Disclaimer: Nada.
A/N: Flashbacks are typed like this.
"Oh Duncan!" Alejandro yelled in the woods. "You know we're going to find you and if you keep playing these games we're going to make is slow and painful!"
"How could you let him get away?" Heather whispered to Alejandro "He's going to get out of here and call the cops."
"Relax, he's not getting out of here." Alejandro smirked. "Not alive anyway."
"You better be sure." Heather sighed. "I don't want to chase him around the woods all night. He already saw us burn Gwen's whole family down."
"That's all the more reason to kill him." Alejandro sighed. "If you don't want to keep walking, go wait in the car."
"Fine." Heather rolled her eyes. "I'm not playing with the local delinquent."
"Whatever Heather." Alejandro carried some rope in his hands. "I'll handle him myself."
Heather and Alejandro drove to Gwen's house, she lived by the woods so this would be amusing to the new couple. They peaked in the windows and saw her mom making dinner and her brother was sitting in the kitchen on his laptop. Duncan and Gwen were sitting on the couch, watching some stupid horror movie and laughing at it. Heather rolled her eyes in disgust, she never did like Gwen ever since she stole Duncan from Courtney, that was a bitchy move even in Heather's eyes, yet again she already killed Courtney so it really didn't matter. Alejandro poured the gasoline all over the house and Heather found a rake by the back door and made a nice little leaf pile in front of it just in case they went to escape from the back door. Alejandro noticed that Duncan had his car in Gwen's driveway, so he slashed all the tires on Duncan's car as well as every other car in the driveway, there would be no escape.
It was simple really. Alejandro cut the power line so they had no land lines and no TV, no distractions, they needed to know what was happening. Heather was told to wait outside and light the fire when Alejandro was coming out. He smashed the window and knocked Duncan out cold and Gwen's brother before he went to tie Gwen and her mother up. Her mom cried and Gwen was more concerned about Duncan being dead, that should have been the least of her problems. Alejandro laughed and smashed all the cell phone, so with no transportation and no phones, they would all go down easily.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Gwen yelled at Alejandro who didn't even bother to respond. He walked out of the house like he lived there and that's when Heather took her match and lit the fire. She even made sure her little pile by the back door to the yard was set on fire.
The two backed up far enough to watch the place get completely torched, smiling the whole time. They were in this pretty deep. Alejandro never tied Duncan up so when Duncan somehow managed to make it upstairs and out a window to safety, Heather shot Alejandro a dirty look as Duncan started running away he yelled to them.
"You two are sick fucks!" Duncan ran into the woods.
"We can't let him get away." Heather told Alejandro. "I don't want to go to jail."
"Fine, we'll go after him, Mi amour." Alejandro smiled and the two chased him into the woods.
Heather was walking back to the vehicle, it was getting cold out and she was getting tired and wanted to take a rest for the night. Why would she want to waste her time on Duncan? That's what she had Alejandro for, he was a big strong guy who could take Duncan down. Heather figured that Alejandro had already killed Duncan by now, so she wasn't all that worried. Suddenly a knife was placed in front of Heather's throat and she was being restrained, most girls would be freaking out about this, but not Heather she just sighed.
"Alejandro, do you really think that's funny?" Heather asked him. "Let me go and get in the car."
"Not Alejandro." Duncan informed her. "Guess again."
"Oh shit..." Heather was now panicking "Duncan, let's just talk about this. Okay?"
"There isn't anything to talk about." Duncan told her. "You're going to die like you did to Gwen! You burned her!"
Duncan was tracing Heather's neck with his knife and laughing to himself. Heather suspected that he was just as twisted as she was. He was willing to kill her so it really didn't make him much better. Duncan was starting to cough and his grip on her loosened and Heather fell to the ground, when she looked up she saw that Alejandro had a rope and was holding it and Duncan was turning blue in the face until he stopped breathing. Alejandro kicked his body and made sure there was no breath, Alejandro took Heather's hand and helped her up and the two of them got into the vehicle.
"Are you okay, Mi amour?" Alejandro asked Heather who yawned in response.
"I'm so tired." Heather told him. "Can we check into a hotel for the night?"
"Alright, Tomorrow do you want to do it again?" Alejandro kissed Heather's forehead.
"I'm game." Heather held his hand. "Who should we go for next?"
"Noah." Alejandro told her.
"Why Noah?" Heather asked with a yawn.
"He called me a slippery eel." Alejandro glared. "He saw through me before almost everyone except you!"
"Okay." Heather smiled. "I'll let you decide how."
There you have it! I actually remembered to do this and update! So, Noah is next!