Chapter 1

A/N OMG PerryRocks-Wolfwarrior. I am so sorry about this. It's been so many months and I didn't write your story! I'm soo sorry! I feel awful now! :'(

I literally did not know where to start with this story, honest. I was stuck on it for ages and decided to update a few stories to hopefully get some inspiration. Then I got sidetracked by chores and homework. Then school came in with year 11 and...GAH I'M SORRY!

Ok, good news: I've finally gotten round to getting time to write this.

but the bad news: This is only chapter 1 *slams head against wall* I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!

It was just another day and like any other day, Mordecai and Rigby had been assigned to rake the leaves.

Rigby raked up the last few leaves then threw down his rake. "Done." He fell on the ground with a sigh. "Man, that took ages."

"It only took you 10 minutes." Mordecai said, as he piled his leaves in a bag. Knowing Rigby wouldn't do it himself, Mordecai moved to Rigby's pile and stuffed them in the bag. Rigby smiled. "Thanks."

Mordecai sighed as he pulled the tag so the bag shut. "Alright, I'm gonna go take this to the bin. Wanna come?" He asked. He dumped the bag on the back of the golf cart.

Rigby jumped up. "Heck yeah!" He ran in to the passenger seat of the golf cart. Mordecai got in the drivers seat, pressed his foot on the pedal and drove to the bin.

Halfway there, Rigby looked up at the sky, noticing the suns shadow having disappeared completely. The clouds had turned a pale black, the sky a dark red. "Uh Mordecai?"


"Are the clouds and the sky supposed to be those colors?"

"Huh?" Mordecai stopped the cart and looked up. His eyes widened. A sudden lightning bolt shot out and burnt the bonnet of the golf cart. Mordecai and Rigby screamed and clambered out the cart. With Rigby running beside Mordecai, both boys ran in the house and slammed the door shut behind them.

"What did you two do now?" Benson asked, walking down the stairs. "I swear if you-"

"It wasn't us." Mordecai said, stepping away from the door. Thunder rumbled outside. "We swear."

Benson looked at the two for a long time, then nodded. "Well, do you know who it was?"

A flash of light cascaded across the sky, forcing Mordecai and Rigby to turn. Benson approached them and stood behind them, craning his neck to see over them. The clouds had covered the entire sky, the ground shrouded in darkness. Lightning flashed every now and then, illuminating the sky for a few seconds.

Skips skipped in from the kitchen. "What did you do?" He asked the two slackers.

"We've already said, it wasn't us." Rigby said. He frowned and stared out the window, his hands pressed against the glass.

Skips went to the lounge and looked out the window. "I've never seen this before. What could it be?"

The glass exploded, pieces flying everywhere. Skips lay on the ground, stunned, then stood up. The three, hearing the crash, ran into the lounge, to see Skips back on his feet, looking at the ground. A few streaks of blood were in his fur, but he chose to ignore it.

"Skips, your arm." Benson said quietly, pointing at the red fur.

"It's nothing."


"It's nothing Benson." Skips said firmly, not looking at his boss. Benson walked up quietly with Mordecai and Rigby following. The four stood in the lounge, staring up at the dark sky, glass around them, a heavy wind blowing through.

A chilling voice bought their gazes up to see someone they never thought they would see in a million years. Especially Mordecai and Rigby.

"Hello boys."

Yip, got straight to the point. I was scrolling through my list of stories to write and came across this one. As soon as I did, the beginning hit me and I wrote it down, that's why the chapter's short and not really very action-y. It's just setting you up for what's going on.