A/N:Well after a month me and meh Beta have finished the chapter! Aye, it's done! Don't complain! Sometimes you gotta bend over take ti like a bitch and wait! Okay? Anyways, now that this chappie is done, I will be startin on Color Blind, or my Yaoi...Black StarxKid Foreves! OR My "Why these couples suck." To show you SteinxStudent fuckers that he's not a rapist! Oh and for you Mirai Nikki fans, if you didn't know already, Todd Haberkorn is playing Akise. Fuck yeah, it's happening! Sexy voice plus sexy gay guy equals fuck yeah! So with that, ENJUUUY!

-Life After Death-

"So… everything went okay? I see that you have brought the supplies needed, and even a little extra." The albino inquired the younger male in front of her.

Cooper just nodded with his signature grin planted on his face. "Yeah, not a problem. Why? We didn't take that much time and anyways, like I said before; that place is deserted."

Serissa nodded before smiling at her friend, she got out of her chair and went over to hug the boy. She always did this when they came back, it's just something she liked to do as a friendly gesture and a sign that she cared for his safety. "Well, Nurse Johnson and Mr. Cuffee will be happy with these new supplies. You did well."

She released the boy before giving him a dirty glare, which wiped the grin of the boy's face.

"But, I never gave you permission to take those girls out of the camp. I do not care what reasoning you had, I do not care what they might've said to convince you. I do not want a repeat of these actions, the outside world is too dangerous for them, even if they're ahead of the class. If you ever disobey my orders again, I will not be so happy to see you." Her stern tone made the young man's expression turn into a nervous one, but once hers had lightened, so did his.

"Alright, alright." Cooper said, putting his hands up in defense. "It was Samantha's idea, anyways."

An, "It certainly was not!" was heard outside of the cabin. Serissa gave up her serious expression to chuckle at the girl.

"Alright, well, now that we have all of that out of the way. The students' training needs to be discussed." Serissa said, while grabbing her pen and clipboard. "You can come in now Samantha, I'm done talking to Cooper."

"Like it makes a difference if she's outside or not." Cooper snorted, which earned him a clipboard to the skull by his partner.

"Ow! Hey, there's no reason to bring that, she has one of her own!' He pointed out sulkily while he rubbed his injured skull.

Samantha huffed, before placing the board on her desk. "What do you think?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him, which was returned with a playful grin.

Their eye contact went to the albino as she cleared her throat. "So about the training regimen…."

"Why do we have to discuss it so late at night? We just got back and you're making us work, when did you become so cruel?" The meister whined. "Why can't Emily deal with this?"

"Because Serissa didn't ask her to, that's all you should need." Samantha said.

"Right, and you're awake and she's not." Serissa pointed out, which Cooper tried to complain about, but was only greeted with a, "Deal with it." and Serissa's tongue wiggling at him.

Nurse Johnson hummed, while tapping a finger to her chin. "So, you feel you might've caught something on your trip to the market? Well, that's what you get for being so naughty."

The two girls in front of her knew she was playing, so they just smiled.

"Yeah, not me though. My body's made to last a freaking nuclear attack. Beating up bitches, eating at mobile food places, all in the bag!" Scout bragged, while snapping her red suspenders to her red-and-white striped t-shirt covered chest for emphasis.

Sai giggled, while pointing to another section of the cabin "I went poopy over there!"

If it were any of the other former students, Nurse Johnson would've suspected that they were joking, but with Sai, she honestly had no idea. So, with a concealing smile on her face, she excused herself before going to check, hoping that the girl was just joking.

To make sure she stayed away from the medicine cabinet, Sai went with her for a distraction. Once things were clear, Scout's eyes darkened before widening to form an owl-like appearance. A voice in her head told her to go the cabinet and take the toxic components in the medicine cabinet. She saw a bottle, and the voice instructed her to take it, along with the needles. Scout grabbed the needles, and was about to take the bottle, but Nurse Johnson's voice distracted her. Her head turned to see the woman heading back, so, in a hurry, she grabbed the nearest bottle and closed the cabinet, before holding the items behind her back. She leaned on the counter so that it wouldn't look that suspicious.

