Rio the series 5

Chapter 14 bringing down to the Gangster Club

A quiet peaceful morning throughout the beautiful and magically City of Rio De Janeiro. Today was going to be the day no Bird would forget. Everyone was going to help bring the Gangster Club down.

Near the area around the Gangster Club in the Jungle, Blu, Jewel, Nico, Pedro, Rafael, Rico and their new friend Thomas. Blu was talking to Jewel, Nico and Pedro were, while Rico, Rafael and Thomas were passing some dynamite to each other.

Wait, dynamite? What are the planning?

"Oi, Rico, 'eres another dynamite." Thomas said, passing another dynamite to Rico, who then passed it to Rafael.

"Thanks." Rico replied, while he watched Blu, who was checking the Military Macaws that Major Lenny had sent to help bring down the Club. Rico looked back at Thomas with a curios face. "So, what's the dynamite for exactly?"

"Well, after we clear out all the Gangster', we're gonna need to blow up tha' Club so no-one else can go there ever again." Thomas asked.

"Fighting Gangsters and blowing up Clubs? Sounds like my kind of day." Rico smirked.

While the Hawk, Toucan and British Macaw continued to hang each other dynamite, Blu was talking to Sergeant. Mike, who was in charge of the squadron of Macaws.

"Well, this is all of the men Lenny could give us." Mike said, while gesturing a wing to the squadron of Macaws.

"Can they fight?" Blu inquired.

"There trained Macaws, you moron, they do nothing but fight." Mike replied, with a sense of humor in his sentence.

"Sorry, I was just asking." Blu apologized.

"It's cool." Mike forgave.


10 minutes later

It was time to act. Blu, Jewel, Rafael, Nico, Pedro, Rico, Thomas, and all of the Military Macaws were standing outside of the Club ready to attack. Blu and Jewel gave each other a quick kiss for good luck. Rico picked up some commando paint and smeared it on his face. Thomas cracked his neck and wings.

"We ready?" Rico inquired.

"We're ready." Blu answered, while him and the group of Birds moved towards to Club. "Let's do it."

The Birds all battle cried while they flew directly towards the Club. Inside the Club, the Gangsters were doing what they usual do: hang out, until they heard thunderous noises coming from outside.

"What is that?" one of the Gangsters wondered, before he peaked his head out of the Club entrance/exit, seconds later he was knocked back all the way to the end of the Club.

The Gangsters saw the small Army of Military Macaws and other Birds and put on their mad faces.

The leader of the Gangsters approached the group of Birds and folded her wings. It was indeed Kate, the former girlfriend of Johnny, the person who is now in charge of the Gangsters and who kidnapped Jewel once. "Well, well, what do we have here?"

"We're putting a stop to you right now, Kate." Blu warned, with his eyes half closed.

Thomas moved his way through the crowd of Birds and made it over to Blu and nudged him with his wing. "'Ey, Blu, you never tol' me the leader was a chick."

"You think I'm just a chick, do you?" Kate smirked, while placing a wing on her hip. "Why don't you come here and I'll show you what I can do?"

"A'ight then." Thomas grinned, before Blu stopped him by placing a wing in front of him.

"Careful, Thomas, she's trickier than she looks." Blu warned.

"I ain't 'fraid of no girl!" Thomas countered, before he suddenly lunged at the Gangsters and bellowed: "AHHHHHHHH!"

"ATTAAAAAAAAAAACK!" Blu yelled at the top of his lungs, as he and Jewel, Rico, Rafael, Nico and Pedro charged directly at the Gangsters, who too were charging at them.

"GET THEM!" Kate screamed, ordering all of her Gangsters to attack.

And so, it had began. Every Bird in the Club fought each other until one would win, and one would loose.

Can you feel life movin' through your mind,
Ooh, looks like it came back for more!
Yeah yeah yeah!

Blu and Jewel both stood back-to-back so they could watch each other while defending off any Gangsters that would come near them. Luckily for Blu, Jewel had taught him some more tactics and skills to help him in self-defence.

"Blu, how you holding up?" Jewel asked, while kicking a couple of Gangsters away.

