Baby its cold outside
Thunder crashed as rain poured from the sky, lightning flashed illuminating Tony's bedroom. Sighing the man flopped over to his side, there was no way he was getting any sleep with this loud booming storm going on. "Thor must be at it again." Tony mumbled to himself as he stared out his window. Another flash of lightning lit up Tony's room and revealed a tall slender figure standing right outside Tony's window. "Jarvis turn the lights on."
"Yes sir." Answered the computer butler.
Tony stood to his feet and walked slowly over toward the window to get a closer look at his late night visitor. Putting a hand against the cool glass his eyes scanned for the mysterious figure outside.
Just outside the window on the balcony stood a soaking wet and freezing cold God of Mischief, his hair dripped with droplets of water and his body trembled. Despite being a Frost Giant the man still got cold just like anyone else. Looking for warmth and shelter from the storm he had headed to the nearest place he knew of which just so happened to be Stark Tower. Even though Loki was sure the man of iron would not be pleased to see him, especially after he had thrown him out a window just a few months earlier. He still came here hoping that Tony would be kind enough to let him inside for even just a few minutes. To tell the truth Loki had always been interested in Tony, when the man had first offered the god a drink he did actually consider accepting it. Together the two could have made a great team it was such a pity they were on opposite sides.
"Loki?" the sound of Tony's voice snapped Loki out of his thought and he looked up to see the man's velvety brown eyes staring into his own.
"Let me inside to dry myself." Loki ordered and the other man eyed him suspiciously. Loki rolled his eyes, "I've come alone and unarmed, just let me inside now."
Tony looked over Loki a few more times searching for any type of weapon, when he found that Loki appeared to be clean he opened the window completely and allowed Loki inside. He figured it couldn't hurt, "Alright but make it fast. If any of the others find out about this I'm dead."
The god gave him a simple nod and stepped into the warm room; Tony closed the window behind Loki and walked back over toward his giant bed. "Jarvis, turn all the security systems off for now, Loki's here as our guest."
"All security systems are now off sir."
Loki looked up at the ceiling searching for where the voice had come from, "Hey reindeer games that's my computer system." The other man said with an amused smile on his face.
Loki turned and looked at the other man, "I knew that."
"Sure you did."
Loki growled lowly, "I require a towel and clothing."
Tony smirked, "Oh yes of course anything for you princess." Tony was not one to be afraid of Loki, although he wasn't sure what had possessed him into letting the psychotic god into his house. Maybe he just felt bad for him, standing all alone in the freezing rain with no place to go, he could at least give the man a place to stay for the night.
"Just do as I said." Loki snapped.
Tony bowed, "Yes my princess," he was rewarded with a glare and a low hiss from the god. The man simply flashed the god one of his charming smiles and walked towards his bathroom.
Grabbing a towel from its place on the towel rack Tony looked into the mirror, seeing the reflection of Loki standing in the bathroom door way. The man threw the towel at the slender god, "There you go Princess, happy?" The god quickly caught the cloth in his hands and narrowed his eyes at Tony, "Stop calling me that or you will not like the consequences."
"Threaten me all you like, Loki" Tony said with a smile and winked at the god.
The god sighed as he began to dry himself off with the soft towel, he had only been drying himself off for a few seconds or so when he had noticed Tony staring at him and he immediately stopped his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. "What?!" snapped Loki.
The other man smiled, "Nothing I'm just thinking."
"About what Stark?"
"You." Answered Tony and he walked back out into his bedroom.
"What about me?" Asked the god as he followed behind Tony.
"Nothing, it's not important," Tony looked back at the other man,"Now if you promise not to try and kill me in my sleep I might just let you sleep here."
"I need not your kindness or Pity," Loki spat as he dried his long raven black hair.
"It was just an offer, it's supposed to rain most of the night. It's cold outside and it sounds as if Thor may be out there looking for you"
Loki's face seemed to drain of color at the mention of his brother, "He's probably looking for me," the god looked down getting a sudden interest at the carpet below his feet, "well I suppose I have no other choice but to stay, just for one night though. Give me your best sleep wear and bed.'
"Very well Princess." Tony walked over towards his drawers and pulled out a pair of black pajama pants and a Stark Industries T-shirt, he threw them to the god across the room. "Wear those, but as for the bed, we're either sharing or you get the floor. I'm not having you in a different room and having you wonder the tower. Just because I'm letting you spend the night does not mean I trust you. Jarvis will have this room on lock down."
The god looked at the other man and growled, "Why can't you sleep on the ground?!'
"My room, my tower, and my bed. Sorry bur I'm sleeping on the bed even if it means sharing it with you."
"I am a god and I will not share a bed with such a filthy mortal!" Loki stamped his foot on the ground like a four-year-old throwing a temper tantrum.
"Well then floor it is." Tony smiled and sat back down on his bed laying back onto his mattress and pulling the comforter over his body.
Loki frowned and pulled his wet clothing off his body putting the fresh dry pajamas Tony had given him back on. The god looked at Tony and weighed his options; he sighed and decided it best to share the bed with the mortal. Loki slowly made his way over to the bed and laid down onto the other side of the mattress. Stark looked back at the god and smiled, "I thought you might join me. Jarvis turn the lights back out." The lights turned off and left the room pitch black. Tony closed his eyes and whispered, "Goodnight Loki.:
The god opened one of his bright emerald eyes and replied, "Goodnight Stark."