When Nurse Johnson came in, she closed her eyes, and opened them to reveal normal, bright green ones.

The woman sighed. "It's not nice to trick people like that, Sai."

Sai pouted, before apologizing. She then saw Scout and randomly tackled her to the side, then rolled behind the counter's corner so the Nurse wouldn't see Sai putting the items in her beret.

"Get the hell off of me!" The gray haired girl shouted, before getting up and walking to Nurse Johnson. "You know, I think Sai was faking. What an idiot, well bye!" She said, before marching out with Sai behind her.

Nurse Johnson raised an eyebrow at the two girls. That was completely random, even for them. Maybe they were just homesick or something. She just shook her head before straightening out her nurse's outfit and going back to tidying up the infirmary cabin.

Once the pair made it out of the cabin, they went in between two other cabins so no one would see their little meeting.

Sai adjusted her beret, but the bottles and needles kept feeling like they were going to slip out any moment. "Scout-chan! Sai's beret isn't holding anything." Her whine was met with a harsh 'shh'.

"Do you want everyone to hear us? Just… put it in your bra or something." Scout suggested, which caused Sai to blink. She eventually did as her weapon said, because she knew that if she didn't, Scout would force her to, and no straight girl wanted a lesbian fondling their boobs.

Unbeknown to the two, their meeting was being spied on by a certain Brit who had an eyebrow raised. Before she could confront the two, the speakers were turned on and an announcement to go the sector one was made.

As soon as the announcement was made, the two walked out to the open and headed towards their former teacher.

Zero still had an eyebrow raised, but it was dropped when she felt Selina's hand on her shoulder.

"Come on, now's not the time to be meeting boys in dark alleys." The bluenette said in a teasing tone.

Zero naturally rolled her eyes and started to walk towards sector one. "I'm not you; I wouldn't lay down on my back while others are laying down their lives."

Selina huffed. "You can never take a joke, can you?"

Zero didn't answer, and the two didn't speak the way to where Serissa was waiting for them with her clipboard.

"Alright, the last lesson, as you know, we had a little battle of the different classes. That opened my eyes to realize that you all need to be training together. So, for today's lesson, we will be doing the theme of manhunt." Serissa stopped when she saw a hand.

"Yes, Skyler?" She asked the blonde.

"So, we're going around and try to date people? That's what Bane says when he talks about woman." Skyler then did a bad imitation of Bane. "I'm going on a woman hunt, Skyler. When I get back, stay out of my room." She returned to her normal voice. "And then, I used to hear these weird noises that sounded like-" Bane's hand covered her mouth before she could say anything else.

Bane's irritated expression grew when he heard a murmur of comments and snickers about the group, and felt Midas lightly nudge him with his elbow.

Serissa cleared her throat. "Um, no… nothing like that. Anywho, this manhunt will separate the meisters from their weapons, and vice versa. You will each get a pebble, your job is to protect that pebble, and your goal is to take as many pebbles as you can before the end of the day. Meaning, midnight."

The former students started to talk amongst themselves, but Ehron was the one to shout out, "You mean we won't eat!?"

"No, there will be a food break. There, we will see who is still in the game and who is not, if you have no pebbles at the break, your punishment will be to clean all of the dishes." Serissa said, before putting down her clip board. "Any questions?"

Selina raised her hand before speaking. "So, we're all on our own? No groups? No partners? No weapon forms?"

Serissa nodded. "You are completely solo. But, the weapons are allowed to use partial transformation if they are able to do so."

"How is that fair?" Phillip asked.

"It's not." The albino confirmed.

Another rouse of conversations amongst the crowd rose, until Scout shouted, "Oh stop being a bunch of pansies, unless you're afraid to get your ass kicked by me, which is understandable." While she said this, she flashed Raven a grin that promised a fight.

Raven seemed to sense it, because she looked over with her usual emotionless face. She didn't give the girl a reaction, though.

"Alright, once I give you a pebble, you may start heading into the woods." The albino said, before doing as she said by handing everyone a small round rock. "Also, don't try to be smart; I will know the difference between a normal rock and the ones I gave you."