"I'm doing okay. This is actually fun!" Blu cheered, before he dodged a Gangsters wing punch and quickly pushed him away.

Can you feel time slippin' down your spine,
Ooooooh, You try and try to ignore!

Rafael used his big beak to whack every Gangster that tried to get near him away. "Ah, stupid Gangsters!"

But you can hardly swallow,
Your fears and pain.
When you can't help but follow,
It puts you right back where you came.

Nico and Pedro found some grapes stashed in the corner and began to throw them at the Gangsters. They threw two berries at the Gangsters who were coming their way.

The first Gangster ducked and let the second one get hit by the very. He laughed before be too was hit by a berry which made him fall to the ground.

Pedro high-five Nico's wing and shouted: "Yippie-ki-ya, Gangster boy!"

"Yeah!" Nico agreed, as him and Pedro belly-bounced each other.

Live and learn!
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,
Live and learn!
From the works of yesterday.
Live and learn!
If you beg or if you borrow,
Live and learn!
You may never find your way.

Whooooa, yeah!

Thomas punched multiple Gangsters away, as they tried to grab him and beat him down, but Thomas was suprisely a good fight. He flipped a Gangster over while dodging more hits. "Oi, bugger off!"

Can you feel life tangle you up inside?
Yeah, now you're face down on the floor!

But you can't save your sorrow,
You've paid in trade!
When you can't help but follow,
It puts you right back where you came.

While the battle continued, Kate attempted to sneak away to escape. While she thought she was out-of-sighed, Jewel spotted her from the ground and quickly began to fly over to her. "Oh no you don't!"

Kate almost made it out of the Club before she was tackled down by a female Blue Macaw. "Ugh, what the-"

"Where do you think you're going, Kate?" Jewel smirked, while she placed her wing around Kate's neck to keep her from biting.

"Let me go!" Kate demanded, while wiggling around the best she could.

"Not today." Jewel refused, with a grin followed later.

Live and learn!
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,
Live and learn!
From the works of yesterday.
Live and learn!
If you beg or if you borrow,
Live and learn!
You may never find your way.

Rico tricked two Gangsters into hitting each other and laughed. Another Gangster jumped in front and began doing some crazy karate moves like he knew kung-fu.

Rico frowned, while he placed his wings on the Gangsters shoulders and head-butted him. "Haha, loser!"

Hey, whoa, whoa,
Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeah!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

There's a face searching far, so far and wide.
There's a place where you dream you'd never find.
Hold on to what if?
Hold on to what if?

Live and learn!
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,
Live and learn!
From the works of yesterday.
Live and learn!
If you beg or if you borrow,
Live and learn!
You may never find your way.

Live and learn!
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,
Live and learn!
From the works of yesterday.
Live and learn!
If you beg or if you borrow,
Live and learn!
You may never find your way.


After the long battle, a few Birds were watching the Club from the outside. They continued to watch until an explosion was heard in the Club, which caused dust to fly into the air.

The other Birds waved the dust away until they saw something moving out of the cloud of dust.

So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home

Out of the dust, two Blue Macaws, a Canary, a Cardinal, a Hawk, a Toucan, and Yellow and Blue Macaw walked out of the cloud of dust with successful faces-by the looks of it, they had won.

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

All of the Birds finally made it out of the cloud of dust, which had dispersed. There was Blu, who had a smirk, Jewel, was was keeping an eye on Kate, who was tied up. Nico and Pedro standing on Rafael's shoulders, and Thomas and Rico with grins.

"Now that was epic." Blu declared, before everyone nodded in agreement.


After the battle had finished, the Military Macaws had taken all of the Gangsters away back to the Prison. Blu, Jewel, Rico and Thomas all stood on a tree branch while watching the Gangster Club, which Thomas had gladly planted the dynamite inside.

Thomas held up the detonator in his talon. As much as he wanted to do it, he wanted someone else to do it. Thomas handed Rico the detonator into his talon. "'Ere, Rico, you do the honors."

"Thanks, Thomas." Rico gladly thanked, before he too did not want to do it. He looked next to Blu standing next to him and handed Blu the detonator. "Blu, I want you to do the honors."

