Disclaimer: Uncle Rick RiordanownedPercy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus. I'm a random kid who likes/loves to write. :]
A/N: The Prophecy said : English is not my first language and I should warn you. Share my stuff and make you guys crack up a bit. Enjoy! Peace out!
Nine : Piper and Frank
The Hepheastus cabin counselor, Leo Valdez, waiting patiently in dinning pavilion while he crossed his arms above his chest. This is unbelievable! He thought.
"Leo!" Then, he turned around when someone called his name.
There is his step sister, the Aphrodite's cabin counselor, Piper. All of the campers in Camp Half-Blood should wear the required orange shirt. As usual, everyday that's what everyone's wearing, except if you want to be fashionable. You can do your thing. She's wearing her orange camp shirt, pants and at her side hung her dagger called Katoptris. She can use her charmspeak very well. They are close and they care for each other like siblings do. She is one of the demigod who saved the world from Gaea's suckastic evil plan.
"Hey!" Behind and following Piper is his cousin, son of Mars and the centaurion of Fifth Cohort in Roman Camp called Camp Jupiter. His name is Frank Zhang. Well, Frank is an awesome guy (but Leo decided not to tell him that because Leo himself have more awesomeness than the others) and he have an special gift and a classified secret (and we won't dig any further information about that my dear readers). He is one of the Seven who saved the world from the mad great grand fathers (and mothers) with their evil sleeping Earth Mother, Gaea.
"You guys are late." He complained.
"Dude, we are doing important stuff when you told us to come here." Frank defended.
"Agreed." Piper nodded. "What is it this time, Leo?"
"Can we make it fast, cuz' Clarisse is going to kill me." Frank whispered the last part. His half sister, no, his half brothers and sisters in his (greek) father side are warfreak. They are all mental and physical unstable. He face palmed on that.
Piper looked at Frank. She knew that the big guy is having a hard time to adjust on Camp. "Spit it out!" She used charmspeak.
"Uh, did you know?" Leo obeyed and begin to talk.
"What?" Piper and Frank asked in unison.
"That your mom and your dad, still cheating on my dad."
Both taken a back, realized what Leo just said and they recovered fast.
"Holy Mars Almighty!" Cursed under his breath and Hazel won't like it.
"Mom!" Piper said in disgust.
"Even in Roman way. They are still doing it on my dad." Leo added.
"Oh, Gods" Frank shook his head. "I- Oh, Gods." Frank is speechless.
"Ew!" Piper shrieked. "Venus!"
"And-" Leo want to add something more but got cut, again.
"Shut up, Leo!" Piper and Frank said in unison. They didn't know how to interact in their Godly parent in the near future.
A/N: Yeah, I know it's obvious but I can't help it. I tried my best even it can offend the characters, and the Gods. Where is the fun if I didn't take the risk. I hope it's worth!
Like? Hate? I want to hear something from you. To those who Review-ed, Fav-ed, and Follow-ed, I love you all! Let me give you a hug! You big guy or gal. You! - hugged you! - Thank you so much! :)
Thank you guys! :***
Date : 09152013