With that all of the students went their separate ways into the forest. Well, almost all of them…

"But I want to go with Snuggles!" Skyler whined, as her wrapped around her weapons torso in a tight manner.

"Skyler," The boy groaned out, before managing to get loose of her grip. He grabbed both of her wrists, and gave the girl an irritated look. "Listen, I honestly don't like this either, but I promise I'll sit next to you during the lunch break, okay?" He said, forcing a smile that won over many of the girls at the DWMA.

Skyler pouted, but agreed to what he was saying. "Okay, just don't partner with anyone else! Bye, Snuggles!" She patted his head before skipping quickly into the woods and laughing.

Bane blinked, before sighing in frustration and shoving his hands in his pockets. "Out of all the people In the DWMA, why did I get stuck with her during the attack?" He asked, before joining the former students in the forest.

Serissa shook her head at the two, before walking back to the cabins. When she got there, a question occurred to her. Where were Cooper and Samantha?

The woman started to look into each cabin until she found her weapon, who suggested that she use her soul sense.

Serissa sweat dropped and laughed nervously. "Right, I was just about to do that!"

Emily's stern face made Serissa clear her throat before she put her hand over her heart and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she saw the souls in the entire camp, every single one, except the two. That meant they could only be in one place, which was the underground passage to the outside.

Serissa had a confused look on her that Emily easily read, but didn't comment on. Why were they there?

They made their way to the underground passage and first walked to the room where they kept the secret item. When they saw the pair standing in front of the item, more questions were raised. Usually, they had nothing to do with this; it was Serissa's duty.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked the two. They took a while, before they turned to face the albino and her weapon.

"Checking on the item, what else do you think? Honestly, I think it's a freaking waste of time, but Samantha just had to check on it. She said it was something about her bowels that felt wrong." Cooper said with his hands in his jacket.

Samantha instantly glared at him, before her hand went across his face. "I said gut, and I just had a feeling that it wasn't safe, but alas there was nothing to worry about. Sorry for stepping over your territory."

Serissa waved her off. "If that's the case, then it's just fine. Just tell me next time, okay?"

The brunette nodded. "Of course, come on Cooper." She said as the two started to walk away from the item.

The three would've gone to the top if Emily hadn't said anything.

"Stop…" The teenager said, before going over to the item that held in a glass container. Emily looked at the simple green crystal carefully, before slipping off the glass and picking up the crystal.

"Emily, what are you-" Serissa's unfinished question was answered when the black haired girl threw the shard to the ground, and it broke into multiple pieces.

Red eyes widened at this action. How could she just break it like that!? Wait… how could she just break it like that? This crystal was pure magic, making it indestructible by anything except a more powerful magic. That meant that the crystal Emily just broke was a fake, and if that was a fake then….

Serissa turned around to see Cooper's bangs hanging over his eyes while he gripped Samantha's weapon form.

"It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?" The meister asked quietly, before looking up at them, revealing large owl like eyes.

Serissa's eyes widened in shock at the sight. "…Cooper?" She asked, before the boy ran off in a sprint for the entrance. While the albino stood there, trying to process what was happening, Emily immediately took off after him.

Before she could reach him though, a large metal door slid down in front of her and stopped her from moving any further. As it slid down, another door slid down behind Serissa, causing her to jump.

The lights went red as a sign of warning towards the staff members that they were trapped and they wouldn't be let out until someone entered the code.

Cooper removed his finger from the control panel and looked to Samantha.

"They should've listened to you, like, really, giving me the access code, even if I was on their side? So stupid." He joked, before closing his eyes and used the connection of magic to contact Sai and Scout telepathically.

When he opened his eyes Samantha asked, "Everything going to plan?"

The meister nodded. "They're on their way towards the meal cabin."

-Life After Death-

Sai's straight bangs covered her eyes as she received the message from Cooper. She heard Scout say that she would be coming to the meal cabin to initiate the plan. She then lifted her head, exposing her wide eyes for a moment, before the pupils shrunk into their normal state. After she looked around to see if anyone was following her, she started walking out of the woods and towards the meal cabin.

