Hello everyone! I am sooooooo sorry that I have no updated in forever. Please, take this as a token of my repentance! It's not as long as I would've like, but I figured something was better than nothing, especially since you haven't heard from me in so long! Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy!!!

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Vegeta, now known as Prince to Bulma, stood up and followed the Onna as she put on her white coat and entered her lab. He'd never been in it long enough to look around, so now he took his time, absorbing every detail. It was a huge room, made completely out of metal. Machines lined the walls, some hummed with activity while others remained silent. There were tools scattered everywhere, and Vegeta had to pick his away around them to avoid tripping and falling over. Looking ahead, Bulma seemed to have no trouble getting around, as she knew where everything was. She immediately made her way to a desk and sat down, scrutinizing whatever lay on it. Vegeta walked over, determined to see what she was looking at.

Hearing the sound of claws clicking against the metallic floor, Bulma turned around and spotted the dog coming her way.

"Prince!" she gasped. "What are you doing here?"

Vegeta ignored her and wandered to her side, then reared up and placed his two front paws on the desk to see what she had been so closely examining. It was a blueprint of some sort, but before he could tell exactly what, the onna had pushed him off the table and was currently hauling him towards the door.

"Oh no you don't doggy. No animals in my lab. I might just decide to try some kind of experiment on you." She lightly chuckled. "How about we go out, and we can stop at the store and pick you up some doggy stuff?"

Vegeta looked at her like she was insane. He growled. Bulma placed her hands on her hips.

"No growling, mister! I'm letting you stay in my house and now I'm willing to go buy you stuff, so just can it and show me some respect!"

Vegeta stopped growling and chuckled inwardly. The onna was treating him the same way as if he were a human! It was too amusing. Complacently, he followed her out of the lab. Outside the room, she took off her lab coat and hung it on a hook. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a plain white t- shirt that read "Capsule Corp" across the front in bold black letters. Surprisingly, she did not stop in the bathroom to put on any of that of heinous makeup or spray on that foul perfume. She merely grabbed a capsule and stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

"Well, are you coming?" she demanded impatiently.

Vegeta gave a low growl but followed her anyway. She threw down the capsule and from the smoke emerged a shiny red convertible. This was the onna's "baby", her favorite car. She climbed in and patted the seat beside her. Vegeta didn't even growl this time as he climbed in through the driver's side, purposely letting a gigantic paw step on the onna's leg.

"Ouch!" she yelled. Vegeta smirked inwardly. Grumbling and rubbing her sore leg, Bulma started the car and backed out.

On the road, she glanced over to the dog sitting erectly in the seat next to her.

"Prince," she mused out loud. "You are one weird dog. Why don't you hang your head over the side and catch some air?"

Vegeta cocked his head and stared at her. Was the onna insane?!? He sniffed indignantly. He was the Prince of Saiyins! How dare someone suggest he stoop to the level of a common mongrel? He could've bitten her for that remark, but as he glanced over he noticed the onna driving, and how her wind-whipped hair flew behind her, her clear blue eyes intent on the road. With a defeated sigh, he relaxed his muscles and sat back.

As they pulled into the pet store parking lot, Vegeta noticed all the people with dogs milling about. All the dogs were leashed. Well, he wouldn't be caught dead attached to the onna by some enslaving rope.

But apparently Bulma had other ideas as she reached behind her seat and pulled out some twine. She looked at him sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Prince. You don't seem like a dog that likes to be tied down, but I have to do this. It's against the rules to let your dog run around loose in the store."

Vegeta drew his lip back to reveal his long, sharp teeth.

Bulma glared at him. "Look buddy, if you don't wear the rope, then you stay in the car and I'll go guess at all the stuff I have to buy you. If you do wear the rope, I'll let you pick whatever you want. Got it?"

Vegeta thought it over. On the one hand, it was utterly humiliating to be led around by a rope like some beast of burden. She didn't even have a proper "leash" for him, for Dende's sake! But on the other hand, he knew if he let her do the shopping, he'd have that hideous dog food to eat and scores of other atrocities she'd buy.

Resignedly, he lowered his head enough for her to loop the twine around, seeing as he had no collar. Bulma placed it around his head, then tightened it to a snug fit. She opened her door and got out of the car, Vegeta climbed out after her.

She closed the door. "No pulling, okay?" But her request was in vain as Vegeta took off, intent on performing the task as soon as was caninely possible. He bounded ahead as Bulma struggled to keep her grip.

"Slow down, Prince slow DOWN!" she yelped. People watched, curiously bemused expressions on their faces as the beautiful, young heiress was dragged into the store by the headstrong dog in front of her.

After the sliding doors, Bulma almost tripped over Vegeta, seeing as he had come to a total and abrupt halt in order to stare at the interior of the large warehouse. There were aisles and aisles of pet supplies. Food, bones, toys, grooming tools, everything was right here in front of his eyes!

Bulma walked up to stand beside him. "Cat got your tongue?" she teased. Vegeta shook himself out of his trance. "Alright, let's get started," she said. "And let's try this at a slower pace, okay?" she joked lightly. Vegeta snorted.

"Hmm," Bulma thought aloud. "I think we should start with food. Why don't we walk around and you can show me what kind of food you like."

