Bulma smiled behind her cup as she watched Vegeta and Trunks 'play' from the hallway.

It wasn't really playing. If anything, it was Vegeta ignoring the little purple monster as he was used as a jungle gym. Vegeta was sitting on the floor, his back against the couch. His legs were sprawled in front of him, with one hand flat against the carpet next to him as the other held up the remote as he flicked aimlessly through the thousands of channels on the TV, stopping only if he saw something particularly gruesome. When the scene was gone, so was the channel.

Little Trunks gripped his father's arm as he clamored up and onto his father's shoulders, halfway crawling on the couch so he could grip his father's hair as he tried to stand on his father's head. The boy's yanked on his father's tall ebony locks, his tiny toes curled around his father's left ear as he tried to make it to the top of Mount Vegeta.

And to Bulma's relief, Vegeta just sat their.

"I can't believe you're letting him do that!" Yamcha said from behind Bulma. "I'd be terrified he'd throw him across the room, let alone blast him to pieces." Yamcha made a small noise. "Just look at that!" Trunks' had slipped off Vegeta's head and was clinging to his father, one hand gripping his nose and an ear that looked painful. His little purple tail was wrapped around Vegeta's face, halfway covering his eyes. Vegeta stilled, leaning his head back slightly. The small half-Saiyan dropped to the couch with a small'Uomph' and Vegeta resumed his channel surfing.

Trunks had the same scowl that his father wore as he stood on the couch, gripping his father's hair tightly. It looked like he would try again.

But, to Bulma's horror, he let out a small cry and kicked Vegeta's neck.

Vegeta let out a howl and jumped to his feet. Trunks was flung back on the couch, but before he reached the back, Vegeta's tail gripped him tightly by the leg, flinging him forward. The Prince grasped the boy by the leg, dangling him upside down, looking at him in the eye.

Trunks looked victorious even has his face began to redden. His tail wrapped around his father's forearm as Vegeta growled menacingly at him.

Bulma gripped her coffee cup tightly as Yamcha gripped her shoulder. They watched as Trunks' grin dropped and then he barred his little teeth at Vegeta, letting out a tiny growl.

Vegeta then smirked, dropping the boy. Bulma took two steps, her cup crashing to the ground as she watched her baby plummet.

Vegeta's tail then grabbed the boy again, bracing his fall. Trunks landed on the ground with a small 'thunk.'

The boy sat their slightly dazed before he erupted into giggles.

Bulma felt an arm grip her waist. She looked up to see Yamcha staring down. She looked to see her foot almost landing on a large shard of ceramic mug and hot coffee. She looked up just in time to see Vegeta giving her a curious look before stalking off down a hallway towards the gravity room. Trunks trotting after him, their tails intertwined.