Of course, even with the magic controlling her system, she still didn't have enough common sense to use her actual soul sense. This allowed a certain Brit to be undetected, and follow the suspicious brunette.

Since her weapon was probably off getting pebbles by suffocating other people with her breasts, she thought that she was on her own here. Not that Zero didn't think she couldn't handle the spacey meister.

Of course, she only thought this; she was unaware that a certain pair of shielded eyes was on her as well.

When Sai finally made her way to the kitchen, she saw a tall African American male chopping up fruits and vegetables -that were borrowed from Phillip's garden- and tossing them into a big pot with great speed. He was all around the kitchen, doing different tasks important to the overall stew.

Sai could've mistaken him as a blur, the way he was zooming all over the kitchen. He was so into his work that not even Sai yelling at him drew his attention towards the girl; he only paid attention to her when she dropped some pots and they made a clang on the floor. Since it was a sound he made himself watch out for, he whipped around and saw the girl.

"Oh, Sai! Look at you! You're so pretty, but what do you want? Seriously, there are a lot of people here and they all have different tastes and different times they want to eat and it's crazy! You know? Just really crazy, that's why I must work fast! See, I'm even speaking and working at the same time?" He said as he tossed some more chopped of vegetables into the silver pot.

Sai had to take a second to process what the man was saying. "Sai was just here to say that Nurse Johnson wanted you."

This made the man actually stop and look at the girl for more than five seconds. "She wants to see me? Did she say why? I mean there are a lot of reasons for her to want me, I mean not like want me, but want to see me. I mean, not like that, I mean… Why did she want to me?" The man said, as he awkwardly made hand gestures with each of his words.

Sai shook her head. "I don't know! She looked sad though…"

With that the man blinked a couple times, before rambling about Nurse Shannon being sad and how he needed to go there, before actually walking out the door, only to come back in and turn the stove off, then actually head to the nurse's cabin.

When she confirmed that he was on his way, she looked around, outside of the cabin, and again confirmed that no one was there without using her soul sense. She then dragged her hand beneath her shirt, and retrieved the bottle of mysterious liquid.

Making her way to the pot, she decided that just dumping it inside would do. Scout told her that it would kill all of her cabin mates. Who knew something so simple-looking could be so deadly?

She was just about to unscrew the bottle cap, when she heard the cabin door open, and she instantly tried to shove it back down her shirt, but she didn't get it in time so when she had to face the Brit, her hand was awkwardly still under her shirt.

Since the girl had a partner as flirtatious as Selina and she already suspected the girl, Zero didn't even raise an eyebrow at this.

Sai looked down, before giggling and removing her hand. She was about to ask the Brit what she was doing here, but she didn't waste any time, and soon Zero's hand was down Sai's shirt and removing the bottle from her bra.

Zero's hazel eyes examined the bottle, before looking at Sai with her usual stern face. "Who are you? And don't give me that stupid crap."

Sai's features changed from fake shock to devious as the girl spoke. "Well, aren't you just the smart one? Everyone's so easy to fool, I mean, I know I'm a little slow, but for people to think I'm actually that stupid is so embarrassing. Well, it's not like I can blame them with the morons who run around here."

Now that the magic was affecting her moral sense, she didn't try to hold back on who she really was. Zero didn't really seem all that surprised.

"Thanks for telling me useful information about yourself, now who the hell are you? Sai might not be as big of a dumbass as she pretends to be, but she wouldn't use this on one of her friends." Zero said, before raising her eyebrow at the giggling Sai.

The brunette closed her eyes so when she opened them, they revealed the owl's magic over the girl. Zero's eyes widened slightly for a few moments, before realizing what had happened over the group's little trip to the market. She was about to say something, but instead sensed another soul coming at her from behind, so she grabbed Scout's arm and flipped her over so that she fell on Sai.

The needles and bottle fell, but the glass managed not to break. Zero hurried to pick it back up again, but Sai's foot slamming into her gut stopped her from achieving the goal. The Brit stumbled back and grabbed her stomach in pain, before gaining back her strength and dodging a punch that came from Sai. The two girls were then locked in hand-to-hand combat. Zero's head-on style was doing well against Sai's seemingly careless one.

