A/N: I know it's been ages so I won't bother you any more with the top author's note.


Derek's talk seemed to take forever. I was worried about him being alone with the other werewolves the whole time. At one point, I crept close to the doo,l,r to try to hear part of what was being said but, of course, they were talking way too quietly for me to hear. At that distance, they would have had to be almost yelling.

After what seemed to be ages, I heard footsteps approaching the door. Next, the murmur of voices reached my ears. I held my breath until Derek's voice drifted through just quiet loud enough to be a rumble. The very sound seeped through me and calmed my nerves almost immediately.

"You should just tell her," Jeremy's voice said. The statement was accompanied by a grunt from Derek that said he'd heard this before. Just tell her? Her? There's a girl?

The door creaked as it let the men in. The image provided by Derek, Jeremy, and Clay was one that I'm sure Jamie and Liz would have loved. The three were all gorgeous but in different ways. In many cases, a group of attractive people would have one person who stood out and mad everyone else look awful by comparison. Let me tell you, that was definitely not the case here. Their appearances seemed to compliment the others'. It was astonishing to realize that one of those guys was my best friend. Indeed, he was someone I could spend all my time with and hug all I wanted.

I got up and ran to Derek, throwing my arms around him. I felt him hesitantly return my embrace. I took in his sharp scent, letting myself dissect its components. Derek always smelled like a combination of woods and cinnamon. I would never tire of this.

"Um…Chloe? Are you okay?" Derek rumbled. I didn't often hug him for no reason. Of course, there was a reason this time. I had been so worried but there was absolutely no chance of me admitting that in front of two strangers.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I said, burying my head in his chest. Derek's arms tightened around me as he lifted me up. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes. His heart beat was quicker than normal but was slowly calming down. The steady thumping was weighing my eyelids down as I struggled to remain awake.

"She's probably just tired. I'll walk you to the door," Derek whispered to the others. A voice responded, saying they could let themselves out. I didn't take the time to determine who had said it. I was too warm and secure to care. I felt the gentle rocking that told me that Derek was walking. I heard the click of the deadbolt while the movement paused. The rocking increased as Derek moved up the stairs. He set me down on a bed but I wouldn't release his neck enough for him to leave. He shifted the covers around me. I smiled and opened my eyes when I realized that the bed smelt like Derek.

"Chloe, honey, I need you to let go," Derek stated. I don't want him to leave. Why is he leaving?

"No. Stay," I pouted. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. My brain couldn't process why he wouldn't want to be with me.

"At least let me get ready for bed." Apparently his partial change and the events leading up to it had prevented him from even thinking about sleep because he was still wearing his clothes from the day before. I released him, pulling a pillow from the head of the bed and burying my face in it. I heard the sound of Derek moving around. Eventually, the rustling stilled and the bed shifted as Derek got in. I flipped over to look at him before moving closer and putting the pillow under his head. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I laid my head down on his chest, asleep before either of us could say anything.


"They're so cute when they're like that!" A shrill voice was whisper-yelling right above my head. I brushed it off thinking that I was half-asleep and still dreaming.

"Shhh! You'll wake them!" A second voice joined the first, admonishing the initial culprit. I realized that I should probably find out if I was dreaming or hearing things but I simply couldn't open my eyes. I was too warm and relaxed to move. The voices soon quieted down, allowing me to return to my dream world.


The next morning, I woke up feeling incredibly warm. But it wasn't that uncomfortable warmth you get from a too-heavy-blanket. Rather, it was not just physical heat but also emotional warmth. The kind of warmth I get from hugging my parents…or…Derek?

I finally opened my eyes as my pondering took this sudden twist into account. I was confronted by the image of Liz and Tori leaning over me. I jumped back, trying to escape their eyes. My landing was cushioned by what felt like a body. Well, I probably shouldn't say cushioned because whoever was behind me was clearly muscular. I could also feel a part of him that was probably not something I needed to feel.

"Oof," an incredibly familiar voice exclaimed from behind me. I blushed and glanced back to see that Derek was too busy looking at the ceiling to notice my gaze. I followed his eyes and tried to figure out what within the bleakness to contain his attention so much. He was always a focused guy but never this intent about interior design. Oh! Maybe Simon should draw something on the ceiling. That would be cool. You would just be laying here and then you'd look up and see Simon's work. Oh wait. That's a seriously off-track thought.

"Sorry, Der. I was just spooked by the demons hovering around," I told him, burying my face against his neck. I unconsciously kissed his neck, hoping he wouldn't mind. I couldn't get our kiss (make-out session) out of my head and I really wanted, no needed to, have a repeat performance. I had already known that he was the sweetest guy I had ever met but that proved he could also be insanely passionate when he wanted to be.

"Whoa, love-birds. We don't need little Chlerek babies running around here just yet. Plus we're definitely hitting the mall today!" Tori exclaimed. If I didn't know her so well, I honestly would have been shocked to see Tori so excited about anything. However, knowing her as I did, I knew that Tori loves shopping. Although she would never admit it, she also loves her family; which includes Derek and me. She wants us to be happy and if acting so insanely cheesy makes us happy, then so be it.

"Go away. You know how much I hate going to the mall more than once a week. This is ridiculous Tori," I mumbled. I peeked out at her and could see her rolling her eyes. As if that wasn't predictable. "Derek save me."

Derek just chuckled and shook his head. He probably knew that there was no way that he would get his sister to change her mind. As with Tori, Derek refuses to acknowledge the familial bond between them but clearly cares for her. I hit him with my best puppy-dog face in an attempt to get him to get me out of this. As usual, it worked like a charm.

"Tori. Chloe's staying." With that comment, Caveman Derek returned. I giggled into his shoulder at that thought and he tightened his arm around me.

"No, she's not. She's not because you're coming with us. We have to celebrate your guys' new coupley-ness." She gave a snarky smirk at that comment, turned on her heel, and left the room.

"But we're not a couple!" Yet. I called after her. Derek and I had yet to talk about what happened with the whole Truth or Dare debacle because of all that had happened since then. I really hoped that after this we would become what Tori predicted but was still unsure.

A/N: Well, well, well. Look who's back. Oh! It's me. Sorry it took so long guys but it's been a busy summer. I have got to find more time to enjoy myself. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and definitely let me know what you think. I may need to go back and check some of the past events but not right now because I'm really tired. Not that I'll be sleeping. Stupid storm. Can't turn my computer off because League is loading as well. Grrrr.


*in a silly girly voice* hugs and butterfly kisses,


P.S. If you get that reference I will love you forever. Just saying.