Vegeta smirked inwardly. He lifted his nose to the air and inhaled deeply. Pinpointing the substance he wanted, he set off with a determined stride. Bulma eeped as she was jerked forward once again.

He led her to the back of the store, where the "Doggy Deli" was located. A freezer was adjacent to it, and Vegeta could see slabs of beef and steak hanging from the ceiling. The sight and smell of it all was causing his mouth to water.

Bulma, meanwhile, was looking at the selection through the glass deli counter. She noted some gourmet dishes made, some at ridiculously high prices. She looked at Vegeta incredulously; not believing her newfound canine companion would eat meals like this. Then she noticed the direction of his stare.

'Ahh,' she thought to herself. 'He must've smelled all the steak hanging back here. I'll bet that's what he wants.' She smiled and signaled to the man behind the counter.

"Hi, I'd like a week's worth of those steaks sent to the Capsule Corporation by tonight, if possible. Please put them under the name 'Briefs'," she said. She looked down at Vegeta.

"Happy now?" she asked him. Vegeta smirked and turned to walk away, but his motion was stopped by a pair of legs in dark gray slacks.

"Whoa there, buddy," a voice said from above.

Vegeta looked up.

The glare of the fluorescent lights made it difficult for Vegeta to see the owner of the voice clearly. He was male, and tall, even by regular human standards (not just dog). He had long blond hair tied at the nape of his neck and piercing blue eyes.

Vegeta immediately felt a great dislike for this man. He let out a low growl. Bulma quickly stepped in front of him and shot a glare down in his direction.

"Hush, Prince," she said sternly and meaningfully. She turned to the handsome stranger and gave a false laugh, putting her hand behind her head.

"Sorry about that," she said. "He's a little grouchy."

The man smiled knowingly, but in a manner Vegeta didn't like at all. Again, he growled deeply.

"Prince!" Bulma admonished. "Cut it out!" She gave a short tug on the rope, which Vegeta utterly ignored.

"Well," the man remarked, "the name suits him well. That's a fine-looking dog you've got there." Bulma blushed.

"Thank you. He's not really mine. I found him on my step yesterday, without a collar or anything. I'm just keeping him for the meantime until I can find him a good home." At those words, Vegeta walked over and planted himself right in front of Bulma, seating his rear end right on her foot.

"Ouch!" she cried. The man chuckled.

"He seems to think he's already got one." Bulma rolled her eyes.

"Well, not if he keeps up with this attitude." Suddenly, she remembered herself. "Oh!" she said aloud, "I'm Bulma Briefs." She stuck out her hand in greeting.

The man took it and brought it to his lips, lightly brushing them over her knuckles. "All the more charmed to meet you, Miss Briefs."

Bulma blushed. "Just Bulma, if you please. And you are. . . ?"

"Peyton. Peyton Sinclair. All around nice guy and dog extraordinaire."

Bulma laughed. "And unknowing poet too!" Peyton smiled.

"So it seems."

Vegeta had had enough of the paltry small talk. He didn't like this man, and if they were finished ordering his food, then he was finished being there. Without warning he sprang up and started striding off, dragging Bulma with him.

"Hey!" she cried out, as her arm was almost wrenched from the socket. "Prince. . . PRINCE!!!" Vegeta paid her no heed, but kept on walking.

"We still need to get your leash!" she wheezed out. "You don't want to go around wearing THAT ugly thing, do you?" Vegeta came to a complete halt.

Bulma, having too much momentum from being pulled, promptly crashed into him and fell over. She glared at the offending boxer. Peyton ran up.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned voice. He put out his hand to help her up. Bulma turned red.

"Oh, geez, did you see that?" She looked horrified.

"Well, yes, but I was watching only to ensure your safety around that lively animal."

Bulma laughed. "The only reason he stopped was because we still need to get his collar and leash, which are right. . ." she blinked, "here." She looked down in surprise. "Good job, Prince."

Vegeta just stared at her intently. Bulma knelt down so she was eye level with him. "Okay buddy, since you seem to know what you want, I'll trust you to pick out your collar and leash, so that way I won't err. Okay?"

Vegeta looked at the onna, unconvinced, but then stood up and began slowly perusing the shelves. Bulma and Peyton watched him with interest. Finally, he stopped in front of a (in his opinion) quality-made collar and sat, indicating his choice. Bulma blinked and gave him an odd look.

"Are you sure you want that one, Prince?"

Vegeta glared. Was the Onna stupid? He was making it very plain which collar he clearly wanted! Stupid Onna. Always having to do the work by himself. To prove to her that, yes, he did indeed want the stupid collar and leash in front of him, he picked the chosen items up in his mouth and threw them at her feet. Bulma hesitantly picked them up.

"Obviously, you want this one then."

Tired of the stupidity, Vegeta turned and started walking to the checkout counter.

"That is one smart dog," Peyton commented. "He's got bad taste, but he's really smart."

Bulma shrugged, increasingly confused about the oddity of the situation. "I guess I'll just go pay for this now," she said, fingering the bright pink collar and leash in her hand.

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Alright, that is all I have for now. Hopefully that has somewhat satisfied your hunger? No? Well I'll try to be speedier with the next chapter. However, I will warn you, now that this chapter of Dog Days is up, I'm going to work on the next chapter of Elements, so I can placate some of those fans! Thanks for your continued patience! ~ Spitfire Maguire