But Pie

The man swallowed thickly, glancing side to side before walking into room 007 and shutting the door behind him.

• • •

As Dean walked into the room, he took in the sight of the angel on the bed before stopping at the cheap piece of plastic the motel was passing as a table. The angel's hair was ruffled; a sex look already going on. Castiel then smiled at him, then watched as he set the pie down on the table.

"007? I didn't think you got pop culture references," he said, kicking his shoes off as he'd spoke.

"And I thought you would have eaten it. Was the pie not adequate?" Castiel asked in return, and that didn't answer Dean's question, not that it was really important at that point.

"I figured that I'd save it to eat after some exercise. You know, a reward for my efforts," he replied with a smug look on his face. When it came to anything related to Castiel, he liked to think he put a lot of effort.

The angel then smirked and got up from the bed.

"Well if I don't feel you did well enough, I may just take the pie back then," the angel threatened while walking over to the man, slipping his trench coat from his shoulders as he did.

Dean clenched his jaw and inhaled sharply through his nose.

"Oh I doubt that'll happen, I plan on working very hard," he replied after a moment, having had to pull himself together a little. It was almost like anything Cas did could turn him on.

Within moments of Dean's reply, Castiel had discarded most his clothes, only leaving his underwear on. Then he grabbed Dean's belt loops and pulled him closer.
"I'm already making more effort," he muttered before leaning in, kissing Dean firmly. It had the man practically melting into the other. Then just as quick as the kiss started, it ended.

"Whu-?" Dean started, only for it to click that Cas wanted him naked as his jacket was shoved from his shoulders roughly.
"Feeling eager?" He then teased, a smirk appearing on his lips as he helped the angel undress him down to his underwear as well.

"So sorry it's been a while, Dean. Tonight's just for you," Castiel said, again instead of answering Dean. Then he was slowly sinking down to his knees, pulling Dean's underwear down with him.

It wasn't the most experienced blow job he'd ever had, but it was definitely the most intimate. It was like Cas knew all the right buttons to push on Dean as he bobbed his head, seeming to suck harder each time. What had Dean falling apart though, was when Cas began to use his tongue. Oh how he would drag it along Dean's length as he pulled back just to drag it over his slit, it was bliss! And he did it over and over until his head was wrenched back by the grip on his hair.


"I'm too close Cas... Still wanna-"
The sound of Castiel's voice had Dean frozen, it was so authorative, and god damn it was sexy. Then before Dean could even reply, Cas had his mouth around Dean's cock again, sucking like his life depended on it. Barely a moment later he was moaning Castiel's name loudly as he came into his mouth.

Dean slumped over a little as Cas began to stand, running his hands up to Dean's hips, holding him steady. Silently he then moved the very pliant, post-orgasm Dean to the bed.

"I'm going to make love to you Dean," he told the man as he pushed him down on the bed, then proceeded to lean over him and kiss across his chest

"Cas I do-..." Dean began to protest, because no one made love to him. The words came out as too much of a moan though, and he didn't even bother finishing his sentence. The feel of the angel's lips on his skin was already enough to silence his thoughts.

"Shhh, I'll make it good," Castiel said, with his voice low and quiet, not that Dean thought he wouldn't. Castiel would never purposefully make things bad for him.

Then Dean's legs were being pushed apart, and he obliged, focusing on making himself more relaxed. He'd only bottomed for Cas a couple of times, and of course it was fucking amazing, but it didn't happen often enough for him to not feel nervous or completely exposed.

As Cas trailed more kisses across Dean's body, the man felt himself relaxing completely. His eyes had fallen shut and his skin was tingling pleasantly everywhere the angel kissed him. He was so absorbed by that feeling, that the sudden feel of a surprisingly cold and lubbed finger running down his ass crack to prod at his entrance had pulled a surprised yelp from him.

It didn't stop Cas though, like it was his intention to surprise Dean, the sneaky fucker. Any thoughts beyond that were lost a moment later though, because Castiel was easing his finger into the man's ass and that was hella distracting.

"I love you like this Dean, and you're always so tight," the angel said, leaving Dean to adjust for a moment. Then Castiel began to thrust it gently before he was adding a second finger, spreading them inside Dean as he kissed across his chest. His lips lingered around the man's nipples each time, not actually paying them any attention.

"Oh g- Cas!" Dean breathed out, pushing his chest out, eager to get more attention on his nipples without having to actually ask for it.

Cas hummed lowly as he twisted his fingers and finally dragged his tongue across one of Dean's nipples, causing the man to jerk, then gasp as Cas latched his lips onto it and began to suck.

"Please Cas, I need... need more," Dean whined as the other's fingers only brushed against his prostate. The angel only smirked in response though and began to run his tongue over Dean's nipple as he sucked, using his free hand to start rolling the other between his fingers.

As he added a third finger to Dean's ass, Castiel released his nipples and sat back.

"You really are beautiful like this, Dean. So open to me," he said, eyes dragging over the man's body. Then he gripped one of Dean's thighs and pushed it back as he started to thrust his fingers faster, spreading the other for his dick.

"Just fuck me!" Dean suddenly exclaimed his dick still untouched and his frustration starting to build up with his need.

"Now Dean, firstly, I plan on making love to you," Castiel said, then gave a rather brutal thrust with his fingers before continuing. "And secondly... I decide when, not you." The words sent a shudder through Dean and he nodded dumbly in response. There was no way he could formulate any actual words after that.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the angel was pulling out and pushing Dean's legs back together, seeming to admire his handiwork on Dean's ass for a moment.

Dean almost had another outburst but luckily Castiel was pushing into him not a moment after the thought had popped into his mind. For a moment he didn't think he'd manage to take all of Castiel's cock, sure he had before, but it was the same every time. The stretch felt so impossible, but again, like every time, Castiel managed to push all the way in.

"Oh Dean, always so tight for me," the angel panted out, giving them both a moment to adjust before he was rocking his hips, using his grip on Dean's thighs as leverage.

"Fuck Cas," Dean gasped as Cas began to thrust. They were shallow thrusts at first, but soon Castiel had found a rhythm and was pushing deep into Dean, cock rubbing over prostate each time.

Soon Dean was a moaning mess beneath the angel, a string of beginning for him stroke his dick. He was so close he was sure he'd implode if Cas didn't do something soon. It was when Cas seemed to be close, his thrusts becoming more erratic that he let one of Dean's legs go to grip his shaft and start jerking him off.

It wasn't perfect but it was more than enough with the way the other was pounding into Dean, because not a moment later he was screaming out Castiel's name as he came, clenching hot and tight around the angel. It was then that Castiel came too, his hips slowing as he rode Dean's ass through their orgasms.

Once Castiel had emptied into Dean's ass, he pulled out and dropped down next to the man, both of them panting in union.

"Wow... That was... It was really something," Dean was muttering when he'd regained his breath a little.

"Well Dean, you're really something, so I believe it's fitting," Castiel said, rolling onto his side to look over the man, appreciating how good he looked with his and Castiel's cum in and over him.

"Two orgasms at my age is really something," Dean then added with a chuckle, managing to earn a small one from Cas as well.

Damn I've fallen so hard for him, they both thought as they stared at one another for a moment.