"Really? Me?" Blu replied, making sure he was hearing correctly.

"Yes." Rico smiled.

"Okay." Blu said, as he placed his talon on top of the detonator. Blu locked his toes around to detonator and with one quick pull, he pulled the trigger up and declared: "Kaboom!"

Blu slammed the trigger down and triggered the dynamite inside the Club. The entire Club exploded, knocking everything that was inside into the air and scattering the debris around the area.

"WOOOOOOOOOOO!" Rico whooped with excitement while him and Thomas jumped into the air and began dancing around the Jungle. Seconds later, Blu and his family joined in.

"That was awesome!" Blu cheered.

"Yeah it was!" Jewel agreed, while she and Blu wrapped their wings around each other and danced around in mid-air, spinning around together and looking into each others eyes.

Blu smiled at Jewel, Jewel smiled in return-they both landed back down on a the open area before they wrapped their wings around each others backs. They held each other in a tight embrace.

Blu looked into her beautiful eyes. "Jewel. Permission to kiss?"

"Permission granted." Jewel grinned, while looking into Blu's handsome eyes.

They two Blue Macaw lovebirds moved their faces close to each other, seconds later their beaks were locked with each others while the kissed pa passionately, while their tongues playfully danced around.

While they kissed, Rey, Azul, Crystal and Jessica, who had arrived to find their folks to see if everything was fine. The Blue Macaw kids, Rico, Thomas, Nico, Pedro, Rafael and all the other Birds in the area watched as the two lovebirds continued to make out.


Night time had finally arrived in Rio. After the successful battle, all of the Birds had returned home. In the Blue Macaws family tree, Jewel had just finished watching her children fall into a peaceful sleep.

While she watched her children sleeping, Blu walked behind Jewel with his wings spread out. He tied them both around Jewel and pecked her cheek, before he asked: "Jewel, wanna go to sleep now?"

"Yeah, I am a little tired." Jewel admitted, before she let off a yawn.

Blu escorted both him and Jewel into the nest and laid them both down. Jewel turned herself around and moved herself closer to Blu until their bodies touched together.

Jewel smiled at her lovehawk, while she got comfy in his wing. "Blu, you did good today."

"You did too, Jewel." Blu smiled, while he stroked her head to Jewel's enjoyment. "You were the one who captured Kate."

"I know." Jewel grinned, before she laid her head down on Blu's feathery chest. "You know, Blu. There's nothing left now."

"Whatta mean, Jewel?" Blu inquired.

"Well, we defeated Nigel, the Sentinel, Johnny, and now we've defeated what's left of the Gangsters." Jewel explained. "So, now what?"

"I guess we can finally have a peaceful life. Just like we wanted a couple of years ago." Blu replied, while he rested the top of his head on Jewel's head.

"Yeah." Jewel agreed, before she let off a sad sigh. "Blu?"

"Yeah?" Blu replied.

"I had a dream the other night. I dream that our chicks were finally grown up and ready to leave the nest." Jewel answered, before she shredded a couple of tears. "It was so sad-"

"Jewel, Jewel, it's okay." Blu reassured, while he wiped a couple of tears away with his wingtip.

"Blu, you know that's gonna happen eventually." Jewel said, with tears still in her eyes.

"Jewel, honey. It'll be okay. It's not like they're not just gonna go and leave forever. We'll still see them again." Blu whispered to gently keep her calm.

"I know." Jewel sniffed, before she closed her eyes and got cozy again on Blu's chest. "Goodnight, Blu. I love you so much."

"Goodnight, Jewel. I love you, too." Blu smiled, before to too closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep-sleep.

While they slept, what if Jewel was right? What if there are no more enemies for them to face? What if they can finally live the long peaceful life they have been waiting so long for? I guess we will have to see what the future holds.

And so the Gangster Club is brought down once and for all. Thanks for reading, everybody. Rio the series 5 is now complete. Time to do Epilogue now. Hope you all enjoyed.

This was the last of the series. I hope you all liked it. I guess Jewel was right. No more danger for theme ever again