The Void

Chapter 1

Thrown into an infinite darkness, cast across a dark abyss with no sign of life for miles on end. By all means, I should be dead and yet I am not, I was very much alive. At first I believed myself to be dead but then I felt the wind blow across my face and I realized that I had my eyes closed. I opened them and I unintentionally stared directly into the sun blinding my eyes with light. I quickly stood up but for some reason I lost my center of balance and fell on the ground, I tried to rub my head but I felt no fingers only a smooth hard surface. I looked at my hands to find that they weren't there; black hooves had replaced them.

"How… why do I have hooves? Am I some kind of horse? Did the spell even work?"

I got back up and tried to balance my self on all four of my new legs, it was a bit wobbly but nothing I couldn't get used to.

"I seem to have landed in some sort of forest. I just hope that my spell worked and I didn't just teleport away. Otherwise…"

I put those thoughts out of my head, that was a dark time and I'd rather not revisit it. I came across a small pond and looked into it to see my reflection. I was shocked at what I saw, no longer was I the human wizard I once was but instead I became a pony, I had a black coat with a ember red mane flowing back. The two things that stood out the most were my cloak, which was red with a star pattern on it.

"Good, I still have my cloak. I wouldn't want to lose it, this thing is irreplaceable."

The other thing I noticed as I examined my head was that I wasn't just a black horse, I was a black unicorn.

"Well, this is certainly unexpected, but as long as I'm a unicorn at least I have access to my spells."

I continued to walk through the forest trying to find my way out of it until I came across a small hut with tribal masks on the outside. Curious as to who would live in the forest I looked inside through a window and saw a zebra working with some kind of giant cauldron.

" Don't you know that it's rude to stare? What do you need from this zebra mare?"

Somehow she knew I was watching her even though she wasn't looking at me, and she also talked in rhyme. Weird, but fascinating maybe she can only communicate in rhymes.

"Forgive me for my rude entry, but what is a zebra doing in a forest so empty?"

"This forest is nice, though there's not much to do. But who are you traveler? You seem new."

"I won't stay long just in case you're annoyed, and as for my name you can call me…"

Shoot, I needed a name for myself, something different than the one I had before just in case I got in trouble. I thought about my traits, what had happened and I finally came up with something

"… Void"

"An interesting name, and I do have the time. You also don't have to speak and rhyme."

I was relieved "Thank goodness, it's difficult to continue talking in rhyme how do you keep it up?"

"I've more experience than you, now what is it I can do?"

"All I really need is directions to town and some supplies. Is there a town near here?"

"There's a town quite close called Ponyville, but if supplies you need than just stay still. For in my shed as you can see, I have supplies for alchemy."

"Alchemy reagents, exactly what I needed. Do you mind if I use some of your ingredients?"

"Not at all, I can always get more, for these plants grow outside of my door."

The ingredients she had were strange and foreign to me, but as a trained wizard you learn how to identify and feel the essence of plants and living things. Alchemy was never my strong suit so I just made a few simple healing potions and kept them in the pockets of my cloak.

"Thank you for your help miss…"

"You may call me Zecora, expert of the forest flora."

"Right, thank you Zecora, so how do I get to Ponyville exactly?"

"Just follow along the beaten path, unless you wish to meet a monsters wrath."

I did as she said and followed a dirt path to the outskirts of the forest. As I walked I could hear growls of creatures not very far away, as if they were ready to attack but wouldn't. I finally made it out of the forest and was greeted by a small village not very far from where I was standing; I continued to follow the road until I made it to inside the city. It was… odd to say the least, all the houses were made of straw and wood and it was filled with colorful ponies. Some of their colors didn't even make sense, sure there were some brown and white coats but I saw ponies with green hair, pink skin, and they all had tattoos on their rears.

"I wonder if I have one of those."

I looked under my cloak and I saw that I also had a mark; it was of a large fireball. The strange thing was when I touched it I saw the individual hairs of color as if it had grown that way.

"Well, it may be odd but at least my mark is cool. I mean look at some of these tattoos: there's some gemstones, candies, bubbles, and these two have a snail and scissors."

As it turns out, those two I saw were running right at me and almost knocked me over.

"Hey, where are you off to in a hurry?" I asked a bit angrily because I was almost knocked over.

"There's a new unicorn in town, and people are saying that she's the most magically gifted unicorn in all of Equestria." The smaller one said.

"Equestria? That must be the name of this region. But, most powerful unicorn? This I have to see."

It wasn't hard to find out where this unicorn was as there was a large group of ponies all gathered up in a crowd in front of what looked like a horse drawn carriage.

"Wait, does that mean that the horse pulls the carriage or the horse rides in the carriage as its being pulled by other horses? Ugh, my brain hurts."

"Mares and Gentle colts! Watch in awe as the great and powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever seen by pony eyes!"

The carriage transformed into a blown out stage and on it stood a cyan mare with a purple cape and pointy wizard hat. I waited to see her do some sort of magical feat, but all she did was stand there and boast about how powerful she was as some fireworks and sparklers went off.

"This is ridiculous! She hasn't even cast any spells yet and already she had the entire crowd in her thrall."

"Just because one possesses a lot of magic does not make her better than the rest of us." I heard someone say.

"Well at least not everybody in this crowd is impressed by this overconfident whelp, I can't even sense any real power in her. That's it; I'm putting a stop to this now before it gets out of hand."

"Big talk coming from a supposed master magician who hasn't even thrown one spell!" I stated loud enough so that everyone could hear me.

The crowd suddenly sounded shocked and muttered to themselves

"Well, looks like we have a neighsayer in the audience." Trixie says

When I heard this I couldn't help but just laugh out loud.