While those two were battling, Scout simply walked over to the bottle and needles and picked it up, before taking the cap off and filling one of the needles with its substance. She looked up to see Sai actually manage to wrap her arm around Zero's neck. She was going to use this moment to inject the girl, but Sai soon got flipped onto the floor on her back. The dark haired girl then looked over to Scout, and her eyes instantly went on the needle. She rushed over to her, ignoring Sai, and quickly snatched the bottle out of the girls hand before throwing it at her head.

She moved to the side so that the bottle smashed into the wall behind her. She quickly looked back to see Zero trying to snatch the needle out of her hand. They struggled, with each trying to get the item, before Zero forced Scout to come close to her, and then head-butted the girl, which made her let go.

The Brit looked at the needle, before putting her arm up, going to smash it to the ground, but she sensed someone behind her. She turned, and the last thing she saw was a frying pan going towards her head. The force caused the girl to fall to the ground. Scout didn't waste time in taking the needle back and going behind the girl before pulling her holed-jeans down, exposing her creamy rear.

"Sometimes Zero, you just gotta learn how to take it up the ass." She said, before stabbing the needle down in her left cheek.

Sai let go of the frying pan and watched as the girl tried to get up, she did manage to, but she was wobbling as soon as she did. She soon fell back over onto the ground, before finally closing her eyes.

The two partners looked at each other, before smirking and going over to the girl. They had to use the strings of two aprons to tie the girl up and they gagged her with a sponge. They then worked together to drag the girl to the rushing river. With Scout grabbing her legs and Sai grabbing her arms, they swung the girl into the river, and watched as her body disappeared in the light green water.

-Life After Death-

Cooper examined the green crystal, and smirked at the sight of its beauty. He then closed his eye when he heard Sai's message go into his mind. When she was done speaking with him, he looked over at Samantha.

"Zero decided to get a little brave and try to blow our cover; in the process, the bottle they were going to use was broken in the scuffle. Should they just try to get some more, or should we move in?" The meister asked.

Samantha closed her eyes, before asking the woman responsible for their magic link, and when she got the answer to Cooper's question, she opened them. "We will move on and open the dome, and give the gem to the witches. Of course, there will be a battle before that. We will kill all of these pathetic students like they deserve. The witches are coming here to do so, and also ensure the protection of the gem."

Cooper nodded, and then gave her a grin. "Well then, let's get going."

When the weapon agreed, they went down another pathway in the underground tunnel, the third and final one. One was used to get to the outside world, the second one was used to lead to the hallway end where they kept the gem– or used to keep it– and the third one was to lead to the control panel. What controlled the water, the energy, and most importantly, the dome's field that kept the camp invisible and impenetrable.

They got to the control panel and looked for the key panel to enter the code to shut it down. Just as Samantha was about to punch in the number key, she heard an explosion coming from the other pathway and flinched at the sound.

She turned around to see a figure coming out of the thick gray smoke, and soon the figure became clearer and was revealed as Serissa holding Emily's weapon form, which was a ninja sword.

Knowing that a fight was coming soon, Samantha instantly went back to the key panel and started typing in the number code. Serissa's red eyes widened at what she was doing, before dashing towards the girl with the blade, ready to strike. When Cooper tried to tackle Serissa, she swiftly moved out of the way and put the blade on the girl's neck, but it was too late.

Samantha started chuckling at the failed attempt. "Close, but not quite. What did you think you were going to do with that? Slice your own friend's neck?"

Samantha's grip on her partner seemed to loosen when Samantha said this. Even if she knew that her friend's mind was being controlled, it was still her body that she would be harming. Thankfully, Emily's straightforward thinking went into her mind.

"All we need to do right now is get the gem away from them, and ensure the students' safety. When we get the gem, we can try to lock them here, with the doors near the entrance." Emily said through their telepathic link with their wavelengths.

Serissa nodded. "I can do that." She said, before drawing her attention back to Samantha. "Where's the crystal, Samantha?" She asked, re-tightening her grip on the blade.

Cooper's chuckles made Serissa look over her shoulder at the boy. He was holding the crystal up in the air before dropping it, catching it, and stuffing it in his pockets. "You want it? Come and get it. Samantha, now!"

