A/N: *Ahem* Alright! As you can see this is the remake of my Original Story THE END? If you are new to this story, WELCOME! If you're not, don't think just because i'm restarting it doesn't mean you're not still my bitch. Anyway! This has the same summary as the original just a slightly different with different characters (mainly witches). Also I have an amazing beta-reader Tsubasa Sukai (The Dark One Tsubasa S even though she's about as dark inside as an albino is outside) to help me with my grammer and character development and important stuff! So this should be better, if it ain't. SHIIT. The first chapter of this is basically the same one of the end with a little added to it. So yeah...


Warning: Zee following is rated M for me being a wuss and for the content. Violence, Sex jokes, witches fulfilling their desires through their prisoners, all that stuff!

-Life After Death-

Without a god, how would the world go on? Slowly crumble into its disease, with no one to pull it out? Would Madness take over, would everything be lost? Will hope suffocate until it breathes it's last dying breath? Make the "so-called" pure fall to their knees in surrender? The laws of good would crumble and the wicked would take over. At least, that's what everyone thought. All of the witches and kishins who were actually true to their name and birth right would kill to have this happen, and to see it would be another privilege for their diseased minds. They would laugh at the sight; excitement would fill them to see their enemy destroyed.

All of the witches and kishins who were actually true to their name and birth right would kill to have this happen, to see it would be another privilege for their diseased minds. They would laugh at the sight; excitement would fill them to see their enemy destroyed.
Kill the Reaper, plunge the world into eternal darkness. Kill the Reaper, kill the Reaper. Use his weakness and make it your strength. Kill the Reaper, take his soul, devour its power, and make it your own.

A plan had to be made. An insidious, disgustingly heartless plan had to be made to achieve this impossible goal. What do you Reapers fear the most? The same thing you would if you had it. Manipulate his fear, tear his heart in half, and his soul shall be yours.

This plan would not have succeeded without the proper tool, a monster with the power to use a kishin-eggs madness for it's own bidding. Making them able to control armies upon armies of evil humans and dark weapons with just a wave of the hand. The monster in hiding needed to wait for the right moment to strike.

This moment was almost too perfect. Steal his heart; make him fall to his knees. Was there a better opportunity than this? The previous Grim Reaper was deceased, and the new one was taking his place. Even though he is a powerful god, a new and less experienced one was better than an elder. That is not what made the moment perfect for a strike, however. No, he had no offspring; no blood to carry on the life of his lost one. The best part of this moment was that he had a lover. The thing that makes the strongest people weak, love. Love killed him, made him weak, and turned him soft.

Before they could strike at the reaper himself, they had to make his forces weak. Even without their Lord, they could still resist the powers of the monster and her associates. Carefully, they took down every Death Scythe and their meisters, if they had a chance too. They couldn't cause too much attention to themselves before people could interfere and stop the killings. Because of this, they took out multiple targets at once. Though, they didn't want to make it too big of a scene right away. They needed for it to draw attention, and it did just that .The killings of Death's Weapons had caused the DWMA to be on high alert and to be prepared for battle.

They were making a distracting battle to lure the DWMA soldiers out while the real plan came into action. The battle was just there to wipe out the DWMA forces, and to also attract the Lord's attention. The Reaper stayed to survey and direct this battle from his academy. A Reaper should only have to come if there was an extreme emergency in the midst.

But, there was an emergency greater than any he could think of. His love was captured by the enemy and being threatened to be killed if the Reaper himself didn't show his face to fight. He thought that he could take out any enemy; they were no match to a reaper and his death scythe.
Kill the real source of his love, finish her off. Lure him with a fake, it was so simple. He had to go after her himself. The king had to rescue his queen, only to end up with nothing. Of course, that was the only complicated part of the plan. Taking his life was difficult, even though he was new a new fully powered reaper, he was still extremely powerful.

The fight took many powerful beings and perfect timing to take him and his weapon down. Their souls were devoured, making the monsters abilities even more powerful than they already were. So much energy was in that soul, even though it wasn't as aged as the one before. The monster and its partners then stepped into the final stages of their plot: They sent their kishin-eggs to destroy the DWMA and steal an important key item for the final part of their plan.

They sent numerous amounts of kishin-eggs and powerful witches to destroy Death City and its meisters. It didn't really matter to them if they killed the meisters or not, because all they really cared for was that precious item. Blood and screams from both sides were heard and seen throughout the city. The troops were still returning from their battle with their decoy army. All of the best meisters -that were left- were still returning. So, the wicked had a strong advantage. The battle was over powering to Death City with all of the witches and evil humans that kept reviving. Many meisters and weapons were lost, forcing the ones that could get away to retreat. They tried to stay together when they retreated, but some got separated from the group.

Unknown to the Monster, one faculty member took the item that they had come for. They escaped with a small group of students and ventured to a place that would be safe. They would hide until it was the opportune moment to go up against their powerful opponents.

When the controller of madness found out that the item was lost, it commanded search after search for the item. The evil needed it; it craved it, the power that the item held it was essential to the plan to plunge the world into madness so that kishins and Witches could control the world. Still, they had a long way to go before that could happen. There were still meisters and their weapons hiding and fighting. They had only claimed the Shinigami and his fallen kingdom.
They needed to control the whole world for their dreams to come true. The item would ensure that for them though, that's why it was so frustrating to lose it. The search would continue until they found it. No matter whom they had to kill to get it. They would find it and harness it's power. It will conquer all.

Until that day, they were focusing on the first part of their plan, controlling the world. Now a whole year later they have almost achieved that goal. Unknown to the wicked, before all of this happened, Lord Death had asked his loyal engineer to create safe houses. These safe houses were the main reason that no one had stolen the item and was why the former students have never been caught.

It was also where they have been training each and every day for what they knew was sure to come. Even though they had special engineering so that no one would find where they were, everything had to come to an end.

-Life After Death-

A/N: There it is! The official first chapter of Life After Death. Since this was basically a repeat I will try to have the second chapter up in a few days. Another thing, for the authors. I forget what most of your reqeusts were. Meaniing crushes, scenes, etc. I'm sorry about this but if you would want me to put that in please remind me. Also since I am a girl with my fan-girl charm there will be fucking couples in this story DAMMIT. I ain't going to bull shit you with a OH THEY'RE JUST FUCKING FREINDS THEN END THE DAMN ANIME BEFORE ANYONE KISSES! I'm not talking about any couple in particular *cough* SoulxMaka but thank you for reading my small rant. Until next time!