smack.

"One more time mortal. One. More. Time." He whispered in my ear as his hand slid from my ass to my frontal area making me whimper softly. "We are going to be playing a little game tonight and the rules of this game are very simple. You are not allowed to make a single whimper, moan, or cry as I have my way with you. Every time you do I prolong your release. You are also forbidden to release until I allow it and if you do release before I say then those little smacks you got before will feel more like little pricks after I finish with you. Am I understood?" I nodded at him smiling. "Then let the games begin." Tom replied darkly.