Samantha nodded before banging the back of her head into Serissa's forehead, making her remove the blade from her neck, but not without a small cut to her throat; nothing deep enough to really harm her, though. When she was free, she transformed into a large sword and went into Cooper's hand. He swung her around a couple times before getting into a ready position.

Serissa took a deep breath, before raising her short blade. She then sped at her controlled friend, and struck her blade down at his. Even though Cooper's weapon was larger, she still had the strengths of experience and speed on her side. The two swords kept clashing against each other, until Serissa managed to get her knee between his legs.

The attack caused him to clench his legs tight together and make a low groaning sound. While he was in this position, Serissa swiftly moved to his pocket and grabbed the crystal. When she saw that she had it, she swiftly ran down the pathway that was bathed in a red light. Once she reached the keypad, she was able to close the door, blocking off the hallway. Even when Samantha ended up transforming and tried to catch Serissa, she wasn't quick enough.

Serissa let out a breath of relief as she felt the crystal in her hand. With the "enemy" detained, Emily transformed back into her human form. They then climbed the ladder, leading to the main cabin and went to the intercom system.

-Life After Death-

Phillip was scared, he was shocked, and he couldn't believe the predicament he was in. How did this normal training regimen end up taking a turn for the worse? When he felt his back hit the tree, he knew he had been cornered. Next thing he knew, he couldn't breathe, due to his nose blood clogging his nostrils and his mouth being pressed to soft cloth.

"Now give me what I want… and I'll be gentle." The blue haired girl said, pushing her chest on the poor boy's face.

Phillip arms flapped all around, and you could hear his loud muffled cries as he tried to desperately tell the girl to get off of him so he could breathe. With the blood rushing to his face and out of his nose, he was also getting lightheaded. Eventually, he gave up and dug into his pant pocket for the rock. Selina took it and turned around, getting off of him.

She put her fisted hands on her hips before flipping her hair in a proud manner. "Ha! No boy can resist my booby trap!" She said, lifting up her chest for emphasis.

She heard a thump and turned around to see Phillip on the ground with blood still flowing out of his nose. Selina smirked, before crouching down and patting his head. "It's okay, Phillip; you'll get your rocks back from other students. I'm sure of it!"

He didn't respond; he just laid on the ground, hoping that if he didn't move, she would walk away. Selina giggled, before getting up and looking around. Alright, she had two. She wondered if she could pull that trick with anyone else. Maybe Midas? He was cute and worth catching in her trap. She smiled at the thought before turning around to walk off. She stopped when she heard footsteps and… coughing? She kept walking towards the sound, before she saw Thomas, who was dripping from the water absorbed in clothes, but he wasn't alone. He was carrying a soaking Zero. Now, if she didn't know better, she would've started making perverted cracks at how they looked right then, but she could tell that it wasn't the time.

"Zero? What happened?" Selina asked in a worry tone as she rushed over to the quiet meister. He tilted his head up to meet her eyes; well, he only saw hers.

"Something happened to Sai and Scout during the mission. I don't know what, but I do know that they wouldn't throw Zero in the river tied up if they were in their normal state of mind." He said as Zero started coughing from the cold, sanitized water being in her throat. She took in a deep breath, before looking over at Selina. She took a second before narrowing her eyes at Thomas who got the hint and put her down.

Zero had to grab onto Thomas to balance herself, but once she was steady, she opened her mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a weird high-pitched whirring. It was so loud that all of the meisters and weapons in the camp had to cover their ears.

Zero looked up, only to see the dome's force field being turned off, making the harsh wind from the outside more obvious. The gray skies seemed closer, more realistic than before. The Brit shivered; the wind combined with her soaked body wasn't helping.

"What's happening?" Selina asked, with worry still laced in her tone.

"Shit." Zero said simply.

A/N: Shit indeed. Shit indeed. Shit indeed. Now for the advertisement for an awesome writer! The Dark One Tsubasa S wrote an amazingly Yandere accurate fic called "He loves me" Now if you love CronaxPatty and blood that's the fic for you! Okay until next year- I meant until next time I update! Peace!