"Is there something wrong?" Trixie said

"Oh I don't know. You're vocabulary, how stupid that hat looks, you're annoyingly whiny voice, you take your pick."

"BURN!" I heard someone say

"Wha- How dare you! Do you honestly think that you are better than the great and powerful Trixie?"

"You know, you keep using the words great and powerful but what I think you should say is weak and cocky."

"DOUBLE BURN!" That same person said.

Now I could see Trixie was getting pissed off. "Fine! If you think you're so great than prove it. I challenge you to a magical duel!" As she announced this the stage exploded with sparklers and fireworks.

"Alright, I'll start. First off all, let me show you how to make true fireworks."

I hadn't cast any spells in my new unicorn body, but I was pretty sure it worked the same way as normal magic. I concentrated on my inner energy and manipulated it to create the spell I wanted. I decided to us my weakest tier one spells at first, then ramping it up if things got out of control.

I started by casting color spray into the air. Originally, it was meant to blind or stun an enemy, but since I'm using it up in the air it won't affect anybody. While it was in the air the sunlight reflected on its surface and it glistened with color and sparkle. Then, once it was floating in the air I cast magic missile, another simple spell that creates minor energy missiles without much effort. The missiles collided with the color spray and exploded into s shimmering display of color as both the spells dissipated.

"My, what a beautiful spell, so elegant." One pony said

"That was weak. You just copied my fireworks display; you've even stolen my outfit." Trixie retorted.

I looked to see that she was correct, we were wearing similar cloaks, except that I knew the origin and the power mine held and she didn't.

"We may look the same whelp but trust me when I say that we are not even close to similar. This cloak is meant to be worn by an elite group of mages trained in the strongest of magic's; you couldn't even beat our weakest member. You don't deserve to wear that cloak."

I cast a small ember storm at Trixie's cloak causing it to set on fire, I made it small so that it wouldn't cause her harm or burn up the stage. Before her entire outfit went up in smoke a pegasus came over and used a cloud to put out the small fire, getting Trixie wet in the process.

"Interesting. Not only are there pegasi here but they seem to have a direct tie to the weather."

Trixie was angrier now but she still had a confident look on her face. "Tell me something wizard, can you create snow in the summer?"

She used her magic over a cloud, bringing it over my head and covering me in snow. Quickly, I encased myself in my magical aura causing the snow to melt.

"Alright, time to kick it up to tier two."

"That depends; can you create darkness during the day?"

I cast a darkness spell, enveloping the crowd and stage in a solid black fog with no light. While everyone was disoriented and couldn't see I cast another slightly stronger spell. I finished right before the blackness had cleared.

"Clever little…huh? Where did he go?"

Time for a little mind game. "I'm right behind you."

She turned around and saw me right behind her causing me to shriek

"Or maybe I'm still in the crowd." She looked and saw another me in the crowd.

"Oh wait; there I am on top of that house." There was another me standing on the house waving at her.

"No, there I am at the café." I was also siting at a table at café sipping tea.

"What- how are you…"

I decided to stop the illusion and called back all of my images until the only one left was the one in the crowd, he was the real me. When I was done, Trixie was absolutely flabbergasted.

"Confused? I used a mirror image spell, it creates a lifelike image of yourself, it can walk and think, however it has no real form so it cannot be touched. Although, I guess with your low intelligence you couldn't see through my simple illusion."

"GRRR! That is enough!"

Trixie used her magic to grab that cloud again, but this time it grew dark and summoned a lightning bolt to strike me down. It hit me, and it hurt but my cloak can absorb elemental damage so it didn't affect me too much, although now I was ready to end this.

"What? That blast should have been strong enough to knock you out or at least knock you back a few feet." Trixie said.

"Sigh… you know, all I wanted to do was upstage you and prove that you weren't as great as you claim to be. But, since you insist on trying to harm me I'll just utterly humiliate you."
As much as I wanted to hurt her I knew I had to stay in control or I may do something I regret. I cast acid splash on her stage causing the wood to disintegrate underneath her and she fell down. As she was climbing back up she tried to blast me with her magic again, but I was ready this time and put up a mage armor spell deflecting the blast entirely.

"Give up Trixie, I've beaten you just admit defeat."

Her ego was worn down; I could see that she was considering giving up. But before she did she pulled out a smoke bomb, and threw it on the ground trying to run away. That's when I lost it.

"Oh no you don't."

I used my magic to summon a web spell and trapped her in it as she was running away. She was stuck and the web made it near impossible to use magic.

"Uggh, uggh, let me go!" She screamed until I came up right next to her.

"Not until you've learned your lesson. You need to learn that someone as arrogant as you with no real power is going to get hurt."

Fed up, I used a fireball spell on her cart causing it to explode and burn up.

"My cart!"

"You're getting off easy compared to what would happen if you had actually done half the things you said you did. Next time you try something like this I'll be there and when that time comes I hope that you have more power and can prove a better challenge."

I began to walk away.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Void, remember it well."

What I did was probably very arrogant, but where I came from those who don't know how to use their power or do things that are out of their league get killed, and I wouldn't let someone die just because they were foolish. Also, I'm kind of a show off with my powers, I get a rush every time I use a lot of magic energy so it's fun to cast powerful spells. This time I walked away from her completely having ponies stare at me as I trotted through town.

"Well it's no Neverwinter, but I think I'm gonna like this town."

Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "The Void" Next time, Void meets some of the mane 6. Please review, favorite and leave some ideas for what you would like to happen. Also, these chapters may take a while to get out because I'm currently writing another story called "The tale of Pegasus Wright" So maybe you could read that while waiting for these chapters, I would really appreciate it if you did.